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UU Sources versus Principles

6 July 2020 at 13:51

I've seen a lot of folks on here point to our Principles as the biggest defining statement on Unitarian Universalism. What part do our Sources play in your personal UU faith?

Sources: https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/sources

My thoughts:

Our Sources are pretty definitive statements and with the same strong language as the Principles (we affirm and promote). And because we affirm and promote all six, they do serve as a (somewhat) theological grounding for UUism.

Our Principles aren't statements of faith so much as promises to act. Going from the micro to the macro, as well as connected in more intricate ways (the 1st and the 7th reflect each other, the 2nd and the 6th, the 3rd and the 5th, with the fourth as the capstone in the arch of the Principles), the Principles are our covenant with one another. Covenants are expected to be broken and we then we call each other back and recommit.

submitted by /u/FrostyUU
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