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For far too long, voices of Black women in the fight for justice have been ignored

2 February 2021 at 15:30
Uplifting this important article originally shared by Black Lives of UU which includes an interview with BLUU Exec Director Lena K Gardner. She discusses the historic and ongoing erasure of Black Women's work and their complex identities in movement spaces.

Throughout the history of the movement for equality, Black women have been denied the recognition they've deserved.

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Article II Study Commission

1 February 2021 at 13:00
Unitarian Universalists of all identities, backgrounds, theologies and philosophies are invited to join in the historic work of reviewing and revising our Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes.

Learn more about the Article II Study Commission and how you can get involved. https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission

Get text of the current UU Principles & Purposes on UUA.org: https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles

Charge to the Article II Study Commission

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Our Work to Do

1 February 2021 at 05:09

The 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism

The proposed 8th principle of Unitarian Universalism states: β€œWe, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountability dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

The 8th principle was conceived by Paula Cole Jones, a lifelong UU who believes that Unitarian Universalism needs to expand beyond our current seven principles to make space for true, deeply multicultural beloved community. She discussed and workshopped this idea with Bruce Pollack Johnson and others in their region, and the 8th principle was created. It has been formally adopted by a number of UU congregations, and some people are working for it to be adopted by the whole denomination.

A common response to this proposed principle is, β€œWhy is it even important that we ‘affirm and promote’ any of that? Don’t we already do that? It seems easily summed up in the other principles.” Some say that it feels like we are lifting up one group of people, and leaving others to think that they are less worthy, because about 400 years ago, their ancestors did something bad to the ancestors of others. In other words, some think: why can’t we just let it go and move forward?

I have heard this and more hurtful responses to the 8th principle. As a Black Unitarian Universalist, those responses mostly make me sad.

How do I even begin to be in community and talk about who I am and how I see the world when conversations about race are often so laden in shame, anger, bewilderment? We all seek to protect ourselves from feeling bad, and questioning that which causes discomfort can be a tool to shield ourselves from that feeling. Often, we (including myself) as UUs live in the ‘whys.’ We are a community of seekers. Perhaps it’s even built into our principles.

Yet only asking why allows us to disconnect our brains from our emotionsβ€”the perfect out. I am not saying that we should never ask why. Rather, we should not only ask why but also ask how, who, what, and when. Only then can we get a more holistic answer.

Read the 8th principle to yourself again. How does it feel in your body when you take in those words? Check in with yourselfβ€”what are you noticing? Track that. Now, how does it feel in your body when you read just a tiny segment of my experience living as a UU? Track that, too. Are you surprised, or does this feel familiar or expected? I know that in my body, I have often felt discombobulated as I have struggled to build an understanding of this faith that has both created a space in which I can belong, and has also disregarded me, covertly asking me to live small to fit in.

I can’t live small. I have to live authentically, and in living authentically, I know that it is my job to offer love and compassion. It’s my job to speak my truth.

If we are to create a beloved community we need to know that everyone won’t agree on everything and that’s okay. It is in those times that we circle around each other to build a better community: a community in which we are all seen and valued.

The truth is that people of color are tired. We are so tired of holding the fragility of white people to be able to be in community with white people. We are already holding so much. I am asking white people to hold what is yours.

Conversely, from speaking to my white allies, I know that some white people are tired. They are tired of getting it wrong. They are tired of trying to do the right thing and having it be the wrong thing. Some are even tired of being responsible for their siblings who are unwilling to do the work. Can you hold that, too?

Recently, a CLF member commented that they were sorry that they missed a recent worship service, and that it was probably one of the only services this year that can’t be turned into shaming old white men. Ouch.

In response, I was reminded again of our community. A community that holds the dichotomy of me, stumbling upon this racial aggression and of the person who posted it, who seems to feel so unsettled by the work of the UUA to eradicate white supremacy that they feel personally attacked. Then I thought about my kids who have been raised UU since birth. I thought of how even in their church home, they have inherited this dichotomy in the only faith they have ever known. This is a complex ity that is lived in and through our congregations every day. How do we begin to heal this divide? How do my children and this person live in the same space and both feel valued?

Some people believe that we already have that and nothing needs to be done. I hold them in compassion, too. I continue to draw the circle wide with the 8th principle, and I invite you to do the same. I invite you to do the work of understanding and account ably dismantling racism, because until we all do this work, we cannot be liberated. Until we all do this work, we cannot maintain safety in our congregations. Until we do this work, we cannot heal our denomination. No matter how difficult it is to do, we must do this work.

Fannie Lou Signs Up: A story about Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer

1 February 2021 at 05:00
We as Unitarian Universalists are committed to liberation and justice. In order to create a more equitable future, we must learn from those that came before us. We invite you to spend some time this week learning about our activist ancestors as part of the Side with Love #30DaysofLove celebration. We’ll be watching this short video by First Unitarian Church of Oakland about Fannie Lou Hamer, a a civil and voting rights activist. You can find this video and more at sidewithlove.org/thrity-days-of-love

Wisdom Story about Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer

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We Remain Committed to Public Health and Safety

29 January 2021 at 13:00
The UUA continues to carefully monitor developments with COVID 19 testing and vaccinations. Last May, we recommended congregations plan for virtual operations until at least May 2021. By now, we recognize this timeline will likely be longer.

Get further guidance and details in this message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray.

I am hopeful for the day when it will be safe to gather with our loved ones and communities.

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5-Minute LovingKindness Kids Meditation w/ Cory Muscara

27 January 2021 at 21:43
There is room for everyone in our Beloved Community. The theme this week for the Side with Love #30DaysofLove celebration is "Hospitality and Inclusion." We can deepen our welcoming and inclusive mindset through this Loving Kindness meditation. This is a multigenerational-friendly meditation that is simple, yet grounding. Find the meditation and more resources at sidewithlove.org/thirty-days-of-love

This is a 5-Minute LovingKindness (heartfulness) meditation for kids led by Cory Muscara. Cory is the founder of the Long Island Center for Mindfulness, wher...

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AUUMM and UUA Joint Announcement for GA 2021

27 January 2021 at 16:14
We are so glad to announce this mutual agreement with the Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries for planning music at the 2021 General Assembly and beyond. Learn more in this statement: https://bit.ly/3t1ElKA.

We are grateful to all who had a role in this process and we're looking forward to the beautiful music we can make together at #UUAGA this year.

For more information, please see the AUUMM website: https://www.auumm.org/news/549252/Message-from-AUUMM-and-UUA.htm

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Tell President Biden to stop Line 3!

26 January 2021 at 20:26
We join our friends and partners at Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth and Interfaith Power & Light in urging you to add your name to this interfaith letter calling on President Biden to stop the #Line3 tar sands pipeline.

As people of faith and conscience, we are committed to protecting this precious planet and its resources. Now is the time for this administration to take the bold steps necessary to be true climate leaders.

Let us stand together to stop the Line 3 pipeline- to protect our treaty obligations, to prevent further climate crisis, and to create a world where everyone can thrive.

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The UUA Office at the United Nations is calling for sermon submissions to the Dana McLean Greeley Sermon Competition on the them...

25 January 2021 at 17:49
The UUA Office at the United Nations is calling for sermon submissions to the Dana McLean Greeley Sermon Competition on the theme of β€œAll In for Climate Justice: People, Power, Planet.” Beyond analyzing the dangers of the climate crisis, sermons should address what it means for people of faith to be β€˜all in’ for climate justice, looking toward the ways power can be leveraged to help people and planet achieve justice and liberation. The selected winner will receive a $500 honorarium prize in addition to a video of their sermon being featured on the UU@UN website. Submissions are due by February 23; learn more at www.uua.org/greeleysermon.

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Because faith development and consciousness raising happens across generations, be sure to check out the wonderful multigenerati...

23 January 2021 at 03:09
Because faith development and consciousness raising happens across generations, be sure to check out the wonderful multigenerational resources being offered in our #30DaysofLove celebration. Here's a great one to kick off the first week - a printable Black Lives Matter coloring book with beautiful art and guidance for people of all ages.

Get this and other great resources from Side With Love: https://sidewithlove.org/week-one-january-17-23-2021.

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What is Love asking of us at this moment?

21 January 2021 at 17:00
In this first week of our 12th annual 30 Days of Love celebration, we kick off with a roundtable conversation, "What is Love asking of us at this moment?"

Join Side With Love Campaign Manager Everette Thompson,
Unitarian Universalist Association President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray,
UUA Co-Moderator Rev. Meg Riley,
UUA Organizing Strategy Team Director Rev. Ashley Horan; and
UUA Director of Congregational Life Jessica York

for this spirit-filled and faith-grounded conversation.

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What is Love asking of us at this moment?

21 January 2021 at 16:32
Tune in at NOON TODAY for this visionary discussion of Unitarian Universalist religious leaders, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, UUA Co-Moderator Rev. Meg Riley, Organizing & Strategy Director Rev. Ashley Horan and Congregational Life Director Jessica York.

This is part of the first week of activities in our 12th annual #30daysoflove celebration that runs from Jan 13 through Feb 14 2021.

Watch live: https://www.facebook.com/SideofLove/posts/10158097680978014.

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Make Your Postcard to Pres. Biden to share what #ThePeopleDemand

20 January 2021 at 21:24
As people of faith, dedicated to building a world where all people can thrive, Unitarian Universalists remain committed to organizing so that the Biden-Harris administration does not forget the communities that elected them.

Join us in sending a beautiful postcard with original artwork to President Biden and include your own message to remind him of what #ThePeopleDemand.

Collaborate with The Frontline & artists to set the agenda for the next 100 days.

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A Prayer for Inauguration Day

20 January 2021 at 17:16
On #InaugurationDay2021, we offer gratitude for our democracy, even as we acknowledge its imperfections. The 2020 presidential election was the largest, most transparent election in this country’s history. Even in the face of intense voter suppression efforts there was an unprecedented turnout, reflecting the will of the people to make their voices heard. #ThankBlackWomen #UUtheVote #ForwardTogether

On this Inauguration Day, we celebrate the voice of the people in choosing our elected leaders.

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"On this Inauguration Day, we celebrate the voice of the people in choosing our elected leadersβ€”we celebrate the voters, and all...

20 January 2021 at 14:35
"On this Inauguration Day, we celebrate the voice of the people in choosing our elected leadersβ€”we celebrate the voters, and all those who have worked so hard to defend democracy by organizing for free and fair elections. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray"

So proud, exhausted, relieved and joyful to mark this historic day with these pastoral words from our UUA President. #finally #InaugurationDay2021

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In this first week of our 12th annual 30 Days of Love celebration, we kick off with a roundtable conversation, "What is Love ask...

19 January 2021 at 19:44
In this first week of our 12th annual 30 Days of Love celebration, we kick off with a roundtable conversation, "What is Love asking of us at this moment?"

Join Side With Love Campaign Manager Everette Thompson,
Unitarian Universalist Association President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray,
UUA Co-Moderator Rev. Meg Riley,
UUA Organizing Strategy Team Director Rev. Ashley Horan; and
UUA Director of Congregational Life Jessica York

for this spirit-filled and faith-grounded conversation.

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Tune in TODAY at 1pm ET/10am PT to hear from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray as she joins the Poor People's Campaign: A ...

18 January 2021 at 16:00
Tune in TODAY at 1pm ET/10am PT to hear from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray as she joins the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival for a special livestream event in honor of this #MLKDay2021.

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Join us for 30 Days of Love! We'll celebrate our beloved justice campaign Side with Love and dig into the transformative work of...

17 January 2021 at 12:26
Join us for 30 Days of Love! We'll celebrate our beloved justice campaign Side with Love and dig into the transformative work of our time in Unitarian Universalism and beyond: identifying and dismantling white supremacy and other systems of oppression.

Four weeks of inspirational content and multigenerational activities will become available beginning on Sunday, January 17 and culminate with an online worship on Valentine's Day, Sunday, February 14.

Learn more at https://sidewithlove.org/thirty-days-of-love.

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Alternatives to Calling the Police

15 January 2021 at 20:51
With credible concerns about violence in state capitols and communities across the country, we are resharing this resource on keeping your congregation and community safe without involving the police.

As we have seen time and again, policing in this country is steeped in white supremacy and oppressive violence. There are alternatives that make us all more safe, methods of community protection that center the needs and lived experiences of people who've long been targeted for oppression because of their identities.

As people of faith committed to the inherent worth and dignity of all people, we know that adopting new procedures for safety and security is one way we can show greater love for our communities in these fearful times.

Alternatives to Calling the Policeβ€”Introduction ...

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Listening to the Call of Love

14 January 2021 at 20:00
As we rest, reconnect and pray during these painful times, many of us are asking, "What do I do?" UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray reminds us of a great opportunity already percolating within Unitarian Universalism:

Kicking off this weekend, #30DaysofLove will focus on four themes from the UUA Commission on Institutional Change report and culminates with a Side With Love Sunday worship service on February 14th that can be streamed in congregations. Learn more in Rev. Frederick-Gray's message below.

30 Days of Love reminds us that that liberation in the wider world is indelibly connected to liberation within ourselves.

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Guided by our faith, Unitarian Universalists remain steadfast in demanding accountability and justice at the highest levels of ...

13 January 2021 at 15:38
Guided by our faith, Unitarian Universalists remain steadfast in demanding accountability and justice at the highest levels of our federal government. We must impeach Trump and remove those who participated in, and incited last week's attack on our democracy.

[The graphic text is a quote from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray that states, "Without consequences for those who willfully deceive the American people and stoke racist and seditious violence, we will never realize the ideals and principles that America so proudly proclaims." It is placed next to an image of Rev. Frederick-Gray holding a sign that says, "Every vote is sacred."]

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We are proud to join this call to demand accountability from our national leaders and grateful to The Frontline for building thi...

11 January 2021 at 16:57
We are proud to join this call to demand accountability from our national leaders and grateful to The Frontline for building this community of resistance. Join us in the call to impeach Donald Trump and expel Congressional leaders who lied or supported the lies that inevitably led to a direct attack on our democracy in an effort to overthrow the will of American voters.

Unitarian Universalists hold democracy as a central principle of our faith. It is our beloved faith that calls us to be steadfast and unapologetic in this moment - to uphold truth and help to build the Beloved Community.

"More than words, we need action from our leaders. We are calling on Congress to impeach Donald Trump, investigate this attack on the democratic process, and remove members of Congress who peddled lies and instigated a riot to toss out the votes of millions of Americans to maintain their own power." -- @nelstamp of The Frontline

Today, more than 100 organizations signed on to a full-page @nytimes ad calling on Congress to impeach and expel Trump and the 8 senators and 139 representatives who voted against the election results.

Text EXPEL to 30403 to contact your member of Congress!


Despite every lie and every attempt at violence, The Frontline and its progressive allies are coming together to send the powerful message that they will not be intimidated by Trump, right-wing conspiracy theorists and white supremacists, and that the will of the over 81 million people who turned out to vote will start to come to fruition on January 20, 2021.

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Unitarian Universalists Denounce Complicity with Extremists

8 January 2021 at 20:04
The Unitarian Universalist Association joins leaders across this country in calling for the immediate removal of Donald Trump as U.S. President.

As a religious institution, we live faithfully our role as a part of the critical fabric of our country’s moral conscience. And as Unitarian Universalists, we hold democracy as a central principle for our faith. We must use this moment as an opportunity for profound reflection and awakening, not just in a momentary outcry, but as a basis for significant and lasting change.

White supremacist violence is the greatest threat to public safety and our democracy.

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For hospital chaplains, being vaccinated first brings a mix of emotions

8 January 2021 at 16:42
The experiences and roles of frontline workers vary widely and we are deeply grateful for everyone who accepts increased risk in order to go to work each day. We are particularly proud of the courageous and heart-centered work carried out by hospital chaplains during this pandemic.

"The Rev. Andy Karlson, a Unitarian Universalist chaplain for St. Mary’s hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, observed patients are open to longer conversations because 'there’s just a loneliness.' Anxiety is paramount, as are profound questions about why a greater power would allow them or their loved one to suffer.

And even when they don’t hear such questions from patients, they hear them from medical personnel.

'We do as much staff support as we do patient support,' Karlson said, noting that while all such conversations are part of his job as a chaplain, they also put him at risk of exposure."

(RNS) β€” β€˜I felt such a sense of joy β€” like Christmas really was here,’ said Daniel Russell, a hospice and hospital chaplain in Los Angeles.

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So Now What? (Formerly Joy to the Phonebankers: a UUtheVote celebration)

6 January 2021 at 22:45
Join in tonight at 7pm EST to come together and make sense of the events unfolding in our country at this time.

So Now What? (formerly Joy to the Phonebankers!)
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET

Learn more and sign up to attend: https://secure.everyaction.com/1H8dgeb42Eeu_ibr15zGbQ2

In light of the mass spectacle of white supremacist terrorism at the capital today, we are shifting this event to one of grounding, appreciation, making sense of this moment, and the importance of practicing joy Even When.

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Six blocks from DC protests, fighting hate with faith

6 January 2021 at 16:15
We send our love and solidarity to the churches and sacred spaces in Washington D.C. that have been holding fast for months now against violence, intimidation and vandalism by white supremacists. Their commitment to continuing to support their neighbors in need and offer a message of radical love and justice for all in the face of terror and chaos is courageous, hopeful and praiseworthy.

(RNS) β€” We are facing a moment like those in which Dr. King said that silence is betrayal.

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Next Year's Words

4 January 2021 at 15:00
UU Religious Educator Tim Atkins has found it helpful to choose a word to guide him at the beginning of each year. As we emerge from 2020 into this new year, what word might guide you?

When I’m questioning what’s the right thing to do, I will look to my word of the year for guidance.

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Wishing you all a very happy New Year! As we wonder about new beginnings, new government leaders and new health protocols, we're...

1 January 2021 at 15:00
Wishing you all a very happy New Year! As we wonder about new beginnings, new government leaders and new health protocols, we're appreciating President Susan Frederick-Gray's guidance on this special day.

[Graphic reads: "The New Year feels like a great gift of time, the expanse of the year opening before us, but in reality, the true gift is each moment. May we welcome this New Year cultivating a mindfulness to the gift and calling of each moment. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray"]

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Proposing a Program for General Assembly

30 December 2020 at 16:00
Remember to submit your program proposals for Virtual General Assembly 2021 by January 15th or January 29th! We are looking for proposals that fit the theme of β€œCircle β€˜Round for Justice - Healing - Courage” and offer opportunities for deep learning or valuable skill development. You can submit proposals and learn more here.

Anyone is welcome to submit a proposal for a program to advance the GA theme (Rooted, Inspired, & Ready!)

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General Assembly: The Unitarian Universalist Association's Annual Meeting

28 December 2020 at 14:00
General Assembly 2021 will be 100% virtual! While we’ll miss the in-person interactions, we are committed to the well-being of our community and the accessibility of our gathering. Last year, over 4,900 people attended virtually, calling in from around the world. We’d love for you to join us this year for inspiring and valuable programming that focuses on theology, liberation, healing, and more. Registration is open! #UUAGA

General Assembly is the Unitarian Universalist Association's annual meeting. Thousands of Unitarian Universalists from across the country participate.

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Happy #Kwanzaa! We offer "A Prayer for Kwanzaa" by Addae Ama Kraba. O come all you faithful, rejoicing and victorious, Come, l...

26 December 2020 at 19:00
Happy #Kwanzaa! We offer "A Prayer for Kwanzaa" by Addae Ama Kraba.

O come all you faithful, rejoicing and victorious,

Come, let us embrace the mystery in the spirit of life, as we celebrate the goodness of Kwanzaa and the the African American

Come and give thanks for companions on the journey in the struggle for freedom and justice.

Our roots in the soil and soul of Mother Africa reach far and wide.

Creator of all, lead us to be true to our nature with respect and dignity for life, from conception to its natural end at death.

Bless and keep us in solidarity one to another.

[Text in graphic reads "Come, let us embrace the mystery in the spirit of life, as we celebrate the goodness of Kwanzaa and the the African American heritage. Addae Ama Kraba" with an image of a kinara above the URL "uua.org/worshipweb".]

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"Brightest and Best," sung by Dan Schatz - with captions

24 December 2020 at 16:00
This beautiful folk song is over 200 years old and while it may not be among the most well-known Christmas carols, Rev. Dan Schatz's rendition captures a lot of #Christmas magic for us.

Find more Christmas music with a UU connection on Worship Web: https://www.uua.org/worship/music/online.

Brightest and Best" is an old carol especially popular in Eastern Kentucky. Like many people, I learned it from Jean Ritchie, and I was honored to perform i...

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"There Is A Yes" - Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

23 December 2020 at 19:04
When we let go of longing for what has been, we find there is a powerful "Yes!" waiting for us in the present moment.

Enjoy this clip of UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray's holiday video and watch, download and share the full video from our YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/VIMh17TXMQI.

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General Assembly Theme: Circle 'Round for Justice ● Healing ● Courage

21 December 2020 at 16:00
Have you heard? Our theme for Virtual General Assembly 2021 is β€œCircle β€˜Round for Justice - Healing - Courage.” We’ll gather in community to deepen our connections and hold each other in tender care. Throughout the week, we’ll lean into the values of Unitarian Universalism to inform our work towards an equitable future.

Right now, we’re looking for programming that will help us achieve this vision. You can find info about submitting proposals below. And if you're just coming to learn, we hope to see you there too! #UUAGA

The 2020 General Assembly theme is Rooted, Inspired, & Ready!

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Let My People Sing!

18 December 2020 at 15:00
On the last night of Hanukkah, we lift up the work of "Let My People Sing!". They’ve built a strong Jewish community that continues the diverse singing traditions of ancestors from across the diaspora. Let My People Sing! believes in the liberatory power of song and its ability to inspire community resilience. Check out the playlists below with songs that speak to the soul.

Let My People Sing! believes in the liberatory potential of singing and the importance of a vibrant Jewish singing culture. We organize singing retreats at Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center and

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Unitarian Universalist Association's cover photo

18 December 2020 at 14:48
We recently changed our Facebook cover photo to this picture of youth and young adult leaders. While we made the change as a way to highlight the importance of youth leadership in Unitarian Universalism, it has come to our attention that doing so has caused some harm.

Within Unitarian Universalism, youth and young adults have long played an important leadership role, which has at times gone under-acknowledged and youth and young adults have experienced underfunding of their programs.

This kind of tokenization of youth leadership has been painful, and our use of their image added to the harm. For this, we are truly sorry. We share this experience to take public accountability for our mistake and, in conversation with some young adult leaders, we hope we can use this moment to shed light on the marginalization of young people more broadly.

As the UUA looks at ways to better support youth and young adult leadership, it’s worth considering how harm like this, however unintentional, shows up in other parts of our community or in your own congregation. How might it be addressed with compassion and accountability?

No one is perfect, but if we stay in covenant and in conversation, we have a better chance for healing and repair.

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Congratulations UU the Vote community! You were part of the historic efforts this electoral season to protect and expand democra...

16 December 2020 at 14:00
Congratulations UU the Vote community! You were part of the historic efforts this electoral season to protect and expand democracy. And it’s not over - we need your help to support Georgia voters in their historic runoff election on January 5. Visit https://www.uuthevote.org/georgia/ to learn how you can get involved.

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Daveed Diggs - Puppy for Hanukkah

15 December 2020 at 19:00
On the sixth night of Hanukkah, we invite you to watch β€œPuppy for Hanukkah” by Daveed Diggs. This catchy song is also an introduction to Jewish culture, mixing rap with klezmer and blessings of the candles. It is a celebration of diversity within the Jewish community and a fun tune we hope you enjoy!

I want a puppy for Hanukkah! And I'm gonna get just what I wanted!?Check out Daveed Digg's official music video ""Puppy for Hanukkah!"" Check out more Disne...

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UUA Volunteer Recruitment Open House Invitation

15 December 2020 at 15:24
UUA Board of Trustees member Leslie MacFadyen invites you to join her TONIGHT at 7pm ET/4pm PT to learn more about the many volunteer opportunities available at the UUA. Bring a friend! UUA co-Mods Meg Riley and Charles Du Mond and many others will be there, too.

Register via Zoom to participate: https://bit.ly/37minsS

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We know this has been a trying election season, but we are just weeks away from another crucial election in Georgia. We must sho...

14 December 2020 at 14:00
We know this has been a trying election season, but we are just weeks away from another crucial election in Georgia. We must show up with and for our communities to make sure the people we elect are accountable to us and support policy for safe and thriving BIPOC/LGBTQ communities. We’ve partnered with Reclaim Our Vote and a coalition of UU congregations and organizations to sponsor five Get Out the Vote (GOTV) phonebanks to mobilize and support Georgia voters – please join us!

See the list of organizations and UU co-sponsors and the dates they are hosting phone banks here #VoteLove and #DefeatHate. https://secure.everyaction.com/p/LwJHcK9QekC0AMJ_AxcBig2

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Sponsored by the national UU the Vote team, UUA, Georgia UU congregations, and Georgia Equality, this rally will feature a live ...

13 December 2020 at 23:52
Sponsored by the national UU the Vote team, UUA, Georgia UU congregations, and Georgia Equality, this rally will feature a live DJ spinning tunes, campaign updates and actions from Georgia Equality, and surprise celebrity guests from television, drag, and other arts!

Pulitzer Prize winning poet, Jericho Brown, will offer words of inspiration and grounding.

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This has been a historic election season but the work isn’t over yet. Join us for the Peaches and Pride Rally to support LGBTQ+ ...

11 December 2020 at 20:16
This has been a historic election season but the work isn’t over yet. Join us for the Peaches and Pride Rally to support LGBTQ+ folk and allies during the critical Georgia runoff election. Peaches and Pride is a chance to re-energize, connect with each other, and ground ourselves in joy while continuing our get out the vote efforts. There will be music, poetry, and celebrity guests. We hope to see you there on Sunday, December 13th, 7-8 PM ET/ 4-5 PM ET!

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Proposing a Program for General Assembly

11 December 2020 at 18:00
We are now accepting program proposals for Virtual General Assembly 2021! The theme this year is β€œCircle β€˜Round for Justice - Healing - Courage” and programs can be live, pre-recorded, or a hybrid. Proposals should offer an opportunity for deep learning or valuable skill development, especially in one of these focus areas: liberatory theology, grief and trauma healing, a community of communities, social justice, or connections with Milwaukee. There are two deadlines this year, January 15th or January 29th, and we look forward to receiving your valuable contributions. Submit your proposals and learn more here.

Anyone is welcome to submit a proposal for a program to advance the GA theme (Rooted, Inspired, & Ready!)

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On this first night of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray offers us a message of h...

10 December 2020 at 19:35
On this first night of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray offers us a message of hope and resilience. May your candles offer light in the darkness and your faith guide you through during this holiday. Happy Hanukkah.

[Image is of a fully lit silver menorah. It includes text that reads "At sundown, as candles are lit for the first night of Hanukkah, let us remember: Even when challenges seem insurmountable, hope is always present. A small group of faithful, committed people really can create change. Faith is what calls us to move forward, in love and hope, even when we can't know how it will all turn out. Happy Hanukkah, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray."]

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Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: UUA Volunteer Recruitment Open House. After registering, you will receive a confirma...

9 December 2020 at 14:45
Do you have a vision for Unitarian Universalism or a passion for our faith? Consider serving on one of the UUA’s committees, commissions, or boards! Co-Moderators Charles DuMond and Meg Riley invite you to join them and other amazing volunteers for an open Zoom meeting to answer any questions about UUA volunteer service on Tuesday, December 15th at 7 PM ET/4 PM PT. Don’t miss this opportunity to be involved in the valuable leadership of our faith movement.

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: UUA Volunteer Recruitment Open House. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

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An unshakeable desire: Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout’s music ministry.

7 December 2020 at 18:17
As Unitarian Universalists, we are committed to dismantling white supremacy, within our faith and beyond. In this UU World interview, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Director of Worship and Music at First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor - UUAA, shares how music ministry can be used as a revolutionary anti-racist tool in congregations. Talking about racism is not a conversation that can be had fully in words, but heart-based music ministry brings us closer to a full understanding.

Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout’s music ministry.

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Retooling for New Realities

4 December 2020 at 19:00
It’s not too late to invigorate your congregation by connecting with other leaders in a new experimental initiative we're calling Retooling for New Realities.

What people are saying:
"It’s great to connect with committed leaders from other congregations!"
"We love the circle format – everyone is heard!"
"Hearing new ideas is invigorating!"
"It’s a nice mix of small and large group conversations."

Please join us! The new deadline to participate is Dec. 15.

Join thought partners from other UU congregations in online cohorts in this year-long program facilitated by experienced lay leaders.

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In This Holiday Season, May We Simply Be

4 December 2020 at 14:07
Like so much in 2020, the winter holidays arrive as a mixed blessing for many of us. UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray shares a pastoral holiday message to help us find balance and joy in the present moment.

One of the things keeping me rooted these days is remembering to take it one day at a time.

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With election day a month behind us, we recognize the Unitarian Universalists who gathered to put our shared values into powerfu...

3 December 2020 at 18:19
With election day a month behind us, we recognize the Unitarian Universalists who gathered to put our shared values into powerful action. We are grateful for the Unitarian Universalist volunteers who supported fair and safe voting across the country. UUtheVote is now organizing in support of the Senate runoff election in Georgia and we remain dedicated to making voting accessible. This is just the beginning of our collective power.

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Yuletide 2020: Six Ways to Safely Center the Season

2 December 2020 at 18:00
In this season of sacred darkness, Yuletide reminds us that the light will return once again. It holds us in the pattern of the earth and the sun, encouraging us to rest and reflect. While we may not celebrate in our typical ways, Irene Glasse invites us to embrace the holiness of Yuletide. She offers practices that connect us to each other, the earth, and the light. May your spirit be nourished by these practices.

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World AIDS Day 2020

1 December 2020 at 19:00
Today on #WorldAIDSDay, we hold in our hearts the 700,000 people we have lost to this disease in the past 40 years. As we live through COVID-19, we remain mindful that the ongoing AIDS pandemic disproportionately impacts the LGTBQ+ community. Join speakers like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Alicia Garza (co-founder of Black Lives Matter), and other distinguished guests in a conversation about the global intersections of health justice, social activism, resilience, and remembrance.

World AIDS Day 2020 – A National Conversation on December 1 from 10 am to 12 pm PST will bring together powerful voices from both pandemics for an important conversation about health justice, social activism, remembrance, hope and resilience.

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We at the UUA are sharing our heartbreak that our colleague, the Rev. Hope Johnson, passed away on Saturday from complications r...

1 December 2020 at 15:56
We at the UUA are sharing our heartbreak that our colleague, the Rev. Hope Johnson, passed away on Saturday from complications related to long-term respiratory issues. Rev. Hope has been on the UUA’s Congregational Life staff since 2015, serving in the Central East Region and had just recently taken on leadership of the new Congregational Conflict Engagement Team with the Rev. Tandi Rogers.

Throughout the UUA staff, and throughout our movement, so many knew and loved Hope from her work with congregations and religious professionals through the UUA, as well as her work with Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries, Black Lives of UU and other UU Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities and the professional community of ministry. She was also loved by the congregations she served as minister and by her home congregation of Community Church New York. Her loss is a deeply personal one for so many, and her decades of ministry have been an incredible contribution to our faith.

Hope is survived by her twin sister Dr. Janice Marie Johnson, Co-Director of Ministries and Faith Development at the UUA. There is a CaringBridge page set up by the family and they ask that messages be sent through this link: https://bit.ly/3lsDOMw.

We know there is much more to say and do to honor Hope’s legacy, but for now we simply express our sadness at her passing. Our larger faith community has lost so many treasured leaders, elders, mentors and family members this year. May we all hold one another a bit closer and tend to each other through our grief.

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Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: UUA Board of Trustees Open House. After registering, you will receive a confirmation...

1 December 2020 at 15:30
Are you curious about what’s going on with non-staff UUA leadership? Co-Moderators Meg Riley and Charles DuMond, along with other members of the UUA Board of Trustees, invite you to join them for an open Zoom meeting on December 8th at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT. Share with the Board how your congregation’s doing, what lessons you’ve learned about being in religious community while physically separated, and if you’re looking forward to Virtual GA 2021. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and answering your questions.

You must register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcodu-prTgjEtyJJZAixLELZ2noKgj7oCvs

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: UUA Board of Trustees Open House. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

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We Will Not Stop Singing by The Chapin Sisters - feat. First U Brooklyn Choir

30 November 2020 at 17:00
Find more wonderful music like this that you can use in your Unitarian Universalist worship services at https://www.uua.org/worship/music/online

We Will Not Stop Singing by The Chapin Sisters / arr. Adam Podd featuring the First Unitarian Brooklyn Choir (w/ Dennis Wees, Kiena Williams, Brandon Hornsby...

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This year we reimagine the Thanksgiving season, both in spirit and in practice. In the tradition of the fall harvest, we recogn...

27 November 2020 at 16:15
This year we reimagine the Thanksgiving season, both in spirit and in practice. In the tradition of the fall harvest, we recognize our deep connection to the land and to shared values with Indigenous people. Let's lift up the love in our hearts for each other and our commitment to collective care. With the pandemic, we are finding new ways to gather in beloved community to help keep everyone safe. In this reimagining, we honor our role in the interdependent web of life.

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51st National Day of Mourning Live from Plymouth, MA

26 November 2020 at 17:05
In 2016, Unitarian Universalists voted to pay special attention to learning our history and rethinking Thanksgiving in the year 2020, in observance of the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing in Plymouth.

Since 1970, Native Americans and their supporters have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth, MA to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US "thanksgiving" holiday. Many Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture. United American Indians of New England (UAINE group) offers this livestream of the 51st National Day of Mourning. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.

Since 1970, Native Americans and their supporters have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth, MA to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US "t...

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Prepare to Care: Stop Line 3 Oil Pipeline

25 November 2020 at 00:30
The proposed Line 3 oil pipeline will have an enormous impact on our water, land, and communities. This workshop will feature climate justice leaders working in frontline communities across Northern Minnesota, including Winona LaDuke, and will explore effective ways that people can join or support the Stop Line 3 resistance movement. This workshop will also include information about nonviolent direct action and other creative and caring conflict intervention opportunities, as well as learning a water song together. This event is hosted by Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, UUSC: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, UUA, and MUUSJA - Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance.

This event is part of our Harvest the Power Convergence and Teach-In. Learn more and register at www.uua.org/harvestthepower.

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Media roundup: Religious responses to Election Day 2020, and more

24 November 2020 at 18:35
This month’s Media Roundup from UU World showcases Unitarian Universalists’ deep commitment to justice and protecting democracy. The stories span from electoral responses, a food collection project, and a celebration of organ donors. Read all the ways UUs have been showing up in their communities nationally.

UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray β€˜incredibly buoyed’ by turnout; in other news, organ donors celebrated in Michigan, UU banners vandalized in Florida.

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Prepare to Care: Stop Line 3 Oil Pipeline

23 November 2020 at 22:37
The proposed Line 3 oil pipeline will have an enormous impact on our water, land, and communities. This workshop will feature climate justice leaders working in frontline communities across Northern Minnesota, including Winona LaDuke, and will explore effective ways that people can join or support the Stop Line 3 resistance movement. This workshop will also include information about nonviolent direct action and other creative and caring conflict intervention opportunities, as well as learning a water song together. This event is hosted by Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, UUSC: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, UUA, and MUUSJA - Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance.

This event is part of our Harvest the Power Convergence and Teach-In. Learn more and register at www.uua.org/harvestthepower.

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Volunteer for a UUA Committee, Commission, or Board

23 November 2020 at 14:50
We’re looking for new volunteers! If you have a passion and vision for Unitarian Universalism, consider applying to our association level boards, committees, and commissions. You can apply to specific positions or submit a general interest form. Volunteers are vital to the Unitarian Universalist faith movement and we look forward to the gifts of your leadership. Follow the link below for more information about the positions and application deadlines.

Volunteer for a UUA committee, commission, or board and help us carry out the mission of the Association.

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A Prayer for Trans Day of Remembrance 2020

20 November 2020 at 20:00
While we must not turn away from the grief of losing 34 transgender people - nearly all trans women of color - to transantagonistic violence this year, may we also take a moment today to uplift and honor the resilience of the trans and nonbinary people still in our lives and in our communities.

We especially echo President Susan Frederick-Gray's deep gratitude, shared in the message below, for the trans and nonbinary leaders in Unitarian Universalism who are leading from the liberating, life-giving truth at the heart of our theology. #TDoR2020

Violence and compound oppressions are taking the lives of beautiful loved ones from their families and their communities.

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Lean Into What You Love

20 November 2020 at 18:00
Grateful for President Susan Frederick-Gray's call in this message for Unitarian Universalists to make space for doing what we love and what makes us feel connected. 2020 has been exhausting, but we have each other and together, we are strong.

Whether we are adapting to safely minister to one another or responding to the urgent demands of our world, UUs everywhere are making a difference.

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Worship Service "Thanksgiving Reframed"

20 November 2020 at 17:00
This worship service is part of the Harvest the Power Convergence & Teach In. Learn more and register at https://www.uumfe.org/2020/11/10/program-schedule-harvest-the-power-justice-convergence-and-teach-in-nov-19-26/.

This worship will include musical and spoken word from Hartman Deetz, Wampanoag artist and activist, and a sermon from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray. There will be an offertory special collection for the Create Climate Justice – Indigenous Solidarity Fund with the UU Ministry for Earth. Worship leaders: Ann Gilmore, Nina Lytton, and Aly Tharp

β€œHistorically, UU ministers were instrumental in creating this U.S. holiday and the β€œPilgrims and the Indians” pageant tradition that roots the holiday in an historically inaccurate and harmful colonial narrative. Many UU congregations in New England can trace their lineage directly back to early settler congregations that had a role in the genocide of Native communities. As a religious tradition, we cannot decide who we will be without reckoning with the truth of who some of our ancestors were…

– UUA President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray in β€œA Message From The UUA President: Honoring Indigenous Ancestors, Experiences and Traditions”

Image by Molly Costello; used with permission.

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The documentary film "We Still Live Here: Γ‚s NutayuneΓ’n" tells the story of how Jessie Little Doe Baird became a linguist who is...

19 November 2020 at 20:20
The documentary film "We Still Live Here: Γ‚s NutayuneΓ’n" tells the story of how Jessie Little Doe Baird became a linguist who is reviving the long-silent Wampanoag (or WΓ΄panΓ’ak) language and is restoring to her Native American community a vital sense of its cultural heritage. Determined to breathe life back into the language, Baird founded the WΓ΄panΓ’ak Language Reclamation Project, an intertribal effort that aims to return fluency to the Wampanoag Nation. Join Jesse Little Doe Baird and filmmaker Anne Makepeace for a special discussion about the film and the WΓ΄panΓ’ak Language Reclamation Project, facilitated by Ann Gilmore. Register for the Harvest the Power Justice Convergence & Teach-in to receive the film link: https://www.uumfe.org/harvest-justice-summit-signup/.

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Artists have been heavily impacted this year by COVID restrictions. The UUCF-Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax is h...

18 November 2020 at 23:36
Artists have been heavily impacted this year by COVID restrictions. The UUCF-Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax is holding a 3-hour long live streamed telethon called β€œShowing Up! Artists Supporting Artists” on Saturday, November 21st with proceeds going to support Washington D.C.-based artists who are struggling during this time. The lineup includes Peter Mayer, Emma's Revolution, Glen Thomas Rideout, and many more.

Get details at https://uucf.org/events/showing-up/.

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The Gap Between Glamour and Death for Trans Women of Color

18 November 2020 at 19:44
As we approach Trans Day of Remembrance, we lift up the experience of trans women of color, for whom representation can be polarizing. In this essay, Denny explores whether glamour is a way to proudly claim a trans identity or if it puts trans women in a dangerous position of visibility. She says, β€œthere are the well-known trans women of color we admire, and there are those we mourn for.” Mindful of the struggle for balance and acceptance, we hold our trans, non-binary, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming community in care. #TDOR

"I’m stuck between feeling like I need to be beautiful in order to be taken seriously, and feeling like I need to be invisible to be safe."

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In 2016, Unitarian Universalists voted to pay special attention to learning our history and rethinking Thanksgiving this year, i...

16 November 2020 at 18:00
In 2016, Unitarian Universalists voted to pay special attention to learning our history and rethinking Thanksgiving this year, in observance of the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing in Plymouth.

The Harvest the Power Justice Convergence & Teach In offers a wide array of programming to ground us spiritually and connect us to each other during this time. Learn more and sign up to participate here: https://bit.ly/36yyYIf.

Please help us spread the word in your congregations and communities with promotional resources here: https://bit.ly/2UmKiSl. Thank you!

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This worship service is part of the Harvest the Power Convergence & Teach In. Learn more and register at https://www.uumfe.org/2...

16 November 2020 at 16:47
This worship service is part of the Harvest the Power Convergence & Teach In. Learn more and register at https://www.uumfe.org/2020/11/10/program-schedule-harvest-the-power-justice-convergence-and-teach-in-nov-19-26/.

This worship will include musical and spoken word from Hartman Deetz, Wampanoag artist and activist, and a sermon from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray. There will be an offertory special collection for the Create Climate Justice – Indigenous Solidarity Fund with the UU Ministry for Earth. Worship leaders: Ann Gilmore, Nina Lytton, and Aly Tharp

β€œHistorically, UU ministers were instrumental in creating this U.S. holiday and the β€œPilgrims and the Indians” pageant tradition that roots the holiday in an historically inaccurate and harmful colonial narrative. Many UU congregations in New England can trace their lineage directly back to early settler congregations that had a role in the genocide of Native communities. As a religious tradition, we cannot decide who we will be without reckoning with the truth of who some of our ancestors were…

– UUA President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray in β€œA Message From The UUA President: Honoring Indigenous Ancestors, Experiences and Traditions”

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Join us for the livestream of our Opening Ceremony for the Harvest the Power Justice Convergence and Teach In (http://uua.org/ha...

13 November 2020 at 23:57
Join us for the livestream of our Opening Ceremony for the Harvest the Power Justice Convergence and Teach In (http://uua.org/harvestthepower). This 75-minute event will have music, spiritual grounding, and an invitation to enter into this sacred work together as a community.

In 2016, Unitarian Universalists voted to pay special attention to learning our history and rethinking Thanksgiving in the year 2020, in observance of the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing in Plymouth. Harvest the Power, inspired by Jim Scott’s hymn β€œGather the Spirit”, is a six week confluence of Unitarian Universalist Justice ministries (that began Oct. 21) to deepen our relationships, draw on the sources of wholeness and strength in which we are rooted, and move together in powerful ways for justice. Detailed program: https://www.uumfe.org/2020/11/10/program-schedule-harvest-the-power-justice-convergence-and-teach-in-nov-19-26/

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BREAKING!!! Phonebank to Georgia voters!

13 November 2020 at 19:33
Unitarian Universalists showed up during this election season and made a real impact on historic efforts to protect and expand our democracy. And now we are needed to help make sure Georgia voters show up for their January 5 runoff election.

#UUtheVote will begin phone banking THIS SUNDAY, November 15 from 3-5 pm EST/12-2 pm PST to do non-partisan voter outreach with our partners at New Georgia Project and Reclaim Our Vote. This is the first of several opportunities to join in this critically important work in the coming weeks.

Text VOTELOVE to 51555 to get updates on future phone banking opportunities.

The race to January 5th begins now!

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Reimagining Thanksgiving

13 November 2020 at 15:09
We are proud to announce the continuation of a collective journey that began with a 2016 General Assembly resolution to rethink Thanksgiving.

Join the Harvest the Power Justice Convergence & Teach-In, a series of virtual events and opportunities for learning and spiritual grounding to be held from from November 19-26. The events will guide us as we to live into this year's Action of Immediate Witness, "Address 400 Years of White Supremacist Colonialism" and reimagine a Thanksgiving holiday that centers Indigenous ancestors and experiences.

This year, let us be grateful in a genuine manner.

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Photos from Unitarian Universalist Association's post

12 November 2020 at 17:55
We are tremendously proud of all the heart, time, and talent that Unitarian Universalists gave to organizing for democracy this election season and we’re not done celebrating your great work. We want to lift up the joy and power of our work together and we hope you’ll help us do that.

Did your congregation or community offer faithful witness during this election season? We'd love to share your images, videos, or other digital content. Upload files to our Google album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/iZvEq99fKiUG1dGk9. Email info@uua.org with questions or other content. #UUsShowUp #UUtheVote

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Watch the New Trailer for HBO's Transhood, Which Chronicles Lives of 4 Transgender Kids

12 November 2020 at 15:00
β€œWhat I really hope people realize is that we’re human.” Transhood, a new documentary, follows the joys and struggles of four transgender youth in the greater Kansas City area. Our own The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Topeka makes a cameo, shown holding a ritual that honors trans children and youth. Watch the documentary's debut tonight, November 12th, at 9 pm Eastern Time on HBO.

Transhood premieres on HBO on Nov. 12 at 9 p.m. ET/PT

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'The Rise Of The New South': Black Women Organizers Turn Georgia Bluish

10 November 2020 at 19:24
This past week, Georgia emerged as a pivotal swing state in the presidential election due to the work of Black women organizers like LaTosha Brown, co-founder of Black Voters Matter. By investing in Black-led organizations, Black Voters Matter was able to build power in local elections with a multigenerational, multiracial coalition of voters in Georgia. Listen and learn more about what LaTosha Brown has to say about the rise of the New South.

LaTosha Brown, co-founder of Black Voters Matter, talks about her work getting out the vote in Georgia.

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This election season has been historic. We share this beautiful video message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray and w...

9 November 2020 at 20:15
This election season has been historic. We share this beautiful video message from UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray and we echo her deep gratitude for all who worked so hard to reach voters and defend the integrity of voting results across the country.

With leadership from Black and Indigenous people and from people of color, Unitarian Universalists and #UUtheVote helped fuel an unprecedented voter turn-out with our collective action. May we celebrate this election as a win for the democratic process, for free and fair elections and for our collective power when we show up for democracy and justice!

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UU the Vote Election Reflections

6 November 2020 at 17:23
Join UUA President Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray and UU the Vote National Organizer Nicole Pressley for a faith-grounded and movement-connected conversation about the election today.

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UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray shares how the actions of Unitarian Universalists living their values in their communiti...

6 November 2020 at 14:08
UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray shares how the actions of Unitarian Universalists living their values in their communities helps her remain hopeful in these times of great uncertainty. And she offers a simple but powerful reminder:

"Let’s remember that we are deeply connected to each other in love and in community. We are ready, we are powerful, and we are enough."

Read her full message on UUA.org: https://bit.ly/3mWtSw9.

No matter the outcome of the presidential election, the truth I know is that hope is found in the struggle. Actions rooted in one's values, rooted in what we love and know to be true, kindles the fire of hope and inspiration in our hearts and in our communities.

As we await the results of the election, let’s remember that there will be many opportunities for us to continue our work together and live our values. Read more: https://bit.ly/3mWtSw9

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Post-Election Vigil & Community Gathering

6 November 2020 at 01:02
Join the UUA, UU the Vote, Side with Love, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray and Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Director of Worship Arts at First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI for a community gathering grounded in faith, love, and justice.

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Peak Anxiety? Here Are 10 Ways to Calm Down

5 November 2020 at 18:20
As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that every voice should be heard and every vote should be counted. But this period of waiting and uncertainty is likely to cause some stress. We encourage you to engage with spiritual practices or connect with your community. Additionally, Tara Parker-Pope offers 10 suggestions to release anxieties and ground yourself in the present moment.

If the one-two punch of pandemic stress and election stress feels like more than you can handle, try these tips to help you cope.

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Speaking with UUs at #CountEveryVote rally in Harrisburg, PA

5 November 2020 at 15:00
At last night's #CountEveryVote rally in Harrisburg, PA, UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray gave a shout out to UUs across the country who are showing up to make sure that every vote is counted in this election.

"Every vote is sacred. Every person is sacred. Every voice matters."

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UU the Vote | Post-Election Message (11/4)

4 November 2020 at 21:00
"We said at the beginning of all this that we were in it for the long haul, and our work is clearer than everβ€”we must commit ourselves to work of democracy, anti-racism, and collective action for our collective liberation. Our work is not done. I echo the words from the activist group Southerners on New Ground, that we need 'more of us, and more from us.'"
~ #UUtheVote national organizer, Nicole Pressley

I am ready to join many of you at today’s spiritual gatherings. I am ready to join the virtual ralliesΒ cheering on democracy and the election workers who were up late (and got up early) to count all the votes. I am also ready to continue to do the deep work of our faith that requires us to face t...

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For many of us, service is our prayer - our faith emerges from our deeds, our actions, and the way we are in community. How do y...

3 November 2020 at 22:40
For many of us, service is our prayer - our faith emerges from our deeds, our actions, and the way we are in community. How do you see Unitarian Universalism emerging on this election day?

[Image text reads, "We pray on this #ElectionDay that everyone who is eligible to vote, can vote safely and freely. We pray that all votes are counted fairly. We pray that the integrity of the election is secure. We pray its outcome is respected and reflects the will of the people. And by pray, I mean that we will pray with our hearts, act with our votes, demand with our presence and we will organize to protect our democracy. Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray" with an image of a hand holding a sign that says, "No Hate No Fear".]

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Hymn 1017: Building A New Way

3 November 2020 at 19:08
Amanda Thomas, Music Director of Second Unitarian Church in Chicago sings a favorite UU hymn, accompanied by music from Carl Kennedy. Turn it up and sing along - we *are* building a new way!

This video was the closing hymn in the national #VoteLove #DefeatHate worship service offered by UU the Vote. Get details on accessing the full service at: https://bit.ly/34VfWfu.

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