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Before yesterdayUnitarian Universalist

Atheist, Secular, Queer 30-Something Looking for Community

Hi everyone!

I'm a 32-year-old American woman from the South. My early years were spent attending a small Methodist church in my hometown. However, due to personal reasons linked to an experience there, I distanced myself from it. Since my mid-teens, I've identified with Secular Humanism. I also identify strongly with liberalism.

I've always been intrigued by different cultures and religious beliefs, though I personally don't subscribe to supernatural notions. A few years back, I attended some UU meetings in my previous city, but I haven't explored it again since relocating.

I'm keen to hear from fellow atheists about their experiences with the UU community. I'm genuinely looking for a group of like-minded individuals, though I admit the term "church" still brings some unease.

Your insights would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Frequent-Location-36
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Thoughts: Filianism

Are there any Filianyi or Deanics here? I just found out about Filianism the other day and it’s tickled my religious studies curiosity. If there are any what do you believe and where are some good communities to find more information?

submitted by /u/KvcateGirl27
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Any good UU YouTube channels or livestreams to follow?

21 March 2023 at 17:14

I’m interested in joining a congregation. Unfortunately the closest UU church is over 50 miles away from me so I’m considering online attendance for the most part.

submitted by /u/KvcateGirl27
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Racism and Spiritual Abuse in UU and/or CUUPs

8 August 2022 at 19:24

Would you say that UU and CUUPs are a safe-enough space for a Black female pagan/witch?

Would you say that UUers in general and even UU pagans specifically, regardless of race, are more likely to believe that Spirit has no race and thus be committed to strengthening Collective Consciousness?

I ask this as I am still debating as to whether or not I should give the seemingly nice, local pagan meetup +/- the local Unitarian Universalist congregation the “old college try.”

I am concerned I will find the same (or even worse) racist, exclusionary, and/or megalomaniac tactics I have encountered in other religious communities including Seventh-day Adventist Christian, non-denomination Christian, African/Kemetic, and eclectic pagan spaces.

submitted by /u/catalina2789
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Ex-Fundies, Exvangelicals, Ex-Christians, Ex-Mormons, Ex-Adventist, Ex-"Insert Fundamentalist Religion Here"...Why did you choose UU?

21 July 2022 at 00:21
Ex-Fundies, Exvangelicals, Ex-Christians, Ex-Mormons, Ex-Adventist, Ex-"Insert Fundamentalist Religion Here"...Why did you choose UU?

I'm an ex-Seventh-day Adventist Christian. I now identify as a pagan witch.


I'm considering going to the local Unitarian Universalist congregation on Sundays. I'm wondering if fundamentalist, organized religion all together is the problem or if a liberal religion would be a safe place to explore spirituality and continue the healing work I'm already doing.

TLDR: What are your guys' experiences with UU post-fundamentalist religion? Why did you choose UU? How is it different?

submitted by /u/catalina2789
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