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Youth and Emerging Adult Realignment at the UUA

10 July 2022 at 18:55
Bookmark type of item with green plants on it with the sections: What is YEA Ministry Growing? 1. Faith Engagement, 2. Inspiring Congregation, 3. National Connections, 4. Local Gatherings with detailed paragraphs for each item.

Shannon Harper

Have you heard the exciting news about Youth and Emergent Adult Ministry (YEA) alignment across the UUA? If not, check out this video from the Lifespan Faith Engagement Office (LFE) where we explain what changes are being made and what lead to this reconfiguration.

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What Comes Before GROW??: Sowing Seeds Of Course!

17 June 2022 at 12:02
Sowing Seeds, August 3-6, Pittsburh PA, Youth, Justice, UU Faith. Image of white lights scattering across a black background.

Shannon Harper

Grounded and Resilient Organizing Workshop (GROW), a joint program between the UUA and the UU College of Social Justice, is aimed at workshopping challenges faced by young adults who are active in organizing/justice making spaces. Sowing Seeds is the precursor of this program.

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Garden Story Part 2: The LAP Plan

14 March 2022 at 12:28
Liminal Action Plan: Trauma and Grief Informed, Responsive, Relational, Playful, Efficient, Shared, Forgiving, Temporary. White background, with colored squares with words on them

Shannon Harper

Remember the classic Dr Seuss book, Oh the Places You’ll Go? Arguably the most quoted text at High School graduations and a favorite baby shower gift? Ultimately inspirational, it paints a seussical story of both the ups and down, trials and tribulations involved with becoming who we are meant to...

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Plant Check!

12 April 2021 at 16:00

Shannon Harper

Last fall I wrote a blog post about bringing my plants inside and setting them up to survive the dark, cold, dry months of winter. I debated whether it was worth the effort to buy lamps and humidifiers or if I should β€œlet the leaves fall” as it were. Here's what I learned.

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Lessons from Growing Things

2 November 2020 at 19:45
container graden in a courtyard

Shannon Harper

This past spring I joined a trend. I’d like to say I don’t get sucked into fads but I must admit, I’m susceptible.

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Supportive Ministry with Young People

21 October 2020 at 15:07
Laptop on a desk with a sign that says You Got This

Shannon Harper

This year is hard on everyone, in universal ways, but also in ways specific to age, identity, and life stage. This article focuses on supporting youth and emerging young adults.

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