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Unitarian Church of Atlanta - Meeting Minutes, Feb 11, 1908 (Letter of Beliefs, Financial Report)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 11, 1908

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the office of the Clerk on this date.

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 P.M. Chairman Harding presiding.

Members present: Behre, Lederle, Watts, Moore, Harding, Bowser.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The Treasure’s report was read in his absence by the Clerk; same showed a balance on hand of $ (Archivist: no amount entered in original record)

The Clerk reported the attendance at services during January to be
5th – 55
12th – 45
19th – 45
26th – 53
An average of 49 1/2

At the evening service held on Jan. 19th there were 31 present.

Mr. Moore explained the charge of $15.00 for Advertisement and copy of Directory. The advertisement being considered to the interest of the Church and that the Directory was necessary in the work of the Pastor.

The Property Committee reported having expended $5.38 in connection with minor repairs to locks, purchasing stationary &c. Also reported purchase of two additional tons of coal $11.00. Both bills approved and ordered paid.

The Committee further reported the need of the floor of Sunday School room receiving attention due to the apparent giving out of the joists which is to be repaired on the 17th inst.

Mr. Watts presented a suggestion looking to getting out a form of letter setting forth the nature of our belief which could be mailed to any one known to be disposed to think that way. After discussing the merits of the matter, it was voted that a committee, consisting of Messrs. WATTS, BOWSER and the Clerk be requested to consider the matter, having power to act accordingly and to be known as the Publicity Committee.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.



Report of Treasurer, Unitarian Church February 11, 1908

Date Description Amount Total
 Balance on Hand Jan 1, 1908 $48.02
 Jan 5  Collection & Envelopes  $14.51
 Mrs. Geo. E. Fowke $5.00
 Jan 12  Collection & Envelopes $7.43
 Jan 19  Mrs. J.B. Chesney $10.00
 Collections & Envelopes $8.37
 Jan 26  Mrs. F.E. Brommell $5.00
 Collection & Envelopes  $7.82
 Jan 28  Mr. J.R. Watts $30.00
 Mrs. H.C. Scott $20.00
 Feb 1  American Unitarian Association $250.00
 Feb 2  Collection & Envelopes $21.65
 Feb 6  Woman’s Alliance $50.00
 Feb 9  Mrs. Alfreda Bareli $10.00
 Miss Hattie Martin $5.00
 Collection & Envelopes $12.55
 Total to Feb 11, 1908 $506.35


Date Description Amount Total
 Feb 1  Rev. A.T. Bowser Voucher #49 $125.00
 Feb 3  Rev. A.T. Bowser Voucher #50 $250.00
 Feb 7  Mr. Erwin Mueller Voucher #51 $10.00
 Cash (3 weeks Janitor Voucher #53 $5.25
 Mrs. Frank Lederle Voucher 52 $6.00
 Perdue & Eggleston Voucher #54 $20.15
 Atlanta City Directory Co Voucher #55 $15.00
 W W Fisk Church Directory Voucher #56 $6.00
 Feb 11  Ga. Ry & Elec. Co. Voucher #57 $11.02
 E.T. Payne Water Voucher #58 .60
Balance Feb. 11, 1908 $57.33
$506.35 $506.35

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 26   Folder: 02  Book: 02  Pages: 253 – 255
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
