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First Universalist Church - Meeting Minutes, Apr 23, 1905 (Committees Set up)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga. April 23, 1905

The Board of Trustees met on Easter afternoon at Mr. A.E. Holdt’s. Pres. A.E. Holdt president.

Every member of the board being present. Mrs. Cora Beck resigned as Vice Pres. And Mr. F.M. Marsh was elected in her stead. Mrs. N.A. Cottingham was elected as a member of the Board.

It was moved and seconded that the chairman of the Com. on Pledges be empowered to increase said Com. to any number she should see fit. Com. to report at each monthly meeting of the Board.

The Pres. appointed the chairman of the following Com. who is empowered to select his Com.

Newspaper Com: Mr. Tyner, chairman
Music Com: Mr. A.E. Holdt, chairman
Church Management Com: Harry Blake, chairman
Executive Board: Mr. Holdt, chairman
Maj. C.W. Hubner and Mr. Harry Blake were chosen as Deacons for the ensuing year

Mr. J.C. Bond was instructed to see janitor and give him instruction as to duties and pay $1.00 per week and extra for special services.

Look-out Com: Mr. Tyner, chairman. Mrs. Beck and Mr. Garrett elected members with power to elect others.

Finance Com: Mr. B.G. West, chairman. Said com. to report at next meeting:

1st the actual financial condition of the church
2nd present demands
3rd prospective expenses for the year
4th Ways and Means to meet the same

Social Com. Mrs. F.W. Wey, chairman with power to select other members.

Mr. Tyner moved that Secy be instructed to notify members of the congregation of a suggested amendment to the constitution to provide for the addition to the Board as ex officio members of the Supt. of Sunday School and President of Y.P.C.U.

It was also moved that the Deacons be instructed to report on the cost of immediate repairs needed, viz. changing signs, steps, glass and sidewalk.

On motion, Mr. Bond was asked to secure a charter for the church under the name of the First Universalist Church of Atlanta, Ga. (Archivist Note: It is assume that the charter is from the Fulton County government of Georgia. See document on Unitarian church applying of its charter)

It was moved that the Y.P.C.U. hold a rally meeting next Sunday at the church at 7 P.M. Secy to send out notices of the same.

Secy was instructed to draw order of $3.00 for extra expenses postage and already advanced by Treas. $20.00 for minister’s salary and $2.00 for janitor.

Treas. reported $20.14 as Easter offering.

Secy reported Mr. Tyner’s call and acceptance of the same to the pastorate of the church for ensuing year.


Mrs. F.W. Wey, Secy

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 60 Folder: 01  Pages: 106 – 107
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA

