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Sources about Unitarianism in the 18th and 19th century

22 October 2020 at 08:09

Hi there

I'm from Europe and have to draft a short paper (about ten pages) for university (sience of religion). The topic is up to my choice. My choice of preference would be to write about the history of the Unitarianism movement with a main focus on the 18th and 19th century, i.e. around the time of the foundation of the USA.

I've already found a good introductory YouTube video: The Rise and Fall of Unitarianism in America

From there and from further research I've already found a bunch of sources, listed further down below. But do you have any other good sources about this topic? Mostly I'd be interested about the impact, if there's any, from Unitarian beliefs into the Declaration of Indepence and the US Constitution. Additionaly, I'd also like to touch the topic of the relationship between Unitarianism and Transcendentalism. Thank you very much for your highly appreciated answer ?!Bowers, J. D, 2007: Joseph Priestley and English Unitarianism in America. Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press.

Bressler Lee, Ann, 2001: The Universalist movement in America, 1770-1880. New York: Oxford University Press.

Corbett-Hemeyer, Julia, 2016: Religion in America. New York: Routledge.

Detering, Heinrich, 2012: Thomas Manns amerikanische Religion. Theologie, Politik und Literatur im kalifornischen Exil. Frankfurt a.M.: S. Fischer.

Greenwood, Andrea / Harris, Mark W, 2011: An introduction to the Unitarian and Universalist traditions. Cambridge / New York: Cambridge University Press.

Harris, Mark W, 2009: The A to Z of Unitarian Universalism. Lanham: Cambridge University Press / Scarecrow Press / Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Harris, Mark W, 2018: Historical Dictionary of Unitarian Universalism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2. Auflage).

Wilbur, Morse, 1950: A bibliography of the pioneers of the Socinian-Unitarian Movement in modern christianity in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland. Rom: Ed. di Storia e Letteratura

Lee, Wayne Richard, 1995: Strained Bedfellows: Pagans, New Agers, and "Starchy Humanists” in Unitarian Universalism. Sociology of Religion 56 (4), 379-396.

Macaulay, John A, 2015: Tree Stump or β€˜Treason?’ Unitarians Debate the Role of the Pulpit in the Age of Reform. Journal of Church and State 57 (3), 487-506.

Robinson, David, 1975: Jones Very, The Transcendentalists, and the Unitarian Tradition. Harvard Theological Review 68 (2), 103-124.

Sutton, Ian, 2010: Unitarians and the Construction of History and Biography, 1740–1820 The English Historical Review 125 (513): 314-339.

Vaca, Daniel, 2013: Great Religions’ as Peacemaker: What Unitarian Infighting Did for Comparative Religion History of Religions 53 (2): 115-150.

Melton, Gordon J. et al., 2017: Melton's Encyclopedia of American Religions, Farmington Hills (Michigan) et al.: Cengage Learning.

Barker, Joseph (Hrsg.), 1845: The Works of William Ellery Channing in Six Volumes: London / Newcastle.

submitted by /u/CharlesEpoche
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