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What does your “service” look like?

Who leads it? A pastor??

Whats the content?? What do they talk about? (if everyone believes something different and follows a different book, what do they do?)

Is it interactive? (Or is one person speaking to the rest)?

Is it kinda like AA where you can come and stand in the back corner and no one will acknowledge you or speak to you, or are people super friendly and try to get everyone to engage?

submitted by /u/Extension-Strike3524
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asking if I’d fit in with y’all…. ? I am searching for an alternative to “church”

I like: -community gatherings -doing stuff together like gardening or cleaning up trash -making and eating meals together sometimes -basically cult behavior but just once a week max.

I believe: -no “God”. -i am open to the consideration there may be a higher power. I will never have faith in one or be convinced of it. -And I don’t believe in “Jesus” whatsoever. -I like psychedelics and -believing we’re all connected -I think humans are alike to nature with no greater purpose than to live similar to the trees and ants have no greater purpose.

I’m thinking maybe Unitarian Universalists (?) And I do like the values of Taoism and Buddhism but they lack a “church” community. Whatcha think?

submitted by /u/Extension-Strike3524
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