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Has anyone ever met an Unitarian Universalist who was a “fundamentalist”Christian?

9 November 2024 at 18:26

By that I mean a person who believes the Bible ( or the Protestant canon of Scripture) is infallible and that its beliefs or commands should be enforced on every one else.

I am interested to see if the “Biblical Unitarian” has been gaining some stronghold in UU congregations. I want to know if a trend towards social conservatism is also affecting the most liberal denomination of the Christian tradition ( notice I don’t say Christian denomination, since upon the merger of Unitarians and Universalists agreed on founding an universalistic and open-minded institution, open to all theistic and atheistic strands of thought that recognize the intrinsic worth of humankind)

submitted by /u/Pombalian
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Why do you think the historic US congregations (the U. U. A. that is) are so theologically liberal?

13 May 2024 at 19:48

I mean the historical Unitarian churches in Romania, in Hungary and even in the closest church body I can think of, that is, the UK congregations of Unitarians and non-subscribing Presbyterian seem to be more conservative still, despite the faster spread of secular humanism, Wicca and the New Age spiritual movement there. On the whole it would seem a lot less probable that they would be less open to change.

Why do you think that is?

submitted by /u/Pombalian
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To those of you who identify as Christian or broadly theistic Unitarians, what is your view about the historical Jesus and the Gospels?

17 November 2023 at 20:58

Do you believe the academic consensus (as is represented by mainline seminaries and popularising works which lean slightly secular such as the New Oxford Annotated Bible or the countless non-confessional editions of study bibles) is accurate? Do you believe Jesus was a historical figure or are you mythicists? Do you believe the Jesus Semimar is overly conservative, as Thomas L. Thompson suggests?

I am asking these questions for three reasons: 1- you guys are the most educated religious group, by a long stretch. 2- you also form the bulwark of theological liberalism, at least to the mind of most of the American Christian sphere. 3- you are also the most diverse group, at least from a theological standpoint. One can be an Arian, a Gnostic, a Pagan, a Mithraist or a Secular Humanist and still be in communion with the UUA.

submitted by /u/Pombalian
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Do you guys know what happened to the Unitarians that were both theologically and politically Conservative?

1 October 2023 at 21:15

Have they flocked to the mainline churches, such as the ones in the Presbyterian, Congregationalist and Anglican traditions? Have they become Christadelphians or Adventists? Are they still around after the fusion with the Universalist Association?

I am really curious to see if there are still biblical Unitarians, that are similar to John Biddle and Isaac Newton, who have not went into the Church of God, nor to the Christadelphian religion.

submitted by /u/Pombalian
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