I have been thinking about joining one of the Zoom sessions for the local Unitarian church near me. As someone who has not stepped their foot in church in years the organization sounds like a great fit for me as they talk about making better changes to the world we reside, making intellectual adjustments that are not base in ancient texts. With that being said I ask a local congregation about these concerning questions and I would like to hear members speak upon my fitting in with such a religion.
My thoughts would be best described as humanist, most likely a pantheist/belief in a natural God. I have read many secular humanists/non believers feeling welcome by their local congregation, with a survey done a decade back showing a good portion identified as humanist. Can I still fit in even if the congregation skews more of a traditional-religious bent?
Where would I be fitting in given my socio-economic status? On some Internet forums I have read some working class people attending sermons and have been critical about the service feeling like it was target towards a highly educated upper-middle class crowd. My family is on the lower-middle class end, both having done manual jobs. In my family of four I'm the only person who has graduated from college, holding an Associate degree. it would be unfortunate to not feel welcomed in a religion that preaches tolerance and diversity of thought. Also, I see that the crowds generally skewed towards the older end, which makes sense given church attendance have been getting older on average according to studies. Could a late 20's person with no children fit in with the crowd of attendance?
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