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Soul Matters help

30 October 2020 at 03:03

I am so eager for Small Group ministry type programs, and our church has a Soul Matters group. I am grateful that a volunteer runs it. But oh my. Is it a slog. Every time it is a reflection on trauma. This month the theme is "Healing" and here's a handful of the questions to ponder: Has keeping the secret finally become too painful? Are you trying to forget when healing wants you to remember?.Do you need to be reminded that you made a mistake, not are a mistake? Is it possible to see pain as an invitation not just an enemy?

For some people pondering these topics is therapeutic. For others it is, frankl,y triggering. For me ......... I would love to include some theology as a prism to see this through. Not theistic, necessary, just some bit of guidance beyond "ponder your pain, and talk about it".

If you have any tips, or experience with Soul Matters or SGM, please share any tips.

submitted by /u/estheredna
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Suggestion for church leaders: Facebook Live, Not Zoom

22 March 2020 at 20:03

Most churches are livestreaming right now. Church's first and primary responsibility is to their members - but- understand that some people are seeking connection for the first time, or willing to step into a different church to give it a try. This is a lot easier if services are streamed, not zoomed.
Zoom requires each person to sign in, and either show a video of their face OR leave a blank screen with a name. It's much less anonymous than streaming so can be intimidating to join in.

Zoom is great for coffee hour, small groups, youth groups, sunday school, etc - I like zoom - I am just suggesting using something less intimate for Sunday services, so people can pop in and leave quietly as a trial. So many people really need community now, let's make it very easy.

submitted by /u/estheredna
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Retreat / Family Camp

12 January 2020 at 00:12

If you have been on a family or personal UU retreat, please tell me about it. I am in need of something. I want to know if these are worth the price, based on real experiences.

submitted by /u/estheredna
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Talk to me about General Assembley

9 November 2019 at 12:36

It's going to be in Providence RI this year, which is do-able for me. Is it for ministers and all politics, or is it enjoyable and soul-nourishing for everyday UUs?

submitted by /u/estheredna
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Committee for Institutional Change's Statement

2 March 2019 at 18:36

Here: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/commission-institutional-change/blogre/tapestry/adults/commitment/statement?fbclid=IwAR2aGN_fjHFTN9cunTCwEqsedv1ZJSwsru7rByGQ6JHwbLIdf-QHb-DJ-W0

I agree with some parts of this but I also find it so frustrating.

" To some of us, the conversation about white supremacy culture, its reach, and impacts are a given that impacts our daily lives. For others, perhaps a significant majority, naming white supremacy culture or even the existence of racial bias is an affront, offensive, and may even, for them, seem to interrupt the justice work of our Association by questioning its goals and values. "

Then they go on to characterize people in the "significant majority" as being just those who think there is no racism since we "won" the civil rights movement, or people who think racism exists only in terms of individual relationships / not systematic.

There's more to it, but this is so dismissive of any voice that isn't fully committees to major institutional change, that it feels more like an indictment than a welcoming to continued conversation. Is there a middle ground?

Or am I asking the wrong question?

submitted by /u/estheredna
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