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How do i dive into my pagan type intrests without them conflicting with my other beliefs?

16 September 2024 at 16:47

personally i have been doing reaserch on wicca an peganism for about a year now and i am ready to start doing some rituals and magic, but i also believe in Jesus and the classic christian god, also angles, archangels, things like auras and energy, and lastly i would like to continue celebrating christmas. how can i have witchy practices without having to decate myself to paganism?

submitted by /u/Ok-Paramedic8197
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Do other UU's pray at home like I do on Saturday night

29 July 2024 at 14:19

I pray in my living room every Saturday night and I was wondering if other UU's did that

submitted by /u/Aggressive-Ad874
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Exhausted after Sunday service

28 July 2024 at 18:44

I am going to church again after a decade long absence. I deconstructed away from church of Christ to atheism. And recently began attending my local UU. I'm excited and plan to become a member.

But today I felt something I haven't felt in years: post Sunday service and lunch exhaustion. I went to the 45 minute inquirers class at 11am and had light lunch at Flower Child after. This is different in that when I attended CoC, we went to class around 9am, worship at 10am, and then had a large lunch. I remember always feels so miserably exhausted, noting under eye irritation as well. I chalked this up to me not wearing my hearing aids regularly (having to compensate and strain) and having undiagnosed insomnia.

Writing this I realize I was straining to hear in class and in the restaurant (no hearing aids) but I haven't worn the hearing aids regularly in months.

Is something that anyone else can relate to?

submitted by /u/Upbeat-Variety-167
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Does it look like the 7 principles will be going away?

18 May 2024 at 12:52

This summer they plan to vote on replacing the 7 principles with the "Shared Values Flower" (https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission/article-ii-flower-graphic). Does it look like there will be enough votes for it to succeed?

submitted by /u/wrest472
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Is there room for someone who isn't politically active?

2 May 2024 at 14:17

Like someone who loves religion in all forms and doesn't necessarily fit the mold of a certain religion but at the same time doesn't particularly enjoy radical (or really much at all) politics, left or right?

submitted by /u/ActualBus7946
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how do you become a uu

17 April 2024 at 05:27

is there any kind like prosses you have to do to become a uu or is it more just showing up to a local group

submitted by /u/Asleep_Mouse_7297
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Observing Lent

2 March 2024 at 15:03

Anyone here observing Lent?

As a former Catholic, I have to say I always enjoyed Lent. Forty days of “giving up” something and starting with Ash Wednesday, which is a reminder of our mortality. I always felt Lent was the only mystical or deeply meditative aspect of Catholicism (obviously people may disagree).

Even now as a UU I observe. Anyone else feel similar?

submitted by /u/SnooPeppers7217
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Worshiping what exactly?

29 January 2024 at 08:58

Maybe this is a misstated question, but what exactly are we worshiping when the minister says "Come, let us worship."

I know for many UUs, the answer would be God. But for other UUs?

submitted by /u/kissfan7
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Use of the phrase “As God intended” as a UU

24 November 2023 at 20:17

I’m a UU. As such, I’ve been exploring my relationship with God, higher powers and theism in general. I was raised Catholic and taught to believe in God in terms of Jesus and the holy Trinity. I don’t necessarily have any problem with this element of the Catholic faith or religion but I’m thinking about it.

I do find myself using phrases like “As God intended” sometimes for things I feel like are natural concepts I agree with (eg snow on Christmas Day, having a fire while camping, and so on). I say this because I think it’s a cool phrase and adds some emphasis on the idea or whatever. But I wonder how this comes off to other folks who are not theists, of which there some in UU. Any thoughts or opinions here?

UPDATE: thank you all! I’d like to mention that I’m not really a believer in the Christian concept of God, preferring a notion of the Devine.

submitted by /u/SnooPeppers7217
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Going to try it out, looks promising! What should I expect?

23 October 2023 at 17:39


Thank you for having me.

I'm an atheist in Southern UT that is going to try out the UU here in St George, UT. I'm interested in seeking a sense of community and joining social circles outside of just kids school, our neighborhood etc in a place that is welcoming to an atheist.

What should I expect? Will I be welcomed as an Atheist?

Also, I dont know how to ask this without coming across as ageist or something, but can I expect millennials like myself? I dont mind what age anyone is, but would like it if there are other families or possibly other millenials.

submitted by /u/k7cody
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Thanks so much, and a question.

4 May 2023 at 10:16

I've known of UUism since my pagan teens, but I've never participated it it because I was scared and there wasn't a UU church in 50+ miles.

I still don't have a UU church in 50+ miles (AFAIK), but I have discovered the church of the larger fellowship. As a trans LGBT+ person, it's so hard to balance activism and anger and peace and refuge. I'm trying so hard to grow peace in myself but it's so difficult and so rewarding. I know anger sucks so much out of myself that could be used for better things, so anger isn't something I encourage or want in myself anymore. The CLF is helping me so much to make peace.

I have also loved how the CLF has challenged me. I'm trying to expand my listening skills and trying not to make quick, survival judgements on people. I have ASD, and eventually you become like you've been in war, you learn how to make a snap judgement on somebody because it could very well be life or death. But now I'm trying to heal from that, and I'm thinking of the thing in a recent CLF service - holy curiosity. I want and need to stop being so reactive, I want to really experience other people with real curiosity.

Can I call myself UU? Even though I haven't signed some book in a place I can't reasonably access?

submitted by /u/Kythera35723
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faith question

27 April 2023 at 08:32

hey I've got a question. As a trans muslimah would U be accepted into the UU community?

submitted by /u/Prometheus-172
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It appears Chat GPT is UU too!

18 April 2023 at 16:53
It appears Chat GPT is UU too!

I'm not sure what sub this is from, I borrowed it from FB. Maybe AI won't be so bad.

submitted by /u/mandolaney718
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Anyone seen LOST?

12 April 2023 at 14:13

I don't know if this applies to this sub, but LOST was a show that incorporated themes of religion/spirituality, free will, destiny, science, philosophy, synchronicities, mythology, demigods, elements of consciousness, quantum physics, magical elements, dreams/visions, it's own Source, and a whole lot more.

If anyone has any thoughts on it, feel free to post them.

submitted by /u/Stunning_Structure73
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Are there any UU online churches?

1 March 2023 at 20:32

I live in brazil, and here we don't have this type of community :(

submitted by /u/National_Nobody_2047
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Former or current Quakers in UU

5 January 2023 at 23:53

I’m currently looking into Quakerism which I’ve always been interested in since high school. I have been a part of a UU congregation for the past 8 years. Anyone have similar experiences?

submitted by /u/SnooPeppers7217
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The minister on “This Fool” (Hulu) is UU!

26 August 2022 at 11:58

The minister who runs the nonprofit gang rehab org “Hugs Not Thugs” is introduced as Unitarian Universalist: “those fools are like hippies, but angry.” Great description of us, and a fun show.

submitted by /u/catlady047
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Has anyone done UU Wellspring?

18 July 2022 at 13:33

If so what did you think of it? Thoughts about it online?

submitted by /u/AcceptableLink7
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Another mass shooting.

24 May 2022 at 21:04

No words, really. Just wanting to put this down somewhere.

submitted by /u/catlady047
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My thoughts on the first principle and evil

3 May 2022 at 03:30

I'm still figuring out if UU is the right path for me. I've been thinking a lot about the first principle and how challenging that can actually be.

Of course it informs us that actions which violate the worth and dignity of the individual ought to be condemned and never tolerated, actions including but not limited to murder, rape, child molestation, assault, abuse, discrimination, white supremacy and many others. But that's the easy part, isn't it?

But how are we to affirm the worth and dignity of even the people who themselves have commited these acts, ie. the rapists, murders, assaulters and oppressors? To my mind, the first principle firstly rejects the idea that anybody is "born evil", and that every person has the inherent potential for goodness.

Secondly, it seems to inform that even in the case of someone who has commited terrible actions and needs to face the consequences of those actions (for example being removed from society and placed somewhere where they can't cause further harm) we still have a moral obligation to see the human being and that we ought to oppose capital punishment or any form of cruel and unusual punishment and that the first aim of justice should always be rehabilitative/restorative rather than punitive for the sake of vengeance.

I also have the thought that harmful actions themselves are not the result of some supernatural evil, but rather (often but not always) the result of traumas, mental defects, mental illness, and other factors that a society is better able to address when we do recognize that every person has inherent worth and dignity. That's not to say that people don't have personal responsibility for their actions, but rather that we shouldn't dehumanize anybody, regardless of what they have done, as a pretext to treat them as though they are some kind of monster rather than human.

Lastly, I suspect the first principle is the first precisely because it is challenging and difficult, and it does present certain paradoxes.

I don't know really what other UU's think of all this. I don't know if this is what is actually meant in the first principle. Maybe I have it all wrong? What are your thoughts? Would this community be a good place for me?

EDIT: I want to thank the people who have shared their thoughts with me, on this post and others I have made recently. I have come to the conclusion that UU is not the path for me. I simply cannot reconcile the first principle, and the contradictions I see within it, with my own view and experience of human nature. Nor can I with those I see in some of the other principles as well. In some ways I admire you all. But I don't think I'm one of you. So I think I'll return to the outskirts, and wander for a while longer.

submitted by /u/Such-Lettuce7970
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Is UU actually trans and queer positive?

28 April 2022 at 15:24

because so far, the answer I'm getting is no, not really. I'm sensing a lot of using the fourth principle as an excuse to be either outright phobic or to "both sides" issues of bigotry. See:


I'm honestly not trying to stir anything up, I just feel disappointed rn.

submitted by /u/Such-Lettuce7970
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Is there a specific reason for the existence of both this sub and r/unitarianuniversalist?

23 April 2022 at 23:08

What I mean is has there been some point(s) of contention in the past or some sort of schism? I notice this sub has more moderators.

edit: I've also come across UUnderstanding and what I've seen there sems pretty disturbing and very alt-right to me. Just trying to understand if UU is a good path or a good fit for me...

I've made other posts this evening if anyone wants to check those out and offer any feedback.

submitted by /u/Such-Lettuce7970
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Multi-Faith discussions, come join us today.

31 March 2022 at 02:40

All faiths are welcome, small group of 4000+ members, for religious discussions and general chats.

Official Discord: https://discord.gg/theology

Partner website chat: thechat.cafe/theology/

submitted by /u/Las7imelord
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Are anti-vaxers welcome?

23 March 2022 at 10:25

Or how does a UU church deal with members who choose not to get vaccinated?

submitted by /u/madmystic74
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I attended my first in person UU service today!

13 February 2022 at 13:52

Thank you to everyone that suggested I go. I did email them and got two responses saying to wear my mask and that I was welcome to come.

It’s a very small group of people that are a little older. They don’t have a minister so they take turns doing the service. Todays was on the history of Valentine’s Day and love. It was so wonderful.

It was everything I wanted it to be and I will be going back!

submitted by /u/randomUser042718
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I want to visit my towns uu church but I’m very nervous.

27 January 2022 at 21:52

I have a lot of anxiety and I’m wondering if it’s really ok to just show up on Sunday? Should I email or call before the first time I go? I don’t know how active it is or what’s expected of me. I’m sure I’m over thinking this lol.

I watch a service from the town over online so I have a little bit of knowledge. But I really want to go to a service in person. I don’t know what I’m really looking for. Maybe some reassurance or stories from your first time at a service?

submitted by /u/randomUser042718
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I give up (on my local UU church, will look elsewhere)

13 December 2021 at 09:12

I'm more aligned with UU than I am with liberal Christianity, and I should probably be able to find my home there, but I just cannot with my local church. Maybe I'm stuck in the past - they had a great, challenging, interesting minister years ago (he retired). I attended yesterday, the current minister tends to "scold" the congregation for all the things they aren't doing well enough (having their own beliefs, not being covenental enough, not respecting "God language" and Christianity enough, posing the possible risk that we won't do what minister wants us to do next with sufficient seriousness and reverence ). I really don't need to spend my Sunday socially distanced, in a mask, scolded, and then hustled out (because no coffee hour and no socializing permitted at this time). I'm also now wondering if minister really does respect humanists and others who aren't of minister's particular "pro-God-talk" mindset. What will we be "corrected" for next?

I want UU to survive, I think that it offers something that we need and cannot usually get elsewhere, but sometimes I look at individual churches and wonder how that will be possible.

submitted by /u/AcceptableLink7
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