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The Support of Community

9 December 2024 at 10:13
a stuffed meerkat wearing a purple tshirt that reads CER in white, with a heart necklace and a multicolored scarf. the mascot of the CER Staff.

Beth Casebolt

If you have seen this lovely meerkat pop up in some of our staff photos and wondered why it was there, the CER Staff has a mascot. But our mascot is more than just a symbol.

Creating Safer Congregations

Graphic of a broken heard held together by a safety pin.

Beth Casebolt


Sana Saeed

It is impossible to make a congregation 100% safe; however, there are steps that you can take to make your congregationΒ saferΒ while still creating a supportive space for learning, growth, and challenge as well as actively workingΒ for the inclusion and safety of all people.

Helping Congregations in Times of Need

30 September 2024 at 11:20
Four photos illustrating climate change-caused disasters: aftermath of a hurricane showing destroyed houses in top left, trees burning in a forest fire in top right, houses and trees almost submerged by flooding in bottom right, and crops bent and destroyed by drought in bottom left.

Beth Casebolt

If you are like me, you watching the video, seeing the pictures and hearing the stories of the devastation of Hurricane Helene is heart breaking. Many of our fellow UU congregations are in the path and have been affected. Our Congregational Life staff are starting the process of reaching out to...

Unexpected Joy in Our Communities, Part 2

8 April 2024 at 10:30
image of a brown and orange butterfly on a yellow flower in a garden

Beth Casebolt

When I meet with congregational leaders, as we talk about the challenges the congregation is facing, and resources or trainings they might need, at some point I usually ask the question, Where are you finding unexpected joy in your congregation this year?

Why Attend General Assembly?

18 March 2024 at 09:43
Red letters G and A, with silhouette shapes of people in front

Beth Casebolt

I attended my first General Assembly in 1998. I had only been a member of my congregation for 2 years, and had just completed my first year as the Director of Religious Education (DRE).

Finding Unexpected Joy

11 September 2023 at 12:48
image of a brown and orange butterfly on a yellow flower in a garden

Beth Casebolt

Are you looking for the unexpected joy in your community?

Continue reading "Finding Unexpected Joy"

Antiracism Resource Spotlight: UU Book Guides

20 March 2023 at 12:06
Beacon Press: Igniting Hearts & Minds

Beth Casebolt

Many UUs love to read. If reading is a passion for you, there are many great books out there on the topics of antiracism, anti-oppression and multicultural issues. Two great resources for these books and discussion guides for deeper engagement are Beacon Press and the annual UU Common Read.

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Being in Covenant

24 October 2022 at 12:19
A circle of people, from above, with hands extended into the center of a circle.

Beth Casebolt

Covenants have been at the foundation of Unitarian Universalism in the United States since 1648. What many don’t realize is that the covenants not only were important between the members of the individual congregations, but also among the congregations.

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Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

9 May 2022 at 10:35
footprints in the sand going both directions

Beth Casebolt

It's the old adage two steps forward, one step back - every time we think we're making progress back to "life as it was" something happens to push us back into that waiting zone.

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Lessons from a Crisis

7 February 2022 at 12:05
Image of a tree covered in ice, with branches around it on the ground and over a small play area for children

Beth Casebolt

Last week I skimmed over an article that talked about how Americans love to be the heroes but never want to do the long term work to make lasting change. And I wondered about that. Was it true? And then the storm of this past weekend happened.

Continue reading "Lessons from a Crisis"

Honoring Our Covenant as Congregations

6 September 2021 at 18:57
Disaster Relief Image

Beth Casebolt

This summer has seen a number of natural disasters that have affected millions of individuals and some of our congregations.

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Honoring Our Covenant as Congregations

6 September 2021 at 18:57
Disaster Relief Image

Beth Casebolt

This summer has seen a number of natural disasters that have affected millions of individuals and some of our congregations.

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Why Go to General Assembly?

17 May 2021 at 16:00
UUA General Assembly 2021 Avatar with dates

Beth Casebolt

I attended my first General Assembly in 1998. I had only been a member of my congregation for 2 years, and had just completed my first year as the Director of Religious Education (DRE).

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Why Professional Development for Staff?

29 March 2021 at 16:00
Professional Logos-UUAMP, UUMA, LREDA, AUUA, AUUMM

Patricia Infante


Beth Casebolt

Change is afoot in our congregations! Ready or not, we are all learning new skills and adapting old ways to meet emerging needs, especially your professional staff.

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Sharing Between Small Congregations

1 February 2021 at 19:30
Small Congregation Webinar Series - Sharing Worship, Sharing Staff, Sharing Youth Programming

Beth Casebolt

Sharing programs between small congregations is something that makes a lot of sense. No small congregation has all the volunteers and money necessary to support all the programs wanted by their members.

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Are You Tired?

8 November 2021 at 11:39
an orange cat sleeping on a lavendar pillow with her paw over her face

Beth Casebolt

I am tired. Are you tired? I'm tired and cranky and just want all of this craziness to stop.

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