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Favorite Guiding Principle?

5 April 2021 at 17:12

What is your favorite UU Guiding Principle and why? How have you applied it in your life today?


submitted by /u/SatanicSorceress666
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It's Trans Day of Visibility

31 March 2021 at 17:51

What are you doing to make your congregations safer for trans folx? We may already be there and you don't even know it. Or we walk in the door, and get scared and leave because we see all the signs of welcoming, but receive anything but welcoming upon arrival. So what are you doing to make your congregations safer for trans folx?

submitted by /u/SatanicSorceress666
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Satan as a figure of liberation theology...

11 February 2021 at 17:21

I can't be the only one who sees Satan as a liberation figure way within reactionary Christian narratives when viewing them from the outside. Maybe it's a queer/trans thing and a weird juxtaposition of reclaiming religious iconography that's used as slurs? For reference, my position on the god claim is agnostic atheism founded in the principles of scientific skepticism. That aside, I dunno... I just spent so many years getting told that I'm either the spawn of Satan or the spawn of a demon on account of my transness and my only response anymore is...

"...okay. That's pretty punk rock, I guess," before going back to talking about whatever radical stuff I was talking about before.

submitted by /u/SatanicSorceress666
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Bigots and Platforms

10 February 2021 at 05:34

TW: Transphobia, racism, rape, state violence, general venting of frustration, scremming into social media void

Fair warning: I will block any user who I feel like is posting bad faith replies. I'm not here to debate.

The past four years have been... uh... not good. For trans people? Not just for trans people, but for a lot of other kinds of people, too. Anyways, there's a feminism-appropriating reactionary transphobe at my sorta former congregation who is kinda mucking things up. I say "sorta former" but really it's complicated. I was introduced to this: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/cic/widening and then I realized that "Hey, does this mean my experience isn't the only one like this, but a drop in a whole cesspool of awful across a lot of UU congregations?" And honestly, I just don't understand where in the guiding principles it says that bigots MUST get platforms in our spaces, and considering the stuff that happened to me happened in the context of a time frame when trans people were being pushed out of spaces and being subjected to... well... this: https://transequality.org/the-discrimination-administration (and anyone who thinks that fascism and genocide are over because there's a new prez better buckle up because the US has been exporting that since before we were even the US).

Another layer of irony is the fact that the leadership of the church is super into doing homeless outreach, and I was facing the possibility of homelessness a few months ago, and the only reason I'm not is because I've spent a long time cultivating good community in a lot of different spaces... anyways, the TERF says I'm not a real woman or whatever, but stops short of out-right saying I'm a threat (wow, how benevolent of her), and one of the homeless shelters I talked to before I found stable housing told me that even if I did have bottom surgery (which... none of their hecking business, and also, I have), I'd still be housed with men. Which... yeah... is totally safe for me? Right? Who has had less testosterone in her system than the average cis woman for over ten years and struggles to open glass jars?

Anyways: yeah, no. UU spaces are not the places for bigots to have platforms because no one should have to debate the legitimacy of their own humanity in a space where the first principle is "the inherent worth and dignity of every person".

Now if you'll excuse me... I'mma go watch cartoons.

submitted by /u/SatanicSorceress666
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