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New to UU - husband is less interested in community?

23 February 2021 at 19:17

Hello! I'm new here and new to UU. It's hard to get connected during a pandemic but I've been watching some of the online sermons for the UU group I think I want to "try" when it meets in person again.

My husband and I are expecting our first kiddo soon and I really want to get plugged into a community. I grew up Protestant and it was such a huge, beautiful part of my life except in all the ways it wasn't. But I want that community again and I don't want to be grasping at straws trying to figure things out - I want to gather with folks who have shared values and I want that for my kiddo.

My husband grew up Quaker and is still a bit interested in that but he's less interested in community than me. It just wasn't something he ever had growing up with church and it didn't become that important to him.

I've gone to a few Christian churches before by myself and even the ones that were a lot more liberal leaning were really rude about the fact that my husband didn't come with me. What are UU thoughts on that? I don't want to push him if he doesn't feel it's important for his spirituality and he's totally open to me going and to me taking our kiddo, he just doesn't want the social side. Is that going to be okay?

submitted by /u/god_save_the_bees
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