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Choosing readings for an upcoming service

21 November 2024 at 14:50

We are a lay-led congregation. I am the worship coordinator for an upcoming service. The speaker has asked me to provide a couple of reading suggestions for her. I don't even know where to start. Her homily will focus on "Practicing Presence When You Disagree." She will refer to some Jewish sources, as well as work from Crucial Conversations, Non Violent Communication and the group Braver Angels as well as her own experience in being present with those who have a different viewpoint than her.

Where do I start? I have never picked out readings before.

submitted by /u/Jennysez
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Visitor handout draft - critiques welcome!

24 September 2024 at 17:17
Visitor handout draft - critiques welcome!

Thanks for the previous advice on doing a visitor handout.

This is my draft of a 5.5"x8.5" handout to give to first time visitors to our congregation. My guess is that if they made their way through our door, they will have some idea of what UU is about.

I'd love some feedback before submitting it to our committee. Note that there is extra white space at the bottom, under the lower blue box. That is where we have the address, phone number, and website url. I just didn't show it on this picture, because this isn't final or approved yet, and I don't want it to accidentally get out into the wild with our details on it :-)

I used colors, fonts, and graphics approved by the UUA.

Is this enough information? Not enough? Too many bullet points (I'm kind of bullet-point happy)? Should I do something on the reverse side, like FAQ's or something?


submitted by /u/Jennysez
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What do you hand out to visitors?

22 September 2024 at 18:29

I've been asked to make something to hand out to first-time visitors to our congregation. I'm having trouble figuring out what to put on it. Should I focus on our particular congregation, since lots of general info can be found by just googling Unitarian Universalist? Is it ok for me to use the new image of the love chalice (the one with love at the center and the other 6 principals around it)? Does anyone have a flyer like this from their congregation that they could share with me to help spark my creativity? I've tried to do a google search for ideas, but am not really finding anything. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Jennysez
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resources for worship coordinator

5 September 2024 at 15:11

We have a lay-led congregation, and I am going to be the worship coordinator for the first time in about a month. I have been the worship associate (just reading the script provided to me) once before. It will be a blessing of the animals service, held outside. I have a basic script that we follow every week, but as WC, I'll be in charge of coordinating with our guest speaker and customizing the script for this particular type of service. I'm excited but nervous. Any resources you could point me to would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Jennysez
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