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Rev. Clarence Harris Resigns from Atlanta Universalist Church

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Resignation of the Atlanta Pastor

The Rev. Clarence J. Harris who for one year served as missionary at Atlanta has accepted a call from the State Convention of Pennsylvania, at the solicitation of the General Convention, to be pastor of the movement at Alleghany and Pittsburg. Although regretting to sever his connection with the Union, Mr. Harris felt that this call, coming from the source that it did, could cot be refused. The Atlanta pulpit is at present being supplied and the National Union will place an efficient minister in charge as soon as the right man can be found and the necessary arrangements be made.

The official correspondence follows :—

Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 9, 1906.
Mr. Louis Annin Ames, President,
And members of the Executive Board of the National Y. P. C. U.


A year ago I was called to this important field and became associated with the work of the National Y. P. C. U. As its southern representative I have endeavored to labor in its interest to the best of my ability.

A call has come to me from the highest sources to take up the work of our denomination in Pittsburg, Penn., a work in which the State Convention and General Convention are interested. To quote the words in the message that came to me: “The field is important. You are the one for the place. It is a call of duty, and the Union must surrender you. The call is pressing, it cannot wait.”

In view of all this, I feel as though it were a call of God. Truly it involves much responsibility, but such as I am, I have devoted to my faith, and of such as I have—I most gladly give.

I desire, therefore, that you release me from my commission, if it seems wise to do so, that I may be allowed to take up the work in the interest of our National Convention, and that such release be not later than March 1st.

Permit me to say that I leave the work of the National Union with deep regret. Ever since I became a member of your corps of missionaries I have had the happiest relationships. In every way the Board has been my support and has ‘lone all in its power to make my work successful and pleasant. In thanking you thus, I also thank our National Unioners, whose servants you are.

I trust that my work with you has not been without results, and though I have not done all I desired and hoped to do, I have certainly tried to faithfully represent you in this mission center.

Atlanta has serious problems which I early discovered and also has many possibilities. The mission point here is important, and I shall earnestly hope and pray that the right worker may come here and carry this church forward to great triumph.

Again I thank you for your many courtesies and considerations; for your prayers, yes and patience; for your sympathy and support and in the years to come my work will be more faithful because of my fellowship with you.


Clarence J. Harris.

– – – – – – – – – Reply from Louis Annin Ames, President Young People’s Christian Union ——-

New York, February 20th, 1905.
Rev. C. J. Harris,
50 Houston St., Atlanta, Ga.

My dear Mr. Harris:

Your letter of February 19th is at hand, and I read with regret of your resignation as southern representative of the National Y. P. C. U, yet I am pleased to know that again the Y. P. C U. can give to the General Convention another able missionary.

The National Union ii only an auxiliary of the General Convention, and is ever ready to serve it, so we accept your resignation as pastor of the Atlanta Church and southern missionary, and bid you Godspeed in your wider field of labor.

Permit me, on behalf of the Y. P. C. U., and the Unioners throughout the country, to state that while you cease to be our representative you can never cease to be our friend, and you shall always carry with you our best wishes.

Thanking you for all you have done for our Union in the past, and believing that your work with us is only an earnest of greater achievements to come, I remain,

Cordially yours,

Louis Annin Ames.

Source: Onward found in Google Books Vol. XII, No. 16 April 18, 1905, Pages: 124 – 125
