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Universalist Women's Mission Circle - Meeting Minutes, Jun 14, 1897 (Funds Raised)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

June 14, 1897

The regular monthly meeting of the Missions Circle met with Mrs. Clark at the Grand Opera House, June 14, 1897.

Mrs. Cottingham, the President in the chair. The Secretary being absent, Mrs. McGlauflin was appointed to act as Secretary pro tem.

No Secretary’s report was read, it having not been sent in.

Mrs. Gill the Treasurer was also absent being in the far West. Her report handed in was as follows.

There are $2.00 in the Treasury all belonging to the fund of “Annual Dues.”

Mrs. Cottingham opened the meeting by devotional services after which the members responded to roll call by Scripture verses on current news form the religious world.

A report of the recent dollar Experience Social was given – which passed successfully which was held with Mrs. Hallam and Bro. and Mrs. McGlauflin on June 7th, $28.59. Gave the net proceeds of this Sociable (see itemized account) and this amount twenty-eight and fifty-cents was voted to be paid over to our church Treasurer to apply on the pledge of $50.00 which the Mission Circle has made toward the running expenses of the church.

A committee of arrangements for the next monthly meeting was named consisting of Mesdames Cottingham and Blackman.

The Benevolent Committee reported Mrs. Ickes and Mrs. Ferris ill, and Miss Shirley who has been so long in the Grady Hospital as having gone to her home at Tallulah Falls for the summer.

The Hospitality Committee reported as new families on (part of whom we have reached through the S.S. (Archivist: assume Sunday School)) as Bro. and Mrs. Cain, corner Williams and Simpson Street, Mrs. Gillman, Clifford Street and Gill family of East Point.

Mrs. Cottingham, the President, was unanimously elected to represent the interests of the Mission Circle at the public church meeting to be held next Sunday.

Brief mention was made by Mesdames Hallam and McGlauflin of the recent National Convention of our church ???? (img_0432) held at Philadelphia last month.

The following members paid ten cents toward their annual dues: Mrs. McGlauflin and Mrs. Blackman. Bro. McGlauflin added ten cents to this collection.

Bro. McGlauflin who had been invited to make an address before the ladies thought best to defer it on account of the lateness of the hours and the small attendance promising to give it at the August meeting after his return from the North.

He however said a few helpful words, congratulating the ladies on the formation of the Circle and its opportunity for good works.

Members present: Mesdames Cottingham, Beck, Hallam, Blackman, McGlauflin and visitors Mesdames Linch, Clark, Bro. McGlauflin and Mr. Whittemore.


Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60   Folder: 02
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

