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Universalist Church to be Dedicated

1 January 2014 at 00:00
The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia)  Sun, Jul 15, 1900 · Page 21

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia)
Sun, Jul 15, 1900 · Page 21


Dedicatory exercises over the First Universalist church of Atlanta will be conducted this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.  Prominent members  of the denomination from all sections of the country will participate in the service. As is well known the annual convention of the Young People’s Christian Union, which is composed of the young Universalists of America, is now being held in this city.

The church was completed only a short time before the convention opened and its pastor, Rev. W. H. McGlauflin, D.D., decided to wait until today before formally dedicating the new house of worship to the service of the Lord.

While the structure is not large it is one of the prettiest in the city. It is located on East Harris street, near Peachtree street. The church, with the ground on which it stands, cost about $12,000. The structure was designed by W. F. Denny, who employed in designing it the English gothic style.

The stained glass windows of the church make one of its prettiest features. One represents “The Sower,” by Millet; another “The Nativity,” by Hoffman, and a third “The Resurrection,” by Plackharst. In addition to these there are windows which were given the church by the Knight of Pythias, the Good Templars and the Federation of Trades.

The sermon during the dedication this afternoon will be delivered by Rev. I. M. Atwood, D.D., of New York, one of the best known of the Universalist pulpit orators. The prayer of dedication will be offered by Rev. F. A. Bisbee, D.D., editor of The Universalist Leader.  The following is the programme:

Voluntary, “Praise Ye the Father,” Gounod – Choir
Invocation – Rev. J. C. Burrus, D.D., Alabama
Spiritual Lessons – Rev. J. D. Corby, New York
Hymn No. 742 – Dwight
Sowing the Seed” – Rev. Q. H. Shinn, D.D.
Sermon – Rev. I.M. Atwood, D.D., New York
Offertory Solo – Mrs. Harry W. Young, Georgia
Sentences, dedication
Prayer of Dedication – Rev. F. A. Bisbee, D.D., editor of Universalist Leader.
Hymn, “Original” – Miss Etta Wallace Miller

Source: The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia)  Sun, Jul 15, 1900  Page 21
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