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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Am a Christian Universalist here, any Catholic Universalists?

By: /u/Hot_Yogurtcloset_758

I consider myself Christian Universalist meaning for me that I don’t believe in damnation, at least not in the infernal suffering sense. I was raised Protestant, namely Baptist and Methodist. I’ve been to an Episcopalian church and I liked it, I liked the people. I don’t know how common it is for Catholics to be Universalists or for Universalists to incorporate Catholic practices into their lives, such as the rosary. I have rosary beads and I want to incorporate that into my life. I don’t know of any specifically Catholic Universalist churches, but I suppose there is probably something like it somewhere.

submitted by /u/Hot_Yogurtcloset_758
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Discord UU Services?

By: /u/Ashamed_Run_7863

is there any online UU services that are online? if not would anyone wish to organize one? perhaps we could do it in vr

submitted by /u/Ashamed_Run_7863
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Sikh asking about the UU

By: /u/danvers87

sat siri akal, and hello everyone. I am a sikh without a Gurdwara (sikh temple) in my area. from what i have read the UU looks like an accepting place, and i am wondering how it would be to attend a service with you all? in Sikhi we have a concept called "sat sangat" the sangat is the people around you on a similar journey through spirituality, or their quest to understand god/the universe. i feel like i am missing this aspect in my life currently. as a Sikh we believe all god/gods are the same just described and worshiped in many different ways, as long as the people/person of any religion are on the path to be closer to whatever they believe we are all the same. we are taught that there is truth in all different paths, and encouraged to learn from and about other religions. would a bearded man with a turban be welcome in the UU? would there be opportunity to involve myself and serve the congregation and the community? thank you for your time.

submitted by /u/danvers87
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☐ ☆ ✇ Unitarian Universalist

Is the UU church a good church for a queer family to attend?

By: /u/Romanticdreamer3897

I’ve been just thinking about the future and I feel that of all the churches I’ve researched, if I wanted to take my future children to a church and make that a part of their life, the UU church is the one I most would want to become a member of. My question though is this: as a queer family (I’m a lesbian and so I’d be attending this church with my wife and kids) would I be welcome, and would there be a decent portion of queer couples and families who attend? I want my kids to be exposed to other families like theirs and I’m curious for people who already attend what the demographic of the average congregation tends to be like.

submitted by /u/Romanticdreamer3897
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☐ ☆ ✇ Search: Unitarian on Twitter

RT @UnitarianUCE: #UnitarianUniversalisys support safe and affordable access to abortions for all people. #UU #AbortionIsHealth...

By: Suzette Chan⁷
RT @UnitarianUCE: #UnitarianUniversalisys support safe and affordable access to abortions for all people. #UU #AbortionIsHealthCare #ReproductiveRights #UterusRights #HumanRights #yeg #Unitarian https://twitter.com/sidewithlove/status/1522293720032309248

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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

My thoughts on the first principle and evil

By: /u/Such-Lettuce7970

I'm still figuring out if UU is the right path for me. I've been thinking a lot about the first principle and how challenging that can actually be.

Of course it informs us that actions which violate the worth and dignity of the individual ought to be condemned and never tolerated, actions including but not limited to murder, rape, child molestation, assault, abuse, discrimination, white supremacy and many others. But that's the easy part, isn't it?

But how are we to affirm the worth and dignity of even the people who themselves have commited these acts, ie. the rapists, murders, assaulters and oppressors? To my mind, the first principle firstly rejects the idea that anybody is "born evil", and that every person has the inherent potential for goodness.

Secondly, it seems to inform that even in the case of someone who has commited terrible actions and needs to face the consequences of those actions (for example being removed from society and placed somewhere where they can't cause further harm) we still have a moral obligation to see the human being and that we ought to oppose capital punishment or any form of cruel and unusual punishment and that the first aim of justice should always be rehabilitative/restorative rather than punitive for the sake of vengeance.

I also have the thought that harmful actions themselves are not the result of some supernatural evil, but rather (often but not always) the result of traumas, mental defects, mental illness, and other factors that a society is better able to address when we do recognize that every person has inherent worth and dignity. That's not to say that people don't have personal responsibility for their actions, but rather that we shouldn't dehumanize anybody, regardless of what they have done, as a pretext to treat them as though they are some kind of monster rather than human.

Lastly, I suspect the first principle is the first precisely because it is challenging and difficult, and it does present certain paradoxes.

I don't know really what other UU's think of all this. I don't know if this is what is actually meant in the first principle. Maybe I have it all wrong? What are your thoughts? Would this community be a good place for me?

EDIT: I want to thank the people who have shared their thoughts with me, on this post and others I have made recently. I have come to the conclusion that UU is not the path for me. I simply cannot reconcile the first principle, and the contradictions I see within it, with my own view and experience of human nature. Nor can I with those I see in some of the other principles as well. In some ways I admire you all. But I don't think I'm one of you. So I think I'll return to the outskirts, and wander for a while longer.

submitted by /u/Such-Lettuce7970
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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

Is UU actually trans and queer positive?

By: /u/Such-Lettuce7970

because so far, the answer I'm getting is no, not really. I'm sensing a lot of using the fourth principle as an excuse to be either outright phobic or to "both sides" issues of bigotry. See:


I'm honestly not trying to stir anything up, I just feel disappointed rn.

submitted by /u/Such-Lettuce7970
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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

Is there a specific reason for the existence of both this sub and r/unitarianuniversalist?

By: /u/Such-Lettuce7970

What I mean is has there been some point(s) of contention in the past or some sort of schism? I notice this sub has more moderators.

edit: I've also come across UUnderstanding and what I've seen there sems pretty disturbing and very alt-right to me. Just trying to understand if UU is a good path or a good fit for me...

I've made other posts this evening if anyone wants to check those out and offer any feedback.

submitted by /u/Such-Lettuce7970
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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

Multi-Faith discussions, come join us today.

By: /u/Las7imelord

All faiths are welcome, small group of 4000+ members, for religious discussions and general chats.

Official Discord: https://discord.gg/theology

Partner website chat: thechat.cafe/theology/

submitted by /u/Las7imelord
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☐ ☆ ✇ Search: Unitarian on Twitter

RT @Karen_UCE: #art When I hear the word "art" I think of my friend @KarenBArtist ..it has been really hard for artists during C...

By: FranchiseSales247
RT @Karen_UCE: #art When I hear the word "art" I think of my friend @KarenBArtist ..it has been really hard for artists during Covid, I hope you will support your favourite artist https://www.karenbishop.ca/ #UULent #UU #unitarianuniversalist #supportthearts #supportlocal #YEG #Unitarian

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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

Are anti-vaxers welcome?

By: /u/madmystic74

Or how does a UU church deal with members who choose not to get vaccinated?

submitted by /u/madmystic74
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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

I attended my first in person UU service today!

By: /u/randomUser042718

Thank you to everyone that suggested I go. I did email them and got two responses saying to wear my mask and that I was welcome to come.

It’s a very small group of people that are a little older. They don’t have a minister so they take turns doing the service. Todays was on the history of Valentine’s Day and love. It was so wonderful.

It was everything I wanted it to be and I will be going back!

submitted by /u/randomUser042718
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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

I want to visit my towns uu church but I’m very nervous.

By: /u/randomUser042718

I have a lot of anxiety and I’m wondering if it’s really ok to just show up on Sunday? Should I email or call before the first time I go? I don’t know how active it is or what’s expected of me. I’m sure I’m over thinking this lol.

I watch a service from the town over online so I have a little bit of knowledge. But I really want to go to a service in person. I don’t know what I’m really looking for. Maybe some reassurance or stories from your first time at a service?

submitted by /u/randomUser042718
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☐ ☆ ✇ Search: Unitarian on Twitter

RT @TaraAnnThieke: @77_steeze @bridgietherease @ComradeDoom1 @76union2 Anyone you know with a "Hate has no home here" is a cultu...

By: Gulag Inmate 93271 🇺🇸
RT @TaraAnnThieke: @77_steeze @bridgietherease @ComradeDoom1 @76union2 Anyone you know with a "Hate has no home here" is a cultural Unitarian even if they don't know it. Lack of belief in transcendence + pick & choose morals according to self-glorifying personal whim + make those morals dogmas + no compassion for heretics b/c no God = no forgiveness

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☐ ☆ ✇ UUreddit

I give up (on my local UU church, will look elsewhere)

By: /u/AcceptableLink7

I'm more aligned with UU than I am with liberal Christianity, and I should probably be able to find my home there, but I just cannot with my local church. Maybe I'm stuck in the past - they had a great, challenging, interesting minister years ago (he retired). I attended yesterday, the current minister tends to "scold" the congregation for all the things they aren't doing well enough (having their own beliefs, not being covenental enough, not respecting "God language" and Christianity enough, posing the possible risk that we won't do what minister wants us to do next with sufficient seriousness and reverence ). I really don't need to spend my Sunday socially distanced, in a mask, scolded, and then hustled out (because no coffee hour and no socializing permitted at this time). I'm also now wondering if minister really does respect humanists and others who aren't of minister's particular "pro-God-talk" mindset. What will we be "corrected" for next?

I want UU to survive, I think that it offers something that we need and cannot usually get elsewhere, but sometimes I look at individual churches and wonder how that will be possible.

submitted by /u/AcceptableLink7
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☐ ☆ ✇ Search: Unitarian on Twitter

RT @BandHBookFayre: Local authors are selling and signing books as we speak! Join us today at The Brighton Unitarian Church, New...

By: mar73
RT @BandHBookFayre: Local authors are selling and signing books as we speak! Join us today at The Brighton Unitarian Church, New Road.

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