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First Universalist Church Meeting Minutes, Jan 11, 1904 (Payment of Bills)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Jan 11, 1904

The regular monthly business meeting of the Board of Directors was held Jan 11, 1904 at the Pastor’s residence.

The following Board members being present: President Hubner, Secy. Bond, Treas. Marsh, Mr. Garrett and Dr. McGlauflin.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer reports as follows:

Balance Dec 7 $42.41
Collections since $125.23
Total $10.00
Disbursements $111.45
Balance on hand 1/11 $56.19

On motion an order was drawn for $187.50 for salary to pastor to Jan 1, 1904.

On motion an order for $7.50 for music and janitor same having been paid by Dr. McGlauflin.

On motion the Secretary was instructed to borrow the sum of $50.00 form the Mission Circle, it being estimated that that loan would unable us come to the annual meeting with all bills paid.

Dr. McGlauflin explained that he had received quire a number of letters recently from Bro. Harris with reference to the condition of Hrs. Harris. That the tone of the letters were rather discouraging and showed much uncertainty as to Bro. Harris’s ability to get here by Feb 1st.  Dr. McGlauflin was instructed to kepp in constant touch with Bro. Harris as to Mrs. Harris’s condition, etc.



J.C. Bond, Secy.
Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60   Folder: 01  Pages: 87
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
