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Unitarian Church of Atlanta - Meeting Minutes, Mar 20, 1906 (Finance, Attendance, Thanks to AUA)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga., March 20, 1906

Regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees held this evening at the residence of Mr. J.C. Peck.

The meeting was promptly called to order by Chairman Peck.

Present Messrs. Peck, Moore, Jackson, Watts, Lederle, St. Amand, Hardin and Rev. Moore Sanborn.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer submitted his report which was read, approved and ordered spread on the minutes as follows:

Amount in hands of Treas. Feb 20, 1906 $85.78
Church collections $134.88
Opera House collection $25.44
Subscription to meet deficiency $110.00
Total Receipts $356.20
On account church expenses $167.54
On account Opera house meetings $154.35
Amount in hands of Treasurer $34.31

The Clerk reported church attendance as follows:

Feb 15th – 110
Mar 4th – 106
Mar 11th – 103
Mar 18th – 122
Total – 441
Average 110 ¼

Rev. Mr. Wilson gave two very interesting lectures to an appreciative audiences Friday night March 16th and Sunday night March 18th.

Rev. Mr. Ames as representative of the A.U.A. lectured to a good audience Friday evening March 9th.

On motion of Mr. Moore the Clerk was requested to convey the thanks of the Society through Rev. Samuel A. Eliot to the A.U.A. (Archivist: American Unitarian Association) for the words of encouragement and good cheer brought to the society by its representatives Rev. Mr. Ames and Rev. Mr. Wilson.  Carried.

Rev. Jenkins Lloyd Jones of Chicago preached Sunday morning March 18th to a full congregation.

Mr. St. Amand reported that Mr. Francis Chairman of Church property had had the flooring in the basement fixed, a brick walk laid from the side walk to the church steps, and the piping repaired at a cost of $10.60, which was approved by the Board and on motion the Clerk was instructed to convey the thanks of the Board to Mr. Francis for his promptness in the matter. Carried.

Dr. Jackson asked that he be empowered to make such change as would improve the ventilation stating that the cost would be but a trifle and which would be paid by him.  On motion Dr. Jackson’s request was granted and it was ordered that the expense that might be incurred by Dr. Jackson be borne by the church. Carried.

There being no further business meetings adjourned.


J.E. Harding, Clerk

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02 Book: 02  Pages: 220 – 221
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
