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First Universalist Church - Meeting Minutes, Sep 6, 1900 (Building Discussion)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta Ga Sep 6, 1900
A regular business meeting of the Board was held in the Sunday School room on the evening of Sep. 6, 1900.

The following persons being present President Crone, Treasurer Marsh, Secretary Bond, Dr. McGlauflin, Mr. John M Miller and Jos. G Thrower.

Reading of last regular and special board meeting minutes read and adopted.

Treasurer not having his book with him was not able to make his report.

Dr. McGlauflin on behalf of the Building Committee read a detailed and complete statement of the actings and doings of said committee since its organization showing how the church was built, how much money it had taken, how much we now owed on our church building. It was very gratifying to learn that the deficit was much smaller than it was first supposed to be. Upon motion it was decided that said report as read by Dr. McGlauflin be adopted and that same be written in a separate book for future reference.

Upon motion of Dr. McGlauflin the following committee was appointed for the purpose of looking after the furnace or other heating apparatus to be put in the church. Dr. McGlauflin, R.M. Crone and J.C. Bond.

Upon motion of J.C. Bond, Dr. McGlauflin was authorized to secure the services of a carpenter for the purpose of finishing up some of the odd jobs in and through the church which having not been finished up heretofore.

Dr. McGlauflin reported that a Mrs. Carver had written him that she was a daughter of a Universalist minister and that he had died leaving quite a nice library. Dr. McGlauflin called to see her and she agreed to give the library to our church provided we would defray the expense of moving same into the church. The same was heartily accepted with the thanks of the board.

Mr. Holdt, having stated that he was in a position where he could buy paints at a discount of 50% it was agreed that we get Mr. Holdt to order enough paint to paint the church and that we get the paint at once as the offer was probably not an indefinite one.

Mr. J.G. Thrower who was present stated that he was still due a balance of something over forty dollars in the work he did in plastering the church.

It was stated that Mr. Thrower had made a subscription of $25.00 and that in the settlement he had been asked to deduct the amount or his subscription from the amount of the bill for plastering which he was not willing to do just yet, on the idea that he was not able to spare. This being the case then objections were raised to some of the plastering in the basement. After going down and inspecting same with Mr. Thrower, he admitted it was not all right and agreed to make it all right. There upon it was agreed by the Board to give Mr. Thrower an order to pay in 90 days or some other time was to we agreed on which closed up the matter with him.



J.C. Bond Secy.

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60 Folder: 01  Pages: 9 – 11
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

