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Pagan looking for structure?

Hi all - I was recently trying to clarify my belief system, and I've kind of hit on UU after reading more! (I'm pagan or agnostic on paper, but my neighbor is Baptist and trying to get me to go to services.)

To expound on that, I was raised Lutheran and suffered through the whole nine yards of Communion, Catechism, and Confirmation. Of course, as I finished high school and entered college, I rejected those specific tenets and ended up calling myself Pagan/Pantheistic. Partially due to the bigoted stances in the Church (I grew up in Colorado during the Prop2 years), but also because nothing about the patriarchal, desert-based system sat right with me.

I wasn't a Classics/Religion major, but took many classes in those departments and I know wayyyyy too much about comparative theology. I've also dabbled in Wiccan and Chaos magick, but nothing within my readings really stuck - except for the idea that all "gods" are just semi-regional aspects of some kind of *Divine*. I've considered myself a Solitary Witch for most of my adult life and celebrated the solstices, equinoxes, and the holy days in-between on the Wheel.

Two years ago I moved from the big city to the deep woods/oceanside and I can't say enough about it - other than I feel the inter-connectivity, being so close to nature. I'm an amateur naturalist and am constantly in awe of the unspoiled wilderness here. (Good for witches, right? lol)

However, I'm kind of feeling "meh" about celebrating Beltane today (Like, WHY am I doing this?), and I wonder if it's a deeper need for community. I'm worried that joining an actual coven in my area is just opening myself up to cringe and interpersonal drama - plus I'm going to be 50 this year and skyclad stuff in a social setting is a simple NO GO, haha.

Again, we live in the sticks, so the only UU churches I've found are around 45-60min away. That said, I'm excited enough for the community aspect I'm willing to take a drive on Sunday and see what those are like.

My (increasingly religious, but also MAGA) mother would be THRILLED to hear I was going to church, even if it was one that allowed for my pagan/humanist beliefs. What do you all think?


submitted by /u/Moneypenny_Dreadful
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