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Whenever You Need Me

1 February 2017 at 15:03
A minister comes into a church community, in part, to be just that person to reach out to. It’s certainly one of the reasons I entered the ministry. Now, there are many things that I’m not – a therapist, a lawyer, or a doctor, for example. But, what the minister is, what I am, . . . → Read More: Whenever You Need Me A minister comes into a church community, in part, to be just that person to reach out to. It’s certainly one of the reasons I entered the ministry. Now, there are many things that I’m not – a therapist, a lawyer, or a doctor, for example. But, what the minister is, what I am, . . . → Read More: Whenever You Need Me

A Panoramic UU View / of US Congressman John Lewis' new graphic novel trilogy for the young and young at heart - March

1 February 2017 at 15:02
If there is one series you should buy and have in your library it is this trilogy! John Lewis teamed up with his digital director and policy advisor, Andrew Aydin, and a graphic novel artist, Nate Powell to write this very informative civil rights history series! This series also just recently won the National Book Award! It is Black History Month, so I encourage . . . → Read More: A Panoramic UU View … of US Congressman John Lewis’ new graphic novel trilogy for the young and young at heart – March If there is one series you should buy and have in your library it is this trilogy! John Lewis teamed up with his digital director and policy advisor, Andrew Aydin, and a graphic novel artist, Nate Powell to write this very informative civil rights history series! This series also just recently won the National Book Award! It is Black History Month, so I encourage . . . → Read More: A Panoramic UU View … of US Congressman John Lewis’ new graphic novel trilogy for the young and young at heart – March

Hands That Serve

1 February 2017 at 15:01
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. ~ William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. When you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. ~ Author Unknown If you think you . . . → Read More: Hands That Serve How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. ~ William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. When you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in. ~ Author Unknown If you think you . . . → Read More: Hands That Serve

CUC Month 2017

1 February 2017 at 15:00
Popular UU Answers Can you name the top answer when 800 UUs were asked to: Name a UU Principle? Check back at the end of the month to see if your guess falls in the top 5 answers! Plus you … Continue reading → The post CUC Month 2017 appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council. Popular UU Answers Can you name the top answer when 800 UUs were asked to: Name a UU Principle? Check back at the end of the month to see if your guess falls in the top 5 answers! Plus you … Continue reading → The post CUC Month 2017 appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council.

A Vital Congregation in Search

1 February 2017 at 14:04
Tucked into the coastal rainforest on the edge of Vancouver Island, a small Unitarian Fellowship is searching for a ministerial love match. The First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo is currently seeking candidates for a half time minister. “We’re looking for … Continue reading → The post A Vital Congregation in Search appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council. Tucked into the coastal rainforest on the edge of Vancouver Island, a small Unitarian Fellowship is searching for a ministerial love match. The First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo is currently seeking candidates for a half time minister. “We’re looking for … Continue reading → The post A Vital Congregation in Search appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council.

Northern Lights Program Changes 2017

1 February 2017 at 14:02
Some changes are coming to the Northern Lights Chalice Lighter Program, an important fundraising program supporting Canadian UU congregations. A special CUC committee has been looking at Northern Lights and the Sharing Our Faith fundraising program and has made the … Continue reading → The post Northern Lights Program Changes 2017 appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council. Some changes are coming to the Northern Lights Chalice Lighter Program, an important fundraising program supporting Canadian UU congregations. A special CUC committee has been looking at Northern Lights and the Sharing Our Faith fundraising program and has made the … Continue reading → The post Northern Lights Program Changes 2017 appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council.

Power of Song: Hymns for a New Age from Don Heights

1 February 2017 at 14:01
There is a new Unitarian songbook out this month, that is set to take over the world through music! Don Heights Unitarian Congregation in Toronto may be a small community, but their latest project has big aspirations: “We’re hoping we’ll … Continue reading → The post Power of Song: Hymns for a New Age from Don Heights appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council. There is a new Unitarian songbook out this month, that is set to take over the world through music! Don Heights Unitarian Congregation in Toronto may be a small community, but their latest project has big aspirations: “We’re hoping we’ll … Continue reading → The post Power of Song: Hymns for a New Age from Don Heights appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council.

Standing With Standing Rock

1 February 2017 at 14:00
In 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr. asked members of the clergy to come to Selma, Alabama to bear witness and stand in solidarity with African-Americans whose basic human rights were being denied. A significant number of the clergy who responded … Continue reading → The post Standing With Standing Rock appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council. In 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr. asked members of the clergy to come to Selma, Alabama to bear witness and stand in solidarity with African-Americans whose basic human rights were being denied. A significant number of the clergy who responded … Continue reading → The post Standing With Standing Rock appeared first on Canadian Unitarian Council.

How Ordinary Spirituality Can Transform Your Life

1 February 2017 at 13:45
Richard Linklater is the director of such contemporary cinema classics as Dazed and  Confused (about a last day of high school in the 1970s), School of Rock (about Jack Black inspiring a classroom of fourth graders to enter a Battle of the Bands), and the Before Trilogy (about the relationship over time between Ethan Hawke [Read More...] Richard Linklater is the director of such contemporary cinema classics as Dazed and  Confused (about a last day of high school in the 1970s), School of Rock (about Jack Black inspiring a classroom of fourth graders to enter a Battle of the Bands), and the Before Trilogy (about the relationship over time between Ethan Hawke [Read More...]

How a Commitment to Facts and Truth Led Me to Paganism

1 February 2017 at 12:45
I’ve always believed that facts are sacred, that I should follow where the facts lead, and that truth is built on facts. Your journey may lead you elsewhere, but my commitment to facts and truth led me to Paganism. I’ve always believed that facts are sacred, that I should follow where the facts lead, and that truth is built on facts. Your journey may lead you elsewhere, but my commitment to facts and truth led me to Paganism.

STLT#121, We'll Build a Land

1 February 2017 at 12:29
I want to love this song. Really, I do. It’s certainly a popular one that lots of people know. And here’s the thing: This song should be amazing and inspiring and strong – and I suspect in its original form, as crafted by Carolyn McDade herself, it was. I imagine that on guitar, it has ... More → I want to love this song. Really, I do. It’s certainly a popular one that lots of people know. And here’s the thing: This song should be amazing and inspiring and strong – and I suspect in its original form, as crafted by Carolyn McDade herself, it was. I imagine that on guitar, it has ... More →

Tire Swing

1 February 2017 at 11:00
Do you hold, somewhere in your body, the memory of a tire swing? The rubber under your feet or the uncomfortable seat inside, the swoosh of air in your face and the drop in your stomach? Our bodies are not just who we are, they are also all of who we have been. What joy … Continue reading → The post Tire Swing appeared first on Daily Compass. Do you hold, somewhere in your body, the memory of a tire swing? The rubber under your feet or the uncomfortable seat inside, the swoosh of air in your face and the drop in your stomach? Our bodies are not just who we are, they are also all of who we have been. What joy … Continue reading → The post Tire Swing appeared first on Daily Compass.

February 1 - Fire of Commitment: Fired Up!

1 February 2017 at 10:30
Ever since the election I have felt burdened with worry.  I feel like we are living in a nightmare, and I have deep fear for the future of our nation and our world.  I am simply burnt out. Or am … Continue reading → Ever since the election I have felt burdened with worry.  I feel like we are living in a nightmare, and I have deep fear for the future of our nation and our world.  I am simply burnt out. Or am … Continue reading →