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For all you Trinity deniers

Genesis 1:1-2 Genesis 1:26-27 TRINITY is there before Genesis. All uncreated.

Every time God creates something (which is created by sending His distinct Spirit) he expresses "Let there be" and there was. In any case, when God created ADAM (MAN in HEBREW) he changed it for the sole time and said "Let us" and "Let them" (Adam is "THEM" they're plural,) Adam images God just like a divine plurality and solidarity, that work divinely as multiple persons, 3, make 1.

Genesis 1:26. β€œAnd God said, Let US make man in OUR image, after our likeness: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,


-Genesis 1:26-27 God made man in "OUR" (plural God is an "us" and an "our") image then in Genesis 1:27 he made God in his "own" (singular God is a "He") image. in the image of God, he created him. Which is them.

-How is Adam a "him, (male singular,) " however at that point becomes a "them" (Male and Female) in

-Genesis 5:1 the context is this is the generational book of "Adam" (both male and female are called "ADAM") the creation of a man who is a finite temporal, created being, two genders with the in flesh bodies, and they're created by an infinite, uncreated, genderless divine God with nobody, who can go into creatred flesh or whatever he needs, whenever he needs. That is the way we reflect God, by being a finite multiple persons with the same inseparable nature working together and united.

. In Genesis 5:2 HE HIM (ADAM single) the Male and Female made (HE THEM PLURAL) Both Male and Female are "HE HIM"

  • Genesis 2:23 If Eve came out of Adam her flesh was made from his flesh, that should mean she has the same nature as Adam. If she's made from Adam's flesh then she can't be inferior to him., because it's " my flesh, my bones" That is the very thing she's called "WOMAN" because she was formed and taken out of the (Womb) of man.

-Genesis 2:24 the connection of God, "cleave unto one flesh."

-"ONE" in Genesis 2:24 is the same word in Deuteronomy 6:4 to describe God being one. "God is ONE Lord." ONE=ECHAD

-Male and Female are two separate in flesh beings, two separate genders and persons, yet they are the same flesh since one came out of the other, they are the same nature. and when they "cleave unto one flesh" (Genesis 2:24,) they become united as one. A divine relationship is used to show the likeness of God being the Divine trinity. FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRT = 3 different and distinct persons, yet all the same divine nature and are united as one as God.

-Matthew 19:4-6 Jesus elaborates that God made 2 separate genders (in flesh) yet when united they make one flesh. Like the Trinity, each of the 3 are divinely united so don't say there are 2 or 3 Gods. There's 1 God, who is multiple persons

-John 1:1 The Word (Revelation 19:13) with God before creation, and was with the Father, and the Word was God. Sent, distinct, yet same nature as God because the Word was God. After creation and after the creation of Adam there was Eve, and Eve was with Adam (the male,) and Eve was Adam in nature.

-Jesus is the Word and the Angel of the Lord commander of Yahweh who is sent, is distinct, fights for Yahweh, all while being Yahweh who speaks as sharp as a sword. For example Numbers 22:31-32 Angel of the Lord with the SWORD was JESUS before created flesh.

Revelation 19:13-15 John 1-3 Zechariah 3:8

John 11:41-43 to John 5:30 to John 5:17 to John 18:6 to Revelation 19:15 to Hebrews 1:3

Joshua 5:13-14 Wisdom of Solomon 18:13-16

Genesis 18:

Trinity has been there since the beginning.Abraham encountered God in 3 persons, sent & distinct from God, but all God. That’s why he BOWED when he saw THEM (plural, not when he saw HIM,) & was amazed & claimed β€œMy lord” in verse3. The Father, The Angel of the Lord, & the Holy Spirit. In human form, then into created angel form.

He Bowed just like Moses in the burning bush, etc when they encountered the Angel of the Lord they bowed and hid their face, but I though that was only for The Father John 1:18

Jesus in the OT

Angel of the Lord is God and became Jesus in flesh Angel of the Lord is always a big β€œA” until Matthew 1:20 why? Because Jesus was now in flesh.

Bowed down and hid face verses:

Exodus 23:20 24:16&33

Matthew 17:1 Mark 9:22 Numbers 22: 32-34 Judges 13:13-22

Acts 7:37-38 Genesis 32:24 (Jacob wrestles with a β€œman” created God in flesh)

Hosea 12:1-5 (God is created β€œangel” just like Genesis 18 in Sodom and Jacob in Genesis 32:24)

John 14:24

God sent as messenser but is God.

submitted by /u/Wheres-My-Supa-Suit
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