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What Brought You to Unitarian Universalism?

28 September 2021 at 20:34

I'm currently reading "Testimony: The Transformative Power of Unitarian Universalism" edited by Meg Riley. It is a great book! I've found it to be so encouraging to my faith. My family officially joined our local UU Church last Sunday after about a year of virtually attending. I'm so glad we have finally found a place to belong.

I'd love to hear your story! What brought you to Unitarian Universalism? How has it changed your life over the years?

submitted by /u/Redwood_Dreamer
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How was the service?

12 September 2021 at 13:37

How was your service today? Did you have an Ingathering service? If so, what did that look like?

submitted by /u/Redwood_Dreamer
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A Reflection from the UUA President: Choosing Love On This Anniversary of September 11

10 September 2021 at 16:21
hand-painted pins attached to a fence for a Sept 11 memorial

Susan Frederick-Gray

On the 20-year anniversary of September 11th, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray reflects on the costs of America's response and spiritual strength of choosing love.

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From the UUA President: Ingathering In Complicated Times

31 August 2021 at 19:00
altar with sand, chalice, sea glass and shells

Susan Frederick-Gray

As the new congregational year begins, the pandemic has forced many to re-evaluate traditional Ingathering celebrations. In these complicated times, let us remember that our ministries are life-saving and resilient.

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How Was Your Service Today?

29 August 2021 at 18:33

How was your service today? What was it about? Did anything about it challenge or inspire you?

submitted by /u/Redwood_Dreamer
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From the UUA President: Updated COVID Guidance for the Delta Variant

20 August 2021 at 12:50
a stack of homemade COVID face masks

Susan Frederick-Gray

In light of the changing COVID virus and the Delta variant, the UUA offers important updates to its guidance on gathering in UU congregations and communities.

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UU Amazon bestseller list is not what I was expecting

14 August 2021 at 22:36

Obviously, how Amazon and its seller categorize books is fairly arbitrary and this doesn't mean anything- but still - I was thinking we'd get some books on UUism, books from the Goodreads UU group, books from the UUA common read. But the Top 25 Bestselling Unitarian Universalist books include:

#1 Powerful morning prayers for Christians. OK sure that's 10% of us but I can see why it' the best selling.

#2 & #5 Laws of Attraction based books. Really?

#4 and #11 and #14 The Kingdom of Cults, helping Christians identify false ideologies masquerading as religion. Hmmmmmm.

#18 is an academic text on " religious history from 330 B.C. to 330 A.D." OK

#25 When Religion Becomes Evil........... actually is useful from a UU perspective. Carry on!

#26 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a straight up psychology self help book. Are they trying to tell us something? Or does this get put into every religious category? Honestly that book probably would help anyone......

This is a lighthearted post, hopefully did not offend anyway.

submitted by /u/estheredna
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From the UUA President: Take a break and find some joy!

17 June 2021 at 18:00
four small humans splashing and jumping in water

Susan Frederick-Gray

Last summer, many volunteer and religious professional leaders were so consumed by the challenges of transitioning to virtual operations that they never took time off. We urge you to do so this summer because rest is critical for the quality and sustainability of our work.

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From the UUA President: There Is So Much Going On at General Assembly This Year

3 June 2021 at 15:07
Three volunteers gather behind a laptop computer at a side table in General Session (the GA Tech Deck).

Susan Frederick-Gray

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray shares some of the many highlights of General Assembly this year and invites you to join us online June 23-27 for worship, workshops and much more.

Continue reading "From the UUA President: There Is So Much Going On at General Assembly This Year"

UU Minute #42

19 May 2021 at 17:11
Glorious Revolution A nation coming apart at the seams. Shared reality that held a people together despite differences -- no longer shared. Widespread distrust of the basic institutions of society. Heretofore reliable truth rejected. That was 17th-century England. The Civil War that produced the execution of King Charles the First in 1649 was as much about forms of worship as it was forms of government – as much about the polity of the church as the polity of the state. After 11 years of Commonwealth, the monarchy was restored. Charles the Second was succeeded by James the Second, England’s last Catholic monarch. The general anxiety about his Catholicism, combined with outrage when James prosecuted seven bishops for seditious libel, ...

An Update on General Assembly 2021

a Black parent sits in front of a laptop with his two children

Susan Frederick-Gray


LaTonya Richardson

We'll circle 'round for all-virtual General Assembly this year starting on June 23rd. Register today!

Continue reading "An Update on General Assembly 2021"

More Hope, Vigor, and Strength, part 2

25 April 2021 at 19:21
Our faith has never been about individual spiritual growth. Salvation, we know, having heard it in Unitarian Universalist theology and having learned it from each other, is collective, not individual. Ain’t nobody saved until we all saved. Ain’t nobody free until we all free. β€˜Cause there ain’t nobody – apart from everybody. One example of what Unitarian Universalist faith accomplishes in this world was last year’s nationwide effort among Unitarian Universalists called β€œUU the Vote.” We built voter engagement, voter registration, voter turnout. It was more than our denomination had ever tackled before. And it was massive, and it was awesome. Folks were ready to give generously of their time and resources because our value...

More Hope, Vigor, and Strength, part 1

25 April 2021 at 18:40
Gaudeamus Hodie (let us rejoice today) – for we are alive, and we are together, and we are embodying the good life. The good life. In the 320-year history of Yale University, no class has been as popular as Psych 157: Psychology and the Good Life, taught by Professor Laurie Santos. It was offered in 2018, and 1,200 students enrolled for the lecture course. That’s a large class. As a former professor myself, my first thought was: that’s a lot of papers to grade. Fortunately, Dr. Santos had 24 Teaching Assistants for the class. That 2018 class was the only time it was offered in-person. Coursera made a 10-week version of the course available to the public, attracting 100s of thousands of on-line learners. Then came the lockdown of Ma...

UU Minute #39

24 April 2021 at 00:42
John Biddle What happened in Britain in 1615? John Biddle was born, known as the father of English Unitarianism. Queen Elizabeth’s 45-year reign had ended a dozen years before. She was succeeded by King James. The ground for Unitarianism had been laid by four key influences. 1. The Bible – in English translation. 230 years before Biddle’s birth John Wycliffe produced the first English translation of the Bible. The slow, seeping influence of English translation Bibles bolstered the idea that the only authoritative reliable guide to doctrine was the Bible itself – and thus that doctrinal matters not specifically dictated in the Bible – such as the Trinity, the precise nature of the communion bread and wine, infant versus adult Ba...

Attain the Good You Will Not Attain, part 2

19 April 2021 at 20:10
6. Activism is not, most fundamentally, about producing outcomes, but about living as who we are. Grace has its own way of shaping what our hearts bequeath it. The toil of body and soul, we offer up to the universe, and what the universe makes of it is not ours to say. Is the world making any progress to being more fair, more just, more kind? I don’t know. The Covid pandemic made a number of the fault lines in our society more vividly evident. Whether there will be lasting progress, however, is unclear. It may be disheartening when desired outcomes have not been achieved. It is less disheartening if we understand that achieving desired outcomes is not the main reason for activism. We inherit a Western philosophical tradition that has s...

Attain the Good You Will Not Attain, part 1

19 April 2021 at 19:32
Today we’ll pay a visit to Jeremy Bentham, drop in on a certain ethics seminar in 1990, allude to an episode from my dating life, and then go to Nazi-occupied Poland. We’ll entertain the notion that activism is not, most fundamentally, about producing outcomes, but about living as who we are. We’ll consider what Eastern traditions have to say about that, and visit a scorpion-stung swami by the banks of the Ganges. We’ll give a wave to Mary Oliver’s wild geese, and then stand for a moment on the side of the Misty Mountains with the Fellowship of the Ring that had just emerged from the Mines of Moria. Finally, we’ll join A.J. Muste in the 1960s, on the sidewalk just outside the White House. As always, it’ll be a ride – and ...

UU Minute #38

19 April 2021 at 17:58
Stranger Churches The first of England’s Stranger Churches -- Protestant churches for foreigners – started in 1547, led by Bernardino Ochino of Italy, (whose name just keeps popping up in our story.) A few years later, 1550, the Dutch Stranger Church of London received a royal charter and was incorporated by letters patent. Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, supported the Stranger Church for two reasons: The Stranger Church provided a possible model of how a reformed Protestant Church might work in England, and it also served to help suppress those heresies that went too far – such as Unitarianism. For instance, in 1551, Dutch surgeon George van Parris of the London Stranger Church, was executed by his fellow Dutchmen for de...

UU Minute #37

19 April 2021 at 17:02
In 1534, England’s Henry VIII maneuvered parliament into declaring him, β€œHead of the Church in England,” independent of Papal authority. Yet there was no change in doctrine, liturgy, or practice – at least, not at first. Protestant ideas gradually began infiltrating the Church of England from Protestant refugees flocking into England, which Henry was obliged to welcome because, having alienated his Catholic allies, he was now dependent on fostering alliances with Protestant powers. After Henry’s death in 1547, Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, was keen to bring Protestant Reform to the Church of England. He invited Protestant scholars from the mainland – which is what brought Bernardino Ochino and Lelio Sozzini (Laeli...

Breathe, part 2

19 April 2021 at 16:30
Go to part 1 I have an ask. Every year, I ask you – your denomination asks you -- to read one new book. Last year, it was Roxane Dunbar-Ortiz, Indigenous People’s History of the United States . The year before that it was an anthology of essays called J ustice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment . Every year since 2010, the Unitarian Universalist Association has selected a Common Read book for all UUs across the land to read and talk about – a text to engage together. Over the last 11 years, we Unitarians have read together, cried together (and, yes, laughed together in the shared joy of conceiving justice together) with: Margaret Regan, The Death of Josseline: Immigration Stories ...

Breathe, part 1

19 April 2021 at 14:41
A couple haiku from Kobayahi Issa: β€œChildren imitating cormorants Are even more wonderful Than cormorants.”And: β€œEven on the smallest islands, They are tilling the fields Skylarks singing.”Imani Perry’s little book, Breathe: A Letter to My Sons , begins with these two Issa haiku. ("Issa" -- coincidentally or not -- is also the name of one of Perry's two sons.) She then offers a poem of her own: β€œThrough good, nothing, or ill, your mother stands Behind you, in front of the looking glass. The boy standing before his mother blinks. And there is another, stalk high. Seeing a child, and another I know and do not know. My own and belonging only to himself And to himself. Smuggling truth off the well-worn and decent corridors. Mothe...

Trust, part 2

7 April 2021 at 19:34
Go to part 1 It’s not up to you to try to make yourself a more trusting person. That might not be a good idea. Williams Syndrome is a rare neurodevelopmental genetic condition that features mild learning or developmental challenges and also a markedly outgoing personality. People with Williams Syndrome have a high level of sociability, very good communication skills, and are very trusting of strangers. And that’s not always a good thing. If you get an email from a Prince of Nigeria asking for your help transferring some funds – or an email purporting to be from me asking for personal help – don’t trust it. Making ourselves more trusting in a world that is often untrustworthy is not the issue. What we can do is be on the lookout...

Trust, part 1

7 April 2021 at 16:23
β€œDo you trust me?” says Aladdin, as he holds out his hand to Jasmine. What would you do? It happens twice in the 1992 Disney cartoon movie. The first time, he’s a street urchin, and she’s in disguise as a commoner. The second time, he’s in disguise as a prince and she’s in her element as a princess in the palace. Neither time does she have any reason to trust him. But she says yes – and takes his hand. Both times. It’s a risk. She might get let down, hurt – maybe killed if she falls off that magic carpet when it takes a swerve. She takes the risk. Why? We don’t know. I don’t think she knows. Trust. Sissela Bok says: β€œWhatever matters to human beings, trust is the atmosphere in which it thrives.”Jasmine’s world...

Ordinary Easter, part 2

7 April 2021 at 13:51
Go to part 1 Mark is the earliest Gospel – written around 70 CE, say most scholars. It’s also the shortest gospel: at under 15,000 words, it’s less than two-thirds the length of the average of the other three gospels. There’s no miraculous birth in Mark – in fact, no birth story at all – and no doctrine of divine pre-existence. No Christmas story, and a truncated Easter story. It begins with Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist – and it ends, like this: When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been saying to one another, β€œWho wi...

Ordinary Easter, part 1

6 April 2021 at 16:55
I’ll share with you a Zen koan, and talk about ordinariness as salvific: the reliable quotidian rhythms. Then we’ll look at the larger scale hopes for social and political liberation – in the foreground of the Passover story and in the background of the Easter story. We’ll note how the four gospel accounts of Easter are different. In part 2, we’ll take a deep dive into the Gospel of Mark, and see if can emerge with a context for both the ordinary, everyday resurrection and a social liberation that we have not yet seen. I will end with a question, rather than an affirmation, so I won’t be saying Amen at the end this time. Here we go. A friend of mine is a United Church of Christ minister. We met at the Zen center where we both...

Hypocrites! part 2

6 April 2021 at 16:29
Go to part 1 Hypocrisy has a prominent place in Western moral discourse in no small part because Jesus invoked it so often. In Luke 6, Jesus says, β€œhow can you say to your neighbor, β€˜Friend, let me take out the speck in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.”In Matthew 6, Jesus says, when you give alms, when you pray, and when you fast, don’t do it as the hypocrites do. Don’t sound a trumpet before you so you may be praised by others. Give alms in secret, not letting your left hand know you’re your right hand is doing, and your Father who sees in secret will reward yo...

UU Minute #36

3 April 2021 at 13:21
England: Wycliffe to Henry VIII Our story now makes its way to England, which has its own very distinctive church history. Antitrinitarian thought had popped up in the British Isles at least as early as 1327, when Adam Duff O’Toole was executed outside Dublin for denying the Trinity. Later that century, John Wycliffe had headed a reform movement of sorts, questioning the privileged status of the clergy, the luxury and pomp of local parishes and their ceremonies, the veneration of saints, the sacraments, requiem masses, transubstantiation, monasticism, and the legitimacy of the Papacy. Wycliffe, together with supporting associates, produced the first translation of the Bible into the English vernacular of the time – what we call Middl...

UU Minute #35

30 March 2021 at 13:52
The Dissipation of Socinianism The Minor Reformed Church, that is, the early unitarian church, began in Poland because Poland in the 16th century was tolerant enough to allow it. But in the 17th century, Poland proved not tolerant enough to allow it to continue. In the half-century after Fausto Sozzini’s death in 1604, oppression increased and worsened until, in 1660, the Socinians were forcibly expelled. Some went to Transylvania where Polish-speaking unitarian churches were then established -- these eventually assimilated. Some exiles went to Konigsburg, Prussia, where, for another century, Socinian congregations survived. The Socinians who made it to Holland established the congregations that endured the longest. Fausto and Elizabet...

Hypocrites! part 1

28 March 2021 at 17:13
Here’s the roadmap. We’re going to go through Browning, the nature of art, and why hypocrisy, as commonly thought of, isn’t a problem. We’ll swing briefly by Mary Katherine Morn, and then go to ancient Greece. We’ll see that integrity and belonging are really the same thing, and drop in on Brene Brown. In part 2, we’ll hang out with Jesus for a while, see what spiritual practice is for, and how we answer our call. It’ll be fun. We ready? First stop, Browning. β€œAh, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?” wrote Robert Browning in 1855. A woman’s reach should exceed her grasp. A person’s reach should exceed zir grasp. We should aim higher than we can actually attain. Browning is describing t...

Integrity, part 2

25 March 2021 at 19:26
Go to part 1 I’m reminded of how democracy is a skill. The habits of hearing diverse viewpoints, of weighing other people’s interests and perspectives with our own, of running meetings, and participating in meetings so that your voice, and all voices, are heard without your voice or any voice dominating, of reaching decisions efficiently when they have to be efficient, and of taking time to consider more complicating factors when efficiency isn’t so pressing, and of being able to discern the appropriate weight to give to efficiency – these are all skills: skills we can learn and skills we can improve. Meeting in committees is how we learn and hone those skills, and a populace that has come to find committee work onerous, that inc...

Integrity, part 1

25 March 2021 at 19:11
Go to part 2 Integrity. That’s our theme of the month for March. One of our Journey Group facilitators pointed out to me that there’s something a little odd about having integrity month. If you’re only doing it for a month, it isn’t integrity. Having a consistency and steadiness through the years is part of what integrity is about. The concept, "integrity," has three features, according to standard dictionaries. My first question for you – the first question offered by this month’s Journey Group packet – is what ties these together? What gives integrity to the idea of integrity? The three features are: Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. The state of being whole, entire, or undi...

UU Minute #34

25 March 2021 at 18:39
Roots Intertwined with Mennonites Fausto Sozzini’s Racovian Catechism outlined the basic tenets of what was beginning to be called Socinianism. The Ten Commandments and Christ’s teachings were to guide personal and social behavior. Christians may hold public office and bring suit in court. Common swearing is forbidden, but civil oaths are permitted. Self-defense is permitted, but not the taking of human life. Ownership of property is permitted, but not the accumulation of wealth above one’s needs. Self-denial, patience, humility, and prayer” are the primary responsibilities. Only one sacrament is recognized, that of the Lord’s Supper. Baptism, while having no regenerative power and inappropriate for infants, is recognized as an...

UU Minute #33

25 March 2021 at 18:30
Rakow, and the Racovian Catechism The town of Rakow, Poland is 120 kilometers northeast of Krakow and 190 kilometers south of Warsaw. The antitrinitarian Polish Brethren, also known as the Minor Reformed Church – founded Rakow in 1569, 10 years before Fausto’s arrival in Poland. Rakow was founded specifically to be a place of religious tolerance – illustrating once again the connection between critique of the Trinity and religious toleration. In 1602, the Socinian Racovian Academy was founded there, based on the ideas of Fausto Sozzini. Although Rakow, Poland today is a small village of 1200, in the 1630s, its population had grown to 15,000, with faculty, students, and businesses centering on the Academy, and the Minor Reformed Chu...

From The UUA President: Navigating an In-Between Time

25 March 2021 at 17:01
UU clergy person wearing mask and stole, holding a small bell

Susan Frederick-Gray

Although there is good news on the horizon about the pandemic subsiding, Unitarian Universalist communities are not yet able to gather in person. At the UUA, we are your partners, to help navigate the coming many months.

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Stone Soup

21 March 2021 at 14:21

Can we please put a moratorium on Stone Soup? I've heard it in sermons. I've heard it in children's services. I've heard it from guest preachers. I've heard it from guest speakers. Enough!

(Joking, mostly. But c'mon folks. Enough.)

submitted by /u/estheredna
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From the UUA President: We Continue to Nurture the Bonds of Care and Love

10 March 2021 at 16:50
person playing guitar and singing into microphone

Susan Frederick-Gray

As we mark the one year anniversary of congregations and the UUA shifting to virtual operations, may we remember not just the sorrows, but also the ways we have shown up for each other, for our communities and for our values.

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UU Minute #32

10 March 2021 at 14:14
Sozzini Feels the Love -- and the Hate In 1583 -- four years after Fausto Sozzini’s arrival in Poland – the Jesuits established a center in Krakow, and began assaults on the Minor Reformed Church. Enemies were becoming suspicious that Sozzini had indeed authored the works he published anonymously – notably β€œOn Jesus Christ the Savior,” completed in 1578, the year before his arrival in Poland, where Sozzini had argued that Christ is our Savior because his teaching and his example show us the way of salvation, not because his death paid off our debt of sin. Sozzini was also under attack because: β€œSozzini insisted that the command not to kill is clear and without exception for Christians. Therefore, Christians could not engage i...

UU Minute #31

5 March 2021 at 19:00
Sozzini and the Minor Reformed Church This church in Secemin, Poland, 90 kilometers north of Krakow, is where, in 1556, Peter Gonesius issued Poland’s first challenge to Trinitarianism. Twenty-three years later, in 1579, Fausto Sozzini moved to Poland. He investigated the churches in the area. And he liked the antitrinitarian Minor Reformed Church best. They were the most liberal game in town. They weren’t all that liberal though, then. They required that he be baptized as a condition of membership. So he never joined. He offered to be baptized β€œon the condition that he first could state publicly that he believed baptism unnecessary and that he was participating simply for the sake of closer fellowship. His proposal was rejected, a...

UU Minute #30

5 March 2021 at 18:47
Our Socinian Roots Four and a half centuries ago, in 1579, Fausto Sozzini – in Latin, Faustus Socinus – migrated to Poland. He was a 40-year-old Italian of mild manner, saintly and scholarly. He became a friend, but not a member, of the antitrinitarian Minor Reformed Church there. In writings and public debates, he became the Minor Reformed Church of Poland’s principal defender and the chief explicator of its theology. After his death, the Minor Reformed Church – also called the Polish Brethren -- maintained publication of his prolific writings, and thus the church came to be called Socinian. It is to the Socinian church that we trace the origin of the Unitarian half of our institutional history. Michael Servetus did nothing to f...

UU Minute #29

3 March 2021 at 00:28
Antitrinitarianism in Poland: The Minor Reformed Church As you’ll recall – 1517, the Protestant Reformation began. At first all the Protestant churches were called Reformed, as opposed to the unreformed Roman Catholic church. Then, within the Reformed Churches, a big fight arose over the communion – the Lord’s Supper. One side held that the body and blood of Christ are present in the bread and wine; the other side said the bread and wine are symbols of Christ’s body and blood. The first side, followers of Martin Luther, began calling themselves Lutheran. The other side, followers of John Calvin, kept the name Reformed. In Poland, the first Reformed – i.e. Calvinist – Church service wasn’t until 1550, near Krakow. Within 1...

Ending the Pursuit of Happiness, part 2

1 March 2021 at 16:17
"Go to Part 1" When Thomas Jefferson imbibed John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government (1689), and summarized Locke’s philosophy in this country’s foundational document, The Declaration of Independence , Jefferson made one crucial emendation. John Locke had said that people have inalienable rights – rights based in a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society – and Locke listed these rights as life, liberty, and property. Jefferson’s tweak was to say that all are endowed with β€œcertain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” -- replacing "property" with "pursuit of happiness." I appreciate Jefferson’s impulse to dig a little deeper, to ask, what is property fo...

Ending the Pursuit of Happiness, part 1

28 February 2021 at 17:08
β€œI just want them to be happy.” It’s a sentiment commonly expressed by parents about their children. But a life of meaning – a life that feels real – is more important than happiness. Parents who say they just want their child to be happy may be talking themselves into letting go of some expectation. Secretly they were hoping the girl would go to medical school – or that the boy would become a teacher – or that their child would one day take over the family business -- and when it becomes clear that’s not going to happen, the parents coach themselves into accepting that alternative career paths are fine. So they say: β€œI just want her to be happy.” Or him. Or zir. If meaning is more important than happiness, then why d...

From the UUA President: We Are Held In Covenant

11 February 2021 at 18:09
multiple pairs of hands rest on the trunk of a tree

Susan Frederick-Gray

Rev. Frederick-Gray shares gratitude and appreciation for the generosity of congregations, which powers the UUA's mission to equip congregations, train and support leaders, and advance UU values in the world.

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The Longing for Belonging, part 2

2 February 2021 at 17:11
Go to part 1 The longing for belonging, we have seen, can be the enemy of true belonging, of resting in the awareness that it is impossible for you NOT to belong, that your belonging is inalienable. But the longing arises nonetheless, doesn’t it? We have noted that your belonging does not depend on everybody knowing your name. You belong even if no one knows your name. Yet it still feels nice to be known, to be seen, to be respected, doesn’t it? Take, for example, the neurophysicist that Brene Brown interviewed for her work on belonging. He told her: β€œMy parents didn't care that I wasn't on the football team, and my parents didn't care that I was awkward and geeky. I was in a group of kids at school who translated books into the Kl...

The Longing for Belonging, part 1

2 February 2021 at 16:48
Go to part 2 OPENING WORD β€œA Blessing Called Sanctuary” by Jan Richardson You hardly knew how hungry you were to be gathered in, to receive the welcome that invited you to enter entirelyβ€” nothing of you found foreign or strange, nothing of your life that you were asked to leave behind or to carry in silence or in shame. Tentative steps became settling in, leaning into the blessing that enfolded you, taking your place in the circle that stunned you with its unimagined grace. You began to breathe again, to move without fear, to speak with abandon the words you carried in your bones, that echoed in your being. You learned to sing. But the deal with this blessing is that it will not leave you alone, will not let you linger in safety, i...

UU Minute #28

2 February 2021 at 02:03
Poland before Fausto Poland, when the 40-year-old Fausto Sozzini arrived there in 1579, was already a land with the beginnings of Unitarian thought. Diversity brings reason and tolerance, the central themes of Unitarianism, to the fore, and medieval Poland was a place of relative cultural diversity. Catholics, Jews, Eastern Orthodox, and Moslems coexisted in general harmony. Among Catholics, Priests could marry; the Mass was conducted in Polish rather than in Latin. The monarchy was limited. The king was elected by a group of nobles, and the nobles met in council to make the country’s laws. Polish woman Katarzyna Weiglowa professed the unity of God, rejected the trinity, and refused to call Jesus the Son of God – for which blasphemy ...

UU Minute #27

26 January 2021 at 17:20
Fausto in Transylvania Fausto Sozzini, also known by the Latin form, Faustus Socinus: at age 38, in Basel, he finished β€œOn Jesus Christ the Savior,” which argued that Jesus saved us not by dying, but because his example shows us how to live. Sozzini’s previous works had argued that reason is an authority equal to scripture, that Jesus was divine by office rather than by nature, that the soul was not immortal, and that scriptures were historical texts. Meanwhile, in Transylvania, where Ferenc David, Giorgio Biandrata, and King John Sigismund had established Unitarianism, the fledgling religious movement was encountering setbacks. King John had died [in 1571], Biandrata faced charges of immorality, and David had gone a little too far...

UU Minute #26

26 January 2021 at 17:10
Fausto Sozzini: Early Years When Lelio Sozzini died in 1562 at the age of only 37, he left behind little more than a trunk of books and manuscripts – inherited by his nephew, Fausto Sozzini, age 22. Young Fausto had begun early to reject orthodoxy. Three years before, at age 19, he’d been denounced by the Inquisition. He’d fled to Zurich, and it was there that he received his inheritance: his uncle Lelio’s papers. Fausto Sozzini studied his uncle’s legacy with care. From those manuscripts he discovered an insistence that reason is an authority equal to scripture. Within months of encountering his dead uncle’s works, he wrote an essay, his first published work, in which he took the antitrinitarian position that Jesus was divin...

A Prayer for Inauguration Day 2021

19 January 2021 at 22:53
A crowd of people wearing masks with one person in the center holding up a speaker and looking happy

Susan Frederick-Gray

UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray offers a prayer on the historic occasion of the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States.

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Questioning Catholic intrigued by Unitarianism

15 January 2021 at 11:14

Hello all - for context, I am a lapsed Catholic who disagrees severely with their anti-LGBTQ teachings, and I'm disgusted by the lack of punishment for paedophile priests, and the horrific findings of recent "mother and baby home" investigations. In short, I respect the faith but NOT the institution, and I feel continuing to identify as Catholic outwardly suggests that I overlook, or even condone these crimes, which I absolutely do not.

I've questioned my faith for some time, but on the whole, I don't feel that I can say I've renounced all notions of the existence of a higher spiritual being (or some such). Unitarianism intrigues me as it seems a lot more open and tolerant, and fitting for a progressive society, but coming from a position of ignorance about it (pardon me), I'm worried I'd just be swapping one doctrine for another.

In short, has anyone else ever been in my position? Did Unitarianism help you at all? Thank you for your time.

submitted by /u/SteamPoweredOwl
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From the UUA President: Listening to the Call of Love

14 January 2021 at 14:33
a young black woman wearing glasses looks encouragingly at a person who is facing her, speaking. that person is blurry and not the focus of the picture.

Susan Frederick-Gray

This is been a deeply challenging time for us all. As we rest, reconnect and pray, many of us are also asking, "What can I do?"

Continue reading "From the UUA President: Listening to the Call of Love"

UU Minute #25

6 January 2021 at 01:35
2021-01-05. UU Minute #25. The Empire Strikes Back Italy in the middle of the 16th- ...

UU Minute #24

6 January 2021 at 01:35
UU Minute #24. Doctrinal Innovation in Venice As noted last time, Church Reformation in Italy had a more Renaissance and intellectual flavor ...

UU Minute #23

5 January 2021 at 20:21
The Reformation in Italy European Unitarianism emerged from the Protestant Reformation zeitgeist of the 16th century. This took various forms in different regions, and all the forms had influence on the burgeoning Unitarian movement. In Germany, where Martin Luther began the Reformation in 1517, there was a pre-existing resistance to Catholic Church power. Medieval Germany – called the Holy Roman Empire, though it wasn’t Holy, wasn’t Roman, and wasn’t an Empire – resented the financial demands from the Roman church, resented foreign influence from the Pope -- and Holy Roman Empire kings had been pushing back for centuries before Martin Luther came along. Luther’s success lay in harnessing this resentment against Papal power a...

UU Minute Christmas Special

23 December 2020 at 20:13
Our Holiday Unitarian History makes clear that Christmas is the Unitarian Holiday! Prior to 1850, Christmas celebration was "culturally and legally suppressed and thus, virtually non-existent. The Puritan community found no Scriptural justification for celebrating Christmas, and associated such celebrations with paganism and idolatry." (Wikipedia)Then, a radical transformation of Christmas began, and Unitarians were at the forefront in most of the transforming. Christmas today means putting a tree indoors, and decorating it. That was a practice in Germany, brought to the United States in the early 1800s by the Unitarian minister Reverend Charles Follen. Christmas means Old Ebenezeer Scrooge’s heart opens up to compassion and joy. In 18...

UU Minute #22

23 December 2020 at 20:03
Transylvanian Unitarianism Down to this Day The Unitarian Church in Transylvania was first recognized by the 1568 Edict of Torda, which also established religious toleration among the four allowed religions: Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, and Unitarian. In its early years, the Unitarian Church attracted members in large numbers, and grew to 425 parishes. Still the Catholics as well as both Protestant churches reviled the Unitarians as heretics. Transylvania’s King John died in 1571, just a couple years after officially converting to Unitarian himself. Having no heirs, he was succeeded by Istvan Bathory, a Catholic. The press of GyulafehΓ©rvΓ‘r was taken away from the Unitarian control. The Diet of 1572 did not dare to repeal the Edict ...

UU Minute #21

23 December 2020 at 19:48
The Connection: Reason Unitarians have been around 450 years, and our history is rooted in two ideas: rational critique of the trinity, and tolerance of diversity of opinion. Is there a logical connection between them, or is it an accident of history that these two ideas happened to come in the same package? Actually, there is a logical connection: reason. It was the exercise of reason that produced the rational critique of trinitarianism. And the proper function of reason depends on the freedom allowed by tolerance. Any ideology that isn’t rationally defensible can only rely on authoritarian coercion to secure adherents. Ferenc David, the Transylvanian theologian and King John Sigismund’s court preacher, was an impassioned advocate ...

UU Minute #20

23 December 2020 at 18:29
The Edict of Torda β€œ...in every place the preachers shall preach and explain the Gospel each according to his understanding of it, and if the congregation like it, well. If not, no one shall compel them for their souls would not be satisfied, but they shall be permitted to keep a preacher whose teaching they approve. Therefore none of the superintendents or others shall abuse the preachers, no one shall be reviled for his religion by anyone, according to the previous statutes, and it is not permitted that anyone should threaten anyone else by imprisonment or by removal from his post for his teaching. For faith is the gift of God and this comes from hearing, which hearing is by the word of God.” (Edict of Torda, 1568)The Edict of Tord...

UU Minute #19

23 December 2020 at 18:19
King John Comes Around King John Sigismund’s rule of Transylvania began in 1559 when his mother, Isabella, died. He was 19. John, like his mother, was unusually interested in religion – both as a tool of statecraft and from a genuine interest in discerning the truth for its own sake. Born and raised Catholic, John converted to Lutheranism at age 22. At age 24, John switched to Calvinism and appointed Ferenc David as Court Preacher. David and Giorgio Biandrata, John’s physician and trusted counsellor, now at court together, began collaborating in the development of the two ideas that would be central to Unitarianism: criticizing trinitarianism, including rejecting the deity of Jesus Christ – and upholding religious toleration. Kin...

UU Minute #18

23 December 2020 at 18:09
Ferenc David and the Unitarian Mind Ferenc David was born in Transylvania, in 1520. He was raised Catholic – went away to the University of Wittenberg to study Catholic theology. Wittenberg, you’ll remember, is where the Protestant Reformation began in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door there. David returned home in 1551, at age 31, having been exposed to Lutheran ideas, but still a Catholic: rector of a Catholic school, then a Catholic parish priest. Lutheranism grew in Transylvania, and, along with it, hostility toward Catholics. A number of Catholic clergy switched over, and Ferenc David joined them. He became a Lutheran minister and then Lutheran bishop. David gained a great reputation as a brilliant...

UU Minute #17

23 December 2020 at 18:00
Biandrata and David Meet People meeting each other for the first time is a common event. Some first meetings turn out to be historically notable. The day Eleanor Gordon and Mary Safford first met – it was around 1860, and the two were children. They would both grow up to become Unitarian ministers and the nucleus of the Iowa Sisterhood movement in Unitarian history. The day Curtis Reese and John Dietrich first met – it was 1917 at the Western Unitarian Conference. The two would work together spearheading the Unitarian Humanist movement. Another pivotal first meeting was that of Giorgio Biandrata and Ferenc David in 1564. If you had to pinpoint the day Transylvanian Unitarianism began, your best answer would be: that day. We’ve ment...

UU Minute #16

23 December 2020 at 17:51
Biandrata Impresses the King Giorgio Biandrata: doctor and theologian. His 1563 arrival in Transylvania was a return to the country. He had first come there in 1544 and lived eight years at the Transylvanian Court, the first seven of which he was attending Queen Isabella and her then-four-through-11-year-old son John -- up until Ferdinand deposed them for five years. Biandrata moved on in 1552, and by 1558, was Court Physician to the royal family in Poland, attending Isabella’s mother, Queen Bona. Poland, you may remember, some years before, had put 80-year-old Katarzyna Weiglowa to death for anti-trinitarian views. Queen Bona had been instrumental in that execution, but writings of Bernardino Ochino had liberalized her. Biandrata’s ...

December 2020

15 December 2020 at 05:01
In 1961, when Unitarians and Universalists came together to form the Unitarian Universalist Association, our initial documents included a set of ...

Principles and Promises, part 2

14 December 2020 at 23:13
Principles and Promises, part 1 The principles of the Unitarian Universalist association express our covenant, it’s true. The words of Community UU Congregations's mission are also covenantal: β€œWe covenant to nurture each other in our spiritual journeys, foster compassion and understanding within and beyond our community, and engage in service to transform ourselves and our world.”That’s also an expression of covenant. But CUUC was a congregation held by covenant long before 2014 when we adopted our current mission statement, and Unitarian Universalists have been a people of covenant from long before 1985 when we adopted our current set of principles. Before that, the covenant was expressed along similar lines in 1961 in the init...

Principles and Promises, part 1

14 December 2020 at 21:37
We are Unitarian Universalists. We are a people of passion and intelligence – of moral imagination, creativity, and engagement. We are a people NOT of creed; we are creedless. In this regard, we are not unique. We have this in common with, oddly enough, the Southern Baptist Convention, which is officially creedless, as is the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We go a little further in declaring not only that we have no creed, but that, for us, religion itself is not about what one believes. Beliefs are an incidental, peripheral, and ultimately unnecessary aspect of religion, of spirituality. For us, religion is about three things: Religion is about how you live: the ethics and values that guide your life. Religion is about commun...

Is anyone else here an OWL (Our Whole Lives) graduate? Could we talk about how the program has affected your dating life and friendships?

13 December 2020 at 02:43

The older I get, the more I notice how much of an impact OWL has had on my life. I wonder if other people feel so strongly, though, as I’ve never actually met another adult graduate. They seem really hard to find! In the past 2 years of attending all 3 UU churches in my large metro area, I’ve never run into another late 20s/early 30s attendee who grew up in the church. I would really love to find a community of other people who also went through OWL, but it doesn’t even seem like there are forums or FB groups for graduates.

Thought maybe I’d have some luck here.

Mostly I’d like to hear from other OWL grads about how it’s affected your dating and friendships.

Personally I feel like the comprehensive curriculum, combined with lots of practice from a young age in having deep conversations about sex & relationships, was almost like being inadvertently signed up for a lifetime role as peer sex educator. Which was fine for a while, I was happy to do that in college, but now I guess I just feel kind of burnt out from years of being the person people called when they had a contraception question or STD crisis, or talk through their sex hangups or gender identity issues, or about their abusive relationships. (I also did literally work as rape crisis counselor and worked in the lab of for my family’s medical clinic, so those things probably also contributed to why people saw me as a resource. So, maybe this isn’t a common experience for OWL folks, I’m not sure.)

Relatedly: Does anyone else find having massively better sex ed than 99% of the population makes it really challenging to date?

I’m hoping I have just had a string of rotten luck and need to have my perspective reset, but I sometimes feel like I’m living a Groundhog Day style sex-ed nightmare in how often I find myself returning to middle-school level conversations about STD prevention with potential dates. I now literally keep a file of pamphlets about the Gardisil HPV vaccine to hand out, for instance. (All these people were eligible for free or affordable vaccination, and none had medical contraindications, I should note. Frankly, most of them have been science grad students or Ph.D.s, so it’s not like they lacked access to information or care.)

There’s an article on the UUworld website written by a doctor and OWL facilitator which talks about a similar experience:

I was discussing a case about contraception with my first-year medical students recently and had just launched into a tirade about how latex and polyurethane condoms are the only kinds that protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Looking around the table, I was taken aback to see blank stares. These brilliant, accomplished adults knew less about condoms, I realized, than the seventh graders in the sexuality-education class I teach at my church.

Frankly, part of me worries about offending people even here by putting it so bluntly (because people have been), but can't figure out why I'm failing to meet more adults who have β€œmastered” basic sex ed, or at least the OWL basics β€” like contraception, disease prevention, and understand the differences between intimacy/romance/sensuality/sexuality, and how varied sexuality is across people and cultures. Somewhere between high school and my late 20s, finding a community of people like this has started to feel like an impossible dream β€” at least in the US. (According to the statistics I dug up there are only 200,000 people who have ever taken even 1 OWL class in the last 50 years…)

Perhaps I’ve somehow been going about it wrong and failing to attract the right people? (I admit I am an introvert, and not on social media … but I’d consider joining Twitter or using Reddit more if people could point me to an appropriate community for this type of stuff.)

Maybe someone here has some suggestions, or at least relate. If people want to talk about other experiences with OWL, I’d love to hear those, too. There weren’t many OWL-related results when I searched this forum. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/a_tired_scientist
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A Prayer for This Transgender Day of Remembrance

20 November 2020 at 14:21
silky velvety transgender pride flag

Susan Frederick-Gray

My prayer on this Transgender Day of Remembrance is for the senseless acts of transantagonistic violence to end. And that we may all take on the work to disrupt the systems and cultures that perpetuate this violence.

Continue reading "A Prayer for This Transgender Day of Remembrance"

Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: Part 3

19 November 2020 at 23:20
As Joseph lies in the pit, in his rejection and suffering, the way of forgiveness comes over him. It begins not by forgiving those who wronged him. This does not occur to him. It begins with a prayer that he be forgiven. β€œForgive me, he prayed [silently], not to God but to his brothers, though he knew this was absurd. There was no way out. There were no solutions. There was nothing to do, nothing to pray but May your will be done. . . .” (Stephen Mitchell, Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness )It’s a prayer to let go of the ego’s thoughts about what should be, to open fully and unreservedly to reality just as it is. Joseph finds it a helpful device to personify this reality as God. β€œNot what I want,” he prays, β€œbut what You wa...

Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: Part 2

19 November 2020 at 23:16
See: "Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: Intro" "Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: Part 1" "Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: Part 2" Some people say, everything happens for a reason. It feels to them like there’s a divine plan. They say, there are no coincidences. They like such sayings as: "Everything works out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end." I don’t talk that way much. It seems to me to make just as much sense to say: "Nothing works out in the end. If it seems to have worked out, it’s not the end." Which sounds like one of those corollaries of Murphy’s Law, but what I mean is: it’s never the end. Whether things seem all neat and tidy or a total mess, it's never the end . And there are coincidenc...

Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness, part 1

16 November 2020 at 20:10
See: "Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: Intro" I come today to re-tell an old story – to look again at what it tells us about being human and being animal. Before I get into Joseph and his brothers, let me say that I think a lot about stories – how we need them, and what happens when we don’t have them. Stories tell us who we are and make us who we are: individually and collectively. Shared stories make a people a people. β€œI” and β€œme” are made of narrative – as are β€œwe” and β€œus.” In these polarized times, where division rives the land, we don’t have shared story about who we are. This contrasts sharply with the decade I was born in: the 1950s. The 1950s were, in many ways, an awful time. Jim Crow segregation an...

Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: Intro

16 November 2020 at 18:23
STORY (adapted from Genesis, illustrations by R. Crumb) Jacob had 12 sons -- Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin – and one daughter, Dinah. The eleventh son, Joseph, was Jacob’s favorite. When Joseph was seventeen, one day, after shepherding the flock with his brothers he brought a bad report of his brothers to their father. So his brothers didn’t like Joseph. Jacob made for Joseph a long robe with sleeves. But when his brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more than all his brothers, they felt bad and further disliked Joseph. Once Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him even more. He said to them, β€œListen to this dream that I dreame...

Soul Matters help

30 October 2020 at 03:03

I am so eager for Small Group ministry type programs, and our church has a Soul Matters group. I am grateful that a volunteer runs it. But oh my. Is it a slog. Every time it is a reflection on trauma. This month the theme is "Healing" and here's a handful of the questions to ponder: Has keeping the secret finally become too painful? Are you trying to forget when healing wants you to remember?.Do you need to be reminded that you made a mistake, not are a mistake? Is it possible to see pain as an invitation not just an enemy?

For some people pondering these topics is therapeutic. For others it is, frankl,y triggering. For me ......... I would love to include some theology as a prism to see this through. Not theistic, necessary, just some bit of guidance beyond "ponder your pain, and talk about it".

If you have any tips, or experience with Soul Matters or SGM, please share any tips.

submitted by /u/estheredna
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UU Minute #15

14 October 2020 at 16:01
Enter Giorgio Biandrata Six years after Transylvania’s first edict of toleration, with conflict between Lutherans and Calvinists growing, the Transylvanian Diet, in 1563, renewed and confirmed its earlier decree, ordering:β€œthat each may embrace the religion that he prefers without any compulsion, and may be free to support preachers of his own faith, and in the use of the sacrament, and that neither party must do injury or violence to the other.”This didn’t help ease the conflict much until the next year, when King John, now 24-years-old, ordered the parties to separate into two distinct churches, each with its own bishop. Transylvania now had three officially recognized religions: the Catholic, the Lutheran, and the Calvinist. R...

UU Minute #14

13 October 2020 at 22:43
UU Minute #14 Literal Body and Blood? Or Symbols? Europe’s first proclamation of religious tolerance came out of Transylvania in 1557 – a product of the Diet led by Queen Isabella.β€œIn order that each might hold the faith which he wished, with the new rites as well as with the old, that this should be permitted him at his own free will.β€β€œThe faith which he wished” meant either Catholic or Protestant – there were only two choices. By that time, the vast majority of Transylvania had become Protestant -- Catholic priests had been driven out, church property confiscated or given over to the Protestants -- so it was the Catholics who had more reason to be glad of the protections of official toleration. In fact, the greater and gr...

A Message from the UUA President: Your Guide to Co-creating a Transformative Faith

8 October 2020 at 15:47
Team with hands together and looking very happy

Susan Frederick-Gray

The UUA is embarking on the next phase of culture change and we invite you to work together with us and imagine creative ways your congregation can take up these important practices as well.

Continue reading "A Message from the UUA President: Your Guide to Co-creating a Transformative Faith"

Make it RAIN, part 1

30 September 2020 at 01:05
These are stressful times. Under stress, we are apt to be reactive. Anger, fear, and sadness all have an important role to play in our lives. We wouldn’t want to become unable to feel those things. Anger is fiery energy for insisting on justice. Fear heightens our awareness of danger which helps us stay safe. Sadness slows us down so we can adjust to a loss or disappointment. Under conditions of stress, these feelings overfunction, and go beyond their usefulness. So today I just want to offer us some tools for approaching stressful moments -- because, I know we’re facing them. The first tool is Yom Kippur itself. Make amends. Our relationships with family, friends, and any acquaintance you regularly interact with -- or could interact...

UU Minute #13

29 September 2020 at 20:19
UU Minute #13: Isabella Returns to Transylvania In 1551, Archduke Ferdinand’s Hapsburg forces took Transylvania, banishing Isabella and her then 11-year-old son back to Poland. After five years of exile, Isabella returned to Transylvania when Ottoman troops recaptured the region and invited her back. The Transylvanian Diet officially entrusted Isabella with a five-year regency on behalf of her now-16-year-old son. Meanwhile, Protestantism had come to Transylvania. With religious tensions mounting, in 1557, Isabella signed an edict of religious toleration. Isabella declared, β€œevery one might hold the faith of his choice . . . without offence to any . . . ” – provided, that is, that the β€œfaith of his choice” was either Catholic...

UU Minute #12

29 September 2020 at 20:01
UU Minute #12: Isabella Banished Unitarianism in Transylvania emerged in the turbulent politics of the time, fostered by Isabella, the dowager queen and regent who enacted Europe’s first edict of religious toleration, and her son, John Sigismund, Europe’s only Unitarian monarch ever. As the 16th-century began, the Ottoman Empire covered Turkey, the Balkans, and Greece. In 1526, the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Suleiman crushed the Hungarian royal army in the Battle of MohΓ‘cs and killed King Louis II. Hungary was then divided into three parts. The Ottoman Empire annexed one part. A second part was allowed to continue as a much-diminished Hungary. And a third part – Transylvania – was granted autonomy under the rule of John Zapolya...

UU Minute #11

9 September 2020 at 19:37
UU Minute #11: Transylvania, part 1 In 16th century Europe, the ideas of anti-trinitarianism and religious freedom went together – and they began to pop up in the thinking of a number of writers. We’ve mentioned the 1527 book by Martin Borrhaus’ De Operibus Dei , the first open questioning of the doctrine of the trinity in print in Europe – and the 1531 publication of Miguel Serveto’s On the Errors of the Trinity -- and Sebastian Castellio writing that β€œTo kill a man is not to protect a doctrine. It is to kill a man.” A smattering of other intellectuals of the time – especially after Miguel Serveto’s execution in 1553 -- were also writing to either criticize trinitarianism or advocate religious freedom – and whichever...

UU Minute #10

8 September 2020 at 23:27
UU Minute #10: Serveto's Double Legacy The roots of Unitarianism in Europe lie in two ideas: Critique of the Doctrine of the Trinity, and Support of religious toleration.Β  Those two ideas are the double legacy of Miguel Serveto. First, he called into question the doctrine of the trinity. He paved the way for a Unitarian theology of the Unity of God, and also advanced the Universalist notion of the universal divinity of humanity. Second, his persecution and death sparked a movement toward tolerance and religious freedom. On October 27, 1553, Miguel Serveto was burned at the stake in Geneva, Switzerland, with a copy of his book tied to his arm. Thousands of people have been put to death as heretics in Europe. In particular, the Anabaptist...

UU Minute #9

8 September 2020 at 23:20
UU Minute #9: Miguel Serveto (Michael Servetus), part 3 1553. Miguel Serveto is arrested in Vienne, but manages to escape from jail. He plans to flee to Naples, Italy. Yet he shows up in Geneva, which – as you can see – is not along the route from Vienne to Naples. Why he would make this little detour remains a mystery. The Geneva of that time was essentially a theocracy ruled by Protestant Reformer John Calvin. Serveto was recognized and arrested. The trial lasted two months. John Calvin was chief prosecutor, though usually only Calvin’s proxies were present at the trial. Serveto defended his views on the Trinity, repudiated the charges of being a pantheist and of denying immortality, and admitted without reservation his condemnat...

UU Minute #8

8 September 2020 at 23:06
UU Minute #8: Miguel Serveto (Michael Servetus), part 2 Miguel Serveto – also known as Michael Servetus – wrote a book, On the Errors of the Trinity , published in 1531, the year he turned 22. He argued that Jesus’ human nature and Christ nature came into being at the same time – in other words, that the Son was not co-eternal with the Father. Miguel Serveto was bright, and young, and cocky and he seems to have imagined that he would explain to his elders the errors of their thinking, and they would say β€œOh, thank you. Yes, I see I was mistaken.” Instead, reaction was rather negative. The Catholics were deeply invested in Trinitarian orthodoxy, as they had been ever since 325 and the Council of Nicaea. The Protestants weren

UU Minute #7

8 September 2020 at 22:56
UU Minute #7: Miguel Serveto (Michael Servetus), part 1 Unitarianism in Europe is rooted in two ideas. One of them was critique of the doctrine of the trinity – and that’s the idea we are named after. The other is critique of religious intolerance – and that’s the idea that’s more central to what it means to be Unitarian. Both of those ideas got a significant boost from a man that I grew up calling Michael Servetus. He went by a lot of names, but the name he and his family probably knew him by best was Miguel Serveto. That’s what he seems to have been called most in his childhood and youth, as he was born and raised in Spain, so that’s what I’ll call him. Miguel Serveto was born in 1509, was eight-years old when -- 2,000 ...

UU Minute #2

8 September 2020 at 22:32
How did Trinitarianism become orthodoxy? That's the question for the next episode of the Unitarian Universalist minute.. *Matthew 28:19. UU MinuteΒ ...

UU Minute #6

8 September 2020 at 18:47
UU Minute #6: Katarzyna Weiglowa As women stand up threatening patriarchy and orthodoxy, let’s remember that our Unitarian heritage includes courageous women who have been doing that for almost 500 years. In 1527, ten years after Martin Luther had nailed 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, thereby launching the Protestant Reformation, another German Protestant theologian, Martin Borrhaus, published De Operibus Dei -- Work of God -- the first open questioning of the doctrine of the Trinity in print in Europe. Borrhaus went quiet on the subject thereafter and was able to live out his life. Katarzyna Weiglowa, a Polish woman in her late 60s when Borrhaus’ book came out, was less fortunate. Influenced by that book, she began prof...

UU Minute #5

8 September 2020 at 15:36
UU Minute #5: Pandemics, Printing Presses, and Protestants Pandemics are nothing new. They have been a periodic part of human life ever since we’ve had cities. The Bubonic plague in the middle-1300s killed one third of Europe’s population, creating labor shortages, which created pressure for innovation. For instance, as long as there were plenty of people to copy things by hand, it didn’t occur to anybody that a printing press sure would be handy. Even so, it was a century after the worst plague year before Gutenberg’s printing press with movable type came on line. Some sixty years after Gutenberg’s press, in 1517, Martin Luther launched the Protestant Reformation. Coincidence? Hardly. For one thing, the Catholic Church jumped ...

UU Minute #4

8 September 2020 at 15:35
UU Minute #4: Universalism IS Biblical The Council of Nicaea in 325 was bad news for unitarian Christians. Arius argued that the divinity of the father was greater than that of the son. Jesus was divine -- was more than human -- but was not God. This Arian Christianity lost out to the Trinitarian view that father and son were of the same substance: co-eternal, co-equal. But no matter which side had won in Nicaea, the effect of the Council was to emphasize the importance of having the right doctrine, and de-emphasize the ethics and values of living a Christian life. And that was bad news for the other side of our heritage: the universalist Christians. Virtually from the beginning, some Christians had understood that everyone was going to ...

UU Minute #3

8 September 2020 at 15:27
UU Minute #3: How Trinitarianism Became Orthodox Roman Emperor Constantine's reign began in they year 306 when he was 34 years old. His reign would last 31 years, and his administrative and financial reforms strengthened the empire. Six years into his reign [at age 40], Constantine converted to Christianity, becoming the first Christian Roman Emperor after centuries of Christian persecution at the hands of the Romans. The Christianity of the time was scattered and diverse: no central authority, no commonly accepted scripture, no commonly practiced liturgy, no orthodox theology. For Constantine, devoted to bringing administrative order to his empire, this had to be fixed. So, in 325, Constantine convoked the Council of Nicaea, calling all...

UU Minute #1

8 September 2020 at 15:22
UU Minute #1: Heirs of Alternative Voices To start at the beginning: the roots of what we now call Unitarian Universalism lie in early Christianity, which itself emerged from pre-Rabbinic Judaism in various urban centers around the Roman empire. Early Christianity had no central authority, no commonly accepted scripture, no commonly practiced liturgy, no orthodox theology. Early Christians were a scattered and diverse mosaic of different practices and beliefs. And they squabbled about that. In particular, was Jesus of Nazareth the latest in a long line of prophets calling the human community to righteousness and piety? Or was he something more? And, if more, what, exactly? There was tremendous pressure to determine what was the true fait...

A Message From The UUA President: Holding One Another In Compassion and Prayer

27 August 2020 at 14:19
two people stand close talking to each other

Susan Frederick-Gray

In this historic and heartbreaking time, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray offers words of affirmation and love as we all find ways to take care of ourselves and our loved ones and to keep showing up for justice.

Continue reading "A Message From The UUA President: Holding One Another In Compassion and Prayer"

What Accountability Is

18 August 2020 at 15:42
OUR TIMES These are our times. This week the party not currently in the White House announced its nominee for Vice-President – and the party in the White House responded with sexist and racist attacks. Said party also stepped up its voter suppression efforts, attacking the credibility of mail-in ballots, and seeking to make cuts to the postal service to reduce its capacity. World-wide deaths from covid-19 in the last week are back up to a seven-day-average of 5800 a day. US deaths in the last week averaged over a 1,000 a day. The households that could be at risk of eviction in the coming months are tens of millions. We did not ask for these times. It simply falls to us to live them – to respond to them as people of compassion and wis...

Widenting the Circle of Concern

7 August 2020 at 23:10
OUR TIMES -- (HERE) HOMILY 1 The times are changing. The Christian organization, Bread for the World, had had on its Board of Directors the congressman who accosted and levied sexist insults at Representative Ocasio-Cortez and non-apologized for it. Yesterday, though, Bread for the World asked for and received his resignation from its Board. The Christian charity said the congressman’s “recent actions and words as reported in the media are not reflective of the ethical standards expected of members of our Board of Directors.” The group’s statement spoke of “our commitment to coming alongside women and people of color, nationally and globally, as they continue to lead us to a more racially inclusive and equitable world.” You m...

Just Love

18 June 2020 at 16:04
OUR TIMES -- See minister's column, HERE HOMILY 1 Oh, my, y’all – as we say down South. 2020 – the year that means perfect vision – 20/20 – has seen one thing after another that we never saw before and didn’t see coming. Global pandemic. Growing recession and unemployment. Three weeks and counting of protests – world-wide protests – sparked by the George Floyd murder. This last week – well, as one headline put it – it was a bad week to be a racist statue. Confederate Civil War figures were smashed, beheaded, pulled down. In Belgium, they’re removing statues of King Leopold, the 19th-century king who was particularly cruel in colonizing Africa. In New Zealand, protestors removed a statue of John Hamilton, the 19th-ce...

Presence in the Midst of Crisis

5 June 2020 at 16:09
  OUR TIMES segment -- HERE PART 1 I want to talk about presence – being present for each other in an attentive way. Our presence is a fundamental offering. A person aligned with their purpose, who has integrity and wholeness, creates a presence that ripples out through the world. It reassures and empowers others. It changes the world. Henry Nouwen, in his 1974 book, Out of Solitude , wrote: “When we honestly ask ourselves which persons in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in...

There is No Try

15 May 2020 at 14:00
Three weeks ago, I preached, “What’s Your Great Vow?” Last week, I preached, “Transforming Your Inner Critic.” Today, I want to bring those two sermons together. In “What is Your Great Vow?” I asked, What is the mission of your life? I talked about noticing what your sources of vow were. You have inherited vows – a sense of purpose you got from parents or other particularly influential people as you were growing up. You have reactive vows – some experience of hurt or injustice that made an impression on you as worth working to stop or mitigate. You have inspired vows – heros, or people you look up to, who inspired you to be like them in some way. I asked you to reflect on those sources of vow, and out of that reflecti...

Transforming Your Inner Critic

3 May 2020 at 19:42
Invocation: HERE“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”Those words of Rabindranath Tagore, and today’s topic of the Inner Critic – the voice inside you that is always telling you what’s wrong with you – and this month’s theme of Joy – somehow combine in thoughts about: Democracy. Democracy is, as John Dewey said: “more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience.”When I was a graduate student in philosophy, I adopted Dewey as a special research interest. John Dewey, born 100 years before I was, helped me see democracy as not “simply and solely a form of government”, but a soci...

Attending to the Indigenous Voice

28 April 2020 at 22:56
Invocation Poem by Larry Robinson, HERE Part 1 Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?If we would know where we are going, we need to know what we are. If we would know what we are, we need to know where we came from. We come from the universe that began 14 billion years ago, and the planet earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, and the life that began there more than 3 billion years ago. We come from the vertebrates that first appeared over 500 million years ago, and from the rise of mammals that was paved by the 5th great extinction 65 million years ago when, probably, an asteroid struck the Earth leading to the extinction of 75% of all species of that time. We come from the order primates that first appeared 55 million ye...

Taking Care, Giving Care

23 April 2020 at 00:22
From the spiritual point of view, everything is a lesson – every object, person, or experience I encounter – every cup or pen or rock -- is trying to teach me something. The spiritual task is to listen to each moment. Its meaning is always uncertain – indeterminate. Nonetheless, the spiritual call is to discern – or construct – what meaning we can – to ignore nothing. The poet Kristin Flyntz has been listening for what our current pandemic might be trying to teach. An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans Kristin Flyntz Stop. Just stop. It is no longer a request. It is a mandate. We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt We will stop the planes, the trains, the schools, the malls, t...

Suggestion for church leaders: Facebook Live, Not Zoom

22 March 2020 at 20:03

Most churches are livestreaming right now. Church's first and primary responsibility is to their members - but- understand that some people are seeking connection for the first time, or willing to step into a different church to give it a try. This is a lot easier if services are streamed, not zoomed.
Zoom requires each person to sign in, and either show a video of their face OR leave a blank screen with a name. It's much less anonymous than streaming so can be intimidating to join in.

Zoom is great for coffee hour, small groups, youth groups, sunday school, etc - I like zoom - I am just suggesting using something less intimate for Sunday services, so people can pop in and leave quietly as a trial. So many people really need community now, let's make it very easy.

submitted by /u/estheredna
[link] [comments]

The Most Courageous Act

1 February 2020 at 05:08

As a first grader, Ruby Bridges was part of the first group of students to racially integrate schools in Louisiana. In 1960, six African American children passed placement tests to go to white schools. Ruby was one of them. Two of the six children decided to stay at their all-black schools, three were assigned to McDonough School and Ruby was the one student assigned to integrate William Frantz public school. She integrated that school all on her own. In that first year, many white parents pulled their children from the school, including the parents of the rest of the first grade class. Most of the teachers left too. For all of first grade it was only Ruby and her teacher.

As Ruby remembers it, her mother rode with her in the car with the federal marshals for the first two days of school. After that, her mother had to get back to work and look after the two younger children. So, Ruby rode with the marshals by herself. Ruby’s mom told her, “If you feel afraid, say your prayers. You can pray anytime and God will hear you.”

I highlight this because when I explore faith, I keep bumping up against courage. When we look at faith not as a set of beliefs, but rather as a source of strength that keeps us holding on to our values when it gets difficult, or a source of hope when we feel lost, we are also talking about courage. In Ruby’s story, you hear how her mom was showing her how to keep moving forward even when she was afraid, through prayer, through her faith.

It’s so easy to see courage as boldness, bravery, fearlessness. It’s so easy to ascribe courage to heroic figures throughout time, to put it on such a high shelf that it feels unattainable. I want to rid you of that idea.

Courage is something we all need. It’s something we all can live in our lives—something attainable. More than this, it is needed. Not just in historic lives, not just in dramatic moments, but every day. We need the courage to show another way to live—a way that is not based in ego or control, not out of domination, power or materialism. We need ways of being in the world that don’t place our sense of worth in being right or being successful, but rather in being human, in being true to ourselves. And for this, we absolutely need courage.

As researcher and author Brené Brown says, we need the courage to show up fully as ourselves in our lives and to let ourselves be seen. Vulnerability begets vulnerability and courage is contagious. She points to Harvard researchers who show that real change is sustained by leaders who are able to show vulnerability. This vulnerability is perceived as courage and it inspires others to be courageous. We need this kind of courage in a world, in a country, in a society, that needs great change. To do this, we need to learn how to develop courage in our own lives and how to teach courage to our children.

Courage is not simply a virtue—it is a quality that the rest of the virtues depend on. C.S. Lewis puts it this way: “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” Whatever it is we hold highest—if it is a commitment to peace and nonviolence, if it is a commitment to human dignity for all, if it is equality, if it is kindness or compassion, a respect for the interdependence of creation—to live these in our lives, to inspire them in our world, we need courage. To truly live these values, there will come a time where we need
courage to stay true to them, to practice them at the testing point.

The Most Courageous ActCourage isn’t just strength, and it is certainly not just a forcefulness of will. We look to Dr. King, Ruby Bridges, Mahatma Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, Harvey Milk and we call them courageous because in their dedication to principles of human dignity and worth, of equity and opportunity, they risked themselves. Their actions made them vulnerable. Brené Brown, in her book Daring Greatly, writes “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.”

Vulnerable comes from the Latin, “to wound;” it means being in a place of risking yourself. Brown talks about the problem of being so afraid (even unconsciously) of our vulnerability that we seek to control everything around us in order to minimize risk and avoid being hurt. When we do this we separate ourselves from others, and even from our own lives, in order to distance ourselves from the possibility of pain. In this circumstance beginning to learn to share yourself—your whole self, your fears, your needs—being willing to be seen is a critical step to developing courage.

It takes courage to let ourselves be seen. But it is so important because it is in being seen, in vulnerability, Brown says, that we find the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, empathy, authenticity and courage. The vulnerability of sharing our whole selves opens up a door to a level of connection and being and understanding that is a source of incredible strength and joy.

On the other hand, I want to be careful about how we look at different types of vulnerability. Brown’s definition and perspective is valuable, but it might sound different from a place of social or physical vulnerability. Many of the people I named as models of courage were or are people marginalized because of the color of their skin, their gender, their sexual orientation. They would rightly argue they didn’t need courage to get in touch with their vulnerability; they needed courage not to be victimized by it.

Vulnerability on its own is not courage. We can make ourselves vulnerable out of stupidity, out of a thirst for drama or danger or adventure. Sometimes we are vulnerable because of our position in life, vulnerable because of poverty, vulnerable as children to the power of adults, vulnerable for any number of reasons beyond our control.

Vulnerability and courage are not the same thing. In fact, Brown says “Perfect and bullet-proof are seductive, but they don’t exist in the human experience.” All of us are vulnerable. Of course, we are vulnerable to the elements of nature and illness, but also to the risks of loving and losing, of trying and being unsuccessful, vulnerable to social and political circumstances. We are not all equally vulnerable, to be sure. Nevertheless, it is simply a fact of existence. Courage is how we respond to that vulnerability.

So courage is not the same thing as vulnerability. Courage is an inner strength to recognize our vulnerabilities, yet to go forward in spite of them. The courage to take action is not about being certain about what’s next. It is instead a determination not to surrender to the vulnerability, but rather to try to go forward despite the risks.

This is important because I don’t want to leave you with the idea that vulnerability is something we ought to seek, or cling to. Attempts at perfectionism and control are dangerous, but it is just as problematic to think only of our vulnerability, to deny our power, our agency, our choices, our worth.

When it comes to developing courage, or inspiring it in others, the very first step is being able to be fully yourself.
Sometimes sharing your story of truth—sharing fully the way you doubt or fail, the way you experience the world, that “raw truth” as Brown describes it—is the most courageous thing we can do in a moment. And in those moments, vulnerability not only sounds like truth and feels like courage—it looks like courage. And it can inspire others to be courageous in telling their truths, in being fully themselves and openly engaged.

We remember our agency, and we hold on to the faith—by whatever name we call it—that gives us strength to keep working for what we believe in, to advocate for ourselves and others. We teach courage by living it in whatever ways present themselves, by getting off the sidelines and letting ourselves be seen.

Ruby Bridges says she remembers that her dad didn’t want her to go to the white school. Her mom did. She thought it would give Ruby better opportunities later on and she thought it would matter to other black children and families. She said her parents talked all summer about it and finally her dad was persuaded by her mom. I have no doubt that her mom’s courage, her parents’ courage, and that of the families that stood with them, and the teacher who taught and came to love Ruby, all helped her develop courage—a courage that stayed with her throughout her life.

We teach courage by modeling it. We grow our courage by being able to name our own vulnerability—connecting with others by sharing our truth, but not getting stuck there. We grow our courage by holding to our agency, our sense of worth and our own power to shape our lives. And we grow our courage by living our values, even at the testing point. May we all grow courageous hearts, and may we teach courage to our children.

Attached media: https://web.archive.org/web/20211110105514/https://www.questformeaning.org/podcasts/20_02/03.mp3
