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UU Minute #57

2 November 2021 at 16:01
Charles Chauncy Charles Chauncy served the prominent First Church of Boston for 60 years: 35 as assistant minister and another 25 as senior minister. His support of the American Revolution in sermons and pamphlets led him to be called "theologian of the American Revolution". Born into the elite Puritan merchant class that ruled Boston, Chauncy came to oppose the Great Awakening and spoke out against religious enthusiasm stirred up by revival preachers. 1. Despite his Puritan heritage, Chauncy rejected Calvin’s doctrine of total depravity, and argued that human beings have God-given "natural powers" that were meant to be nurtured toward "an actual likeness to God in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness". 2. Chauncy and other more...

Website update

2 November 2021 at 15:37
The last time I did a major update of my main website was around 2009. It was looking pretty old and creaky. So I did a complete redesign, and it’s now responsive and html5 compliant. On the content side, I added some significant new content, including an essay on change management in congregations. I did … Continue reading "Website update"

Joe Manchin Might be a Senator from West Virginia but he’s Paid for by Corporations

2 November 2021 at 11:38
Joe Manchin is doing everything he can to undermine effective legislation to address the climate crisis and stop any sort of expansion of the social safety net. Like a lot of people, I have been feeling a lot of anger and despair over his power to dictate the Democratic Party’s legislative agenda at a time […]

Wobblies Filled the Jail in Spokane Free Speech Fight

2 November 2021 at 08:08
The IWW relied on street meetings like this one in New York state to organize workers.Β  When Spokane, Washington authorities tried to shut them down in 1909 they sparked a legendary Free Speech Fight. I didn’t start out to be probably the greatest landmark battle for free speech and free assembly in Americanhistory. Β  It grew out of the practical, if militant concerns of a labor union trying to establish itselfin an all important local industryβ€”the lumber trade of the Pacific Northwest. But on November 2, 1909 the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) launched a Free Speech Fight in the streets of Spokane , Washington. Β  Before the first day was out 103 workers trying to mount a literal wooden soap box on Stevens Street had been h...

I Had to Postpone a Ritual and I’m Still Alive

2 November 2021 at 05:00
I had plans to do something magical, spiritual, religious, and very important to me – and I had to postpone it. This was a hard thing for me to do.

MU: The Zen Koan as a Love Letter

2 November 2021 at 04:00
Β  Β  Mu: A Love Letter Tom Wardle Empty Moon Zen The Gateless Gate, Case One: Zhaozhou’s Dog A student of the way asked Zhaozhou (Joshu), β€œHas the dog Buddha nature or not?”Zhaozhou said, β€œMu.” The Verse Β Dog, Buddha natureβ€”The full presentation of the whole;With a bit of β€œhas” or β€œhas not”Body is lost, life […]


2 November 2021 at 00:05
Prayer beads serve as a focus for meditation. Much more than a mnemonic aid to prayer, prayer beads engage the senses to create a state of mindfulness. Find something to hold onto today, the touch of which helps remind you to return to your center.

Pagan Community Notes: Week of November 1, 2021

1 November 2021 at 20:17
In this week's Pagan Community Notes, announcements of rituals and events, as well as crossings of the Veil. Continue reading Pagan Community Notes: Week of November 1, 2021 at The Wild Hunt.

A sunny autumn day in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

1 November 2021 at 18:15
Susanna and I spent a lovely morning and early afternoon in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden and, for your enjoyment, I include here a few photographs.Β  Just click on a photo to enlarge it All were taken with a Fuji X100V and are straight out of camera jpegs