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Citrus County mugshots from Nov. 1 to 3 | Crime & Courts | chronicleonline.com

6 November 2021 at 06:41

Faith briefs: Free produce, pastor anniversary, guest speaker - Mansfield News Journal

6 November 2021 at 06:16
The First English Lutheran Church, 53 Park Avenue West, will hold its final free produce distribution of the season from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday ...

Be a freethinker, like Jesus | Features | heraldpalladium.com

6 November 2021 at 06:14
In my particular religious tradition, Unitarian Universalism, there is a great deal of value placed on free thought and freethinking.

Area Church Services | News, Sports, Jobs - The Journal

6 November 2021 at 02:02
Office, 420 4th Ave., S.E.. 794-6048. Dr. Phil Siefkes, Pastor. www.calvary-answers.org. Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Service. FIRST BAPTIST ...

“When all else fails…”

1 November 2021 at 00:10

WTF?!?! Those three letters and what they mean seem to come to mind and sometimes roll off my tongue with more regularity these days. Honestly, there was a time in my life when I would never have admitted that, especially as a clergy person. There’s a spoken and unspoken expectation that those of us who are ministers will be more put together, more pious than others. We definitely shouldn’t use four-letter words that aren’t “love.”

I get it. People want and expect their spiritual leaders to have a certain level of control. The work we do is sacred, and I am by no means trying to evade the responsibility of what it means to journey with others through the highs and lows of life. However, sometimes all you’ve got in you, no matter who you are, is, “WTF?!” COVID-19 has been one of the greatest WTFs as of late, but so is the presence of ableism, racism, sexism, and so many other isms present in our world today.  W…T…F…? It’s 2021! When will we get beyond where we have been and where it feels we still are in so many instances?

Some may choose not to use certain words or language to express their frustrations or dismay. But, again, I get it. Eloquent articulations come easier to some than others. In any case, I want to convey more than anything the collective need for lament. We lament the loss of loved ones and friends, the loss of work and provision, the loss of community, the loss of *a sense of* balance. Loss. The weight of it all is tough to bear. And so, I am; we are all seemingly screaming, “WTF?!”

I said earlier that the only four-letter word ministers should use is love. But, unfortunately, the English language (my native tongue) and its conventions make this an impossibility. To adequately convey a thought using English, one would need to string together a collection of words that are maybe four letters or more, and perhaps even less. For example, the words that comprise the fullness of WTF are 4, 3, and 4.

Now, some might critique my message as being crass or irreverent. I’m not trying to be. What if we experienced WTF as an invitation to create and hold space for our collective lament at this moment? Space to cry, space to yell, space to pause and ponder. A space that is absent the policing of language and the angst of respectability? One open to the lament of our hearts? Over the last eighteen or so months, WTF has become my most honest prayer. It is a lament and a statement that seeks to make meaning out of what has been confounding.

May we all experience the kind of liberation that frees us to lament those things that weigh heavy on us, with whatever words we choose. May we be reminded that we are held together by a word that is just four letters long yet is so much bigger than that, LOVE.


1 November 2021 at 00:08
By: Tyson

What does it feel like to have your experience centered?  How do you find your own center?



CLF Member, incarcerated in TX

When I think of “centered,” several concepts pop into my mind. Spatial reckoning. Centricity. Centrifugal forces. Center punch, meaning the tool I used to mark metals and plastics for precision drilling — and the center punch that I used to use to swiftly break car windows when I was a “bad kid.”

What makes me feel most centered is the sky at dawn. Looking at the sky, I often think, “wow, all of this for me right this moment. Thank you for allowing me to share it with everything else.” I get pretty emotional these days, seeing the sky at dusk, and at midnight… the sky and me seem to have a thing going lately.

My experience feels centered when the sky tells me that I am precisely as insignificant as I am suppose to be. The sky tells me to stop belittling myself even more; I have the entire world between my ears and the universe is in my mind and the sky is in my eyes. So what else could matter?

How do I find my own center? When I can’t find it, I go outside and look up. Maybe it finds me?

I Am Now Whole

1 November 2021 at 00:07
By: Ethan

CLF Member, incarcerated in AZ

To find a gathering of like minded souls
Makes me feel at home, I am now whole
Acceptance of every person no matter the faith
Has opened my eyes to a new loving embrace

My spirituality has grown in so many ways
I look forward to your publication as I count my days
Being forced to sit here and do time, I mean literally wait
Has shown me how I can strengthen my traits

Patience takes on a whole new truth
Hope that I can make up for lost youth
Understanding that the world must move on
Acceptance that an old love is gone

How I reminisce the good ol’days
Except I know I must change my ways
At least I do not fight this fight alone
I try to learn and make lessons known

Maybe I can help another like you helped me
Behind bars your mind can still be free
I joined a Church of Larger Fellowship
In a past life I was anti-religion, what a trip

So I want to thank the people who opened up my mind
I received a gift that is rare to find
That is acceptance of my lost soul
You make me feel at home, I am now whole

Daily Compass

1 November 2021 at 00:07

The Daily Compass is a ministry of the Church of the Larger Fellowship crafted by Rev. Michael Tino of the Lead Ministry Team.It offers words and images to inspire spiritual reflection and encourage the creation of a more loving, inclusive and just world. Short reflections and prompts related to monthly themes are posted every day at dailycompass.org. The following is a selection Daily Compass offerings from recent months.


KeystoneVital to the balance of a stone arch is the keystone, the wedge-shaped stone against which the two sides of the arch push in equal measure. In architecture, this is a vital and important role; in life, this is not a healthy situation in which to find ourselves.

When have you experienced balance brought about by things pushing you in opposite directions? How did you interrupt this?


Spirit of LifeCarolyn McDade described the night she wrote the hymn Spirit of Life to Kimberly French of UU World: “When I got to Pat’s house, I told her, ‘I feel like a piece of dried cardboard that has lain in the attic for years. Just open wide the door, and I’ll be dust.’ I was tired, not with my community but with the world. She just sat with me, and I loved her for sitting with me.” Writing the song was the prayer that refilled her spirit.

What words or prayers refill your spirit when you feel like you’re about to fall apart?


ConsentThe power of covenant derives in part from the fact that all parties to it must agree, and that agreement must be renewed and renegotiated constantly. Healthy relationships require mutual consent; that includes spiritual relationships as well as intimate ones.

How do you seek consent from others in meaningful ways?


PersistenceSometimes grace comes through sheer will, through persisting despite the odds against us. Sometimes grace comes from hanging on, from inching ourselves forward until we are somewhere better.

What do you need the strength to persist through today?


NegotiationThe union of two people or two entities requires negotiation. The best negotiations don’t get mired in positions, but instead focus on needs and values. Each party must be able to articulate their values and state their needs; each party must be able to say how they will help meet the needs of the other. Sometimes, sacrifices are made. Sometimes, synergy is developed.

How can you make your needs and values known to others today in generative ways?


DNAYou share 55% of the DNA in your genes with a banana tree, 80% with a cow,  98.5% with a chimpanzee, and 99.99% with every other human being on the planet. One ten-thousandth of the DNA in our genes is responsible for all of the differences we see in humanity. For the hundreds of rainbow shades that skin, eyes and hair come in. For the differences that make it so hard to find organs to transplant. For every shape and size that humans come in.

Notice your connection to other living beings today. Feel your relation to them. They are your kin.


PersistenceWhere will you pause to touch the Earth? Where will you marvel at the hints that lie scattered around you in the grass? Where will you discard what you previously thought was true, and try on a new belief for size? Where will you stop for directions, for advice, for a conversation with another, for a relationship, for a moment of grace brought to you by the mind of a child?

What does it mean to you to persist through difficult times on your journey?

Centering: A Little Bit At A Time

1 November 2021 at 00:05

Lead Ministry Team, Church of the Larger Fellowship

If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.

—Taoist philosopher, Lao-Tse, sixth  century BCE



Philosophers and theologians throughout the ages have pondered the roots of peace, and have come to the conclusion that peace between and among people is not possible without smaller bits of peace, especially peace within oneself. “Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me,” the popular song goes.

Peace within oneself is the challenge of centering: How do we center ourselves? How do we go within and cultivate peace?

Many people turn to spiritual practices to do this. Spiritual practices are regular things that we do that connect us with something greater than ourselves, and there is not one right way for everyone to engage in them. We each need to figure out what it is that gives us that feeling of inner peace, of centering.

But the trick to spiritual practice is doing it regularly, and if we’re already overwhelmed by the world or our circumstances, one more thing to add to our day is just one more thing to knock us off of our center, one more thing to cause anxiety instead of cultivating peace.

I have begun to think about this differently.

Instead of carving out twenty minutes to sit in meditation, or an hour to walk a labyrinth every day, I find moments of spiritual centering throughout the day.

In giving advice to people in caring professions about cultivating peace and centering themselves, psychologist Ashley Davis Bush writes about “micro-practices,” one-moment-long glimpses of peace and mindfulness. Bush encourages people to fit them in throughout the day—in the pauses and cracks around other things, with no pressure or timeline or necessary outcome.

Take a breath. Notice how the air moves in and out of your body. Just one long, slow, deliberate breath.

Drink a glass of water. Feel it fill your body and think about how you will absorb that water.

Take just a moment and visualize in your mind something that makes you feel happy, or calm, or connected, or grounded. Choose an image and come back to it­—just for a few seconds—throughout the day.

Choose a few words to guide you, and repeat them in your mind every now and then, whenever you’re feeling unmoored. “I am grounded,” perhaps, or “I am loved.”

Spend a moment acknowledging the difficulties in your life right now. They are real. You are real. Your pain is real, too, but it does not own you.

Find a way—a small way—every day to connect to another person. Write a letter to your pen pal. Smile at a friend, or if it’s safe to do so, a stranger. Help someone out. Cultivate the knowledge that you are not alone in this world.

Think of something you’re thankful for. Take just a moment to feel gratitude.

Say something kind to yourself.

These practices don’t need to be long—ideally they’re just a minute, a moment, a breath. And they are all ways to connect to our center, to cultivate peace within our hearts, and to connect to something beyond our individual being.

Let peace begin with you. Let peace begin in your heart. Find your center, a little bit at a time.

Lucifer the light-bringer

6 November 2021 at 05:26
Satan in his Original Glory: Thou wast Perfect till Iniquity was Found in Thee William Blake, c.1805 A short “thought for the day” offered to the Cambridge Unitarian Church as part of the Sunday Service of Mindful Meditation  (Click on this link to hear a recorded version of the following piece) —o0o— I was interested to read that last year in the UK a total of 15 babies were named “Lucifer.”  In one sense I’m not vexed or offended by this because, as any passably competent student of Jewish and Christian texts has long known, the name “Lucifer” simply means “light-bringer” and for millennia it has been used as the name of the planet Venus in its morning aspect because its rising preceded the welcome rising of th...

Sacred Text Book Study - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito

6 November 2021 at 01:02
... to gather with introspection and discussion of the many sources Unitarian Universalism applies and depends on within our Six Sources.

Save The Bay volunteer event recap - Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto

5 November 2021 at 19:28
On the morning of Saturday, October 23, 2021, thirteen UUCPA members, families, and friends gathered at the Bedwell Bayfront Park in Menlo Park to ...

A Meditation on the Golden Rule

6 November 2021 at 04:00
    I’m currently reflecting on the nature of the spiritual life. This pushes me into a consideration of whether there is a common thread to religions, or whether its a bunch of wildly different religions, each contending to be the only true The smart money seems to be that its all chaos. But, I […]

Glacial Park Sip' n Stroll - Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation

5 November 2021 at 23:37
can bring a snack and drink, or prepare for a walk with friends! We will meet at the Kettle Parking Lot. This event is hosted by Rev. Jenn Gracen.

Chico area church services

6 November 2021 at 03:25
Bible study at 9:30 a.m., worship at 10:30 a.m. Children, adults classes. 995 E. Lassen Ave. Chico First Baptist Church: 10:30 a.m. service in-person.

Forks in the Road: Confronting a Collective Shadow - Unitarian Universalist Church of Jackson

6 November 2021 at 00:34
Rev. Justin McCreary will lead us in exploring the way our interpretation of history effects our understanding of who we are. We will look at this ...

Religion Calendar: Nov. 6 - Winston-Salem Journal

6 November 2021 at 00:22
Clemmons First Baptist Church, 3530 Clemmons Road, Clemmons, will have Sunday school at 10 a.m. and an in-person worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday ...

Religion Calendar | Lifestyle & Entertainment | dnronline.com

6 November 2021 at 00:18
Wednesday Bible study at 7 p.m. For information, call Tony at 271-0344. »FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, 611 Broad St., in-person worship at 11 a.m. Sunday ...


6 November 2021 at 00:05
As a performing musician, it is important for me to block out all that is going on in a room so that my only thoughts are listening, seeing and hearing the music. It has taken me years to not register the sneeze, people talking, or a door opening. Centering for me is intense concentration. How … Continue reading Concentration

Writing as a Spiritual Practice (second Sunday this month)

5 November 2021 at 21:38
Click here to donate securely online. To set up auto recurring donations, contact the office. Unitarian Universalist Association Logo Welcoming ...

Ingrid Encalada Latorre granted stay of removal in immigration case after years of sanctuary ...

5 November 2021 at 21:31
Encalada Latorre, a native of Peru, has been living in sanctuary at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder with her three American-born ...

Unipping - Unitarian stepping.

6 November 2021 at 00:56
Unipping - Unitarian stepping.

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Trial opens with differing views of same "horrible" death | Local News

6 November 2021 at 00:17
Ahmaud Arbery's aunt, Diane Jackson, from left, Titania Cook and Jane Page of the Unitarian-Universalist Church, sit under a canopy protected from the ...

RT @UUA: Most Unitarian Universalists are strong believers in science, medicine, and epidemiology. We encourage everyone who is ...

5 November 2021 at 23:33
RT @UUA: Most Unitarian Universalists are strong believers in science, medicine, and epidemiology. We encourage everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible.

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Candidate Slate for 2022 Leadership - First Unitarian Church of Dallas

5 November 2021 at 21:48
Below are this year's leadership nominees: David Schulze Nominated for a one-year term as President of the Board of Trustees. Angie Sifferman

Buildings and Grounds Spruce Up Opportunity - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, GA ...

5 November 2021 at 21:38
Come on out to one or more of the days and times available to work below. Anyone volunteering inside agrees to wear a mask while doing the work.

“A Change of Heart” - Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation

5 November 2021 at 21:19
First Time Visitor? Upcoming Services · Service Archive. News Categories. Minister Columns · News · Social Justice · Advocates for Women · Funding ...

Encouraging Vaccination

Most Unitarian Universalists are strong believers in science, medicine, and epidemiology. We encourage everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. However, some Unitarian Universalists, and staff of UU congregations, have personal values or fears that lead away from choosing vaccination. How can we as congregations who want to minimize the spread of this potentially deadly disease encourage, or even require, vaccination against COVID-19?


Widespread vaccination against COVID-19 makes our communities safer. How do we encourage vaccination with sensitivity and kindness?

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Letting the Questions Float By

Writing for Braver/Wiser, Diane Dassow reminds us to give up needing to know the answers to every question that might arise, and instead live with the questions. She reflects "I allowed my being to live at low tide, to love, and to look for inspiration in nature. Rather than jump into “wrapping up my affairs,” I relaxed my soul, practiced tai chi, and let the questions float by." Read the entire passage and sign up for Braver/Wiser here:https://bit.ly/3o1Mflt

I am learning to give up needing to know the answers, and instead live with the questions.

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Meditation with Larry Androes (6 November 2021)

5 November 2021 at 23:27
Please join us on Saturday (6 November 2021) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes. This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching. The group is free and open to all. For more information, contact Larry … Continue reading "Meditation with Larry Androes (6 November 2021)"

Building and Grounds Work Day (6 November 2021)

5 November 2021 at 23:24
Please join us on Saturday (6 November 2021) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day. Join us as we get our church home — inside and out — ready for reopening.

UUA Congregations | Page 11 | UU Humanist Association

5 November 2021 at 18:56
The Unitarian Universalist Humanist Association (formerly HUUmanists) is committed to Humanist principles of reason, compassion, and human fulfillment ...

Family Vespers - Cedars Unitarian Universalist Church

5 November 2021 at 19:52
On Wednesdays at 6pm Kitsap UU Fellowship and Cedars UU Church have started co-leading an informal and fun family-style vespers service for ...

Mark Hunyadi Obituary (1948 - 2021) - Oxford, CT - Connecticut Post - Legacy.com

5 November 2021 at 19:43
Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Bridgeport. Send Flowers. Mark Hunyadi Mark Hunyadi, a longtime resident of both Stratford and Trumbull, ...

Unitarians in Palo Alto, 1915-1920

5 November 2021 at 21:31
Part Four of a history I’m writing, telling the story of Unitarians in Palo Alto from the founding of the town in 1891 up to the dissolution of the old Unitarian Church of Palo Alto in 1934. If you want the footnotes, you’ll have to wait until the print version of this history comes out … Continue reading "Unitarians in Palo Alto, 1915-1920"

IT'S COMING! UNDIE SUNDAY! - Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto

5 November 2021 at 19:22
Undie Sunday will be happening again this year, with Covid-era modifications. The collection campaign will start on Wednesday, November 17 and run ...

Studio open house

5 November 2021 at 21:00
I invite you to join us on Saturday November 6 for a Open House at the glass and iron studio of Suzanne Reed. I'll be selling books and boxes. The address is 1242 CR 102 and the time from 1 to 4 PM. Make, fix and create...

Celebration of the life of Dick Slocum - Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto

5 November 2021 at 19:22
Dick was a musician and a lover of music, and the service features the first live appearance (outdoors for COVID safety) of the UUCPA Adult Choir ...

Teachings of the Tipi Poles: Humility - Bull Run Unitarian Universalists (www2)

5 November 2021 at 17:47
Bull Run Unitarian Universalists 9350 Main Street Manassas, Virginia 20110. Due to COVID-19 Safety Concerns, Sunday Services are still being held ...

Faith Community Notes (copy) | Faith & Values | fredericksburg.com

5 November 2021 at 20:08
Trinity Episcopal Church, corner of William St. and College Ave., offers a food pantry and financial assistance the first and third Tuesdays of each ...

Ingrid Encalada Latorre granted stay of removal in immigration case after years of sanctuary ...

5 November 2021 at 19:54
Encalada Latorre, a native of Peru, has been living in sanctuary at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder with her three American-born children ...

Any Meadville-Lombard seminarians here?

5 November 2021 at 20:08

Hello my beautiful UU folks,

Any Meadville-Lombard seminarians here? I'm applying as a transfer from my current seminary (I moved across the country and they don't offer an online program) and would love to chat!

submitted by /u/RainTraffic
[link] [comments]

ICE grants Peruvian native seeking sanctuary in Colorado stay of removal - The Denver Channel

5 November 2021 at 19:28
She's lived at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder for four years. The church has acted as a sanctuary for LaTorre and her kids.

1974 Hudson Catholic team opened new chapter in local football history - Community Advocate

5 November 2021 at 19:15
They were the first team from the immediate area to qualify. ... Warrant article would create historic marker for Unitarian Universalist Church.

18 Questions with Musician and Unitarian Universalist Minister Erin Walter - Texas Music Magazine

5 November 2021 at 17:32
How did you get involved with the Unitarian Universalist (UU) church in the first place? I grew up “UU” and had a caring, positive experience with it.

A Ministerial Sabbatical - First Parish Unitarian Universalist of Arlington, MA

5 November 2021 at 15:04
Marta Flanagan began her ministry at First Parish in August 2009 as the ... As is customary for Unitarian Universalist ministers, Marta and Rev.

Lightning defenseman Mikhail Sergachev suspended 2 games - Citrus County Chronicle

5 November 2021 at 17:44
The incident occurred in the first period of the Maple Leafs' 2-1 overtime victory Thursday night in Toronto.

UU Church of Marblehead to continue Meetinghouse Series with climate talk - Wicked Local

5 November 2021 at 17:13
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead will continue its fall Meetinghouse Series on Sunday, November 14 at 2 p.m.with a free virtual ...

First Universalist Church of Minneapolis » November Faithful Action Newsletter

5 November 2021 at 15:40
In this newsletter you will find invitations to volunteer, advocate, give, and learn with others at First Universalist and in our broader ...

In-Person Readers' Group - Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola

5 November 2021 at 15:29
Join us at the Ortiz home. There is NO REQUIRED reading. We enjoy sharing our experiences and recommendations.

UUA News 10-28-2021 - First Unitarian Universalist Church

5 November 2021 at 14:52
With all of the changes and complications arising in the ways our Unitarian Universalist communities can gather together during the COVID 19 ...

Soul Force: What is Non-Violence, Really? - Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills

5 November 2021 at 14:26
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills ... Robin Tanner, the Minister of Worship and Outreach with Beacon UU in Summit, NJ, ...

Christian Video Lecture Series - First Unitarian Church of Chicago

5 November 2021 at 13:46
Thursdays: November 11 & November 18 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. The Chicago Nucleus of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship will continue ...

Column: Wisdom from the Graves

5 November 2021 at 17:18
Lyonel Perabo's daily walk to his child's kindergarten takes him through his hometown's cemetery, a place to reflect on history and what has been passed down to us. Continue reading Column: Wisdom from the Graves at The Wild Hunt.

Eagles soar over Bobcats on hardwood | Local Sports | tullahomanews.com

5 November 2021 at 16:17
The Eagles held the Bobcats scoreless for the first four minutes of play while ... Tullahoma Sangha at Unitarian Universalist Church of Tullahoma.

Photos: Ingrid Encalada Latorre's Stay of Removal Granted - Boulder Daily Camera

5 November 2021 at 16:02
She and her family have been living in sanctuary for the past four years at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder. Ingrid has continued to ...

UU Saratoga This Sunday, Nov 7

5 November 2021 at 14:27
UU Saratoga This Sunday, Nov 7. Our 10am worship service this Sunday, November 7: Beloved Ancestors. Zoom at bit.ly/ ...

Office Manager Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington - admin /...

5 November 2021 at 14:23
Applicant must send resume to . No onsite application or phone calls to the church. Office Manager Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington ...

Ad Hoc Senior Citizen Caucus - First Unitarian Church of Chicago

5 November 2021 at 13:46
Saturday, November 6 at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom. The Ad Hoc Senior Citizen Caucus will follow up on our successful forum last Sunday.

Thanksgiving Service and Dinner: November 20 - First Unitarian Church of Chicago

5 November 2021 at 13:46
It will be held in-person at the church on Saturday, November 20 at 6:00 p.m. We are planning individual turkey dinners, with a vegetarian option ...

First Hour November 14th - Second Unitarian Church of Omaha

5 November 2021 at 11:01
In addition to what we know about Siena Francis House – drop-in shelter, meals, and long-term apartment living – the organization is also creating a ...

Marin's religious events and services

5 November 2021 at 15:19
Testimony meeting: presented by First Church of Christ, Scientist, ... Sunday circle: presented by Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin is ...

Voting precincts cut due to redistricting | Local News | tullahomanews.com

5 November 2021 at 15:18
... Lions Club and Grace Baptist Church where over 1,500 people voted on Nov. ... Tullahoma Sangha at Unitarian Universalist Church of Tullahoma.

Catherine Plude Obituary (1933 - 2021) - Cleveland, OH - The Plain Dealer

5 November 2021 at 15:07
SouthWest Unitarian Universalist Church. Send Flowers. (nee Ries), age 88, born February 1, 1933, passed away October 24, 2021.

Shaw Butte Loop Hike – November 13 - Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix

5 November 2021 at 13:50
Do note, however, that this hike is a bit challenging for those who do not hike all the time. The uphill will really get your heart going and the ...

Zoom Church: The History of this place — Congregation News

5 November 2021 at 10:45
In-person Religious Education Classes and Worship Services have been suspended for the time being. Please make sure your child(ren) are registered for ...

First Parish Undecorates the Tree

5 November 2021 at 09:32
Checks can be mailed to Pat Sims, or mailed or dropped off at the church office at 50 Cochituate Rd, Wayland. Or you can buy a Target gift card ...

Weekend Top 5 | The Henrico Citizen

5 November 2021 at 14:39
The Shady Grove Coffeehouse at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church, 11105 Cauthorne Road in Glen Allen, will continue its 20th season with ...

Anderson announces intent to run for county clerk - Tullahoma News

5 November 2021 at 14:13
11, the Salvation Army of Tullahoma will hold the signups for its annual Angel Tree program at the First Christian Church Annex building located ...

What's Happening Nov. 8-14 | News | tahlequahdailypress.com

5 November 2021 at 13:56
Narcotics Anonymous meets at 7 p.m. in Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Tahlequah, 104 N. College Ave. Thursday, Nov. 11.

Loveland Faith Briefs: Arts & Craft Festival, 'Perspectives' class, more

5 November 2021 at 12:57
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Fort Collins will offer a free, online talk about spiritual healing and the unbreakable connection to God that ...

Mobile Shower Non-Profit Celebrates Five Years | KVEC-AM - San Luis Obispo, CA

5 November 2021 at 11:22
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship near Meadow Park, and The San Luis Obispo City Library on Palm St. also offer shower programs.

11-5 Faith Community - The Norman Transcript

5 November 2021 at 08:41
CrossPointe Church · First Christian Church · First Congregational Church · of Norman, UCC · Memorial Presbyterian Church · St. Joseph's Cathlic Church · St ...

Is it Easier to Escape a Cult, QAnon, Religion, or a Freethinker's Convention? | Scott R. Stahlecker

5 November 2021 at 08:11
... while religions can be as benign as the local non-denominational church. ... As for atheists in churches, the Unitarian Universalist churches ...

Unitarian Universalist Service: 10AM "History Retold" | Fairfield, CT Patch

5 November 2021 at 07:32
Sunday November 7, 2021: The Unitarian Church in Westport is welcoming all to join our Senior Minister, the Rev. Dr. John Morehouse at our...

Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship to hear from Charles Martinez - The Pagosa Springs SUN

5 November 2021 at 06:59
Registration is first come, first served. Rsvp.church will email acknowledgment of your registration or tell you if the limit has been reached. If the ...

What doesn’t kill you….

5 November 2021 at 12:45
Sometimes when I’m talking to someone who has just been through a major life disaster, they will say, “Well, ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,’ right?” They find it comforting to think that life will turn out all right in the end. When I’m doing pastoral counseling, my job is mostly to listen, and … Continue reading "What doesn’t kill you…."

Secrets Revealed

5 November 2021 at 13:03
Someone said that the New Moon in Scorpio has an energy for revealing secrets. During yesterday’s New Moon, a secret emerged in my search for my ancestor Marie Madeleine. I found a marriage record for Anastasie Matshiskueuit, with parents listed as Jean Pierre Utshinitsiu and the deceased Veronique Kaskaneshtshish. These last two were listed as […]


5 November 2021 at 10:49
Yesterday I had an interview with Ozark Public Broadcasting for their program OzarksWatch. It was great to be able to share our wonderful Eureka Springs School of the Arts as the location for the broadcast which will air in February or March. Shown in the photo are host Dr. Jim Baker, and producers Jason Ferber and Brent Slane. Either Jason or Brent will return in December to take video of my box making class in action. I hope this increases awareness of our great school. ESSA-art.org Make, fix and create...

From the Minister: The Miracle of Transformation - Starr King UU Church

5 November 2021 at 07:23
I had read about the scarcity of milkweed plants causing a decline in the monarch butterfly population. But it wasn't until one day when Darryl Ray ...

Menu - UU Santa Fe

5 November 2021 at 04:48
Experience UU Santa Fe | A Unitarian Universalist Community · Menu · Experience UU Santa Fe · Discover UU Santa Fe · MANY WINDOWS, ONE LIGHT—UU SANTA FE ​ ...

18 Best Chalice Tree ideas - Pinterest

5 November 2021 at 04:34
Nov 22, 2018 - Explore Mary West's board "Chalice Tree" on Pinterest. See more ideas about chalice, unitarian universalist, unitarian.

Children's Worship (Online) | Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster

5 November 2021 at 03:49
An interactive time to share familiar rituals of chalice lighting and joys and sorrows, listen to a story or do an activity, and wonder together.

History Vignette 22: What UUs Owe to Icelandic Immigrants - Unitarian Universalist Association

5 November 2021 at 03:45
Their Canadian congregations were foundational to Unitarianism in that nation ... The First Icelandic Unitarian Church of Winnipeg (1905) ...

George Turman - Shady Grove Coffeehouse | UU Community Church

5 November 2021 at 02:54
Light Snacks and Nonalcoholic Beverages Will Be Available for Sale. Special Notice: At the Unitarian Universalist Community Church (UUCC), we expect ...

Blog Archive Wonder and Mystery - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fairbanks

5 November 2021 at 02:10
Minister: Rev. Leslie Ahuvah Fails Music: Marsha Sousa. “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.” —Albert Einstein.

Bringing Hope - Ventura County Family Justice Center - Chalice UU

5 November 2021 at 00:28
Welcome to Chalice - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Conejo Valley. We are so glad you are exploring our website. Our mission is to nurture ...

Intercollegiate Football Takes a Bloody Bow

5 November 2021 at 06:56
A Rutgers student later painted this imagined view of the first official college football game. According to historians of American sports the first official college football season got underway on November 6, 1869 when teams from Rutgers College, now Rutgers University, and the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, got together on the Rutgers campus for a rough and tumble game of football which was sanctionedand approved by both colleges.   It was a short season.   The next game was played by the same teams at Princeton one week later.   Season over.   Just two teams and two games. The Queensmen of Rutgers won the first game by a score of 6-4 but the New Jersey Tigers came back in the re-matchto win 8-0.   The anal reten...

New Thought topic: 'The Law of Gender and The Law of Transmutation of Energy' - The ...

5 November 2021 at 06:30
Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship to hear from Charles Martinez ... First Responders Day acknowledged in Pagosa Springs ...

Ministerial Search Committee Update - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, GA 30606

5 November 2021 at 04:50
Interested in what's happening in the search for our new minister? Curious about the recent survey results? Join members of the Settled Minister ...

Calendar - UU Santa Fe

5 November 2021 at 04:48
Experience UU Santa Fe | A Unitarian Universalist Community. All use of UU Santa Fe campus facilities must go through ...

Religion Listings: Nov. 5, 2021 | | newburyportnews.com

5 November 2021 at 05:22
The First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist, 26 Pleasant St., Newburyport, offers Sunday worship, both in person and livestreamed on ...

When Art and Music Collide - The New York Times

5 November 2021 at 05:01
... at the Met,” his first at the museum, which opened in October 2018. ... the First Parish Portland Unitarian Universalist Church in Portland, ...

ISSUES OF FAITH: Follow the thread | Peninsula Daily News

5 November 2021 at 04:33
Kate Lore is a minister at the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Port Townsend. Her email is katelore@gmail.com.

OUUF program online, in-person | Peninsula Daily News

5 November 2021 at 04:33
Bode will be the guest speaker at Olympic Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. His lesson will stream on Zoom. Limited in-person viewing is available on ...

The Gateless Gate Opens Wide

5 November 2021 at 04:00
    The Gateless Barrier (sometimes Gateless Gate) (無門關 Wúménguān; Japanese: 無門関 Mumonkan) was first published on this day, the 5th of November, in 1228. And with that seven hundred and ninety-three years of admonition, invitation, and general all around Zen hilarity ensues… The Gateless Barrier is an anthology of forty-eight koans, those brief and […]

Staffing Changes | Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster

5 November 2021 at 03:49
Last month we received a resignation letter from Bev Geib, our financial manager for the past six years. Bev is taking a position that will give ...

Norma Taylor - The Salem News Obituaries

5 November 2021 at 03:28
Mom had many faiths, but settled on Unitarian Universalist and was a member of the Melbourne church. She will be missed by her grandchildren, ...

November 5 Klamath County faith briefs - Herald and News

5 November 2021 at 03:07
Children's Church 10:30 a.m., Evening Worship, 6 p.m. Wednesdays: Intercessory ... First Presbyterian Church ... Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.