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Church of Our Father - Meeting Minutes, Jan 19, 1904 (Officers, Attendance, Covenant Publication)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga., January 19, 1904

Regular meeting of Board of Trustees held this evening at the residence of Mr. J.C. Peck.

Present: Messrs. Moore, Peck, Crafts, Walker, St. Amand, Russell, Harding, Mrs. Daniels and Rev. C.A. Langston.

Minutes or the previous meeting real and approved.

The Clerk then announced the election of the following officers by the church at the annual meeting held January 11, 1904.

  • Trustees three years: J.C. Peck, George H. Crafts and J.S. Russell
  • Advisory Committee: W. J. Govan, Mrs. Meta Foster
  • Treasurer: J.G. St. Amand
  • Clerk: J.E. Harding
  • Superintendent Sunday School: Hamilton Douglas
  • Ass’t Superintendent Sunday School: Geo. H. Crafts
  • Members holding over Trustees for one year: A.F. Walker, Frank Lederle, Mrs. Chas. Behre.
  • Members holding over Trustees elected for two years: John L. Moore, Julius R. Watts and Mrs. Alice Daniels.

The Board then organized by the election of Julius P. Watts as Chairman. Chairman Watts being absent, Mr. John L. Moore was elected Chairman Pro tem.

Mr. St. Amand moved that a note of thanks be tendered Mr. John L. Moore the retiring Chairman, for his untiring zeal ant the wise manner in which he has conducted himself as Chairman of the Board for the past two years – Carried

The Treasurer made a verbal report from the report submitted at the annual meeting he also stated to the Board that in his opinion enough money would be raised to meet the current expenses of the Church for the year 1904, which he assumed would he some sixteen hundred dollars.

The Clerk reported church attendance as follows:

Dec 20 – 44
Dec 27 – 48
Jan   3 – 40
Jan 10 – 65
Jan 27 – 58

Mr. John L. Moore stated that he had talked with Supt. Douglas regarding the intention of’ the Sunday School to paint the church, and Mr. Douglas reported that it was the intention of the Sunday School to raise the funds by entertainments to have the work done.

Rev. Mr. Langston reported that the cost of painting covenant on wall near pulpit would be $14.60, he also called attention to new service book recently issued by the A.U.A. the book was examined by the members present, all giving their hearty approval of it.

Mr. St. Amand moved that the action of the Board in appointing a Committee empowering said committee to have the covenant painted on wall which was to he paid for by popular subscription, be rescinded, in lieu of covenant that the Board recommend to the Church the adoption of and purchase of 75 copies of the new service books to be paid for by popular subscription – Carried.

Contributions from members of the Board for the purchase of the new service books were as follows:

J.C. Peck: $3.00
John L. Moore: $3.00
Geo. H. Crafts: $3.00
J.G. St. Amand: $3.00
J.S. Russell: $3.00
A.F. Walker: $1.00
J.E. Harding: $1.00
Rev. C.A. Langston: $1.00
Julius R. Watts: $2.00

Mr. Watts’s amount being suggested by Mr. St. Amand in all 20.00.

Upon motion of Mr. Crafts the Pastor was authorized to have two hundred slips with the church covenant printed – Carried.

Mr. St. Amand moved that the Pastor be allowed to expend $2.50 a month or as much thereof as might be needed for printing calendar of monthly services, etc. – Carried.

The Treasurer was instructed to renew subscription in the Hotel Church Directory with Wm. W. Fiske, Philadelphia for the year 1904 at a cost of $6.00 per year.

Mr. St. Amand moved that if the new service books were adopted by the church, that it be suggested that the church present the service books now in use by the church to the Church in Chattanooga, Tenn. presided over by the Rev. Marion Ham, the books being sent by express charges prepaid with compliments of the Atlanta church – Carried.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned.


J.E. Harding, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02  Book: 02 Pages: 184 – 186
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
