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Hard, Brave Choices

26 June 2024 at 01:46
In a dark room, several taper candles and smaller candles in red, cut-glass holders are all alit.

Martha Durkee-Neuman

This is a year in which hard, brave choices will be required of all of us.

Hard, Brave Choices

26 June 2024 at 01:46
In a dark room, several taper candles and smaller candles in red, cut-glass holders are all alit.

Martha Durkee-Neuman

This is a year in which hard, brave choices will be required of all of us.

Shapers of Change

28 April 2021 at 09:59
Against a black background, a white egg rests on its side. A second egg, standing on its end, has had its top removed and green sprout grows out of the egg.

Martha Durkee-Neuman

I am no longer a victim of change: I am shaping the world that is to come.

Continue reading "Shapers of Change"
