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Before yesterdayUnitarian Universalist

Florida Christian UUs

Just want to know if anyone here from Florida is a Christian? Just seems like the UUA in florida puts at the back of the line. What to meet more UU Christians.

submitted by /u/nicoladebari
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Coming here with a question.

First off, I have been attending a Baptist church for the last year or so. I started going after an experience with God; I was an Athiest, who prayed out of desperation, and my prayer was answered. I love the church I attend, the pastor has been a great tutor for me and has helped me understand the Bible and a bit about God. My problem is that I've always felt a bit outside. I have a real hard time accepting Jesus as a God-Man and the trinity seems strange to me still. I prefer to think of God as acting through the limits of the Universe, miracles can happen, but they are within the boundaries of what is actually possible. I believe God can do miracles, but for example, I don't believe in the virgin birth.

I've read a bit about Unitarianism on Wikipedia, and it seems more right, as far as how it aligns with my beliefs. Would you say this is correct? I would like to more firmly understand what a Unitarian is and what they believe regarding Jesus and God, as well as how they think of scripture and other works.

submitted by /u/Newoldgoodbad
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Going to my first UU event in my area but I have a few questions.

25 April 2022 at 23:17

Hey! I'm coming to my first UU event next week but I have a few questions regarding the demographic. I understand that UU is all-inclusive and accepting and the principles are the reason I want to be apart of UU, but I am a little bit self conscious about not being around my age group. I'm 19M and Asian descent, would there be any members around my age?

submitted by /u/3232fgfbxxsg
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Do you think you could convince someone that God does not hate him ?

13 April 2022 at 12:35


So, I recently got involved in theologic questions, and came across this post, in wich someone explain that God hate him because he had sexual relations, notably with people of the same sex.

I try to explain to him that homosexuality isn't a sin, and that it is okay, but there also are some people that tells him he can't be forgiven, that homosexuality will forbid him to have the love of God and these things.

I can see he is distressed, and I want to help him, but I think that if I am alone in saying that God love him, while other people send their favourite homophobe passages of the bible, he risk to get to hate himself more and more.

Do you think you could help him ? I just ask you to be kind and patient.

The link to the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/u2r5wc/losing_my_mind_seeking_god_but_he_rejected_me/i4kue16/?context=3

submitted by /u/Lord-Belou
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I did it.

11 April 2022 at 16:55

This past week I was so nervous, because I had volunteered to speak to my local UU community. I did on Sunday and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

submitted by /u/BigSexytke
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6 April 2022 at 17:08

Can I believe in a pantheon of gods and still be a UU?

submitted by /u/BigSexytke
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How did you find UU?

I am always interested in how people find out about UU. Please select how you came upon it and if what you have experienced is not an option in the poll, please feel free to comment below. Thanks and have a great day!

View Poll

submitted by /u/Ambitious_Doughnut22
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Kurt Vonnegut Requiem


So I was introduced to Kurt Vonnegut through Slaughterhouse Five in high school English class; it became my favorite book and Vonnegut my favorite author. I may even have this requiem played at my funeral in addition to having "Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt" inscribed on my tombstone.

submitted by /u/ScienceDragonGorbash
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