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Unitarian Church of Atlanta - Meeting Minutes, Jan 8, 1906 (Annual Meeting)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga.,  Jan.8, 1906

Annual meeting of the church was called to order by Chairman Watts at 8:30 P.M. Present: Mr. & Mrs. John L. Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Smith, Mrs. J.R. Beardsley, Chas. H.Behre – Misses Mergaret Lederle, Hattie Martin, Messrs. Watts, St. Amand, Harding, Jackson, Schwoon, Francis Douglas and Rev. Moore Sanborn.

The night was cold and damp,which accounted for the small attendance.

Minutes of the last annual meeting read and appproved. The Treasurer submitted his report covering receipts and disbursements for the year, which was read, approved ordered spread on the minutes and will be found following the minutes.

The average church attendance for the full year was 60 and a fraction. The report of the Sunday school was read by Mr. Dougles, which also included the report of the Secretary and Treasurer and which will be found following the minutes.

The Woman’s Alliance made its report through Mrs. Chas. H. Behre President which was received and ordered spread on the minutes.

The nominating committee composed of John L. Moore, J. G. St.Amand and Emily S. Behre, suggested the ticket to be voted upon for officers for the ensuing year.

Upon motion the clerk was directed to cast the ballot for the ticket as presented by the nominating committee, which , was done and the Chairman declared the ticket unanimously elected.

Rev. Mr. Sanborn at the request of those present addressed the meeting and in his talk made certain suggestions explaining opportunities for extending the work of the church throughout the city, he also suggested certain changes in the constitution and by-laws, which were acted upon.

Mr. Douglas made a talk in line with Mr. Senborn, which was also joined in by Messrs. Schwoon, Jackson, Smith, Moore and others.

The question of securing the Opera House for the series of meetings was discussed and Mr. Douglas moved that a Committee of three be appointed to investigate the matter amd report to a called meeting of the church after the regular services next Sunday – Carried.

The following committee being appointed. Messrs. Douglas,  Smith & Moore.

The following changes in the constitution and by-laws wer e adopted as proposed by Messrs. Sanborn, Douglas and others, and which are as follows:

  • The insertion of ” a minister” before the words a clerk in article 5 – Section 1.
  • The insertion of the words “or receive the right hand of fellowship” by the minister or chairman of the Board of Trustees at any regular public service.
  • In Article 4 after the word “roll” in the second line.  The addition of the words “provided that any proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing at a previous meeting of the church” to section 1 of Article 10.
  • An addition to the above a by-law was added to the constitution of the church creating a board of Deacons, to act with the pastor in all spiritual and Church matters to be made up as follows: Four gentlemen as deacons and two ladies as deaconesses.

Upon motion the committee appointed by the church to select names of officers to vote upon at the annual meeting for the year 1906,was continued being instructed to suggest names to compose the new board that had been created, and report at a meeting to be held in the church after the morning services Jan.14, 1906.

The Treasurer presented a subscription list for the year 1906 showing that some $1300.00 had been subscribed.

There being no further business meeting adjourned.

Treasurer’s Report

Report of the Treasurer covering receipts and disbursements from January 1, 1905 to January 17, 1906 (For  Year 1905).

Receipts Amount
Cash in hands of Treas. Jan 1, 1905 $64.58
Sunday collection in basket $336.87
Mrs. A. M. Eaton $10.00
C.D. Atkinson $25.00
Miss Hattie Martin $25.00
Mrs. A.M. Lederle $12.00
Miss Alice Daniels $4.00
Ralph H. Brown $25.00
Mrs. Alfredo Barili $10.00
J.C. Peck $75.00
Hamilton Douglas $50.00
A.F. Walker $25.00
Dr. W.A. Jackson $50.00
Julius R. Watts $35.00
John L. Moore $75.00
Woman’s Alliance $120.00
C.H. Behre $40.00
Special Collection A.U.A. $20.68
W.M. Francis $25.00
Miss Sarah G. Whaley $30.00
J.G. St. Amand $75.00
Mrs. Cora P. Williams $10.00
F. Schwoon $5.00
Music Funds $7.00
Sunday school collection A.U.A. $2.70
Frank Lederle $40.00
Dr. C.E. Hall $20.00
D.E. Spencer (from Nov 15) $18.00
Angie Harding $5.00
J.E. Harding $10.00
Mrs. Lucy B. Additon $5.00
B.F. Longley $5.00
Earl Moore $10.00
Harold Moore $5.00
J.F. Frost $25.00
R.F. Shedden $10.00
Miss Alice Dixon $10.00
Mrs. J.R. Beardsley $10.00
Sub Total Receipts $1,266,25
American Unitarian Association $250.00
Total Receipts $1,580.83


Disbursements Amount
Rev. C.A. Langston to July $600.00
Rev. Moore Sanborn Jan 1 $412.50
Mrs. A.M. Lederle $79.50
Mrs. S.D. Smith singer $30.00
Prof Mueller $65.00
Miss Georgia Watt $20.00
C.T. Wurm reception $16.50
Woman’s Alliance $9.00
Church Sign $7.00
Insurance $20.50
Ex. Account $72.70
Janitor $39.75
A.U.A. Books $16.90
A.U.A. Sunday school $2.70
A.U.A. Church $20.68
Total Disbursements $1,462,28
Amount in Hands of Treasurer $118.55

Atlanta, Ga., Jan 8, 1906

Report of Clerk, 1905

The Board of Trustees have held their regular monthly meetings through the year with ??? summer vacation.

Quarterly and other meeting have been held during the year to transact business pertaining to church matters.

The total church attendance for the year – 3,241 – making an average of 60 and nearly one half per Sunday.

The total attendance from Jan 1st up to 1st of July which was time Mr. Langston was pastor – 1,078 – making an average per Sunday of 43 1/8 (25 Sundays).

The total attendance for the 12 Sundays in which we held lay services was – 510 – making an aver per Sunday of 42 1/2.

The total attendance for the 15 Sundays in which Rev. Sanborn has been pastor – 1,653 – making an average per Sunday of 110 1/3.



J.E. Harding, Clerk

Sunday School Report

To the members of the parish of the Unitarian church of Atlanta.

The superintendent of the Sunday-School begs to report that at the beginning of this year the enrollment of the Sunday-School was 45, at the close 46. The average attendance up until the summer vacation was 32. For the latter half of the year 38.

The Sunday School has met with serious losses in its teaching force during the past year. Better women or teachers never lived than Mrs. Metta Foster and Mrs. J. S. Russell. They left Atlanta to live in other cities to the great regret of those associated with them. Miss Margaret Lederle has taken the place of Mrs. Russell while Mrs. E.G. Fowle fills the valiancy made by Mrs. Foster’s departure. Miss Viola Barili has been cordially welcomed among the numbers of the teachers. All are doing good conscientious work. These ladies with Mrs. Hamilton Douglas and Mrs. Charles Behre complete the teachers. Miss. Hattie E. Martin as Secretary and Treasurer has rendered efficient services during the entire year.

1905, Jan 1 balance on hand $6.23
Collection during the year $71.29
Total $77.57
Dec 31 disbursement for year $67.49
Dec 31 balance on hand $10.08

We have had a small but good Sunday-School during the entire year.  In the opinion of the superintendent a greater interest in the Sunday-School should be taken by the adults of the parish.  The minister Dr. Sanborn is regular in attendance encouraging all by his presence.

At its last session the Sunday-School nominated for superintendent for 1906 the present incumbent, and Mr. Geo. H. Crafts as Secretary.

Respectfully submitted,


Hamilton Douglas, Superintendent

Nominating Committee Report

Atlanta, Ga., Jan.5, 1906

To the Congregation of the Unitarian Church of Atlanta:
We, the committee appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year beg to report as follows:

  • For pastor, Rev. Moore Sanborn

For members on Board of Trustees for the new term of three years as follows:

  • Julius P.. Watts
  • John L. Moore
  • Frank Lederle

Trustees whose terms have not expired and who will serve two years ( during 1906 and 7):

  • Chas. H. Behre
  • A.F. Walker
  • Dr. W.A. Jackson

Trustees whose terms have not expired and who will serve for one year (during 1906):

  • J.C.Peck
  • George H. Crafts
  • D.E. Spencer

To fill vacancy in Board:

  • For Treasurer: J.G. St. Amand
  • For Clerk: J.E. Harding
  • For advisory a committee:W.M. Francis, Mrs. Cora P. Williams, Wm. J. Govan
  • For Superintendent Sunday school: Hamilton Douglas
  • For assistant supt, Sunday school: Geo. H. Crafts

Respectfully submitted,


J.G. St. Amand
Jno. L. Moore
Emile S. Behre

Physical Archive: UUCA Box: 25   Folder: 05  Book: 01 Pages: 280 – 287
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
