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Will I be safe at a UU church?

3 July 2020 at 13:15

Okay, lets cut the crap. What if I don't agree with everything I see and hear in the media right now? What is really going on? I have been to a UU church in my area on and off for a few years. And it has increasingly felt...... I don't know. Wrong. At least wrong for me. I just don't connect with most of the people there. In fact I am even scared to try to start a conversation with most of them. Something I say will be wrong, will be a trigger, or be politically incorrect, or a micro aggression or whatever.

And also, many of those people make more money than I do and have a higher education than me. So that is part of why I feel like I don't fit in. And reading what they say and share on social media just makes me feel like I can't truly talk to these people. And if I did would they try to have me fired from my job? Or even harrassed by the police. Okay, maybe I'm getting a little paranoid here.

I believe that all lives matter. However I am starting to understand that this is not always the proper thing to say. I am a straight white male and it seems to me that it is other straight white people that get the most angry and vicious when someone expresses something other than what they have been told by the media to believe.

So are these people insecure? Are they putting up a front? Are they doing it just to make themselves look better? Is it for politcal or economic reasons? I don't know. I went to the UU church because I believe in freedom, justice for all, and respect for each other and the world that we live in.

Should all UU churches have a sign at the front door saying that there is a minimum income requirement, or education level, or political affiliation?

Like I said, I don't feel like I fit in there and now I wonder if I am even safe being there.

submitted by /u/madmystic74
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Question about liberal religion

2 November 2019 at 12:45

I have been to churches like UU and the Unity church and also a Religious Science group. Spiritually I liked all these places but I had problems talking to people, at least about certain topics. Maybe I have not the right people yet, or people that I am compatible with. I don't know.

My question is about self defense. Every person I have tried to talk to about self defense gets upset very quickly and tries to stop me and say stuff like "peace, love, think only nice thoughts" and so on. So, are people in liberal religions required to be pacifists? If so no one told me. Are any of us allowed to own a gun? If someone punches me can I punch them back? These may seem like childish questions to some people but I have not been able to have a real conversation with anyone at my local liberal churches about topics like this. I am not trying to cause trouble or upset anyone. But I have issues and concerns like this that I feel are not being met.

submitted by /u/madmystic74
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Do I fit in?

17 October 2019 at 13:18

I have been going to a UU church for a few years and at first I thought it was great. Now I'm not sure I fit in or even belong there. Most people there have a higher education and make more money than I do. I am an introverted person and do not connect easily with people. I have a little bit with a few people there. But here in 2019 with our society so crazy and divided by politics and social issues, I feel like I don't have anywhere to go or anyone to really talk to about what I really believe. Maybe I'm just not sophisticated enough to be in a UU church? Stuff I have shared on social media has mostly been ignored by the people at church, except one time when a few of them were pissed at something I shared. I rarely go nowdays, maybe once a month.

submitted by /u/madmystic74
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