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Only a few days left to approve amendments to be voted on at GA! They need 15 congregations each!

24 January 2024 at 19:52

For anyone whose board (or congregation) hasn't reviewed amendments to Article II proposed by congregations, several still need a congregation or board to support them to make it. There are only 5 total that have been proposed. You can find two threads at discuss.uua.org. One thread has amendments that have not yet gotten enough support and the other thread has the ones that have. Please, they only need draft minutes from your board with approvals! Emails are provided for the contact people and they should be able to share with you forms to attach your minutes to.

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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In the context of UU philosophy and theology, how many of you are interested in emergence and synergy?

18 January 2024 at 12:24

More specifically, I'm wondering how many of you are excited about the ideas of Daniel Schmachtenberger, particularly what he has to say about emergence.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's a taste: https://civilizationemerging.com/media-old/emergence/

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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Article II and UU theology in general

24 November 2023 at 01:02

I just re-read the proposed Article II for UUA bylaws that will be voted on in the upcoming GA and I finally identified something that's been nagging at me. It emphasizes relationship with other people, but there's not much about relationship with ourselves or our inner worlds. I suppose that I persoanlly do get a lot of that from the Buddhist teachings my particular congregation brings in from time to time. Our congregation also has lay led homebrewed contemplative practices that are inspired by the six sources and beyond. However, is there much in the UU theological tradition itself that deals with our inner worlds (psychology, meditation practices, spirit/soul models, self-awareness, etc.)? It seems like there such a focus on other people in UUism generally and not much about developing ourselves. Is it just me that feels this way? I suppose the fire communion is an example, but even that practice is vague. My personal point of view is that our inner worlds greatly influence how we can show up with other people, so it's an important piece of the puzzle. I don't want dogma, clearly I'd be barking up the wrong tree with that, but what about theory on the level of "the interconnected web of which we all are a part"? The interconnected web is a profound theological concept in my opinion. Beside inherent worth & dignity (or inherent worthiness) what else do we have inside ourselves?

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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