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Anyone seen LOST?

I don't know if this applies to this sub, but LOST was a show that incorporated themes of religion/spirituality, free will, destiny, science, philosophy, synchronicities, mythology, demigods, elements of consciousness, quantum physics, magical elements, dreams/visions, it's own Source, and a whole lot more.

If anyone has any thoughts on it, feel free to post them.

submitted by /u/Stunning_Structure73
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Anyone seen LOST?

12 April 2023 at 14:13

I don't know if this applies to this sub, but LOST was a show that incorporated themes of religion/spirituality, free will, destiny, science, philosophy, synchronicities, mythology, demigods, elements of consciousness, quantum physics, magical elements, dreams/visions, it's own Source, and a whole lot more.

If anyone has any thoughts on it, feel free to post them.

submitted by /u/Stunning_Structure73
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It appears Chat GPT is UU too!

18 April 2023 at 16:53
It appears Chat GPT is UU too!

I'm not sure what sub this is from, I borrowed it from FB. Maybe AI won't be so bad.

submitted by /u/mandolaney718
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faith question

27 April 2023 at 08:32

hey I've got a question. As a trans muslimah would U be accepted into the UU community?

submitted by /u/Prometheus-172
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Constant Sermons about Church Development

One of the things I have noticed in the local UU congregation is the fact that the minister frequently gives thinly veiled sermons about church development, especially in the area of church fundraising or volunteering your time (but especially about money). The sermons often have an attention getting title like "Exploring Your Relationship With the UU Church" or some such thing. I actually want to explore my spirituality, not be guilted that I have to give more money or time to the church. I do understand that the light bill and staff need to be paid (or the coffee made for after the service). But the constant sermons about development can be a turnoff to members or attendees that don't have the means or are of a lower socioeconomic class.

submitted by /u/balconylibrary1978
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Thanks so much, and a question.

4 May 2023 at 10:16

I've known of UUism since my pagan teens, but I've never participated it it because I was scared and there wasn't a UU church in 50+ miles.

I still don't have a UU church in 50+ miles (AFAIK), but I have discovered the church of the larger fellowship. As a trans LGBT+ person, it's so hard to balance activism and anger and peace and refuge. I'm trying so hard to grow peace in myself but it's so difficult and so rewarding. I know anger sucks so much out of myself that could be used for better things, so anger isn't something I encourage or want in myself anymore. The CLF is helping me so much to make peace.

I have also loved how the CLF has challenged me. I'm trying to expand my listening skills and trying not to make quick, survival judgements on people. I have ASD, and eventually you become like you've been in war, you learn how to make a snap judgement on somebody because it could very well be life or death. But now I'm trying to heal from that, and I'm thinking of the thing in a recent CLF service - holy curiosity. I want and need to stop being so reactive, I want to really experience other people with real curiosity.

Can I call myself UU? Even though I haven't signed some book in a place I can't reasonably access?

submitted by /u/Kythera35723
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Independent church question

Hello everyone, I’m 15 and I have autism and I believe that dolls/action figures have souls and that marriage is eternal. I want to establish an independent Unitarian Universalist church for my action figures that is just for them and I want to become the Minister of my congregation. I was wondering if there are any Unitarian Universalist minister in this sub who could virtually ordain (by saying a blessing for me in a comment here) me as the minister of my congregation of my action figures.

submitted by /u/IntrepidDealer2760
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Thoughts: Filianism

Are there any Filianyi or Deanics here? I just found out about Filianism the other day and it’s tickled my religious studies curiosity. If there are any what do you believe and where are some good communities to find more information?

submitted by /u/KvcateGirl27
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Do you ever participate in spiritual communities other than UU for services and programming?

Is there anyone in this thread that participates in regular worship/programs/events in another spiritual community other than your UU congregation? I go back and forth between UU and the local Episcopal Church regularly. I love the stimulating and intellectual sermons and programs that the UU church offers, not to mention a like minded liberal community. On the other hand enjoy the liturgy and especially the music that the Episcopal Church offers. I especially love their services at Christmas and Easter. Also the local UU church mastered virtual worships, programs and social events much better during the pandemic than the Episcopalians did.

submitted by /u/balconylibrary1978
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Young Adults in the UU Church usually don’t stay for long

On dynamic that I have noticed in our UU congregation is that when young adults attend or become members, most only stay for a few months to at most a few years. This seems to be more true of young adults who don’t have children. What is even more sad and frustrating is that some even get heavily involved in congregational life before they leave. I understand that people move and have life changes, but this seems to mostly be the case (it also happens in other community organizations). I wonder if this happens in UU communities elsewhere and what we can do to change this cultural dynamic in our congregations?

submitted by /u/balconylibrary1978
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GA Sunday Worship Services

Why does the GA Sunday worship service always come off as cringeworthy? The last few GAs that they have held them, it reminds me more of something that I would experience in an Evangelical Christian church vs anything type of Sunday worship that I have experienced in a UU congregation over the last 20 years. What is with the dancing and various body movements that people are doing when they are singing hymns?

Granted, I only watched the service through a video feed at my local church so the actually being there might be a different experience. But these services need to be done better if they are a vehicle to attract people to UUism.

submitted by /u/balconylibrary1978
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Was this the Universe at work?

Nearly two weeks ago, I nearly died. I have been homeless for over 6 months, and I'm barely coping with the end of a trauma- Bond relationship. I have been questioning my future, and seeing no light at the end of my tunnel for quite some time. After having stayed up a couple days on stimulants, having been unbearably depressed, and I had received yet another rejection from my unrequited love object, I was given a large amount of opiates; visibly, far more than my tolerance. I honestly can't remember if it was on purpose or not, but I just snorted the whole thing, and in hindsight I remember thinking oh my, that was a bit too much. 5 minutes later, it took effect and I was out.

I remember waking up on a hospital gurney, nurses and one cop all looking at me. I was, frankly, rather pissed to have woken up. I was told that I had not been breathing for nearly an hour, and it had taken a whopping of 17 of Narcan to revive me. This is an astronomical amount of the lifesaving drug, more than anyone had ever heard of being administered. But, nonetheless, my life had been saved and I was still on this planet. I went through a period of numbness, followed by some sort of epiphany, and flow-state of energies.

I had thought, "maybe there's a reason that I meant to be kept alive." Well, apparently there was.. well, maybe. I had learned that a fellow homeless man, also a long-term close friend of mine, had a painful infection. He is an IV drug user, and due to sensitive skin, had sores on his arms and legs. Apparently, has a left leg had gotten severely infected. Fate had it that I ran into him, while driving a friend's van. I told him please let me take you to the Urgent Care Clinic. Reluctantly, he went, and they told him to go directly to the ER, and that his leg may have to be amputated! So I insisted that we go half an hour south to a far better Hospital than the crap one in our city. The owner of the van was reluctant, but I insisted. He's been there for about 6 days now, and they're still pumping him with antibiotics. I was told today that he had gotten a Nasty form of encephalitis, and That I had saved his life.

By all means, I should not have survived that overdose. It's quite an anomaly. Is it possible that this is the universe at work, and that I was not meant to pass on yet, because I had a duty to selflessly save someone else's life? Either way, it's an emotional thing to hear, especially after devaluating my own life so much. I'm very glad he's alive...I have left the city, and when he is healthy enough to be discharged, is joining me for a new start in a much better area.

submitted by /u/Professional-Map5847
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How can we raise public awareness of UUism?

UUs generally do not seek converts, but it seems so many are unaware of what we have to offer and are pleased to discover us. Can we have suggestions on how to appeal more to the public?

submitted by /u/Seeker_Alpha1701
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Protesters crashing services?

This morning in church we were warned of a new wave of right wing protesters disrupting UU services in progress. I don’t doubt it but I couldn’t find any more info upon googling. Can anyone fill me in more or redirect me?

submitted by /u/Few-Plant-2715
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Churches in the Denver area?


Does anyone have any recommendations for UU churches in the Denver area?

Thank you

submitted by /u/Imaginary_Dog2972
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Red flag experience at service

So I was attending my first UU Sunday service and was seated in an awfully big hall considering there was only 5 of us there, including the minister and piano player. I later asked during morning tea why the church was so empty, and the minister explained that the congregation used to be overwhelming atheists and agnostic, but the minister I was speaking to was a conservative who believed Unitarianism to be an exclusively protestant form of Christianity, and so expelled all the humanist because they were going to "takeover the place". I was dumbstruck upon hearing this considering UU has the reputation as "the most liberal denomination of Christianity". It was especially awkward considering I'm a secular pagan who believes Yeshua was merely a mortal philosopher. On top of this, this white minister complained that schools in my city were "completely Chinese now" WHILE SITTING NEXT TO, AND EATING FOOD MADE BY, CHINESE PEOPLE. I feel really guilty I didn't say anything then, and feel so unlucky considering this is the only other UU congregation in my entire country except one on the other side of it. Oh well, looks like I'll just have to worship at my shrine again...

submitted by /u/AromaticSuggestion37
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How can I learn more?

15 August 2023 at 21:25

My wife and I are looking for an LGBT affirming religion/church in our area and people have told us about unitarian churches. But I'm not going to lie when I tell you I don't understand alot. We both grew up southern Baptist in North Texas. We are practicing pagans but I've been feeling a pull back to Christianity. My path is at a "x" right now. Because I believe so much of both religions.

Can someone send me in a good direction?

submitted by /u/iammelissa87
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Could I be a Unitarian Universalist?

30 September 2023 at 09:52

Hi! I am a Catholic Christian and I am theologically very conservative. Yet I have always valued ecumenical dialogue and interfaith communities: I find them so enriching. So I am fascinated by UU. I believe that "Unitarian Universalism" can speak to me too. To me "Unitarian" means affirming the Unity of humanity and "Universalist" means that every experience is welcome. Though I believe that only a specific religion Is the true one, I believe that I can find elements of Truth in all faiths. I respect other people's beliefs and I would not try to force mine on them. So, although being a Trinitarian Unitarian could sound as a paradox, do you think I could be part of the group? Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/AdCompetitive479
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Pride Flag Vandalized

1 October 2023 at 01:12

Hi, I’m new to this community but attend a UU congregation in Oklahoma. We have lost 3 of our Pride flags that are hung from our flag pole outside the building. The vandalism is escalating in that they used to steal them. Now they cut and slice them with a box cutter. The vandalism has been reported to the local police but to no avail. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had similar issues in their community, if we should be preparing for more violence or if any one has suggestions other than reporting to the authorities on how we can mitigate this. Thanks

submitted by /u/fatcow47
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Please pray for me I lost my grandma and she was all I had on earth.

21 October 2023 at 22:32

Oh boy, I don't even know where to start. My grandma raised me since I was little because my parents were out of the picture due to drug abuse and my father died when I was 1. Anyway, I loved her more than anything. She was my mentor, mother, friend, everything. My grandma was always single when she had me so it was just me and her for 35 years. I continued to stay at home after high school and worked and lived with my grandma. She was the best. She took me fishing for the first time and taught me how to throw a curve ball. We was poor but I didn’t know it. She always found a way to take me to Pizza Hut after those ballgames. She never missed one btw. Even if she had to take an oxygen tank. She loved those cigarettes lol. I swear sometimes I can still smell them here and she’s been gone a while. We lived in the southern United States so she was a great cook and we know food here trust me. I am hungry right now and I have no way of getting any food I’d do anything for her to cook me one more meal.

Well, about a couple years ago my grandma went for a regular checkup and it came back breast cancer. She had her right breast and then a few months later her left breast removed. She did fine for a while but the cancer ended up coming back more aggressive than ever and she died two months ago. I didn't work because I took care of her for the past year and half and I lived in her apartment. She did have just enough burial insurance to bury her but thats it. I also have a severe disability and am applying for disability right now, I have been turned down but I am appealing.

Anyways, since I lived off her income as she did as her caretaker since it was just us and since I am just a grandson I have no income anymore.I do not have a car and live in the middle of nowhere. I have applied to wfh jobs but my internet just got shut off and my electric gets shut off at the end of the month and I will also be evicted unless I can pay the bills. I also have no food and am honestly hungry. I have been so cripplingly depressed since she died I cannot get out of bed some days and I don't have a car and the nearest jobs are 10 miles away. I have horrible legs and they are so bad I have tried to work but it feels like someone set my legs on fire. I have went to the doctor and applied for disability and food stamps but like I said it taked forever and I have no speakable family to ask for a ride. I know people have it worse than me and some people will tell me to suck it up, but I have been hit with everything at once and I miss my grandma.

If anyone can help, I will list my cashapp Pp and venmo below. I know this looks awful, but I don't care. I know I am not lying and I miss my grandma more than anything. Even if you can't give anything please send good vibes, but any little bit helps, like I said I am down to no food at all and everyhing is due.

You know, I think there is a special place in heaven for people who raise children who know one else wants. She saved me from foster care and I will be forever grateful for that.

Cashapp $winterstorm55 Venmo @winterstorm55 PayPal @winterstorm55

submitted by /u/cc57ccm
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Going to try it out, looks promising! What should I expect?

23 October 2023 at 17:39


Thank you for having me.

I'm an atheist in Southern UT that is going to try out the UU here in St George, UT. I'm interested in seeking a sense of community and joining social circles outside of just kids school, our neighborhood etc in a place that is welcoming to an atheist.

What should I expect? Will I be welcomed as an Atheist?

Also, I dont know how to ask this without coming across as ageist or something, but can I expect millennials like myself? I dont mind what age anyone is, but would like it if there are other families or possibly other millenials.

submitted by /u/k7cody
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Use of the phrase “As God intended” as a UU

24 November 2023 at 20:17

I’m a UU. As such, I’ve been exploring my relationship with God, higher powers and theism in general. I was raised Catholic and taught to believe in God in terms of Jesus and the holy Trinity. I don’t necessarily have any problem with this element of the Catholic faith or religion but I’m thinking about it.

I do find myself using phrases like “As God intended” sometimes for things I feel like are natural concepts I agree with (eg snow on Christmas Day, having a fire while camping, and so on). I say this because I think it’s a cool phrase and adds some emphasis on the idea or whatever. But I wonder how this comes off to other folks who are not theists, of which there some in UU. Any thoughts or opinions here?

UPDATE: thank you all! I’d like to mention that I’m not really a believer in the Christian concept of God, preferring a notion of the Devine.

submitted by /u/SnooPeppers7217
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On mandatory hiatus from local UU congregation. Need help.

17 December 2023 at 06:00

Hello, I have a bit of a long and twisted story/background with my local UU church in Bellville Ohio, called All Souls. I started attending services in Aug 2019 and met with the minister there during coffee hour a few times in the first several weeks. Then I ended up in the psych ward for the very first time in my life. I was 29. I've now been diagnosed with bipolar w/delusions/psychotic features. At the time, I thought I was on a spiritual journey but after years of therapy it is now treated as mental illness. I still have a lot of trouble differentiating the two.

Anyway, I ended up being kicked out of the church January 2020 because I pushed too many boundaries, I was told. (I've got BA in psych but still don't understand the language they use to explain why I was actually kicked out. Maybe I'm just too stupid to get it, but the pastor is tired of explaining it to me.) I feel like it was because the pastor made a move on me (from my honest perspective) and then I returned the advances. Maybe he didn't think he made a move on me and thought I was just coming onto him. That is totally a possibility in my eyes. However, I've told members of the church about it, and have never had a real conversation with anyone about it to resolve it. The pastor himself never brings it up in plain language, anyway, and no one else has mediated the relationship to my satisfaction yet.

Fast forward, I was welcome back a year after being kicked out and officially joined the church as a member like last year or the year before. I can't remember when exactly, but I stopped going to services for a while or it was very far and few between for some time due to life circumstances.

Skip ahead to this fall, I had stopped taking medication because I was exhausted with trying so many meds and none of them working. I lost hope, but believe me, I tried for years before I stopped. I tried so many, I couldn't list them all even if I tried. I've now been hospitalized something like 12+ times and they change the meds almost every time I've gone.

So in September I had a manic episode, pretty extreme one where I was awake for 4 days with something like only 3 hours of sleep, thanks to NyQuil. I had tried asking for some sleep meds just to knock myself out because I know bad things happen when humans don't sleep for days, but they would only give me Risperdal (a side effect is drowsiness, it's not a sleep med).

I went to church with no sleep on Sept 17 and was considered to be rude and disruptive. Then I was hospitalized later that same day.

The following week, I went to the next service, and was asked to leave and not return to any services until someone contacted me.

I'm pretty sure it was the minister himself that told me I had to meet with their Right Relations Committee, a week after they had their own meeting to discuss their decision on what to do with me. They ended up putting me on hiatus for a year until October 10, 2024.

I asked if I could go to a different UU church. The minister said I had to meet with the pastor there first, so that's what I did. At the meeting between me, the Bellville pastor and the Wooster pastor, the Bellville pastor tried to explain the situation and ended up accusing me of assaulting a police officer, which is untrue.

I've tried for several weeks now to understand why he said that about me when it's not true. He is unwilling to explain himself. He says I'm just arguing with him.

Why? Why lie? If he lied about something that serious in front of me, what is he saying about me at these meetings I'm not allowed to attend? How am I supposed to get fair treatment when he's telling people rumors and gossip like that?

I just want to attend the church like a regular church goer. I've admitted and apologized for my mistake of going while manic with no sleep and have offered to not go to church if that ever happens again. Like, I'm trying to behave, I'm just mentally ill, but not a threat like he's making me out to be a violent, abusive person with the accusations of assault.

I've reached out to the Wooster pastor and the primary contact for the region, Rev Sunshine, but I don't expect a quick response with it being so close to the holidays. People are busy.

Does it sound like I'm seeking pity? I hope not. I'm just asking for help with being treated with dignity and respect. No one likes untrue rumors spreading around, especially when an authority figure is the one perpetuating them.

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Place9272
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Should I join the UU ministry?

30 December 2023 at 21:06

I have had a wild ride in terms of religion. I was born Christian and then somehow my family turned Atheist, though I always maintained I believe in God in prayer. I always turned to God in my darkest moments.

I met my ex who is Muslim and ended up converting because a lot of the things I’ve read about Jesus not being the son of God and Jesus, not being God made a lot of sense to me .

However, there were still some parts of islam that I did not necessarily agree with .

I still have a very strong belief in God, and one God. I believe that praying to God is very important, and I do believe in evil as well, but I believe there’s many methods and ways to protect yourself from that evil, and to connect with God, not necessarily one specific religion .

I also believe in energy and I believe in the soul and I’m learning Reiki and I don’t believe that it’s satanic .

I’ve been rejected by the Christian community for that reason, I also don’t really fit in with the Muslim faith or community. Now that I’m divorced.

But I do want a sense of community for my kids. I went to church with my friend and I couldn’t get over how they kept saying Jesus was God so in my search for answers I came across Unitarianism.

And then I saw that there’s a church near me and I’m really considering bringing my kids there !!!

I don’t know how my ex would feel about that because he wanted the kids raised Muslim. But I guess he doesn’t even have to know?

Anyways, that’s besides the point it seems like they have a great program for kids which teaches them all about religion and different religions .

Anyways, does it sound like I would be a good fit for this ministry or religion ?

submitted by /u/avocado574
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Unitarian question

It saids in the wikipedia that there is a problem of racism within the unitarian church

Internal controversy over the hiring of the UUA's Southern Region Lead (a white man from outside the region was hired rather than a Latina woman who resided within the region) led to resignations and apologies in 2017. UUA President Peter Morales, the denomination's first Latino president, resigned amid criticism of his failure to address the diversity controversies.[122][123] The three co-presidents who took over commissioned a "racism audit" to address white supremacy within the denomination.[124] In April 2018, The Washington Post reported that the UUA "in the past year has been asked to help resolve 15 congregational conflicts involving religious professionals of color".

I just want to know if is true...

submitted by /u/BetterLobster3576
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How common is polyamory in UU?

22 January 2024 at 20:40

I’m completely new to UU. I started going to a church less than a year ago and decided to take their adult OWL program so I can know first hand what they teach about sex and what my son would be learning someday. Last week they talked about relationships and for some reason there seemed to be a lot of focus on polyamory. Is that because it’s common in UU communities?

For some reason it makes me uncomfortable and it feels like the first red flag I’ve experienced in a community I otherwise have really enjoyed. I’m waiting a whole year before I decide to join and I’d hate for this to be a deal breaker. I can’t say I’d feel ok with my son learning about or being encouraged to get married to more than one adult and raising a family that way.

Can anyone who has been in UU longer talk about how common polyamory is in their fellowships? Are a lot of people in these communities swingers or have polygamous families? I guess it’s just something I’ve never been around or understand.

submitted by /u/Madcap70
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Interested in the religion

I’ve been feeling a pull towards god for about the last year after spending my whole life as an atheist. I’ve looked into Islam and Christianity but just recently had the Unitarian thing recommended to me. Any info or insights into it would be super helpful.

submitted by /u/DoctorZestyclose1373
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UU Congregations Need to Do Better on How They Respond to Mental Health and Addiction

This has been a troubling trend that I have seen in my UU congregation that I attend at least twice in the 20 years that I have been attending. It feels like our congregation is either not sure or doesn't want to deal with folks that enter our presence that are struggling with mental health and addiction issues.

What brings this up is there has been a young man who started attending service and participating in activities when we reopened post-Covid. I am starting to realize that I am the person in the congregation that has probably bonded with this person the most since they have been there, including socializing with them outside of the church setting. Over time I have noticed some possible mental health and/or addiction concerns that are going on with this person. They recently returned after months-long hiatus and whatever is going on seems to be getting worse. This person has told me that they struggle with some mental health things, but the conversations also lead me to speculate addiction issues as well.

What is bothersome is how I have been dismissed by my congregation when I try to discuss these issues with them. Or am told things like "he is trying to sort things out in life" or repeat the face saving reason he gave when he left the first time (even though I knew more was going on). I am not doing it to gossip, but rather out of concern. It is my hope that the church would build a welcoming sense of community around this young man. We have a number of folks in the congregation who work in mental health, social work and other related professions who could address these concerns. I also am looking for support in responding to our relationship.

The minister has been marginally more supportive of my relationship with this person, but stated that he can't really do much unless this person comes to him with their concerns, or are experiencing suicide ideation, are being disruptive or are a threat. I have another meeting with him next week to discuss this issue. But he did tell me that he has noticed that this young man is "anguished by something" when he sees him in the pew.

I ran into this our congregation 10 or so years back with another person going through similar issues. The church also took kind of a "hands off" approach as well. That person ended up dying by suicide.

Is this something that folks experience in other UU congregations or have answers as to how I could respond to this better?

submitted by /u/balconylibrary1978
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Worshiping what exactly?

29 January 2024 at 08:58

Maybe this is a misstated question, but what exactly are we worshiping when the minister says "Come, let us worship."

I know for many UUs, the answer would be God. But for other UUs?

submitted by /u/kissfan7
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Please pray for me I am trapped in my body and mind and I need healing.

12 February 2024 at 12:58

Hello everyone and thanks for reading this. I feel really alone sometimes. I am asking for prayers and good vibes for the healing of my body and soul.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with Neuropathy in my legs. It started out not too bad, but just like the doctor said it progressed and progressed hard. My legs are constantly tingling and they burn so bad I cannot stand it. I now can no longer stand for more than 15 minutes. I am on medication and going to the doctor regularly and since I can't work I am considered poverty and qualified for Medicaid so I am thankful for that, but still it doesn't help the pain much, the doctors or the meds.

This has also left me in a dark depression since I have been off work. I was a construction worker, but I had to quit about 12 months ago. I applied for disablilty immediately. I got denied and called an attorney, and they are going to take the case I think. I filed for an appeal, but it could still take months and I have applied for food stamps but still nothing on that yet either. It's getting hard. I am probably going to be evicted, no food, no money, no truck (kicked the bucket and sold for parts months ago) and just at the end of my rope. Mentally and physically.

I know one day I will get better. I hope, at least, but my legs hurt constantly and I would do anything to go back 10 years. I am in my early 40's and I would take living to 50 only gladly if I could just get a few years pain free. Life is life though and I know that's not possible. Friends, I do know my God is a healer though, and even though I have never felt further from him in my life I know he can steal heal my body and soul, and I have asked, maybe I haven't humbled myself enough idk, maybe someone needs healing worse than me? I am almost certain they do and i know I am not his only child who needs healing, but this hurts. I know that he will leave the 99 to rescue me, but hurry my shepard, this lamb is lost thirsty and hungry. I look forward to heaven, and crave it like like home, even though I have never been there.

I am going to keep clawing and fighting through this and praying the whole time. Like I said before though, it gets really hard especially when I am flat broke. I have no food or anything and never in a million years did I think I would have to ask, but if anyone could help me with anything I would be forever grateful and pay it back when I get on my feet. I have cashapp and my name there is $blueneonfish if anyone can help me with anything. I also have Venmo. My name there is @rccarracer9 I mean it, anything helps. I don't have anything. If you cant help, thanks for reading this anyways and still pray for me please, I understand everyone is having it hard right now so I understand if anyone can't give, I just figured I would try this because it's my last resort becasue I have no speakable family and my credit is awful where I have lost everything. I have tried some churches, but most of them cannot help as they are out of supplies themselves. I know this looks really suspicious, but I promise you it's not. I am just this desperate for help. It's like I am trapped in a prison in my mind and body.

I know it will get better at least I hope, I just really do not know how much more I can take. I am not going to give up though.

submitted by /u/liquidsnake7777
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I came to UU to escape from the world and the negativity from liberals and conservatives, just to find that they are super liberal🤦🏻‍♂️

13 February 2024 at 10:27

I got myself so caught up in the world’s negativity and disapproval of leftist propaganda. I am gay and trans but i feel like the left now goes against what I believe in. So i decided to try to help myself heal at UU. I started going three weeks ago and the second time i went was about the laws against trans kids in my state. Great just exactly what I came here NOT to hear. Is it really going to be like this the whole time? I just don’t want to sit there and get preached at that i’m oppressed because, here in America, i’m not. From what I understand, UU is supposed give a sermon and people can pick and choose the good messages that they feel that applies to their life. But I simply cannot do that about the sterilization of children that don’t know any better, or other leftist hypocritical talking points. In no way am I conservative, I disapprove of their talking points just as much to make it clear. Please tell me this whole thing is not the leftist agenda pretending to be a religion.

submitted by /u/Expensive_Case9796
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OP from *that* post. Got Lawyer Involved And Mod Could Be Charged With Harassment, Defamation, And Emotional Damage If No Public Apology Is Put Out

Basically what the text said. I am the OP from the post yesterday, Expensive_Case, and I had a nice chat with my brother in law who is a lawyer. Turns out I have a pretty good case against the mod for harassment, defamation, and emotional damage. Half of the stuff the public reddit didn’t see because it happened over chat. My speech is protected by the first amendment, the mods was not and falls in the categories that I stated above. I’m going to give the mod 48 hours, so by Friday 2/16/24 @ 6PM EST, to take the horrible post they made about me and my transition pictures down and make a MAJOR public apology explaining that they acted in the wrong way and frankly broke the law with what they said about me and explain that I am the person in both of those pictures, which I have endless proof for and can send to anyone who wants it. Just contact me on my expensive_case account cuz this is a burner one. So by Friday 2/16/24 6PM EST, if there is no apology i’m going to go ahead with my lawyer and move forward with this. I will also reach out to reddit corporate. I really don’t want to bring it to that point, but if I don’t see a major apology, I will. I will tell you that conservatives have NEVER treated me as a trans person this horribly, and as the group that is supposed to be loving and accepting of all kinds, that is the furthest from the truth. Im not no cry baby but I hold people accountable for their actions, and it looks like the mod is going to get into some legal issues with this one if action is not done.

Also I’d like to say that the poster this morning was not me and for anyone who harassed that person, shame on you. I watched it all go down as I was collecting evidence for my BIL.

So mister u/cult_buster2005 if you don’t want this to all go down, I suggest you do some serious work on yourself and how you treat others. If I end up going forward with this, i’ll know exactly who you are and i’ll let your church know what you did and how you broke every single rule of UU.

And mister u/tgjer you’re up next if this mod doesn’t do anything so if I were you, I’d be crossing my fingers that the mod takes responsibility for their actions.

Edit: If reddit wants to ban me, they wil. But they should also ban the person who broke the rules of their own sub and the law.

submitted by /u/OppositeOpening7284
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Positive experience with UU Community

17 February 2024 at 19:51

Hi everyone! So my story with UU started when I was in high school, an edgy Christian-turned-atheist who was brought to a UU service by my best friend. Ever since then I’ve known of its existence and it always struck me as something very cool and important. I have a background in psychology and the years I’ve lived and the education I’ve received only served to cement the importance of a spiritual practice, especially one that could be community-based. I attended quite a few times at my university town; the sermons often moved my to tears, and it was just so fascinating to see nature and science take center stage as inspiration for a spiritual practice.

As an immigrant, for a long time undocumented, POC, I felt the social justice aspect was particularly important to these congregations, and I loved that. I settled in a major city last year and I’ve gone to a few sermons at my closest UU temple, and have had many very pleasant chats with people during coffee hour, and I have always enjoyed the sermons. But I was busy with other stuff and I definitely always intended to make it a more common habit but it hadn’t happened yet. My father passed in October, suddenly at 57. After a couple months I knew I was going to need to develop a spiritual practice (and in need of a supportive community) if I was ever to start healing. So I became really proactive about getting my holistic wellness in order.

Being signed up to their email list, I received one for a Women’s retreat. I had zero idea what to expect as I’d never been to one. I emailed the organizer to ask if it was normal and okay that I wasn’t part of the community. She encouraged me to attend as there would be newer people there. So I did it, especially because I was wanting to at the very least focus on mindfulness for a few days, and a retreat seemed like a great way to do that!

It was a life-changing experience. At 26, I was the youngest there. But I am not weird about intergenerational friendships, in my culture I was raised with a lot of respect for elders, and for a lot of love and warmth for older women especially. I met dozens of women whom I connected with on a very special level. When I was done with the retreat I journaled just a bit about the experience and I could recall 26 different names, and I know I am forgetting people, as every now and then I remember more. I met so many incredible, unique, talented, HILARIOUS women. All so open to learn, to share. I felt so unbelievably welcome and comfortable there. Like I never have before. I shared a lot of intimate parts of my story as an undocumented immigrant, and people were so respectful and curious and kind. I even met two other POC of similar backgrounds, which was really incredible.

People helped me deal with the death of my father and some shared their own experiences with it, as many went through the same thing. Many shared experiences with their own grief in general and that was really valuable to me too.

Then there was the spiritual aspects, but the post is getting too long as it is. It was all so much better than I could have imagined, and I did imagine it would be pretty cool, but never in such an impactful way.

I even started volunteering at a migrant center with one of my new friends, which has already led to even more enriching connections.

Tomorrow I am going to church, and I’m excited to see the dozens of new friends I made during the retreat. After I am having brunch with one of the other POC I met, and our families. I am so excited, and so thankful.

submitted by /u/Artbitch97
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Ex Catholic who is UU curious and has some questions !

Raised catholic, would consider myself agnostic at best now and curious about UU. I’m missing catholicism and feeling an odd connection and wanting to “incorporate” elements of it, but never want to go back and feel disgust at the same time? I keep childhood stuff in a memory box and recently I came across some communion and confirmation gifts i got when i was younger and i felt pain my chest. I had a gold crucifix, 3 blessed rosary beads, lourdes keychains etc etc as well as pocket miracles booklets the works in the box.

I suffer from an anxiety disorder and insomnia and a sort of meditation and i suppose general …non traditional prayer with the rosary beads invokes a sort of positive less anxious feeling, same with wearing a st christopher’s medal. however, i can never forgive the years of purity culture and catholic guilt and also the general crimes of the church. I’m pro choice and pro LGBT all the way. it’s a really weird feeling honestly. I consider sometimes joining a UU church and maybe getting some prayer/meditation beads or just having a flick through the bible critically? Wondering if other ex catholics or similar on here have had this experience and if you’ve donated the catholic paraphernalia, thrown it out or just incorporate it in some way into your own life or practice?

submitted by /u/123Account1978backup
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Observing Lent

2 March 2024 at 15:03

Anyone here observing Lent?

As a former Catholic, I have to say I always enjoyed Lent. Forty days of “giving up” something and starting with Ash Wednesday, which is a reminder of our mortality. I always felt Lent was the only mystical or deeply meditative aspect of Catholicism (obviously people may disagree).

Even now as a UU I observe. Anyone else feel similar?

submitted by /u/SnooPeppers7217
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Adult Forum Ideas

I am in the process of becoming the adult forum coordinator at my Unitarian Universalist congregation. I have been working with the minister and members of congregation on ideas for programming, but also would like to have programs that draw in young and new people. Does anyone have any ideas for what works in adult programming to draw people in from outside our community?

For example one thing I am proposing is a “Banned Book Book Club.” Our church has a banned book library (I live in a red state passing all sorts of crazy laws) and I think this would be a great program to go along with this.

submitted by /u/balconylibrary1978
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I’m in it for coffee hour

I was raised Catholic and my mom would always say that the community aspect of church was so important. However, we never stayed for coffee and donuts in the parish hall! I wonder how much of my love for my UU church is because I want that sweet sweet coffee and treats.

submitted by /u/ChampionshipNo2792
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I've try to make contact

Im from the Caribbean, ive try to make contact with the local unitarian universalist church i had called them but apparently they havent been there for 5 years, i try to go to the church physically but it was close i even try to contact them in their facebook and no one answer, i dont know what else to do, can i join a online community with zoom videos or something?

submitted by /u/BetterLobster3576
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how do you become a uu

17 April 2024 at 05:27

is there any kind like prosses you have to do to become a uu or is it more just showing up to a local group

submitted by /u/Asleep_Mouse_7297
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What to read

I currently live in a small town; the closest UU congregation is about an hour one way drive for me.

I left a main stream but somewhat cult-y church a few years ago and have been deconstructing my beliefs system since.

I’ll probably be healing from my old church in some ways for the rest of my life but that’s not going to stop me from building something new and good.

I definitely miss the community of church and I’m moving home to Ohio closer to a few UU churches this summer. I’ve been popping in to a few different UU churches online for the past few months and will likely start attending in person once I move.

I know I’ll find answers to this when I get there but I’m tired of waiting and I’m ready to at least start testing some things out. I believe there’s ‘something’ in The whole universe (“Mother Nature” I guess but that extents to the farthest galaxies for me) that connects us all… weather that gets elevated to a “higher power” or even God (of what flavor tbd) I don’t currently know for myself.

Are there any books/blogs/articles/whatever you would recommend I read/look at to help me with my journey? I just kinda feel like I’m flailing out here in my own and I don’t know where to turn. I spend hours just looking for something half way decent to read and research further. TIA

submitted by /u/DancingDucks73
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Is there room for someone who isn't politically active?

2 May 2024 at 14:17

Like someone who loves religion in all forms and doesn't necessarily fit the mold of a certain religion but at the same time doesn't particularly enjoy radical (or really much at all) politics, left or right?

submitted by /u/ActualBus7946
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Is there room for someone who isn't politically active?

Like someone who loves religion in all forms and doesn't necessarily fit the mold of a certain religion but at the same time doesn't particularly enjoy radical (or really much at all) politics, left or right?

submitted by /u/ActualBus7946
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Attracting Millennials/Gen Z to congregations?

27M from WI here. I go to a fellowship of about 50ish members. Similar to many of the younger UUs, I’m usually one of the youngest ones in attendance (we have a few kids every now and then). While I absolutely love so many of the older folks who attend, I do struggle with feeling a bit out of place at times. I’ve come to appreciate the principles of UU and I feel that many people my age might enjoy them as well. I’m joining the service planning committee in hopes of helping to bring more young people in.

What are some things that your fellowship has done that has helped to bring more Millennials/Gen Zs into the fellowship?

submitted by /u/KaleIntrepid5697
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Can UU still be right for me if I’m not politically liberal?

I’m not a “conservative”. I’d consider myself libertarian/anarchist-leaning. I have the same “wants” for social change (reducing poverty, fighting climate change, etc), but my personal belief is that government is the least effective and ethical way to achieve these goals.

My understanding is that UUs tend to be politically liberal. Would I be an outcast, offensive, or not welcome because of my views?

submitted by /u/Unlikely-Physics-417
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