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Should I have a UU marriage?

3 July 2020 at 12:00

I am a christian of no particular denomination and my (gay) partner is a witch. We both believe that our respective faiths are different ways of reaching the same spirit so don't see any problem with practising together.

We hope to get married soon and in the UK, you can choose to have a religious or civil marriage but if you choose the civil marriage option then you're not allowed to include anything religious in the ceremony. It's important to us that faith plays a part in our marriage, so we are thinking about a UU wedding as it sounds like the church is accepting of all different ways that people express their faith.

Do you have to be a member of the church to get married in it? I think our beliefs align with those of the UU but we don't go to church there, preferring to worship at various different places. I'd love to hear from anyone who can advise on what a UU wedding is like and if it would be right for us

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify my use of the word 'witch'. It has some bad connotations but it doesn't mean 'devil worshipper' - for my girlfriend at least, it means connecting with the life energy to bring about positive change and communing with the natural world

submitted by /u/ismokedwithyourmom
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