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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Nov 9, 1896 (Annual Meeting)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga.  Nov 9th, 1896

Annual meeting Church of Our Father.  Mr. Harding elected chairman of the meeting.

The minutes of previous meetings of the year were read and approved.

On motion the chairman appointed a nominating committee to suggest trustees for five and four years, treasurer, clerk and advisory committee.

Under head of “Reports,” the Clerk’s report was read, also the report of Treasurer was presented and referred to an auditing committee consisting of Messrs. Crafts and Menken.

Verbal reports from Operation of the Church Committee and Library Committee were heard.

A statement of the Sunday School situation was made and motion made to refer report to a special committee to be hereafter the S.S. Committee.  The duty of which committee would be to advice with and assist the officers of the S.S.  Mrs. Bass and Prof. Davidson were appointed on this committee to act with the Supt. of the school.

A report of the Boys Club was presented.

The Nominating Committee advised that Mr. Frank Lederle be re-elected treasurer and Prof. E.A. Davidson, Clerk.  Mr. J.A. Watts, trustee for the five year term and Mrs. W.G. Abel trustee for the four year term.  For Advisory Committee, Mrs. C.H. Behre and Mr. Howard Daniels were suggested.

The report of the nominating committee was unanimoulsy adopted and the nomineess elected by acclimation.

The matter of taking up a collect at the evening service was presented and after discussion, motion made and carried that a collection be taken up at evening lectures.

It was decided by vote that in the future, quarterly meetings of the church be regularly held, at which meetings reports on all activities would be received.


Walter Menken, Clerk 95/96

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25    Folder: 03  Book: 01   Pages: 194 – 195
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

