Yes, I'd have heard of it. I'm a Unitarian-Universalist. We've heard of pretty much everything. But why does "pandeism" need a messenger? What does it offer as a belief system that is more useful than good old secular humanism?
Yes, I'd have heard of it. I'm a Unitarian-Universalist. We've heard of pretty much everything. But why does "pandeism" need a messenger? What does it offer as a belief system that is more useful than good old secular humanism?
@wallstreeter43 @jandrew62956555 @EBatterson @_NIKD_ @DrJ_WasTaken @adr3n Nice try, but I'm a Unitarian-Universalist.
@wallstreeter43 @jandrew62956555 @EBatterson @_NIKD_ @DrJ_WasTaken @adr3n Nice try, but I'm a Unitarian-Universalist.