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Before yesterdayUUA Top Stories

Liberation from Anger

11 September 2024 at 02:54
A light-skinned Black woman sits in an office chair, grasping her head in exasperation and gritting her teeth. Around her, blurred, are the figures of office workers rushing by.

Laura Horton-Ludwig

What do you do when you’re really angry with someone and you can’t seem to let it go?

Meeting What Arrives

4 September 2024 at 06:34
A person inside a stationary car, in the driver's seat, sits with closed eyes, holding their hand to their forehead as if trying to calm down.

Lindasusan Ulrich

Staying present to what’s real—our world, our hope, our stories—can help us embody our values.

Advocating for Change as a Tax-Exempt UU Congregation

9 August 2024 at 12:54
Two people participating in neighborhood canvassing effort review information on a phone. They're outside. One of them is wearing a UU the Vote T-shirt. The other is in a fedora, a blue collared shirt, black jacket. Both wear glasses and voter engagement buttons.

Staff Writer

Answers to some of your questions about the political engagement rules that apply to nonprofit UU congregations and groups.

Shared Values

5 August 2024 at 09:59
See Full Description
Unitarian Universalism is a living tradition that has changed in many ways from the original Christian roots of its Universalist and Unitarian heritages, and it continues to evolve today. Most recently, this evolution has taken the form of adopting new language to describe who we are as UUs.

UU Climate Justice Revival

2 August 2024 at 08:17
A diverse group of people are gathered together indoors and smile while holding climate justice and electoral justice signs, t-shirts, and stickers.
In September, UUs will take part in a national Climate Justice Revival with inspiring collective worship, creative learning, new frameworks, and the chance to weave together the threads that have always linked our deepest commitments. We're entering a new era of climate action, where we cultivate...

Love at the Center: New UU Statement of Values Passes after Momentous General Assembly Delegate Vote

2 August 2024 at 08:17
A colorful quilt with a chalice at its center.

Elaine McArdle

The years-long democratic process culminated with debate and the GA vote. A two-thirds majority was required for approval.

Join UU the Vote

2 August 2024 at 08:17
Two people stand at a table that has a UU the Vote sign on it, writing
We are fighting for so much in 2024 and the work before us requires our compassion, consistency and commitment. This year UU the Vote will strengthen our local partnerships with state networks and key movement partners. Democracy calls on us all to mobilize towards our collective thriving....

Moderator Search Committee

1 August 2024 at 09:00
Information about the Moderator Search Committee's work to find the next Moderator of the UUA.

Unitarian Universalists Pass Resolution Expressing Religious Belief: “Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary, Intersex and Gender Diverse People is a Fundamental Expression of UU Religious Values”

18 July 2024 at 14:16
A young person with a large transgender pride flag.
At General Assembly 2024, an overwhelming majority of Unitarian Universalists voted to approve a Business Resolution that solidifies and strengthens the UUA’s ministry to and with transgender, nonbinary, and intersex members of UU communities.

Message of Gratitude from the UUA for the Successful Shelter Initiative

17 July 2024 at 07:49
A group of UUA staff members gather on the stairs and main lobby area of the UUA headquarters building, with folks at the front of the group holding letter signs that spell "WELCOME" and smile for the camera.
In a letter to the Fort Point Boston Neighborhood and local businesses, the UUA reviews the successful emergency housing initiative implemented in early 2024, which has now concluded.

UUA Condemns Shooting at Pennsylvania Political Rally

14 July 2024 at 05:43
The following text is in white font on a gray background: "Unitarian Universalism believes in the right of free speech and the democratic process. Attacks like those at Saturday’s political rally weaken democracy, and the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns this attack." Below this is a red color block with the UUA chalice logo and name, also in white font.
In response to a shooting at Pennsylvania political rally where former president Donald Trump was inured, the UUA issues a statement upholding free speech and condemning the violence.

Hard, Brave Choices

26 June 2024 at 01:46
In a dark room, several taper candles and smaller candles in red, cut-glass holders are all alit.

Martha Durkee-Neuman

This is a year in which hard, brave choices will be required of all of us.

Queering Me

19 June 2024 at 02:24
A small rainbow flag, on a small stick, is held by the outstretched arms of two different people of color.

Vanessa Titang

“Queer” challenges the status quo; it dares me to be authentically myself.

Proud to Be Out

12 June 2024 at 02:22
Two middle-aged people, seen from the shoulders up, press their faces together intimately and smile broadly. A Pride flag is wrapped around their shoulders.

Lynette Yetter

May everyone feel safe and free to love as they choose.

Home to Myself

5 June 2024 at 06:10
A nonbinary teen--white, with freckles and shoulder-length brown hair--holds a camera up, partially obscuring their face, as they look at the photographer.

Mare Martell

Being nonbinary has finally brought me home to myself.

Totes Queer

29 May 2024 at 04:28
A fabric rainbow tote bag dangles from someone's hand. They're standing on a sidewalk, wearing trousers, visible only from the hip down.

Paige Getty

My queerness is about mindset and attitude and intention.

Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd Appointed Director of Communications and Public Ministry

23 May 2024 at 10:15
Nancy smiles softly with her head tilted, wearing glasses, a pink blouse with puffed sleeves and her brown hair tucked behind her left ear.
The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd as Director of Communications and Public Ministry. In this executive position, Rev. Ladd will lead the development and implementation of the UUA’s communications strategy.

An Unbroken Song

22 May 2024 at 04:24
In profile, a person prays: their eyes are closed, and their forehead rests on their clasped hands.

Julie Yeeun Kim

I have often felt the divine most present when I feel dissolved into a holy community.

A More Complete Story

15 May 2024 at 04:22
An elderly woman wearing a paing-spattered apron sits in front of an easel, smiling, as she paints a beautiful landscape.

Aaron Stockwell Wisman

It takes a community to remember someone in all of their many facets.

Unitarian Universalist Association Joins UU Climate Justice Revival: Coalition of Unitarian Universalist Organizations and Friends Launches Effort to Reimagine Climate Justice Work with Revival Weekend September 28th and 29th

9 May 2024 at 12:19
A diverse group of people are gathered together indoors and smile while holding climate justice and electoral justice signs, t-shirts, and stickers.
The Unitarian Universalist Association joins a coalition of UU organizations and partners to launch the UU Climate Justice Revival. Through multigenerational activities, worship, and advocacy, the revival will catalyze congregations to realize climate justice and collective liberation.

Love in This Very Moment

8 May 2024 at 04:06
An infant, lying on a bed and swaddled in a blanket, has their hand held by an adult. Their hands and part of their torso are all we see.

Sarah Pirtle

Dear world, how does love right now move me to action?

UU Academics Condemn Violent Repression of Student Movements: UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt Joins UU Seminary Presidents in Supporting Student Protest Movements

Person wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh speaks in a group outdoors holding a microphone near their face

Sofía Betancourt


Rosemary Bray McNatt


Elías Ortega

Unitarian Universalist academics live and serve at the intersections of the academy and our religious communities. We condemn the rapidly escalating violent repression of pro-Palestinian, anti-war student movements on college campuses across the United States.

The Sea of Moral Injury

1 May 2024 at 03:56
A person is curled up, sleeping on a slab of cardboard, with a bag and cup next to them. They're on a sidewalk near a busy street with traffic and pedestrians.

Karen G. Johnston

Harm of one is harm of all.

UU World Shines a Spotlight on Shared Ministry and Communal Care: Spring 2024 issue looks at ways that Unitarian Universalists are collaborating for liberation

30 April 2024 at 13:54
A colorful illustration of a freshly prepared soup, made with many ingredients through the loving coordination of multiple hands in a range of skin tones.
The Spring 2024 issue of UU World magazine shines a spotlight on shared ministry and communal care in a Unitarian Universalist (UU) context. In a wide range of stories, poetry, and reflections, this issue explores ways that UUs are collaborating for liberation.

Shifting Perspective

24 April 2024 at 01:13
By: Kat Liu
Inside a car, a young adult sits behind the driver's seat. In the passenger seat is someone implied to be a driving instructor due to the clipboard he's holding.

Kat Liu

When I remember to orient myself within the bigger picture, it recalibrates my perspective.

Beauty Following Us

17 April 2024 at 04:58
Above a cityscape, in a black-and-white photo, a lone crow or corvid spreads its wings mid-flight.

Christine Slocum

Crows found ways to adapt to our concrete forests but we have not yet found ways to make sure we are in balance with the rest of creation.

UU the Vote 2024 is Underway: The UUA's nonpartisan civic engagement initiative begins organizing effort for 2024

28 March 2024 at 09:00
UU the Vote
UU the Vote, the UUA's nonpartisan civic engagement initiative focused on strengthening democracy and organizing for justice and accountability, launched its 2024 organizing initiative in March.

Intricate Beauty: Part 2 of 2

20 March 2024 at 04:35
A person with white skin holds, in their upturned palms, a strand of help. Beneath their hands we see the person's feet standing on sand.

Quinn Gormley

This is my favorite thing about seaweed: it feels so much like my neurodiverse brain.

Intricate Beauty: Part 1 of 2

13 March 2024 at 05:28
A painting of a person's head, in profile. Their brain and the background are both awash in swirls of color, galaxy-like sparks and stars, and cosmic texture.

Quinn Gormley

People who aren't neurodiverse tend to frame neurodiversity as symptoms of inconvenience to people around them. For me, my ADHD means beauty.

Taylor Hoffman is UUA Director of Human Resources

12 March 2024 at 10:42
Taylor Hoffman sits on a stool, with legs crossed and smiling. She wears black pants and jacket and a white shirt.
The UUA is pleased to introduce Taylor Hoffman as Director of Human Resources. In this role, Taylor oversees the Human Resources office, staff, policies, benefits and resources, and helps lead the UUA’s commitment to being a workplace where people of all backgrounds and identities can thrive.

Rev. Darrick Jackson Appointed UUA Ministerial Credentialing Director

12 March 2024 at 09:38
Darrick Jackson is smiling, wearing a red shirt and glasses
The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Darrick Jackson (he/him) as the Ministerial Credentialing Director within the UUA’s Ministries and Faith Development staff group.

Assurances & Affirmations

6 March 2024 at 05:47
Four people with their backs to the camera stand shoulder-to-shoulder, their arms around each other, as they look into a beautiful sunny vista.

Jami Yandle

Appreciation and deep witness are beautiful gateways for returning to our most authentic selves.

UUA Offers Space in Headquarters Building for Temporary Emergency Housing

4 March 2024 at 13:56
Outside of 24 Farnsworth building.
The UUA joins with the United Way of Massachusetts and other community-based organizations to provide temporary emergency housing and support to local families in need. Space in the UUA headquarters building will serve as a temporary, overnight emergency shelter location as part of this arrangement.

We Were Always Here

28 February 2024 at 04:50
Black and white photo of only the arms of dark-skinned people, raised as if praying in a church pew

Connie Simon

When someone lists Unitarians or Universalists, they usually name white men. Never anyone Black like me.

Understanding Article II: A theological analysis for Unitarian Universalists

7 February 2024 at 07:24
Dinah Pham on Unsplash

Staff Writer

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme has provided a theological analysis of the proposed revision to Article II. Here are nine quotes from her essay to get the conversation started.

Side with Love 30 Days of Love: Unitarian Universalists empower democracy and promote electoral justice with UU the Vote

5 February 2024 at 05:12
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Staff Writer

For the fourth and final week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.

White History

21 February 2024 at 06:24
A Black child around 8 years old stares down at a desk covered in books, with a dismayed or tired look on their face.

Bev Spears

From the beginning, the story of Black people in America has been told through the lens of white supremacy.

Understanding Article II: A theological analysis for Unitarian Universalists

7 February 2024 at 07:24
Dinah Pham on Unsplash

Staff Writer

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme has provided a theological analysis of the proposed revision to Article II. Here are nine quotes from her essay to get the conversation started.

UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire

14 February 2024 at 11:52
Person wearing a black mask over nose and mouth and a gray winter hat stands with other people outdoors and holds a sign saying, "Permanent Ceasefire is Long Overdue!"

UUA Administration

The UUA reiterates its condemnation of the Israeli military’s ongoing violence against Gaza and joins with voices across the globe urging and immediate and total ceasefire, the provision of humanitarian aid, and the safe return of all hostages and prisoners.

The Work of Love

14 February 2024 at 00:09
A cropped photo of a person with a wrist tattoo with upturned hands lightly holding the hands of another person, sitting knee-to-knee with them.

Anne Griffiths

Scorekeeping is about who hurts whom more. In the long-term, no one wins.

Side with Love 30 Days of Love: Unitarian Universalists empower democracy and promote electoral justice with UU the Vote

5 February 2024 at 05:12
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Staff Writer

For the fourth and final week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.

Sacred Black "Text"

7 February 2024 at 04:17
Outdoors on a lawn, a group of Black friends are seated as if at a picnic. They're smiling and laughing with abundant joy.

Takiyah Nur Amin

If you’re seeking sacred Black “text” in our tradition, you have to examine the way our Black ancestors lived.

How UUs and Interfaith Partners Helped Secure Reproductive Rights in Ohio

9 January 2024 at 05:37
Photo by Reed Naliboff on Unsplash.

Jeff Milchen

To overrule anti-abortion legislatures and courts, reproductive rights advocates are turning to citizen-led ballot measures in states where that power exists.

Willing to Fail

31 January 2024 at 01:57
With a blurred gym in the background, a white person with short hair holds a handweight out from her body, so that it's the center of the picture's focus.

Amanda Poppei

Remind me that success is not the only measure of a life.

Rev. Ashley Horan Appointed UUA Vice President for Programs and Ministries

29 January 2024 at 10:34
Ashley has dark hair, with one side shaved, and wears a black shirt and golden-colored stole
The UUA announces the appointment of the Rev. Ashley Horan to the newly-created executive role of Vice President for Programs and Ministries. In this role, Rev. Horan will take on supervision of the Ministries and Faith Development, Congregational Life, and Organizing Strategy staff teams.

The Power of Words

24 January 2024 at 01:25
On an airplane, a person sitting in the window seat holds a phone as if texting.

Aaron Stockwell Wisman

May the words that I speak remind others that they are beloved.

New Director and Deputy Director of Ministries and Faith Development Appointed by UUA

23 January 2024 at 10:51
Janice Marie Johnson
The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Janice Marie Johnson as Director, and the Rev. Cecilia Kingman as Deputy Director, of the Ministries and Faith Development staff group.

UUA Article II proposal: What to know about next steps, amendments, deadlines and congregations

7 December 2023 at 12:00
© 2023 Nancy Pierce/UUA

Elaine McArdle

The Board is now receiving amendments to the version submitted by the Article II Study Commission. A proposed amendment needs fifteen certified congregations to formally endorse it. This process ends February 1, 2024.

Present for Goodbyes

17 January 2024 at 01:34
One person sitting in a wheelchair holds hands with a friend. Only their arms and laps are visible, making their gentle touch the focus of the photo.

Sarah Gillespie

Death is a regular part of my job, which makes small talk weird for me at parties.

Remembering Self-Worth

10 January 2024 at 06:51
Vanessa, a Black person with her hair in a ponytail, stands between church members with signs. Vanessa is wearing a mask and clergy collar, and is holding her hand in the "peace" sign.

Vanessa Titang

Just as I can believe in others, I also believe in me.

Toast, Boast, and Oath

3 January 2024 at 01:08
A table full of friends raises their glasses--colored glass goblets--in the air outdoors.

Sarah Klinger Osborne

What “toast, boast, and oath” might you offer this January?

Fear Not and Hallelujah

20 December 2023 at 01:07
A light-skinned Black person's arms cradle a tiny infant whose bare foot soles face the camera.

Marcus Liefert

Fear not, the angels would text me. Hallelujah, I’d write back.

Holiday Blues

12 December 2023 at 23:34
A UU chalice made of bronze metal with large rings and a small white lighted candle in the center. Next to the chalice is a large brown bowl filled with sand with twelve thin white lighted candlesticks. Both the chalice and bowl of candles are on a small wooden table in front of a wooden lectern that is partially visible on the altar of the congregation, with a black grand piano.

Gretchen Maune

Despite the bright, twinkling lights and the chiming bells, some of us are full of grief, fear, and pain. We believe there should be a time to honor these feelings as well.

Solstice Magick

13 December 2023 at 01:06
Through a thick forest, a reindeer peeks out at the camera

Erica Shadowsong

Spirits of winter, I celebrate you!

Final Proposed Revisions to Unitarian Universalist Association Bylaws on Core Religious Values Released: Congregations will have until February 2024 to propose amendments

12 December 2023 at 15:12
Article II Study Commission members on stage at GA, viewed from the side with Rev. Cheryl M. Walker standing at the front and other members standing at back
The UUA announces that the Article II Study Commission, charged with reviewing and updating UUA Bylaws related to the core religious values of Unitarian Universalism, has released its final revisions to the Article II Bylaws.

UUA Article II proposal: What to know about next steps, amendments, deadlines and congregations

7 December 2023 at 12:00
© 2023 Nancy Pierce/UUA

Elaine McArdle

The Board is now receiving amendments to the version submitted by the Article II Study Commission. A proposed amendment needs fifteen certified congregations to formally endorse it. This process ends February 1, 2024.

Continue reading "UUA Article II proposal: What to know about next steps, amendments, deadlines and congregations"


6 December 2023 at 01:05
A sketch of Mary, with a crown of stars and a fist raised. Around her are the words "Cast down the mighty" and "Send the rich away"

Laura Dobson

The Magnificat is a courageous and subversive song of praise; a call to social justice.

Inviting the "Aha"

29 November 2023 at 06:41
A woman with graying hair and medium-dark skin holds a molecule model in her hands standing in front of a classroom whiteboard with chemistry notations written on it. She's smiling at a student, seen from behind, who is raising their hand.

JD Stillwater

I encouraged my students to question authority, especially my authority, because only rarely can we recognize our biases without help.

UUA Statement Regarding Shooting in Burlington, Vermont

28 November 2023 at 12:33
The lit GA chalice with a round frame. Behind it is a purple textured background.
The UUA is aware of the shooting of three Palestinian American students in Burlington, VT this past weekend. Our hearts and prayers are with the three students and we remain steadfast in our condemnation of the rising tide of violence and hateful acts across the country.

Continue reading "UUA Statement Regarding Shooting in Burlington, Vermont"

How Were You Loved?

22 November 2023 at 05:53
A Black woman with short-cropped hair helps an older woman walk down stairs.

Melissa Jeter

Building relationships requires the risk of being open and curious.

Continue reading "How Were You Loved?"

A Time to Gather Around the Hearth-fires

20 November 2023 at 13:55
A fireplace with logs and a fire on a grate. The fireplace is built of tan stone in an arch

Lenore Bajare-Dukes

At this time of year – a cold bite to the air, long dark nights – I feel a deep, almost primal impulse to huddle around a hearth-fire, spending time with people dear to me.

Continue reading "A Time to Gather Around the Hearth-fires"

Article II Shared Values Flower Image

20 November 2023 at 10:39
See Full Description
Information on usage of the shared values flower image from the proposed new version of Article II of the UUA Bylaws and Rules

Continue reading "Article II Shared Values Flower Image"

Grace Notes

15 November 2023 at 08:50
From above, a person with light brown skin, wearing jeans and an olive shirt, plays an electric keyboard.

Amanda Udis-Kessler

Holy Reconciler, help us make peace with each other.

Continue reading "Grace Notes"

Proof of Attention

8 November 2023 at 02:04
U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Richard Hetrick, an aviation safety officer with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, oversees Marines conducting Foreign Object Debris (FOD) walk at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz., June 7, 2021.

Seanan R. Holland

We did what humans frequently do: we created a ritual.

Continue reading "Proof of Attention"

Threats from Without, Care from Within Training

21 October 2023 at 09:20
diverse crowed supporting each other

Sunshine Jeremiah Wolfe

Anticipate and plan for how to respond to violent threats, vandalism, doxxing, and other forms of intimidation and harassment.

Continue reading "Threats from Without, Care from Within Training"

People Who Came Before Us

1 November 2023 at 06:45
Chrissy's son Kaleb kneels on a barn floor, using a saw on some lumber.

Chrissy Bushyager

God of our ancestors, may we find the ways in which we can connect across generations.

Continue reading "People Who Came Before Us"

We Should Advocate for Crucial Voting Rights Bills

25 October 2023 at 05:36
Element5 Digital

Jeff Milchen

Many states are exploiting the opportunity created by the U.S. Supreme Court having gutted the Voting Rights Act. Unitarian Universalists believe democracy must be both accessible and equitable.

Continue reading "We Should Advocate for Crucial Voting Rights Bills"

Life Drummers

25 October 2023 at 06:44
A close-up of hands beating on drums outdoors: Earthen Rhythms, a local african drumming group at the Summertime in Maitland, NSW, Australia celebration.

Christin Green

I believe that we are all "life drummers" just waiting to join in the rhythm.

Continue reading "Life Drummers"

Loved without Words

18 October 2023 at 06:43
A person sits on a medical examination table, wearing a medical exam gown. Their head isn't visible but their feet dangle off the end and their arms hold the table tensely.

Jo VonRue

Sometimes we need someone to witness the pain in holy stillness.

Continue reading "Loved without Words"

UUA Statement on the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza and Israel

17 October 2023 at 21:01
About 20 small lit tea lights are arranged, in the dark, in a peace symbol.
The UUA joins the chorus of voices urging a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, the admittance of humanitarian aid, and the restoration of power and water to Gaza to prevent the further loss of life.

Continue reading "UUA Statement on the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza and Israel"

Hanukkah Lighting for Congregations : How to light a menorah respectfully

10 October 2023 at 15:38
A silver menorah, against a dark background, holds colored candles. The first three candles and the shamash candle are lit.

Joanna Lubkin

Thoughtful commentary and context for how to light a menorah responsibly and respectfully.

Continue reading "Hanukkah Lighting for Congregations : How to light a menorah respectfully"

Liturgy of the People

25 September 2023 at 05:00
© Anna Spoka

Elaine McArdle

Lay people and religious professionals reflect on the magic of co-creating worship.

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Unlearning the Rules

11 October 2023 at 06:42
In a dance studio, a woman in a red tank top dances ethusiastically while other dancers are visible in the background.

Laura Solomon

Embodying all of me is the best way I know to love the world.

Continue reading "Unlearning the Rules"

Finding Faith

© iStock.com/smartboy10

Sarita Gonzales


Candice Bautista-Biddle


Martha Bautista-Biddle


Chris Long

Four Unitarian Universalists reflect on what brought them to the faith—and what keeps them coming back.

Continue reading "Finding Faith"

Adrienne Walker is Appointed the UUA’s New General Counsel

4 October 2023 at 13:03
Headshot of Adrienne Walker
UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt appoints Adrienne K. Walker to become the Association’s new general counsel. She replaces Thomas Bean of Verrill Dana, who is retiring. Bean had been the UUA’s general counsel since 2011.

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Healing Begins with Breath in the Body

4 October 2023 at 06:22
A Black woman in athletic clothing is in child's pose on a yoga mat: arms stretched forward, head bowing, kneeling back towards her heels.

Melissa Jeter

Spirit and Breath, create an openness that violence has constricted.

Continue reading "Healing Begins with Breath in the Body"

Threshold Conversations: Coming of Age

12 September 2023 at 15:15
Coming of Age Panel Word Cloud: Flame prominent words "Coming of Age" "Know" "Ritual" "Congregation" "Think"
Coming of Age Conversations from Threshold Project panels, writings, and more

Continue reading "Threshold Conversations: Coming of Age"

Our Bodies Already Know

27 September 2023 at 07:09
A woman sitting on a large tree branch, with the tree around her, holds her hands to her heart with closed eyes, as if meditating.

Julica Hermann de la Fuente

Our bodies are so wise, and they hold so much information.

Continue reading "Our Bodies Already Know"

The Journey of Forgiveness

20 September 2023 at 06:38
From above, the back of a person's head as they sit in meditation and use a Tibetan singing bowl.

Lynette Yetter

I have struggled forgiving myself for not knowing how to create appropriate boundaries.

Continue reading "The Journey of Forgiveness"

Approaching Conflict Like a Poem

13 September 2023 at 06:35
A colorful, simple painting of two people's heads facing one another, with brighly colored sparks or energy radiating off of them.

Tania Márquez

May we remember to slow down when we find ourselves having difficult conversations.

Continue reading "Approaching Conflict Like a Poem"


6 September 2023 at 06:33
In a spring garden, dark purple peony shoots rise from a flower bed while a person in gardening gloves works.

DanaLee Simon

Self-compassion was one of the best gifts I gave myself.

Continue reading "Enoughness"

Virtual Hymnal: a new UU virtual hymnal is under construction

2 August 2023 at 08:50
A Black woman wearing headphones smiles and sings, holding a tablet or iPad.
Imagine web access to UU hymns that you can search for and confidently use in multiplatform events....

Continue reading "Virtual Hymnal: a new UU virtual hymnal is under construction"

Defeating Fascism

26 July 2023 at 12:00
© 2023 Nancy Pierce/UUA

Jeff Milchen

The 2023 Berry Street Essay urges UUs to recognize and confront an imminent threat.

Continue reading "Defeating Fascism"

The UUA Welcomes the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as the Tenth UUA President

10 July 2023 at 08:47
Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt surrounded by family and colleagues during a laying on of hands
It is with great enthusiasm that the UUA welcomes the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as our tenth UUA President. With her leadership, we are positioned to move forward in faithful community, in recognition of our shared values and the important work ahead.

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The Unitarian Universalist Association Applauds U.S. Supreme Court Decision to Protect Voting Rights in Moore v Harper Case

27 June 2023 at 11:59
NC UUs participating in voting rights event, Feb 2020
The UUA is celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Moore v Harper case that rejected the “independent state legislature” theory, which will have a significant impact on voting rights across the country.

Continue reading "The Unitarian Universalist Association Applauds U.S. Supreme Court Decision to Protect Voting Rights in Moore v Harper Case"

Where Healing Begins

28 June 2023 at 03:45
A person's hands are clasped in prayer in what appears to be a church pew.

Erika Hewitt

Every relationship is an ongoing story that unfolds between people.

Continue reading "Where Healing Begins"

Delegates Overwhelmingly Elect Sofía Betancourt UUA President at Momentous GA

26 June 2023 at 09:29
© 2023 John Benford/UUA

Elaine McArdle

From inspiring speakers to impassioned voices, here are the highlights of this year’s multiplatform UUA General Assembly.

Continue reading "Delegates Overwhelmingly Elect Sofía Betancourt UUA President at Momentous GA"

Let’s End a Decade-Long Legal Travesty

22 June 2023 at 07:00
CC by TheTurducken

Jeff Milchen

Unitarian Universalists must work to defend voting rights for all.

Continue reading "Let’s End a Decade-Long Legal Travesty"

New Article II Congregational Resources from the Field: For a Year of Study 2023-2024

12 June 2023 at 16:39
Article II resources for a potential year of study 2023-2024. Worship services and elements, discussion guides, RE lessons and activities, spiritual practices, songbook, and TikTok videos. Coming soon: "Learn-In" guide, and faithful conversations guide.

Continue reading "New Article II Congregational Resources from the Field: For a Year of Study 2023-2024"

Practicing Democracy

21 June 2023 at 06:17
In a sunny room, raised hands are the focus of this photo, with a few blurred faces in the background.

Shaya French

May we be active participants in the liberatory potential of democracy.

Continue reading "Practicing Democracy"
