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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Jan 12, 1903 (Annual Meeting)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

January 13, 1903

The Annual Meeting of the Church of Our Father was held in the church rooms this day.  Meeting was called to order at 8:30 pm. Mr. Jno. L. Moore presiding.

Present: Messrs. Crafts, St. Amand, Behre, Lederle, Moore, Douglas, Harding, Daniels.  Mesdames Crafts, Behre, Lederle, Douglas, Daniels, Foster and Longley.

The Clerk read the minutes of previous meetings which were adopted. The Treasurer report, covering receipts and expenditures from January 1st, 1902 to January 12th, 1903 was read and adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes.

The following annual reports were then read, accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes.  Report of Pastor, report of Clerk, report of President of Woman’s Alliance, report of chairman of Board of Trustees.

Mrs. Behre reported on the needs of the Hospital for the Incurables and outlined the plans had in view of furnishing a Unitarian room in the hospital.  Upon motion it was voted that the hospital funds now in hands of the church treasurer be increased to $20.00 and be turned over to the Committee on Hospital. Mr. Douglas suggested that the ladies interested in the hospital take steps to have the institute incorporated so as to place it in a position to receive endowments and bequests.

As superintendent of the Sunday School, Mr. Douglas reported encouragingly of the increased interest shown in that department of the church. An increase in Sunday School membership to 100 members was not improbable if all interested in the church would give the Sunday School aid and sympathy.  Ten teachers are needed immediately.  The gross income of the Sunday School is now near $200.00 per annum, with $30.00 in bank and no debt. It was moved and voted that the Sunday School and the Woman’s Alliance be congratulated on the improvement in their condition.

Mr. Langston reported for the Young People’s Union that efforts were made to re-organize.

The resignation of Mrs. Metta Foster and Mr. J.E. Harding form the Board of Trustees were presented and accepted with regrets.

The committee on nominations then presented the following nominations for officers for the year 1903.

  • Pastor – Rev. C.A. Langton
  • Trustee for one year: Mr. Jas. Russell to fill vacancy
  • Trustee for two years: Mr. Frank Lederle
  • Trustee for three years: Mr. Jno. L. Moore, Mr. Julius R. Watts, Mrs. Alice Daniels
  • Advisory Committee: Mrs. B.J. Longley, Mrs. Metta Foster
  • Treasurer: Mr. J.S. St. Amand
  • Clerk: Mr. J.E. Harding
  • Superintendent Sunday School: Mr. Hamilton Douglas
  • Assist Superintendant: Mr. B.F. Longley

Upon motion it was voted that the ticket presented by the nomination committee be elected as a whole and that the Clerk be  instructed to cast a ballot for the same.

Upon motion of Mr. St. Amand it was voted that a committee of three be appointed to get up a new church membership roll.  Messrs. Langston, Crafts and Douglas were appointed as such committee.

Upon motion of Mr. Langston it was voted that the church grant letters of dismissal to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Meysenburg.

Subscription for the support of the church for the year 1903 were then received; a total of $634.00 being subscribed.

Mr. Langston then told of the proposed tour of the South of Rev. Thoms. R. Slicer of New York City and explained that the itinerary would give Dr. Slicer but one day in Atlanta. It was moved and voted that the Pastor be requested to convey to President Eliot of the A.U.A. that it is the sentiment of this meeting that Dr. Slicer’s Atlanta meeting should be continued for at least on week.  That if this impracticable, this church would prefer to give up the time alloted it to some other church, provided we are also relieved of financial obligations.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.
Report of the Treasurer from January 1, 1902 to January 12, 1903 covering receipts and expenditures for the year ending December 31, 1902.

Receipts Amount
Sunday Collections $220.63
Dr.C.E. Hall $10.00
J.S. Farrell $5.00
R.F. Shedden $5.00
A.F. Walker $25.00
Mrs. J.T. Howe $25.00
Elinor S. Langston $50.00
John L. Moore $75.00
Mrs. M.W. Owens $5.00
West Newton Alliance $10.00
Angie Harding $5.00
Miss Hattie Martin $10.00
Ralph H. Brown $15.00
Fred Meysenburg $10.00
J.B. Young $5.00
Woman’s Alliance $140.00
Miss Alice Dixon $7.50
Young People’s Religious Union $10.00
C.H. Behre & Family $29.00
C.C. Chillingworth $10.00
Mrs. C.W. Johnson $5.00
Mrs. Metta Foster $10.00
Frank Lederle $15.00
Mrs. C.A. Reed $3.00
Miss Yates $2.10
Hamilton Douglas $22.50
D.E. Spencer $5.00
Julius R. Watts $25.00
J.C. Peck $50.00
Mrs. A.M. Lederle $10.00
J.G. St. Amand $75.00
Giles & Neutz $2.00
George H. Crafts $70.90
J.E. Harding $10.00
Miss Sarah G. Whaley $25.00
Earl H. Moore $10.00
Harold Moore $5.00
Sub Total Receipts $1,017.63
American Unitarian Association $450.00
Special Collection A.U.A. $24.73
Cash in Hand of Treasurer Jan 1, 1902 for Home of Incurables $14.50
Total Receipts $1,506.86


Disbursements Amount
Rev. C.A. Langston $1,245.94
Expense Account Sundries
Lights, coal, etc. $73.19
Mrs. A.M. Lederle $70.50
A.U.A. Special Collection for year $24.73
Janitor $78.00
Disbursements $1,492,36
In hand of Treasurer Jan 12, 1902 (Collection for Home of Incurables) $14.50

Atlanta, Ga., Jan 12, 1903

Respectfully Submitted,


J.G. St. Amand

Rev. Langston

  • Salary fixed for 1902: $1,400.00
  • Less payments           : $1,245.94

Amount due Rev. C.A. Langston on salary a/c: $154.06

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25   Folder: 04    Book: 01    Pages: 229 – 231
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
