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Rev. Chaney presents Ralph Waldo Emerson paper to Art Club

1 January 2014 at 00:00
The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) - Sun, Mar 1, 1885 - Page 516

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) – Sun, Mar 1, 1885 – Page 516

The Art club met last Monday night by invitation at Mrs. W. L. Peel’s on Peachtree street. Despite the absence of a number of those on the regular programme, the meeting was a most exceptionally pleasant one.

Miss Lillie Walker’s recitation, “Little Hugo,” was a charming effort, followed by Prof. Barilli at the piano, who was warmly encored.

Mr. Robert Hayden, of the Philadelphia Press, yielded to the call of the club, giving a most clear, forcible and graphic offhand talk on the land question in Ireland, dwelling upon his personal observations of the operations of the evictive laws in county Conemars, “upon whose rocky shore the sea dashed an hundred feet its spray.”

By request, Mr. Ryan, accompanied by Miss Farrar, favored the club with a song. Judge Kit Warren, of Dougherty county, followed with sketches from his lecture on “The Baby,” carrying the club by storm. His effort certainly deserves to rank with the most humorous of the day.

Mrs. Peel and Mr.Scrutchins, Miss Farrar accompanying, sang a charming duet. The club was on the qui vivi to hear Rev. Mr. Chaney, of the Unitarian church. His paper on Ralph Waldo Emerson, was listened to with close attention, the liveliest interest excited by the quotations with which the paper was interspersed.

Refreshments followed the “tea,” attracting many gentlemen. Professor Barilli responded after the intermission with a delightfully arranged minuet, answering the encores with other attractive compositions – all original.

The next meeting of the club will be held at Mrs. Howell Jackson’s residence.

The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia) – Sun, Mar 1, 1885 – Page 516
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