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Church of Our Father - MoM, Apr 11, 1904 (Quarterly Meeting, Name Changed)

1 January 2014 at 00:00

Atlanta, Ga., April 11, 1904

Regular quarterly meeting of the church held this evening in the church auditorium. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Watts.  Present: Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Julius R. Watts, Mr.& Mrs. C.H. Behre, Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Beardsley, Mr. & Mrs. St. Amand, Messrs. Crafts, Harding, Langston, Mrs. Lederle and Miss Lederle.

The Treasurer submitted his report, which read as follows:

Receipts from Jan. 1, 1904 to April 11,1904: $451.79
Disbursements from Jan. 1. 1904 to April 11, 1904: $425.70
Amount in hands of Treasurer: $26.09

Mr. St. Amand reported that the present charter of the church expired June 20,1904 – and suggested that a committee of five be appointed to renew same, the Chairman appointed the following committee: J.G. St. Amand, Hamilton Douglas, John L. Moore, C. H. Behre and Rev. C.A. Langston.

It was moved that the names of fifteen members of the church be used in petitioning for renewal of charter – the names of the following parties was suggested and adopted as petitioners:

Messrs. Lederle, Peck, Watts, Moore, Douglas, Russell, Crafts, Harding, Jackson, Govan, Francis, Walker, Behr, Langston, Madames Behre and Daniels.

Mr. Moore made an interesting talk in the course of which he thought in renewing the charter that, a name be adopted so that the name would indicate the faith, and stand prominently before the public, as the First Unitarian O the Unitarian Church of Atlanta.

Mr. Crafts spoke in favor of a change in the name, explaining that when the matter had been previously discussed, he favored a continuance of the present name, after talking with various members and hearing them express themselves, he believed that in renewing the charter a distinctly Unitarian name should be used.

Mr. Langston gave many reasons why the name of the church should be changed, and St. Amand  and  Mr. Harding; also spoke in favor of changing the name. Messrs. Watts, Mr. & Mrs. Behre and Mrs. Lederle favored retaining the present name.

Mr. St. Amand then moved that the committee be instructed to renew the charter adopting the name “The Unitarian Church of Atlanta”, Mr. Behre moved as a substitute that the charter be renewed and the present name be used “Church of our Father, Atlanta.”

The Chairman put the substitute to a vote which was lost, the Chairman then put the original motion, which was carried – Mr. Behre suggested as the attendance at the meeting was small, that the matter of selecting a name he postponed till Sunday April 17th, when the church as a whole might express their wish – Carried.

The two names selected were:

“Church of Our Father, Unitarian”
“The Unitarian Church of Atlanta”

Mr. Langston suggested that two delegates he appointed to attend the May meeting to be held in Boston. Carried.

Mr. John L. Moore and Mrs. Behre were selected as delegates and Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Beardsley as alternates.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned


J.E. Harding, Clerk

Supplementary Report for the year Ending December 31, 1903

Amount in hands of treasurer as shown in report submitted

Receipts Amount
Jan 11, 04 Frank Lederle $20.00
Mrs. Ida Hardilng Beardsley $5.00
Jan 14th – J.C. Peck $25.00
Jan 16th W.J. Govan $4.17
Jan 30th Dr. W.J. Tucker $10.00
Feb. 8,1904 Miss Alice Dixon $10.00
Receipts Sub Total $74.17
Jan. 11,1904 $15.90
Receipts Total $5.00
Jan. 12,04 $25.00
Jan 14 $25.00
Feb $14.17
Feb 9 $10.00
Disbursements Total $74.17
Conference Collection in Treasurer’s Hands $??.??
Other Amount $?.??
Amount in hands of Treasurer for general use $2.98
C.A. Langston
Salary fixed for 1903 $1,400.00
Less payments $1,277.67
Amount due Rev. C. A. Langston $122.33

Respectfully submitted,


J.G. St. Amand, Treasurer

Atlanta Ga., April 11,1904

Physical Archive: UUCA   Box: 25   Folder: 04   Book: 01   Pages: 254 – 255
Citation: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta Records, RG 026, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta GA
