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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes Sep 26, 1899 (Vote to Sell Church Property)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga. Sep 26, 1899
A special meeting of the Church of Our Father held Sept 26th at 8 p.m.

Present: Mrs. St. Amand, Owen, Daniels, Lederle, Moore, Chillingworth, Spencer, Abel, Archer and Miss Martin and Messrs. Vail, Crafts, St. Amand, Frost, Moore, Harding, Daniels, Moore, Farrell, Ward, Chillingworth, Spencer, Able and Lederle.

Mr. Chillingworth presided. Mr. St. Amand stated the object of the meeting, which was called to take action in the sale of the church property and offered the following resolution:

Appreciating the generous and substantial aid given the Church of Our Father, from its organization in 1882 to the present time, by the American Unitarian Association, and desiring to meet the wishes of said American Unitarian Association in the disposition of the property held by them for use of the Atlanta Parish.

Resolved, that the member as a body of the Church of Our Father, by vote in a meeting called for the purpose September 26, 1899, do hereby ratify and confirm the sale of lot corner of Church and Forsyth streets, fifty-five feet by one hundred and thirty-nine feet, more or less, including all buildings thereon, to the trustees of the Carnegie Free Library for Twenty thousand five hundred ($20,500) dollars cash upon acceptance of titles; it being understood that said sale shall net the American Unitarian Association Twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars.

Mr. St. Amand then offered the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Frost. After remarks by Messrs. Vail, Crafts, St. Amand, Tucker and Lederle, the resolution was accepted.

Resolved, that the entire proceeds of said sale of Twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars be turned over to the American Unitarian Association, and in doing so the members of the Atlanta Parish ask the directors of the American Unitarian Association appropriate of said proceeds of sale Five hundred ($500) to pay off the present floating indebtedness of the Parish, and Eight thousand, five hundred ($8,500) dollars, or as much thereof as may be needed, to purchase a suitable site and erect a church building (upon it).

Resolved, that the Atlanta Parish, in order that the membership may feel that they have an interest in a permanent home, that the American Unitarian Association, on completion of the new church edifice, deed the property to the Church of Our Father, incorporating in said conveyance, should the organization in Atlanta as any time agree to disband and give up the church movement, that the property shall as one revert to the American Unitarian Association.

The Clerk was instructed to forward copies of the resolution to the Secretary of the American Unitarian Association.

After some remarks by Mr. Vail regarding the Annual Conference of the A.U.A. to be held in Washington, DC in October, Mrs. Owen and Mr. St. Amand were appointed delegates.

Upon motion the following on Real Estate was appointed to act with a committee already appointed by the Board of Trustees, Messrs. Spencer, Kennedy, Ward?, Atkinson and Peck.

It was moved that a note of thanks be tendered to the Trustees of the Carnegie Free Library for their offer to allow the use of the church building until the same was r???ed. Carried.

Meeting then adjourned.

Frank Lederle, Clerk pro tem.

Physical Archive: UUCA   Box: 25   Folder: 03   Book: 01   Pages: 204 – 205
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
