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Choir News

4 October 2019 at 12:09
Like to sing? The UUSS Choir welcomes new members [age 15+] to join us at any time. We rehearse Sundays from 9:00-10:00 a.m., the first Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00 p.m., and sing in worship about twice per month. Music reading skills and previous choir experience are desirable but by no means a requirement for participation. The Children’s Choir is open to youth in grades K-8. We rehearse Sundays after worship [approximately 12:15-1:00 p.m.] and sing in worship about once a month. Please contact Director of Music Tim Olsen at music@uuschenectady.org or say hello after worship.
Children’s Choir is cancelled for October 6th.

The Caring Team!

4 October 2019 at 12:08

The UUSS Caring Team is interested in learning who is willing to be part of a Caring Network, a list of people who are occasionally contacted by a member of the Caring Team to respond to folks in our congregation who need a little extra help or connection (eg: a ride, a visit, a meal). CLICK HERE! to see a list of Caring options, and to check any boxes that feel like things you want to do to help. Also, if you find yourself in need of some help or connection, please contact Rev. Lynn or Rev. Wendy or a member of the Caring Team (Mike MacLaury, Carol Neff, Nancy Tobiessen, Suzanne Brunelle, Lisa Temoshok, and Kristin Cleveland).

Thank You from Green Sanctuary

4 October 2019 at 12:07

Green Sanctuary/Climate Justice Team want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came and supported our Locavore Lunch last Sunday.  We look forward to this annual celebration of the local harvest and we know many of you do too.  Your generous donations make it possible for us to continue our programs, such as purchasing carbon offsets for the youth service trip to Guatemala and paying for books, speakers, films etc.  We hope you continue to support local farms by visiting them and buying their products.  Thank you, Nancy Peterson, Green Sanctuary Chair at gs.uuss06@gmail.com.  

This Month’s Theme – Connection, Commitment and Community

4 October 2019 at 11:59
Each month we will explore an important part of being Unitarian Universalist. October’s focus will be connection, commitment, and community. What is it the inspires a sense of connection between us, between us and this place, between us and God/the Holy/Spirit of Love? And sometimes these connections are strong, sometimes seem more tenuous, even fragile. How do we strengthen our connections and our sense of commitment for more resilience for when the hard times come? How can we be more welcoming, i.e. preemptively radically inclusive in this faith community?

Later this month, everyone high school aged and up is invited to attend a workshop with C.B. Beal. (see more info below). And newer folks have an opportunity to take the Getting to Know UU classes in which we hope you will experience more connection to Unitarian Universalism and consider making a commitment to joining this congregation, formally, as a member.

A couple of resources you may find interesting are: teaching community-a pedagogy of hope by bell hooks and Community: The Structure of Belonging by Peter Block.

Board of Trustees Reflection – October

4 October 2019 at 11:55
Share. Care. Listen.

Those are the words of my first covenant process in this congregation in 1998. I was a teacher in the RE program, working with preschool age children. This month I am deeply engaged in a covenant process as a member of the Board of Trustees and as a Senior Youth Advisor.

Is a covenant a noun or a verb? Is it a process or a product? Yes.

As you are reading this, perhaps take a moment to reflect on covenants you may be creating with others this month. Verb or noun? Process or product?

Consider how a covenant is “both/and”: generous and strong, providing a spacious structure for mutual accountability and safe inquiry. The Board of Trustees engages with covenant by reading it aloud at the beginning of each meeting. At the end of each meeting, we turn toward the covenant to provide a moment of closure and reflection.

As we engage with one another, with our community and with our world and as we grapple with our Open Questions, may we, as a beloved community and as individuals within a beloved community, choose to embody our covenants, including the simple covenant of the “Share. Care. Listen” with love, faith and joyful play.

Lisa Temoshok

Religious Education this Week – October 1st

4 October 2019 at 11:53
Sunday, 10/6: Grades K-5 and grades 8-12 will begin together in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, K/1 Children will be led by their teachers to their classroom in the church hallway. The rest of the Children and Youth present(except for Coming of Age) will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. The 6/7 Building Bridges class will meet at Waters House at 9:30 am for a field trip to Mt Olivet Missionary Baptist Church. Coming of Age youth will remain in the Great Hall for the service and then attend class from 12-2 in their 3rd-floor Waters House classroom; they should be sure to bring their lunch!
Sunday, 10/13: Everyone except Coming of Age and Building Bridges Youth will meet in Waters House. Sr Youth will have a full-session class in their classroom, and K-5th grade will join Mati Grieco-Hackett and Jodi Lovegrove for Children’s Chapel. The Building Bridges class is welcome to attend the service. Coming of Age youth will be wrapping up their overnight trip at Hawk Circle Wilderness Education Center in Cherry Valley, NY.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Parents and Guardians, please take a moment after RE to ask your child or youth what they did in RE that day. Leave it open ended and listen to what they have to say about their lesson, their classmates, and their teachers. Our UU kids have SO much insight to share!

Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE) Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org for more information about volunteering.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – October 1st

4 October 2019 at 11:51
Dear UUSS Community~


This past summer we chose to focus some of our time and energy on deepening our connections to New York, and to the capital region. We intentionally devoted time to exploring the Finger Lakes and the Adirondacks. We enjoyed many of the free local concerts at Music Haven in Central Park, and saw In the Heights at the outdoor theatre in Albany.

We finally got library cards, and explored the many resources available at the downtown Sch’dy branch. We walked in parks, and hiked more of the local trails. We learned more names of the local birds, flowers, and trees. We learned more about the history and present of the First Nations of this region.

We went on a guided tour with the Schenectady Historical Society of the GE Realty Plot. For the second year in a row, we grew vegetables and flowers in our backyard garden, and have been eating something from the garden almost every day. Just last night we made a batch of vegan pesto from the last of the basil and enjoyed it tossed with pasta and fresh-picked cherry tomatoes.

As we begin our third year here, we are feeling more connected to the people and places of this beautiful, diverse, and complex state. Connection is a key element of people wanting to make commitments and through our connection and commitments, we can create a sense of belonging in community. This is a new October theme! See more below!

With gratitude,
Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy

Religious Education this Week – September 17th

17 September 2019 at 19:24
What an exciting and busy weekend we just had! Teacher Prep took place Saturday morning, with Youth Advisor Training Saturday afternoon, Coming of Age Orientation on Sunday afternoon, and of course, our first RE day of the year–with 64 Children and Youth in attendance! All of this was made possible in huge part because of the 20 volunteer teachers and 6 substitute teachers who facilitate the RE classes, and the childcare providers taking care of our littlest UU’s in the nursery. Also helping to make all this happen are the following: RE Team, Coming of Age Subteam, EAST (Educational Accessibility SubTeam), OWl (Our Whole Lives), Sunday Supervisors, multiple other volunteers and staff members, and of course, our fabulous congregants–the congregational village it takes to raise our children! We are truly blessed!

Sunday, 9/22: Everyone–except Coming of Age participants–will begin together in the Great Hall. Following the Story for All Ages, K/1 Children will be led by their teachers to their classroom in the dining room hallway. The rest of the Children and Youth (except for Coming of Age youth) will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. Coming of Age youth will begin in their classroom right at 10:30 and will meet through 12:30.

Sunday, 9/29: Everyone will begin together in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, K/1 Children will be led by their teachers to their classroom in the dining room hallway. The rest of the Children and Youth (except for Coming of Age youth) will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. Coming of Age youth will remain in the Great Hall for the full service as part of their RE experience.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. Millions of us will take to the streets to demand a right to a future, and we’re inviting you to #strikewithus. Whether you’re 7 or 77, you’re invited to join the movement. For more information, please visit strikewithus.org.

As the Religious Education program is a cooperative endeavor, volunteers are needed. Volunteer options include teaching classes as part of a teaching team (we still have a few openings!), assisting in an RE classroom, and offering an extra pair of hands to help with crafts or other activities. Want to do some painting? Decorate a bulletin board?

Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE) Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org for more information about volunteering.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – September 17th

17 September 2019 at 19:21

Dear UUSS~

On this beautiful Tuesday, we are grateful for the vibrant energy of the sun, the clear blue sky, and the yellows, oranges, and reds that are just peeking through the greens. Likewise, we appreciate the energy that we felt on Sunday and throughout the week, as folks showed up for trainings, for choir, for worship, programs, classes, and meetings. Thank you for bringing all of who you are to UUSS… your worries, your questions, your ideas, your compassion, and your joy. Please know that there are others who would love to attend, who could use a ride in order to get to Wendell Ave. Are you willing to give someone a ride on an upcoming Sunday, or midweek to a program or class? Please contact Congregational Life Coordinator, Kristin Cleveland, at clc@uuschechenectady.org.

And, if we haven’t see you lately because you have been elsewhere, here is an official invitation to attend a worship service soon. It would be great to see you!

– in faith, Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy

EBWA 2019-2020 Calendar

12 September 2019 at 20:04

EBWA calendar 2019-2020

Evening Branch of the Women’s Alliance

Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady

1221 Wendell Avenue, Schenectady NY

All women are welcome

Sept 26 “Immigration Justice in the Capital District and the US-Mexico Border”

  – Mindy Whisenhunt, Interpreter with The Legal Project and RAICES , Middle School Spanish Teacher and longtime Unitarian.


Oct 24 “The Promised Land — A Hidden Treasure in Albany’s Pine Bush”

Beverly Bardequez,   President, Rapp Road Historical Association


Nov 21 “The Odyssey of a War Orphan: The test of one’s mettle is conflict

Maria A. Beurmann, author, teacher, poet, photographer, ADK 46er


Dec 19 “Using DNA for Genealogical Research: An Over


Susan Kugler, retired State budget analyst, Vice President of the Capital Region Jewish Genealogical Society


Jan 23 “Tales from the Jewelry Box

–with Marian Barba, vintage jewelry historian, collector, dealer


Feb 27 “Create the Life Well Lived

–with Barbara Weatherwax, human potential coach, motivational speaker, spiritual counselor

Mar 26 “The Midwife Project“, Hope Neikirk, RN, Caren Baker, CNM,

From a book club of two to a community of caring


April 23 “The Writing Life – Making Words CountCarol Bluestein

Novel/essay writer, political/ environmental podcast leader, gardener, and human/animal parent


May 28 “The Negro Motorist Green Book

Gretchen Sorin, Ph.D., Director, Distinguished Service Professor

Cooperstown Graduate Program


June 18 “Women at Rest”

–tour of Vale Cemetery with “Victorian Lady”, Sue McLane.  Tour will leave Caretakers House on State St. by Vale’s van at 5:30 pm


All women are welcome. Come for wine/ juice and crackers at 5:45, or for a vegetarian supper at 6:15Registration required for the supper and program, call Gabrielle at 382-5685 by Tuesday at 8 pm or e-mail her at ellegr3@gmail.com  by Monday.  Cost for the evening is $15.


Networking begins around 7 pm and the program starts around 8 pm, or a little earlier.  We finish at 9 pm.  If you wish to attend the program only, no reservations are required, just show up around 7:45.  Cost for the program only is $3.

Calling Home the Hymnals!

4 September 2019 at 11:52

Like to sing? The UUSS Choir welcomes new members [age 15+] to join us at any time. We rehearse Sundays from 9:00-10:00 a.m., the first Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00 p.m., and sing in worship about twice per month. Music reading skills and previous choir experience are desirable but by no means a requirement for participation. Our first meeting is Thursday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dining Room and our first service is Sunday, September 8. The Children’s Choir is open to youth in grades K-8. We rehearse Sundays after worship [approximately 12:15-1:00 p.m.] and sing in worship about once a month. Our first meeting is Sunday, September 15 at 12:15 p.m. in the Fireplace Room. Please contact Director of Music Tim Olsen at music@uuschenectady.org or say hello after worship.

Choir News – Do You Like to Sing?

4 September 2019 at 11:51

Like to sing? The UUSS Choir welcomes new members [age 15+] to join us at any time. We rehearse Sundays from 9:00-10:00 a.m., the first Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00 p.m., and sing in worship about twice per month. Music reading skills and previous choir experience are desirable but by no means a requirement for participation. Our first meeting is Thursday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dining Room and our first service is Sunday, September 8. The Children’s Choir is open to youth in grades K-8. We rehearse Sundays after worship [approximately 12:15-1:00 p.m.] and sing in worship about once a month. Our first meeting is Sunday, September 15 at 12:15 p.m. in the Fireplace Room. Please contact Director of Music Tim Olsen at music@uuschenectady.org or say hello after worship.

Dear UUSS,

4 September 2019 at 11:49
Some of you may have received an email, pretending to be Rev. Wendy, requesting gift cards or money or other items. This is the third or fourth time this has happened in the last year or so. (and on at least one occasion it targeted the President email)
So, we are taking this opportunity to remind you-
a. the likelihood of your ministers (or anyone else in your life) asking you for help in the form of a gift card or transfer of money or data is about 7 gajillion to one. These folks intentionally try to prey on your emotions. Thank you so much for your concern about my well-being. That means the world to me. However, if you are doubting the odds listed above, do what 11 people did this past weekend: forward the email to my email address and ask-Do you actually need this?
b. Don’t reply to the original email.
c. Read page 56 in this week’s UU World (a magazine that is sent to every UUSS member’s home). Hundreds of UU churches have been hit by this behavior. It is unnerving. It is annoying. It is immoral. and It wastes people’s time and has the potential to erode trust. Trust and Time are precious. Let’s not let other people with dastardly intentions steal either one from our beloved community.
d. It does not seem that anything has actually been hacked in the strict sense of that word. No one is sure how the emails are getting harvested (as named in the article). However, you can learn more about spoofing, phishing, and other ridiculousness via your favorite search engine. We have been reviewing how information is shared and protected, including access to the building, the office, etc. Safety of data as well as safety of our persons is important. If you are a person who would like to volunteer to assist us in these endeavors, please contact us.
With much care,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

President’s Message – September 3rd

4 September 2019 at 11:44
Dear UUSS Community,
September is like New Year’s for me. Even before I became a teacher, September and the transition from summer to fall have always been filled with eager anticipation. I have the same feeling of eager anticipation as I enter this new church year with our Board of Trustees and all of you. The members of our new Board have embraced their roles with great thoughtfulness and enthusiasm, and I am so humbled and honored to serve with them as your Board President. I can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish together, with you, in the coming year.
Among the work we have done thus far is the development of our Annual Focus of Ministry and Open Questions, and I am so excited to share them here with you.
Our Annual Focus of Ministry is to boldly live our UU principles to transform ourselves and the world. To this end, we will:
  • Continue to educate ourselves about white supremacy culture and its impacts
  • Nurture and support one another, and
  • Inspire and encourage one another to act personally and collectively in these challenging times.
Our Open Questions are:
  • How are we accountable to one another?
  • How do we want to matter in the community?
  • What are the core values that shape our stewardship of money, and how shall we express those values in our budget?
Our Annual Focus of Ministry guides the ministry of the congregation for the year, and our Open Questions give us a chance to gather and think deeply together. I so look forward to engaging in such important work with this beloved community.
I hope to see you this weekend at our annual in-gathering service and the picnic following.
In faith, and with deep gratitude,

Religious Education this Week – September 3rd

4 September 2019 at 11:41
Registration for fall RE is now open! Thank you to all who have registered–this helps planning go a lot more smoothly! If you haven’t already registered your child, please do so by clicking HERE.
RE classes will begin Sunday, September 15! Looking forward to a wonderful RE year together!


The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

As the Religious Education program is a cooperative endeavor, volunteers are needed. Volunteer options include teaching classes as part of a teaching team, filling in as a substitute teacher (no curriculum preparation is necessary for being a substitute), assisting in a Religious Education classroom, and offering an extra pair of hands to help with crafts or other activities. Want to do some painting?

Decorate a bulletin board?

Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE) Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org for more information about volunteering.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – September 3rd

4 September 2019 at 11:40

Hello UUSSers~

For this new fiscal year, UUSS will be exploring theme-based ministry. Each month, we are all invited into thinking about the theme in a variety of ways. Ministry Teams, Advisory Committees, classes, programs, the Board, the Staff, each and every one of you is invited into considering the month’s theme. This might include things like asking check-in questions related to the theme, exploring quotes, sermons, poems, and music on the theme, and including chalice lighting words in our meetings and gatherings with the theme. We look forward to seeing how creative folks can be with engaging with the themes throughout the year so if you have an idea for other ways the congregation can engage, let us know.

This coming Sunday we’ll mark the beginning of this year with an In-Gathering service and a Gathering of Waters ritual. Our first monthly theme is Covenant-the promises we make to one another about how we want to be in relationship with each other as we engage in building the beloved community.

Today we share an excerpt from a poem by Rev. Marta Valentín, from her book, A Long Time Blooming.

In gatherings we are stirred
like the leaves of the fall season
rustling around sacred trees,
tossed hither and yon
until we come to rest together,
quietly, softly . . .
We come to gather strength from each other.
We come to give strength to each other.
We come to ask for strength from the Spirit of All That Is and Is Not.

Spirit of the ¬circle that is Love,
as we twirl in this dance that is life
we give thanks for reminding us each day
of our task of ministering to each “other”
with a searching glance,
a safe touch,
a generous smile,
a thoughtful word…

Thank you for reminding us
that we are always building our beloved comunidad.

Thank you for reminding us
that through our covenant with you
we covenant with each “other”
and are made whole.

Amen. Paz. Blessed Be.

Rev. Marta happens to be on the cover of the new UU World. She had only just arrived in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit. She has recently been hired to be the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Professional Development Director.

We look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday… Don’t forget to bring a bit of water for the ritual and then stay for the picnic!

In faith, Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism? Join in Getting to Know UU!

28 August 2019 at 12:11
Getting to Know UU is a 3-session class about UU history and the philosophical and theological foundations for UU worship, religious education and social justice actions. It is open to all, and for those interested in becoming official members of UUSS, this class is a pre-requisite for the 1-session Membership Class that will be taught in November.
Save the Dates:  Sundays October 20, 27 & November 3, from 12:15-2:15 pm, OR Tuesdays October 22, 29 & November 5, from 7 – 9 pm. More details TBA.
Questions? Contact Kristin Cleveland, Congregational Life Coordinator, at
clc@uuschenectady.org or 518-374-4446 X7.

Religious Education this Week – August 27th

28 August 2019 at 11:53
Please register now for 2019-20 Religious Education classes by clicking HERE.
If you’d like to see class descriptions CLICK HERE.
The multigenerational fall Ingathering Service, followed by an all-congregation Picnic, is Sunday September 8, and RE classes will begin Sunday September 15!
Attn RE Teachers: Teacher Prep Day is scheduled for Saturday September 14 at 9 am in the church dining room. Please be sure to mark your calendars!

Retraction: In my Circuits piece about DRE training in NJ last week, I incorrectly stated that Paula Cole Jones is a former UUA president; she is actually a former DRUUMM president (Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries).

Questions? Email Robin Ahearn, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, at dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – August 27th

28 August 2019 at 11:49
Dear UUSS Community,
This past weekend your Board of Trustees (BoT), (President: Sara Meixner, Vice- President: Eric Dahl, Treasurer: Pat Lilquist, Secretary: Bridget Almas, Trustees: Lisa Temoshok, Carol Conyers, Dan Leonard, and your Co-ministers (as non-voting ex-officio Board members,) met for a working retreat on Friday and Saturday.
We created a draft covenant for the ‘how’ we want to be together, per our Board Policy book, board norms for the ‘what’ we want as we work together, an Annual Focus of Ministry (AFoM), to guide the work of the Staff and Ministry Teams, and three new Open Questions to seek input from the Congregation.
This Board of Trustees (BoT), (like past Boards,) is a group of committed, caring, and intentional people, who take seriously the trust that has been placed in us to lead. We talked about the importance of communication, of accountability, and continuing to get clear on roles and authority in this third year of policy based governance. We, the BoT, will continue to work hard to follow our procedures, to develop policies, to adhere to the bylaws and to make recommendations throughout the year when those are not serving the Congregation to be its best.
The Board, with assistance from the Strategy Advisory Committee (StrAC) will bring the Open Questions to the congregation for conversation throughout the year. The results of these conversations help inform next year’s focus of ministry. We hope you will participate when the requests for input happen, throughout the year. Your thoughtful insights help shape our congregation.
The Annual Focus of Ministry (AFoM) is delegated to the Head of Staff, the Minister, or in this case the Co-ministers. The AFoM is a set of top-priorities identified by the Board to guide the ministry of the congregation. It is a lens through which to view the Ministers’ as well as each Ministry Team’s part of living out the mission and vision of the congregation.
It is created after reflecting on reports from each of the Ministry Teams last year, on observations of needs within the congregation, as well as on what is happening in the larger world in which we find ourselves. We look forward to sharing this coming year’s focus soon once the finishing touches are completed!
In faith~
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

And Service is its Prayer – Becoming a Picnic Volunteer!

20 August 2019 at 19:29
Want to have more satisfaction in your life? Do you want to do something relatively simple that is very much needed and of great service to your UUSS community? Then volunteer for the in-gathering picnic! Volunteers are needed to perform a variety of tasks from set-up to clean-up and everything in between. Volunteering for a few hours at an event is an important act of service. The only qualification required is a desire to sign up for a picnic task and complete it. You don’t need any special skills or talent. All you need to do is sign up either on paper in the back of the Great Hall or HERE to continue or begin your UUSS history of activism and service.  For more information, email Linda Veraska at lindalvinvite@gmail.com.

Gratitude for Pen Contributions

20 August 2019 at 19:27

Thanks to all who brought in pens for the Schenectady Clergy Against Hate Back2School event… together we have gathered enough pens to share with the 300 students expected to participate in Sunday’s gathering at the pavilion in Central Park. All are welcome at this interfaith event, 1:00-3:00, with food, games, and connection, and students of all ages can choose the supplies they need Many thanks~ Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

Sad News to Share

20 August 2019 at 19:23

Last week, on August 15th, Paige Gauvreau passed away following many years of living with Parkinson’s disease. Paige was a long time member of the congregation, although had not been active recently. There will be a celebration of her life this Wednesday, August 21, at 12:00 at UUSS, followed by a funeral service at the National Cemetary in Saratoga at 2:00. All are welcome to attend. Her son, Brad Warner, has asked that memorial donations in her memory be made to UUSS. With care~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Religious Education this Week – August 20th

20 August 2019 at 19:20
Sadly, Summer RE has come to a close for this year… A big THANK YOU to Tamara Geveci, Mati Grieco-Hackett, Lyndsi Holmes-Wickert, Sarah Tyo, and Jenny, Avvai, and Vinay Lippmann for making this summer’s RE sessions so much fun, and so meaningful! Together we learned about mindfulness, yoga, meditation, multiple outdoor art techniques, finger weaving and making friendship bracelets, Henry David Thoreau and making field notes, silent hikes, and peace! We are truly blessed to have such fabulous folx willing to volunteer to share their time and passion with our children, and to have such awesome children willing to share their insight and laughter with us–it’s been a really good summer!

The fall Ingathering Service and Picnic are scheduled for September 8, and RE classes will begin September 15!

I had the pleasure of attending RE Week at the Sea in Ocean Grove, NJ, last week! Thank you to Joel Best for covering for me Sunday, 8/11, while I was en route to the conference. The first half of the week, I participated in Building a Culture of Inclusion, which was led by Paula Cole Jones, who gave the Sophia Fahs lecture at GA this year (General Assembly) and is a former UUA president, and Sheila Schuh, ML-CRE. For the second half of the week, I participated in a Worship Renaissance Module for the RE Credentialing Program, which was led by Rev. Dr. Tracy Sprowls and Tim Atkins, Director of Lifespan RE, at Cedar Lane UU Church in MD. Each class met for 15 hours and included fascinating discussions, small-group work, storytelling, and presentations. It was five days of intense learning and collegial connection, and one of the best all-around religious educator programs I’ve ever attended! Thank you all for supporting my professional development to help me become a better DLRE (Director of Lifespan RE)!

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – August 20th

20 August 2019 at 19:18
August in New York
Warm air, ripe tomatoes, lakes,
rivers. Sky crackles!
May the final weeks of your summer be nourished by connection to Earth and community, and may you have time for practices that feed your spirit.
~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

River Rising Program Arrives this Week

13 August 2019 at 20:44
Starting this Friday, August 16th -Saturday, August 24th UU youth and adults from across the Northeast will be using our space and grounds for the Central East Region “River Rising” program. They’re sleeping at Waters House and you may see them around the buildings and even enjoying our grounds.


From the CER Staff: Thank you so much for welcoming us into your beautiful space. This program is brand new, you can read about it here: https://www.uua.org/central-east/youth/goldmine. We’re grateful for everything your congregation has done to help make this happen. Please feel free to say hi and ask questions!

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – August 13th

13 August 2019 at 20:41

Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn are on Study Leave with a few colleagues, considering what ministry is needed as we head into this next year in a nation that is becoming increasingly polarized and dangerous. We will need to all buoy our spirits for the time ahead. May you take some time this week for study, for spiritual practice, for connecting with loved ones, for considering how your gifts of time, talent, and treasure might serve the congregation’s needs.

Packs of Pens Needed for Back2School Event

7 August 2019 at 00:18

Schenectady Clergy Against Hate is hosting our third annual Back2School Extravaganza on Sunday, August 25th, from 1:00-3:00 p.m, in the Central Park Pavilion. There is live music, food, (provided by Stewart’s Shops,) lawn games, and an opportunity to pick up school supplies, that are provided by the participating religious leaders and congregations. UUSS is asked to bring 300 packs of blue or black pens. We’ll be collecting them on Sunday, Aug. 11 and Sunday, August 18th or you can drop them off at the church between 9am and 4pm, M-F, by Aug. 23. If you can contribute packs of pens, please place them in the box near the welcome table.We know lots of folks are away so if you are around, we’d welcome your generous piles of pens! With gratitude~ Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy

Religious Education this Week: August 6th

7 August 2019 at 00:12

A big THANK YOU to Jenny, Vinay, and Avvai Lippmann for leading Summer RE this past Sunday! Lots of colorful finger weaving and friendship bracelets were made and shared! Some of the children had techniques of their own that they shared with the group. It’s amazing how many different ways there are to make friendship bracelets! It’s also a great meditative activity and can be fun on road trips.

Summer Religious Education Continues! All Children, grades K-5th, will meet at Waters House from 10:30 through the end of service. Come, join the fun!

Still to come…

August 11: Nature Art with Lyndsi Holmes-Wickert and Mati!

August 18: Naturalist Walk in the spirit of Henry David Thoreau with Mati and Robin. Bring your curiosity and outdoor attire (dress for the weather!).

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

As the Religious Education program is a cooperative endeavor, volunteers are needed. Volunteer options include teaching classes as part of a teaching team, filling in as a substitute teacher (no curriculum preparation is necessary for being a substitute), assisting in a Religious Education classroom, and offering an extra pair of hands to help with crafts or other activities. Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE) Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org for more information about volunteering.

Registration for fall RE is now open! To register your child or youth, click here

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy: August 6th

7 August 2019 at 00:09

Happy August everyone and Happy Anniversary!
We have had a bit of time to explore the area and do a few activities to help us have a slightly better sense of this place that we’ve moved across the country for. (For those of you newer this summer to UUSS, we moved to Schenectady from ‘upstate’ California and began our shared ministry with this congregation Aug 1, 2017.)
We have spent quite a bit of time studying governance-both the Bylaws and Board Policy Book, as well as the Governance text by Dan Hotchkiss that the leaders of this congregation have been using to make this governance shift. We are heading into year 3 together and it is quite interesting to see what progress the Board of Trustees as well as the Congregation have made and to see which things we all still haven’t quite leaned into or figured out yet.
We have camped a couple of times, hiked a bit, attended an outdoor play and a few concerts in different venues. Hamiltunes was a blast in Central Park (esp. because we LOVE Hamilton). We were the first stop of Wendy’s cousin’s Rt. 66 cross-country adventure, and have shared time with other friends and family. We finally got our library cards, and enjoyed exploring the many resources there. We have spent quite a bit of time working on the worship schedule for the new fiscal year, juggling the various schedules that exist in the wider UU world as well as family functions, holy days and holidays, and as always, asking ourselves what is best or most needed for the health and flourishing of UU Schenectady at this point in our journey together.
Next week, we are blessed to have a week in the Adirondacks and we will have a mini-retreat with colleagues as we prepare ourselves for the ministries ahead in a world, at least in part, which seems hell-bent on perpetuating fear, destruction, violence, racism, and oppression. Our hearts, of course, go out to the families and communities of those in TX and OH, and also in Chicago and Oakland and Albany and every other place where gun violence wreaks havoc on communities and families. Not one more. What needs to change in each of our lives for that statement to become a priority? Not one more death. How might we enact laws for a saner, safer, country and still honor the essence of the 2nd amendment? And this phrase is also part of healing addictions work-not one more overdose. And then there’s the violence at the border. Not one more child in a cage. Our hearts break. Our minds race or withdraw with the pain of it all. You are not alone. Remember your spiritual practices. Take a nap. Come to worship and sit and be nurtured in a community that cares deeply about many of the things you do. Come and breathe together and raise your voice in song and listen and connect with the larger Love that holds us all. This self-care may allow a bit of ease, a bit of healing to prepare us for what’s next.
What we as a nation has been doing isn’t working. What creative solutions might we discover when we move out of the arguing and debating and lean into shared compassion for one another’s perspectives, intent on solutions that make our southern border hospitable yet boundaried? that provide mental healthcare as part of the everyday norm for all of us? that grapple honestly with the causes of addiction? that put some reasonable parameters around access to weaponry?
May some answers and perhaps more questions, emerge for us all.
In faith,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

Religious Education this Week – July 23rd

23 July 2019 at 18:03

Exciting Childcare Announcement: We have 2 fabulous new childcare providers on staff: Noah Best and Grace Schlembach, recent Sr Youth RE bridgers/now young adults–Welcome, Noah and Grace! We are absolutely delighted to have you join in caring for the Rainbow Children of the UUSS Nursery!

Sending heartfelt thanks to Mati Hackett for leading the Children and I in a Mindful Movement session–which incorporated yoga, breathing practice, meditation, storytelling, and joy–as part of Summer RE this past Sunday! Namaste!

Summer Religious Education Continues! All Children, grades K-5th, will meet at Waters House from 10:30 through the end of service. Come, join the fun!

July 28: Prepare to be surprised! Tamara Geveci and Mati!

August 4: Exploring Ideas with Jenny, Avvai, and Vinay Lippmann, and Robin!

August 11: Nature Art with Lyndsi Holmes-Wickert and Mati!

August 18: Naturalist Walk in the spirit of Henry David Thoreau with Mati and Robin. Bring your curiosity and outdoor attire (dress for the weather!).

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

As the Religious Education program is a cooperative endeavor, volunteers are needed. Volunteer options include teaching classes as part of a teaching team, filling in as a substitute teacher (no curriculum preparation is necessary for being a substitute), assisting in a Religious Education classroom, and offering an extra pair of hands to help with particularly involved crafts or other similar activities.
Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE) Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org for more information about volunteering.

River Rising: It’s not too late for Youth to register for River Rising, which we’ll be hosting 8/18-8/24! We currently only have one UUSS Youth attending… If you’re a Youth and you’d like to attend, be sure to check it out HERE!

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org or (607) 435-2803.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – July 16th

16 July 2019 at 23:09
Our co-ministers are having a few weeks of Study Leave. Each year, as part of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s fair compensation recommendations, congregations provide ministers with four weeks of vacation and four weeks of study leave per year of employment.

What is study leave? The UUA says it this way, “In recognition that Ministers need extended time away from the stresses and demands of daily congregational life to deepen and expand their calling and practice of ministry, the Ministers will have four weeks of study leave per year. This may include but is not limited to, spiritual retreat, spiritual practices, continuing education, attending conferences and trainings, work-related reading and planning, study groups, writing, pilgrimage, or teaching/preaching at locations away from the Ministers’ primary congregation.’

The ministers have been hard at work since they arrived with us and they have not been using all of the time for vacation and study leave their Letter of Agreement offers. This week is week four of the study leave from fiscal year 2017-18. The next couple of weeks will be study leave from fiscal year 2018-19.

Should a Congregational emergency arise, please contact Church Administrator, Susan Marino admin@uuschenectady.org or Board President, Sara Meixner president@uuschenectady.org If someone needs a meal or ride type of support, contact Kristin Cleveland clc@uuschenectady.org.

Religious Education this Week – July 16th

16 July 2019 at 21:07
Kudos–and thank you–to Sarah Tyo for putting together an awesome Summer RE session this past Sunday! And to Mati Grieco-Hackett for being a fabulous assistant leader. We had 12 children in attendance! Outdoor art found us set up with different water color painting stations scattered around the back yard of Waters House, on the patio and on easels. Painting with string, painting with colored ice cubes, painting with pipettes, painting with squirt guns filled with painty water, and painting with actual paint brushes! It was all SO much fun!!! Mati lead us in some thoughtful circle games as we waited for our paintings to dry on the clothesline. It was especially nice of Mother Nature to cooperate and bring us perfect painting weather. A beautiful day in Summer RE!


Summer Religious Education Continues! All Children, grades K-5th, will meet at Waters House from 10:30 through the end of service. Come, join the fun!
July 21: Mindful Movement with Mati and Robin Ahearn! Lighthearted & kid friendly!
July 28: A surprise! Tamara Geveci and Mati!
August 4: Exploring Ideas with Jenny, Avvai, and Vinay Lippmann and Robin!
August 11: Nature Art with Lyndsi Holmes-Wickert and Mati!
August 18: Naturalist Walk in the spirit of Henry David Thoreau with Mati and Robin. Bring your curiosity and outdoor attire (dress for the weather!).
The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org or (607) 435-2803.

The Caring Team

2 July 2019 at 23:46

The UUSS Caring Team is interested in learning who is willing to be part of a Caring Network, a list of people who are occasionally contacted by a member of the Caring Team to respond to folks in our congregation who need a little extra help or connection (eg: a ride, a visit, a meal). CLICK HERE! to see a list of Caring options, and to check any boxes that feel like things you want to do to help. Also, if you find yourself in need of some help or connection, please contact Rev. Lynn or Rev. Wendy or a member of the Caring Team (Mike MacLaury, Carol Neff, Nancy Tobiessen, Suzanne Brunelle, Lisa Temoshok, and Kristin Cleveland).

Sad News to Share

2 July 2019 at 23:39

With sadness we let you know that on June 27th, long time member Glen Slack died surrounded by his family. Throughout his life, Glen and his wife Nancy traveled widely, making life long friends across the globe. We offer condolences to Nancy, his family and to their friends who are grieving his passing.

We share with sadness that long time member Jane Farrar passed away in Austin Texas on June 27th. Jane was passionate about quilting, helping children and was a member of the Women’s Alliance when she attended the church. We are saddened to hear of her passing.

Religious Education this Week – July 2nd.

2 July 2019 at 23:37
July 7:  No Summer RE this Sunday–enjoy the holiday weekend!
July 14:  Summer RE with Sarah Tyo! All Children, grades K-5th, will meet at Waters House from 10:30 through the end of service.
Future Summer RE dates: 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11, 8/18. If you’d to help lead–or assist someone else in leading–some of the Summer RE fun, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org.
The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.
GA 2019–The Power of We: All UU all the time! I recently attended General Assembly 2019 in Spokane, WA. It was an awesome experience! Surrounded by thousands of UU’s, meeting with fellow DRE’s and UU ministers and friends, listening to inspiring speeches on topics from the immigration crisis to white fragility, singing our hymns in a massive conference center, listening to poet Richard Blanco’s wit and wisdom, being mesmerized by a Q&A session with author Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility (if you haven’t already read this book, I encourage you to put it at the top of your list!). Paraphrasing a DiAngelo sharing: It’s not for us to decide whether we’re allies to people of color; it’s for them to decide whether we are. Really made me stop and think. I also had the honor of attending the UU Women’s Federation Sermon Award Breakfast, where UUSS special friend Rev. Kimberley Debus received this year’s award for her powerful, moving sermon, “How Not To Be A Boy.” My week at GA was full and fun, exhausting and enriching. I’ll be processing for some time to come! So much learning, so many ideas, so many connections. Thank you, UUSS, for the opportunity to explore so much of what UU’ism is all about! SO grateful for professional development opportunities and support!
Shout out to Randy Jennings for donating the beautiful, new picnic table that’s out on the patio behind Waters House! I’m sure it will get put to lots of great use! Much gratitude to Randy for this RE wish-list item!
DLRE Robin Ahearn will be out of the office 7/6-7/12 (exploring additional professional development opportunities!). If you have urgent RE business during this time, contact Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at clc@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – July 2nd.

2 July 2019 at 23:35
Dear ones of UU Schenectady~

This week the United States celebrates Independence Day…243 years of independence from the rule of England. It is a tricky holiday. The word “independence” doesn’t acknowledge the history of genocide, enslavement, internment, and mass incarceration. It doesn’t acknowledge the current inhumane treatment of those seeking asylum at our southern border.

It also doesn’t acknowledge the truth that we are not independent… we are actually interdependent. As global citizens, we share finite resources. As part of a congregation, a family, or a community, our choices impact one another. As we sometimes say at the close of worship, “we depend upon one another more than we know.” (This comes from the previous co-ministers at the UU Church of Berkeley, the Revs. Barbara and Bill Hamilton-Holloway.)

So, for this 4th of July, how might we behave as though we know we are interdependent? It might be a good day to send a thank you note to someone who has helped make your life better. Maybe you might ask for help, remembering that none of us can go it alone. Maybe you could pick up trash in your neighborhood, or somewhere near you. Maybe if you have a celebration you might use compostable or washable tableware and place settings, making dish washing a spiritual practice after the celebration or an opportunity to teach a younger person how to do this task as part of their interdependence in the family. Or write to your elected officials about an issue that is important to you, and to the lives of others. Maybe you’ll devote some of your Interdependence Day to volunteering in a community garden, or go for a hike or a paddle and give thanks for this beautiful Earth.

Our liberation is intertwined. Freedom is an interdependent enterprise. Whatever you choose to do, know that you matter. Know that you matter to us.

In solidarity with the whole Earth,
~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Religious Education this Week – June 25th

25 June 2019 at 23:43
The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.
Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org.

River Rising! Some scholarship $$ still available! Central East Region’s new leadership school is happening July 28-August 3 at State College, PA, and August 18-24, here at UUSS! It’s for youth who will be in 9th-12th grades in the 2019/2020 school year. During this week in community youth will be challenged, learn together, create sacred space, deepen their UU values and build friendships that will last beyond the week. Among other highlights they’re planning a river trip! Registration is $525 before June 15 and matching congregation scholarships are available through CER for up to half. For more information and registration links: https://www.uua.org/central-east/youth/goldmine. To read how River Rising differs from Goldmine (the previous CER leadership school) see this blog post: https://www.uua.org/central-east/blog/better-together/introducing-river-rising.

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – June 25th

25 June 2019 at 23:42
Dear UUSS community~

Last week, we officially began summer worship services. There was lemonade and iced tea, rather than coffee. As it was a stunningly beautiful day, people headed out to their Sunday afternoon adventures more quickly than in other seasons. As we acknowledged on Sunday at the Summer Solstice service, we need the cycles of light and dark, or activity and rest, of action and reflection. This Sunday, June 30th, the summer Religious Education program will begin. (see more below.)

The ministry teams and advisory committees are encouraged to take July off from meeting, and, instead, devoting more time for play, rest, and reflection in your own lives as well as the shared ministry of the congregation. How has the year gone? What have we learned together? What ideas and hopes do we have for the coming year? These reflections will be part of the congregation’s Annual Report that will come out in August. You might consider how you might want to get more involved. There are one time opportunities as well as chances to get to know a great group of folks and work on projects within the congregation.

We know that your summers include a variety of plans: family time, work, internships, classes or camps, volunteering, vacation, time outside, gardening, music, reading, rest, and more. And, we know that one’s spiritual needs don’t go away, just because the temperatures rise. We still need community, we still need inspiration, and we still need ways to make a difference in the world. So, attend worship when you can… there are some fantastic services planned by members of the congregation and guests, as well. Consider attending one of the Summer Circles, for conversation and connection. There will be opportunities to support River Rising, a new youth leadership program that UUSS will host August 17th-24th. You might sign-up to volunteer for Family Promise.

We will be taking our own advice, and devoting time in July for exploring this part of the Earth, hoping to find a sense of place here, gardening, hiking, resting, playing, connecting with friends and family. We’ll also be reflecting on the past year. We will be attending a social justice training, as well as deepening our spiritual practices. We’ll be doing some visioning and planning for the year to come. We’ll be back at UUSS in August, to begin our third year as your co-ministers. Happy, happy summer!~ Rev. Wendy & Rev. Lynn

Stewardship Results as of Today – June 18th!

19 June 2019 at 23:07
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 243 pledges so far, 27 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $464,315. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Mark Hyland, Stewardship Chair on behalf of the Stewardship Team.

From our President, Mindy Whisenhunt

19 June 2019 at 23:06

Justice, compassion, and joy. This has been the shared mission of the congregation while I have served as president. As my presidency comes to a close, I realize those words have become my mantra.  CLICK HERE to read the whole letter!

Religious Education this Week – June 18th

19 June 2019 at 23:03

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services. (Interviewing for childcare providers is going very well–we have a few promising candidates we hope will begin soon! Thank you for your patience during the nursery staffing challenges these last couple of weeks!) We welcome Jude Miller to our nursery staff.

Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org.

River Rising! Some scholarship $$ still available! Central East Region’s new leadership school is happening July 28-August 3 at State College, PA, and August 18-24, here at UUSS! It’s for youth who will be in 9th-12th grades in the 2019/2020 school year. During this week in community youth will be challenged, learn together, create sacred space, deepen their UU values and build friendships that will last beyond the week. Among other highlights they’re planning a river trip! Registration is $525 before June 15 and matching congregation scholarships are available through CER for up to half. For more information and registration links: https://www.uua.org/central-east/youth/goldmine. To read how River Rising differs from Goldmine (the previous CER leadership school) see this blog post: https://www.uua.org/central-east/blog/better-together/introducing-river-rising.

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

DLRE Robin Ahearn will be out of the office, attending General Assembly in Spokane, WA, 6/17-6/25. If you need help during her absence, contact Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at clc@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – June 19th

19 June 2019 at 23:01

This past Sunday in worship, we thanked the 2018-19 Board of Trustees, acknowledging some of the important work they’ve done this year and also that together, we made a few mistakes. (Your ministers serve as non-voting members of the Board.) This can be uncomfortable to do-to admit that we sometimes fall short of our aspirations. But it is a great antidote to perfectionism which is one of the characteristics of white supremacy culture. Others in the congregation have also made mistakes or fallen short or didn’t follow through with something this year. It is part of life.

Generally, folks don’t intend to err. Yet, the impact of our actions sometimes results in missing the mark. Anti-racism work invites us to focus on our impact rather than hide behind our intentions. Impact happens in multiple directions, often unintentionally-both pain and joy can spread. This year’s Annual Focus of Ministry (AFoM) encouraged us all towards holy curiosity and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. And lots of folks leaned in to learning and stretching.

The second part of the AFoM is to recognize the barriers to building beloved community. One of those barriers that recently surfaced was the availability of information in a timely fashion as articulated by the bylaws. We are going to put some additional practices in place to help us stay a bit more ahead of deadlines to see if that helps remove that info barrier. We need your help in this, though. If the Board sends out information or requests, please read and respond. Use the dry erase Boards to engage with the Open Questions there. (The Board will create new Open Questions at their retreat in August. Open Questions are one of the ways to stay in conversation about the direction of the congregation. They are open questions, because no one person or small group could effectively answer them alone.) If there are forums, attend them or send your questions if you can’t attend. This will help us know what information is getting across, what is needed, and to assess what none of us knows yet.

The third part of our Annual Focus of Ministry this year was to collaborate more with one another. The Communications Team and the Investments Advisory Committee worked hard on policies to recommend to the Board, with the assistance of the Governance Advisory Committee. The Oversight Advisory Committee created a process whereby each Advisory Committee and each Ministry Team shared its work with the Board as part of the oversight and monitoring function of policy-based governance. The Strategy Advisory Committee worked with the Anti-racism Team (ART) on the Chalice Challenges to grapple with Open Question 1 on dismantling white supremacy culture. The Adult Faith Development Team has created a process to help connect some of the long-term programs and also working with the ART and Green Sanctuary Team to create book discussion groups and with Ernie Hall on the UU history class. These are just some examples of collaboration this past year.

And there has been so much more good work done. The Annual Report is scheduled to be published in August and you can learn more about what has been accomplished this second year of the governance shift.

Big shoutout to the Fun for UUSS Team and all the volunteers and staff who helped make the year-end picnic so much fun!

In faith and with gratitude,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

New UUSS Gardens Team

11 June 2019 at 18:27

Do you love the beauty of the UUSS outdoor spaces, particularly the gardens and plantings? Do you like to get your hands dirty (literally!), or have experience or interest in landscape gardening? A new Gardens sub-team of Buildings and Grounds is forming, and its purpose is “the care, maintenance, visioning, and design of the UUSS garden plots.” We hope to revitalize some of the gardens, focusing on sustainable, drought-tolerant, low-maintenance, native plants and gardening methods consistent with Green Sanctuary principles. We welcome everyone, including experienced gardeners, interested novices, and those with physical limitations but ideas to share. If you are interested or want more information, please contact Ernie Hall at hallel1254@gmail.com or 518-265-3775.

Making Connections this Summer!

11 June 2019 at 18:25

Sessions: Tuesday mornings (10am-12:00noon), or Tuesday evenings (7-9pm)
July 2, July 9, July 16, July 23, July 30, Aug. 6, Aug. 13, Aug. 20, Aug. 27, Sept. 3
Are you interested in meeting people who attend UUSchenectady and getting to know them better? Would you like to connect on a deeper level with them and with yourself and explore your own spirituality? We are starting weekly small discussion groups called Summer Circles. In these groups, we will reflect upon a chosen topic and each person will have an opportunity to share their thoughts without interruption. Since many people leave town for a bit during the summer, we understand that participation in each session will be challenging for some. That’s OK, you are still welcome to participate. We are however asking that interested people sign up ahead of time either ONLINE HERE or at the Adult Faith Development Table. Sessions will begin if we have at least 7 people signed up indicating their intent to participate in at least some of the sessions. For more information, contact Gary Feinland at feinland.g@gmail.com or 518-242-9801.

Stewardship Results as of Today, June 11th!

11 June 2019 at 18:23
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 243 pledges so far, 27 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $464,315. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Mark Hyland, Stewardship Chair on behalf of the Stewardship Team

Religious Education this Week – June 11th

11 June 2019 at 18:18

If you weren’t at this past Sunday’s bridging service, you may want to check out some recent Facebook posts–several photos and videos from the service have been posted! It was a beautiful, thoughtful, moving service, full of hope and love. Our graduating senior youth officially “bridged” to young adult status. They described their pasts, plans for their future, and the meaning that UUSS holds in their lives and hearts. Lots of laughter and tears! Lots of promise for the future! Wishing all of our Bridgers much joy and faith–in themselves and in their spiritual home–as they endeavor to pursue their dreams!

Sunday, 6/16: 5/6 OWL will begin in the church and stay through the prelude. Following the prelude, the 5/6 OWL children will be led across the street to their Waters House classroom for their final OWL class of the year! Everyone else is invited to attend the service.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services. (Interviewing for childcare providers is going very well–we have a few promising candidates we hope will begin soon! Thank you for your patience during the nursery staffing challenges these last couple of weeks!)

Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn.

River Rising! Some scholarship $$ still available! Central East Region’s new leadership school is happening July 28-August 3 at State College, PA, and August 18-24, here at UUSS! It’s for youth who will be in 9th-12th grades in the 2019/2020 school year. During this week in community youth will be challenged, learn together, create sacred space, deepen their UU values and build friendships that will last beyond the week. Among other highlights they’re planning a river trip! Registration is $525 before June 15 and matching congregation scholarships are available through CER for up to half. For more information and registration links: https://www.uua.org/central-east/youth/goldmine. To read how River Rising differs from Goldmine (the previous CER leadership school) see this blog post: https://www.uua.org/central-east/blog/better-together/introducing-river-rising.

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

DLRE Robin Ahearn will be out of the office, attending General Assembly in Spokane, WA, 6/17-6/25. If you need help during her absence, contact Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at clc@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – June 11th

11 June 2019 at 18:16
Dear UUSS~

Many of our days are quite full and often rather varied. The past two days have included a range of ministry: supporting eight wonderful graduating seniors in creating and offering the Bridging Service; a connective conversation about heroes and remembering becoming an adult with UUs who live at the Glen Eddy; helping a neighbor give thanks and say goodbye to a walnut tree that was being removed from their yard; and attending the June Board of Trustees (BoT) meeting.

This was the final meeting for Jennifer Edgar-Johnson, Trustee, Trish Williams, Secretary, and Mindy Whisenhunt, President. We are SO grateful for their service. It was the first meeting for incoming Board members, Carol Conyers, Eric Dahl, and Lisa Temoshok. We look forward to being blessed by the shared leadership of the new Board of Trustees, to build upon the excellent work of the Board this year!

We were reminded about something that we learn from our yoga practice, that one must begin with the foundation, so that everything else has support. In congregational life, relationship is our foundation. All year, each Board meeting has included a report to and a brief conversation with different teams and advisory committees. We learn something at every meeting-not just about the work the advisory committees and ministry teams are doing, but about who does and who doesn’t yet understand the shifts that have been happening in the governance change and/or why. Last night’s meeting reminded us that teams and advisory committees don’t all, yet, have a clear foundational understanding of what is different and why building accountability to the Board of Trustees and the Congregation’s mission are so are crucial to healthy relationships between all 450+ children, youth, adults, and elders who share the congregation’s resources of space, time, staff, etc.

One of the things named in the Ministerial Search process and the interim and continues to be named as we finish our second year of ministry with you, is a desire to remove the silos, to have more connections, more explicit policies, more transparent practices, and more accountability to the mission and vision and to one another.

UU Ministers Association (UUMA) President, the Rev. Cheryl Walker in a recent article said, “Accountability is a blessing. It invites us to become better people than we were. It may not be easy when we are being called into account, but if we practice it gets easier. If the task of being in religious community is to learn how be the best selves we can, then accountability should be a part of our spiritual practice.”

We know that change takes time and that sometimes we may feel loss or frustration or disequilibrium as the shifts are happening. Dismantling the culture of white supremacy includes accountability-naming the power that is present, naming who has the responsibility for decision-making, and asking questions for clarification when something seems out of alignment with what the Board and Staff have been doing. We-the BoT have all felt frustrated at some point, some anger, some relief, some curiosity, some sense of dis-equalibrium, and some joy as we sing the song of beloved spiritual community even as it is being composed. (some use the metaphor of building the plane while flying it, sailing the ship while building it, etc)

Relationship and accountability take time and work, and they are worth it. There will be some follow up conversations from last night’s BoT meeting with a focus towards more shared clarity on feelings, needs, and structural changes-strengthening the foundations. There are plenty of opportunities to continue learning, and living our shared mission of justice, compassion, and joy.

In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Stewardship Results as of Today – June 4th

5 June 2019 at 00:15
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 243 pledges so far, 17 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $464,315. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Mark Hyland, Stewardship Chair on behalf of the Stewardship TeamS

Religious Education This Week – June 4th

5 June 2019 at 00:13
Sunday, 6/9: Please join us this Sunday for a very special multigenerational service celebrating our graduating seniors, as they begin the passage from high school to young adulthood! Regular RE has ended for the year (except for the 5/6 OWL crew).

Sunday, 6/16: 5/6 OWL will begin in the church and stay through the prelude. Following the prelude, the children will be led across the street to their Waters House classroom for their final OWL class of the year! Everyone else is invited to attend the service.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn.

River Rising! Some scholarship $$ still available! Central East Region’s new leadership school is happening July 28-August 3 at State College, PA, and August 18-24, here at UUSS! It’s for youth who will be in 9th-12th grades in the 2019/2020 school year. During this week in community youth will be challenged, learn together, create sacred space, deepen their UU values and build friendships that will last beyond the week. Among other highlights they’re planning a river trip! Registration is $525 before June 15 and matching congregation scholarships are available through CER for up to half. For more information and registration links CLICK HERE. To read how River Rising differs from Goldmine (the previous CER leadership school) see this blog post

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – June 4th

5 June 2019 at 00:10
Hello, dear UUSS~

We have been away for a bit and have returned so grateful for the opportunity and privilege to travel to England and Scotland by way of Newark, NJ, to have a vacation, and to experience more of this beautiful planet that is our home. We are still soaking in the experiences, the learnings, and the memories.

And, it was also good to be home. Last Sunday, we connected with some of the youth as we discussed plans for next Sunday’s service (which is going to be great so don’t miss it!). Later that day, we participated in Schenectady Pride. What a great day! We appreciated both seeing our clergy colleagues of Schenectady Clergy Against Hate and having folks from UUSS join the contingent in the march for continued liberation.

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprisings. For years, police harassed patrons at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village simply for being who they were. One night, a few transwomen, drag queens, gay men, and lesbians said-“No more.” Their willingness to affirm their own inherent worth and dignity gave birth to the lgbtq+ movement.

This liberation movement continues, and is still so very needed. While marriage equality currently exists in the US, and legal protections are in place in the state of New York under the Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act, (SONDA,) and the passage of Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) passed in 2019, these do not change the fact that 21% of hate crimes are committed against people because of their gender identity or sexual orientation, or that those of us who are LGBTQ+ regularly experience micro aggressions and other forms of oppression.

Pride events are a time to celebrate the fabulous rainbow of identities, and honour the courage of LGBTQ+ people and our allies. This coming Sunday is Pride in Albany. The parade begins at 12:00, and local UUs will be rolling, dancing, and walking. We hope you’ll come to church and then join them. We plan to head over after the Bridging service and either march in solidarity or wave as UUs pass by. Our congregation, our denomination, our city, and our world have a long way to go to actually live on the Side of Love. Let’s continue to make progress through learning, living, and loving boldly.

In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Stewardship Results as of Today – May 28th

28 May 2019 at 20:47
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 242 pledges so far, 17 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $463,715. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Mark Hyland, Stewardship Chair on behalf of the Stewardship Team

Pledges for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 End June 30, 2019

28 May 2019 at 20:45

On behalf of the Finance Advisory Committee, I encourage all members & friends to complete their pledge payments for fiscal year 2018-2019 which ends on June 30, 2019. If you are unsure of your pledge amount remaining, please contact Susan Marino, our Church Administrator at admin@uuschenectady.org. Our new fiscal year 2019-2020 Pledges will begin on July 1, 2019.

THANK YOU. Please contact Susan Marino, or Rev Wendy or Rev Lynn if you need to adjust your Pledge. Donald Whisenhunt, Chair of the Finance Advisory Committee at donaldw12@nycap.rr.com.

Religious Education This Week- May 28th

28 May 2019 at 20:41
Sunday, 6/2: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Time for All Ages. Following TFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. This is the final day of RE for most classes! The 5/6 OWL class will meet one last time on 6/16.

Sunday, 6/9: Come, join in this multigenerational service celebrating our graduating seniors, as they begin the passage from high school to young adulthood!

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn.

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

UU Wellspring – A Course in Spiritual Deepening

25 May 2019 at 20:31
What will you do with this one wild and precious life?” asks the poet Mary Oliver. UU Wellspring is a 10-month program of distinctly Unitarian Universalist spiritual development designed to help participants answer that provocative question. The program celebrates the depth and breadth of our rich religious tradition, drawing inspiration from our six sources for religious knowledge: direct experience, prophetic women and men, world religions, Jewish and Christian teachings, humanist teachings, and Earth-centered traditions. Participants meet twice a month to explore spiritual questions in a small group setting. For more information or to sign up CLICK HERE! You can also stop by the Lifespan Religious Education Table after service, or contact Rosy Bishop at 518-339-7814 or rosybishop23@gmail.com.

Summer Lunch Program Volunteers Needed July 22nd-26th and August 26th-30th

25 May 2019 at 20:29

Schenectady Community Ministries is looking for volunteers to serve lunch to children ages 0-18 at Jerry Burrell Park on Hamilton Hill. UUSS is scheduled to serve lunch July 22-26 and August 26-30th. 90% of Schenectady’s schoolchildren qualify for subsidized school lunch; in the summertime the meal they are fed by SICM may be the only meal they receive all day or all weekend. To volunteer, please sign up at the Lifespan Religious Education Table or contact Allison Lee, SICM Representative at allisonblackwelllee@gmail.com.

Stewardship Results as of Today – May 21st!

25 May 2019 at 20:27
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 242 pledges so far, 17 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $463,715. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Mark Hyland, Stewardship Chair on behalf of the Stewardship Team

Religious Education This Week – May 21st

25 May 2019 at 20:25
Sunday, 5/26: Children K-6th grade will participate in Children’s Chapel in the large classroom on the second floor of Waters House, across the street. Sr Youth will meet in their classroom during the service.

Sunday, 6/2: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following the story, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. This is the final day of RE for most classes! The 5/6 OWL class will meet one last time on 6/16.

Save the Date: 6/9 is our Senior Bridging Service–always an extra special service, as we gather to celebrate our high school seniors moving into the next phase of their lives.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Lots of opportunities to help out with Religious Education…

Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn.

Would you like to spend some time playing with and taking care of our littlest UU’s? Consider volunteering for a 2-hour shift in the nursery, Sunday mornings from 12-2. We’re also hoping to hire a few childcare providers, for the summer and/or long term. Pay is $15/hr and work is typically Sunday morning from 10-noon and occasional special events. If you’re interested, please contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org or (607) 435-2803! If you’re not interested but you have friends who might be, or know of someone else who might be interested, please have them contact Robin!

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.  

Stewardship Results as of Today!

14 May 2019 at 22:57
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 242 pledges so far, 17 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $463,715. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Mark Hyland, Stewardship Chair on behalf of the Stewardship TeamS

Board Reflection for May – Jennifer Edgar-Johnson

14 May 2019 at 22:55

“There must be something you can do.” These words were inscribed for me in a copy of The 57 Bus by author, Dashka Slater. When I read this, I felt put on the spot even though I was reading them in isolation. No one was there to push me or question me, but I felt that push coming from within. I was looking inward asking myself, “Well, isn’t there something you can do?” The answer is a resounding yes. We can all do something. Actually lots of somethings. The 57 Bus is a beautiful, heart-wrenching book that points out the vast work that still needs to be done in terms of reforming the juvenile justice system in America, the practice of trying minors as adults, the lack of appreciation and respect for the LGBTQ community. Sometimes the list of things that need to be done is daunting, but what if each of us, every day, took a look inside ourselves and insisted on action?- there must be something you can do. So what can I do? I can protect the academic and social well-being of my students, I can teach my children to value the dignity and worth of themselves and all those they encounter, I can keep an open mind to new ideas and perspectives, I can use less and save more, I can carpool, I can lean into uncomfortable realities in order to promote change, I can keep acknowledging that there is always something I can do. There must be something you can do, too.   -Jennifer Edgar-Johnson, Board Trustee

Religious Education This Week – May 14th

14 May 2019 at 22:51
Sunday, 5/19: Flower Communion–Multigenerational Service! Everyone will attend the Flower Communion service. Remember to bring a flower to share and you’ll be able to take home a flower someone else has shared!

Sunday, 5/26: Children K-6th grade will participate in Children’s Chapel in the large classroom on the second floor, across the street at Waters House. Youth are invited to attend the service.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Lots of opportunities to help out with Religious Eduction…

Summer RE for grades K-6 will begin June 30th. Would you like to help out with one or more of the summer sessions? If so, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn.

Would you like to spend some time playing with and taking care of our littlest UU’s? Consider volunteering for a 2-hour shift in the nursery, Sunday mornings from 12-2. We’re also hoping to hire a few childcare providers, for the summer and/or long term. Pay is $15/hr and work is typically Sunday morning from 10-noon and occasional special events. If you’re interested, please contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org or (607) 435-2803! If you’re not interested but you have friends who might be, or know of someone else who might be interested, please have them contact Robin!

Interested in becoming OWL trained? OWL stands for Our Whole Lives and is a wonderful, comprehensive sexuality education program. If you’d like to be able to teach OWL and make a difference in some of our youngest UU’s lives, think about attending a training. If you’re interested, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn for more information! Training expenses will be covered by the UUSS. The following is a list of upcoming trainings:

Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 8/23-8/25, First Unitarian Congregational Society, Brooklyn, NY Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 6/21-6/23, UU Church of Annapolis MD 7th-8th grade OWL, 5/3-5/5, The Walker Center for Ecumenical Exchange, Auburndale, MA (just outside of Boston) 7th-8th grade OWL, 8/23-8/25, May Memorial UU, Syracuse, NY.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.  

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – May 14th

14 May 2019 at 22:49
Dear ones of UUSS~

The beginning of this congregation’s mission is “Connecting in spiritual community, we celebrate life with joy,” and, oh, did we connect and celebrate this past weekend! If you weren’t able to attend the spring auction, please know that you were missed.

For all those who contributed items or services for the auction or raffle, did hours of data entry, who helped set up, decorated, prepared and served amazing food, provided fabulous kid’s activities, offered entertainment, volunteered during the event itself, cleaned up, and to all who participated and bid so generously… thank you, thank you, thank you! We had so much fun, and we hope you did, too!

Together we raised about $20,000, including over $5000 for the Building Fund, to care for our buildings and grounds. If you weren’t there and would like to make a contribution to the Building Fund, please send a check to UUSS with Building Fund in the memo. We have a couple wonderful events to look forward to on our calendar, so the connection and the joy will continue. If you donated an event, or service, please watch for an email confirming who won, so that you can contact them to remind them of their winning, when the time comes.

And, we hope to see you this coming Sunday, for flower communion, welcoming new members and celebrating members of 25 and 50 years, followed by lunch and the spring congregational meeting.

If you haven’t participated in a Flower Communion before, each person brings a flower or two to contribute to a common vase. In the service, we have an opportunity to choose a different flower to take home, spreading the beauty around.

With joy, and with care~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Religious Education This Week – May 7th

7 May 2019 at 20:31

Sunday, 5/12: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

We are looking for folks interested in becoming OWL trained! OWL stands for Our Whole Lives and is a wonderful, comprehensive sexuality education program. If you’d like to be able to teach OWL and make a difference in some of our youngest UU’s lives, please consider attending a training. If you’re interested, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn for more information! Training expenses will be covered by the UUSS. The following is a list of upcoming trainings:

Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 8/23-8/25, First Unitarian Congregational Society, Brooklyn, NY Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 6/21-6/23, UU Church of Annapolis MD 7th-8th grade OWL, 5/3-5/5, The Walker Center for Ecumenical Exchange, Auburndale, MA (just outside of Boston) 7th-8th grade OWL, 8/23-8/25, May Memorial UU, Syracuse, NY

Adult Faith Development: Interested in teaching a class or leading a workshop? If there’s a course you’re thinking you would like to see or take and would like to discuss this with AFD, we would welcome your input. Contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org or AFD Chair Allison Lee at allisonblackwelllee@gmail.com.

Our Director of Lifespan Religious Education: DLRE Robin Ahearn was recently accepted into the RE Credentialing Program. The RECP is a three-year intensive course of study, which nurtures the call to religious education as a profession, provides a comprehensive path for professional development, and articulates and upholds professional standards and guidelines. The Program is designed for working professionals who are ready to commit to an intentional course of study and evaluation. If you’re interested in learning more about the RECP,
visit: https://www.uua.org/careers/re/credentialing

Benefits to the professional and the congregation include:

* Stronger, more vital RE programs and multigenerational ministries * A religious educator with demonstrated knowledge and skill in the many areas of RE leadership * Assurance that the religious educator has met professional development standards and is held accountable to professional ethics guidelines by the UUA * Enhanced collegial relationships among staff members as the religious educator seeks to deepen and broaden professional and program development, * Recognition by the UUA as a congregation that supports and values professional excellence.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

The Director of Lifespan Religious Education will be out of the office for professional development Monday, 5/6 – Sunday, 5/12.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – May 7th

7 May 2019 at 20:29
Dear UUSS~

Two years ago today, this congregation called us to be your new Co-ministers and we said yes. While we are still getting used to the length of winter, and a whole lot of other differences, we have jumped in deeply and fully into doing the work of governance change, increasing accountability and transparency, engaging in trust-building, implementing healthier and/or clearer systems, offering opportunities for spiritual growth, encouraging healing and transformation, and leadership development. We are in year 2 of a 5 year transition so it is all an experiment and all a work in progress.

We are grateful for signs of Spring all around. The trees are leafing out so quickly we could almost watch them grow. New flowers are blooming every day. A plethora of birds are chirping, eating, and frisking about. Our car is covered in pollen and the junior high and high school kids that walk past our home or the church are chatty and playful.

Within the congregation, a lot is growing and blooming, too. This past week, 14 new members joined UUSS. They will be officially welcomed on May 19th when we also celebrate those who have been members for 25 or 50 years Energy and interest were high at the Ministry Team Expo, and we are anticipating a joyful evening for this Saturday’s Spring Auction.

And we are rarely just this… or that.

We are often carrying joy and woe, excitement and dread, a need to belong and a sense of feeling shy or unsure. Even as there is so much beauty and growth happening, some of us are also experiencing sadness and loss.

Please know that we, members of the Caring Team, and your UUSS community are here. Beauty and brokenness are often present at the same time, and one of the gifts of a religious community is that we are here to witness, celebrate, and support one another through it all, and to work together to create more justice and joy in the world we share.

However you are feeling, we hope you will come to the auction on Saturday or to send a proxy bidder on your behalf and we hope to see you at worship on Sunday.

With gratitude~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Stewardship Results So Far!

30 April 2019 at 18:23
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 237 pledges so far, 16 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $459,965. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Rev. Wendy on behalf of the Stewardship Team

Religious Education This Week – April 30th

30 April 2019 at 18:17

Sunday, 5/5: All Children and Youth will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30 where they will remain until 11:50 for full-session RE classes.

Sunday, 5/12: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

We are looking for folks interested in becoming OWL trained! OWL stands for Our Whole Lives and is a wonderful, comprehensive sexuality education program. If you’d like to be able to teach OWL and make a difference in some of our youngest UU’s lives, please consider attending a training. If you’re interested, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn for more information! Training expenses will be covered by the UUSS. The following is a list of upcoming trainings:

Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 8/23-8/25, First Unitarian Congregational Society, Brooklyn, NY Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 6/21-6/23, UU Church of Annapolis MD 7th-8th grade OWL, 5/3-5/5, The Walker Center for Ecumenical Exchange, Auburndale, MA (just outside of Boston) 7th-8th grade OWL, 8/23-8/25, May Memorial UU, Syracuse, NY

Adult Faith Development: Interested in teaching a class or leading a workshop? If there’s a course you’re thinking you would like to see or take and would like to discuss this with AFD, we would welcome your input. Contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org or AFD Chair Allison Lee at allisonblackwelllee@gmail.com.

Our Director of Lifespan Religious Education: DLRE Robin Ahearn was recently accepted into the RE Credentialing Program. The RECP is a three-year intensive course of study, which nurtures the call to religious education as a profession, provides a comprehensive path for professional development, and articulates and upholds professional standards and guidelines. The Program is designed for working professionals who are ready to commit to an intentional course of study and evaluation. If you’re interested in learning more about the RECP,
visit: https://www.uua.org/careers/re/credentialing

Benefits to the professional and the congregation include:

* Stronger, more vital RE programs and multigenerational ministries * A religious educator with demonstrated knowledge and skill in the many areas of RE leadership * Assurance that the religious educator has met professional development standards and is held accountable to professional ethics guidelines by the UUA * Enhanced collegial relationships among staff members as the religious educator seeks to deepen and broaden professional and program development, * Recognition by the UUA as a congregation that supports and values professional excellence.

Julie Rigano: Former DLRE Julie Rigano has reached out regarding reconnecting with folks at the UUSS. It has been 15 months since Julie moved to Philly, so feel free to reconnect if you’d like.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

The Director of Lifespan Religious Education will be out of the office for professional development Monday, 5/6 – Sunday, 5/12.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – April 30th

30 April 2019 at 18:15
Hello, dear UUSS Community~
Here are five great reasons to attend the Sass and Pizzazz Spring Auction on Saturday, May 11th:
  1. It is going to be fun and fabulous! Wear whatever helps you feel fantastic… whether it is casual or fancy, pjs, jeans, your favorite bow-tie or formal wear!
  2. You’ll have time to meet and talk with other folks in the congregation. There are so many good people to connect with!
  3. There will be fun activities for kids: a magic show, balloon animals, arts and crafts and a movie. Of course, kids are also welcome to stay with their parents.
  4. You can bid on wonderful items, (like tickets to SPAC complete with picnic basket!) services, (like yard work, childcare, or help with genealogy,) or events, (a dinner, meditation class, kayak adventure, or a weekend in the Adirondacks.) Many of these are ways to have fun and strengthen this beloved community. If you are struggling financially, you can still participate by volunteering. Contact us and we’ll arrange for Auction Bucks to spend, so that everyone can participate!
  5. There will be food, beverages, a bit of dancing, and laughter. And, it will be so much more fun if YOU are there!
Check out the announcement below that includes links to sign up to donate for the auction or to volunteer.

With anticipation~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Religious Education This Week – April 23rd.

23 April 2019 at 22:56
Sunday, 4/28: All Children and Youth will begin in Waters House at 10:30, with the Children meeting in the WH Library for Children’s Chapel, and Sr Youth meeting in their classroom.
Sunday, 5/5: All Children and Youth will begin in their classrooms and remain there until 11:50.
Final Sr Youth Activity and Parent Circle (this church year)–this Sunday, 4/28! Following service, Sr Youth will participate in garden clean-up (please bring gardening gloves!) and games while their parents/guardians are invited to participate in a parent circle in the Fireplace Room, from 12:15-1:15. Childcare available if requested by 6 pm on Wednesday, 4/24; to request childcare, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn–info below.
The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.
Sum-sum-summertime! Summer RE is almost here! This year, our theme is “Peace Experiments.” If you’d like to be a part of planning this year’s Summer RE, or if you you’d like to help facilitate a class or two, let me know!
We are looking for folks interested in becoming OWL trained! OWL stands for Our Whole Lives and is a wonderful, comprehensive sexuality education program. If you’d like to be able to teach OWL and make a difference in some of our youngest UU’s lives, please consider attending a training. If you’re interested, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn for more information! Training expenses will be covered by the UUSS. The following is a list of upcoming trainings:
Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 8/23-8/25, First Unitarian Congregational Society, Brooklyn, NY Elementary OWL (Kindergarten-1st grade and 5th-6th grade), 6/21-6/23, UU Church of Annapolis MD 7th-8th grade OWL, 5/3-5/5, The Walker Center for Ecumenical Exchange, Auburndale, MA (just outside of Boston) 7th-8th grade OWL, 8/23-8/25, May Memorial UU, Syracuse, NY
If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.
Adult Faith Development: Interested in teaching a class or leading a workshop? If there’s a course you’re thinking you would like to see or take and would like to discuss this with AFD, we would welcome your input. Contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org or AFD Chair Allison Lee at allisonblackwelllee@gmail.com.
Pete Seeger Tribute with musical duo Emma’s Revolution, singers and writers of UU favorite Swimming to the Other Side! This Friday night, 4/26 at 7 pm, at UUSS! For tickets and more information, CLICK HERE!

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – April 23rd

23 April 2019 at 22:54
A year ago, on Apr. 21, UUSS celebrated an Installation Ceremony. The congregation and the co-ministers covenanted together, that is, we made some promises to one another, including, (excerpt)

Members and their Children/Youth: Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn, will you speak truthfully to us with courage and care; minister with us; and set forth, by word and example, the principles of our faith? Will you nurture our spiritual growth, teach us and learn with us, celebrate the many blessings of life together, and invite us into lives transformed by compassion, shaped by justice, and healed by love?

Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy: We will. Now, we ask these questions of you. Will you join us in the journey of ministry; teaching, learning, and caring with one another; working for justice, living with compassion, and healing through love? Will you encourage our continued spiritual growth and personal renewal, as well as your own? Will you honor our co-ministry, avoiding triangulation, affirming each of our gifts and our call to serve together?

Members and Children/Youth: We will. We honor this as a mutual commitment to relationship. We respect your freedom of the pulpit guided by compassion and conscience. Partner with us in ministry. We trust you to lead us in living out our mission, within and beyond our walls, with passion and curiosity, grounded in Unitarian Universalist identity and peace. As Members, children, and youth of this congregation, we hereby install you, Rev. Wendy Bartel and Rev. Lynn Gardner, as our co-ministers!

Today, a year later, we are grateful for this calling, for you, in this congregation, and our continued learning together. How are we doing with our shared promises, our shared covenant?

With gratitude and with love~ Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

Religious Education This Week – April 16th

17 April 2019 at 00:14
Sunday, 4/21: Easter Sunday! Everyone will attend the service. Children, Flowers, Bunnies, and an Egg Hunt! With our Children, let us celebrate as they gather flowers, and we all share in the gift of spring renewal. There will also be lots of fun post-service activities for the young and young at heart!

Sunday, 4/28: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. The rest of the Children and Youth will begin in Waters House at 10:30, with the Children meeting in the WH Library for Children’s Chapel, and Sr Youth meeting in their classroom.

Final Sr Youth Activity and Parent Circle (this church year)! Following the 4/28 service, Sr Youth will participate in garden clean-up (please bring gardening gloves!) and games while their parents/guardians are invited to participate in a parent circle in the Fireplace Room, from 12:15-1:15. Childcare will be provided if requested by 6 pm on Wednesday, 4/24; to request childcare, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn–info below.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

RE Fire Drill! We had a fire drill in Waters House this past Sunday, with 44 Children and Youth and 14 adults making it outside to the designated spot in 2 minutes and 1 second–in a safe and orderly fashion! We were slowed down a little bit by a momma bird and her nest and eggs on the third-floor fire escape, but all went well and everyone was safe, including momma bird and her eggs! (For future fire drills, we’ll do a pre-drill fire escape walk to make sure all’s clear–or choose a secondary route, if necessary.)

Sum-sum-summertime! Summer RE is almost here! This year, our theme is “Peace Experiments.” If you’d like to be a part of planning this year’s Summer RE, or if you you’d like to help facilitate a class or two, let me know!

New Childcare Staff member Dawn Armour will be joining us in the nursery Sunday, 4/21. Please extend a warm UUSS welcome to Dawn when you and your child meet her!

River Rising, Central East Region’s new leadership school is happening July 28-August 3 at State College, PA, and August 18-24, here at UUSS! It’s for youth who will be in 9th-12th grades in the 2019/2020 school year. During this week in community youth will be challenged, learn together, create sacred space, deepen their UU values and build friendships that will last beyond the week. Among other highlights they’re planning a river trip! Registration is $525 before June 15 and matching congregation scholarships are available through CER for up to half.

For more information and registration links:
https://www.uua.org/central-east/youth/goldmine. To read how River Rising differs from Goldmine (the previous CER leadership school) see this blog post: https://www.uua.org/central-east/blog/better-together/introducing-river-rising.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – April 16th

17 April 2019 at 00:13
Dear UUSS peeps,
It is holy week in many traditions. The ancient stories are teaching stories. What have we learned about courage, about the inherent worth of every person, about redemption? One only need read or listen to the news to see we still have much to learn. Let’s be together this Sunday to celebrate this beloved community even in our broken-heartedness (for Notre Dame or any other reason) and our capacity for joy!
In faith,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

UUSSBUGS Needed May and June!

13 April 2019 at 15:13

UUSSBUGs needed for several days in May and June.  We are still short on ushers, beverage servers and greeters for most Sundays in May and June. Please take a look at the signup sheet HERE  and add your name to a slot if you can help out. Thank you! Bridget Almas at balmas@gmail.com.

Stewardship Results So Far!

13 April 2019 at 15:05
Our pledge goal for our Stewardship Campaign-Love Made Real-is $470,000 for the fiscal year 2019-20. We have received 216 pledges so far, 16 of which are folks who’ve never pledged before for a current total of $444,461. If you are a member and haven’t turned in a pledge card, please do and help us finish the budget plan.

If you are not a member but still receive Circuits and would like to help this congregation carry on in to the future, we humbly ask that you consider giving a financial gift or making a pledge to help sustain this important institution in the city of Schenectady. Thank you all! Keep it coming! – Rev. Wendy on behalf of the Stewardship Team

Annual Egg Hunt – Here’s how you can help!

9 April 2019 at 23:42
Spring is here and that means it’s time to get ready for the Annual Egg Hunt! Fun For UUSS requests your assistance in helping to make this year’s festivities run smoothly. There are lots of ways you can help!
  • Drop off donations of goodies to fill our eggs. These can be little spring/Easter themed treats such as erasers, stickers, favor sized bubbles, mini playdoughs, etc (the dollar stores are a great place to look!) or candy. Please make sure candy is NON-CHOCOLATE and allergy friendly. There will be a basket near the welcome table to donate your goodies through April 16th.
  • Help us fill our eggs on Wednesday, April 17th at 10am. Meet in Waters House Library.
  • Sign up HERE to find out how you can donate your time on Easter Sunday. There are many jobs to be filled.

Morgan Myatt at morgangoot@hotmail.com.

Religious Education This Week – April 9th

9 April 2019 at 23:24
If you attended the cluster service this past Sunday, what a treat! The choir was magnificent and filled the hall with some wonderfully ethereal music! If you brought a child(or 2 or 3) to the service and they hung out in the nursery and haven’t already told you about the water table, be sure to ask them about it–it’s pretty amazing! If you brought a child(+) to the service and they stayed in the worship space but partook of the fun at the activity table, ask them about what they might have created. With a multi-generational team effort, we made a Plant Earth poster that is most impressive–it’ll be hanging in the Waters House entryway. If you have a chance, stop by and take a look!

Sunday, 4/14: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following the story, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. 7/8 OWL will not meet 4/14; 11/12 OWL will meet in the Fireplace Room at the usual time; 11/12 OWL parents and guardians are welcome to meet in the dining hall during their class time, as our Family Promise guests will be staying in Waters House from 4/14-4/21.

Sunday, 4/21: Easter Sunday! Everyone will attend the service. Children, Bunnies, Children, Egg Hunts, Children, Flowers–and Gratitude! Did I say Children?! With our Children, let us celebrate as they gather flowers and we all share in the gift of spring renewal. Look for the article in today’s Circuits for details on the post-service activities!

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

New Addition to our Childcare Staff! Dawn Armour will be joining the childcare staff on Easter Sunday, 4/21. Dawn is a long-time employee at Knolls and is a proud parent of her 17-year-old son. Dawn is an active member of St. Paul’s Catholic Church. Please extend a warm UUSS welcome to Dawn when you and your child meet her!

Easter Flowers–last call! Would you like an opportunity to honor someone special in your life? We will be adorning the chancel with beautiful spring flowers on Easter Sunday, 4/21, to be distributed to Children and Youth during the service. This year, you’re invited to make a donation of $5 in memory or in honor of someone special to you! Names of honorees and donors will be published in the Easter Sunday order of service. Please make checks payable to UUSS, with “Easter Flowers” in the memo line; please also be sure to clearly write the name(s) of those you’d like to honor. All requests must be received by April 15th.

Sum-sum-summertime! Summer RE is almost here! This year, our theme is “Peace Experiments.” If you’d like to be a part of planning this year’s Summer RE, or if you you’d like to help facilitate a class or two, let me know!

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy: April 9th

9 April 2019 at 23:21
Hello, dear UUSS community-

It is really happening… elusive Spring is on the way! Trees are budding, crocus are blooming, robins are singing, and green is returning. We walked to work this morning, for the first time in a while, and Ernie Hall, from the Building and Grounds Team, is out working in the gardens. (He’d welcome company, if you are interested in gardening!) Earlier this week folks were riding their bikes to meetings, and sharing of other outdoor adventures in the sun and the spring rain.

How is the Earth calling to you? This past Sunday’s joint service with 5 area UU congregations included a mix of grief for all that is lost and that is in harms way, a call to act, and some tangible things to DO that are reasons for hope. It was really wonderful to have so many folks from UUSS in attendance… and big thanks to all who participated and volunteered!

At our gathering yesterday with residents of the Glen Eddy, we heard about all the plastic that is used there, and how they would like to organize and ask for some different options. How might you change what you are doing to make a difference? As we sang on Sunday, “We are called as Keepers of the Earth. We are called to speak its sacred worth. For our children and our children’s children, we are called as Keepers of the Earth.”

In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Board Reflection

2 April 2019 at 19:46

I joined the Board last summer and in these seven months I have learned so much about UUSS and the people who pour their heart into this community. I started attending services in May 2007. I had reached a crossroads in my life and was trying to figure out how to gather myself together as I moved forward, holding on tightly to my values and my self-worth. I immediately felt at home and at peace sitting through that first spring-time service in the Great Hall. The emphasis on balance, meditation, respect for the world around us, was so profound that I felt myself close to tears (and often still do as I sit and reflect during service). UUSS has become a sanctuary in my life and a big part of my identity- as an individual, as a mom, as a partner, and as a teacher. Serving on the BOT has allowed me to better understand how this beautiful community comes to exist and thrive; how it is possible that every Sunday we can show up and experience the messages shared with us by Reverend Lynn and Reverend Wendy, members of the worship committee, the musicians, and others who participate in the service. The commitment of the various team and committee members, the generosity of volunteers, and the shared passion for this community keep the lights on, the budget in check, and the events on the calendar, among countless other things. I understand better than I ever have before what it really means to be a part of this community. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned as a board member, for the people I have met, and for everyone and everything that keeps UUSS here for all of us.                   By Jennifer Edgar-Johnson

Sad News to Share

2 April 2019 at 19:45

Last Wednesday we sent an email to all members of the congregation, sharing the sad news that Paul Newsome had died that afternoon. Paul had been a member of the choir, the Stewardship Team, an adult chaperone for youth conferences, and was always willing to lend a hand and his building skills to the congregation and for service projects. He passed away surrounded by his three adult children, Sam, Jeff, and Lienne, their mother, Donna, and his ministers. There will be a memorial service in honour of his life and gentle soul sometime in the future. with care – Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

Religious Education This Week – April 2nd

2 April 2019 at 19:41
Sunday, 4/7: Everyone is invited to attend the 10th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Cluster Service (Albany, Glens Falls, Kingston, Saratoga Springs, and Schenectady) at 11:00 am, at Doane Stuart School in Rensselaer. Childcare will be provided. 7/8 OWL and 11/12 OWL evening classes will take place at church at the usual time.

Sunday, 4/14: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classrooms at 10:30. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following the story, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. 7/8 OWL will not meet 4/14; 11/12 OWL will meet in the Dining Room at the usual time; 11/12 OWL parents and guardians are welcome to meet in the Emerson Room during their class time, as our Family Promise guests will be staying in Waters House from 4/14-4/21.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Bake Sale Results! The Love Connects Us class (grades 2/3/4) held a bake sale this past Sunday, 3/31, and collected $298! Thank you to everyone who purchased something yummy. All proceeds to benefit SiCM (Schenectady Community Ministries), an organization chosen by the Love Connects Us class. SiCM is a partnership of 52 congregations for ministries of social service and social justice. SiCM addresses public health needs such as food insecurity and nutrition education, racism and diversity concerns, and summer recreation through community collaborations, services, and programs.

Youth Con Gratitude! Thank you to everyone who helped out with last weekend’s youth conference! There were lots of moving parts and it all came together beautifully with the help of so many of you! It was such a gift to be able to share this experience with our Youth and their guests, from as far away as the state of MD! From midnight worship to coffee house talent, from lovingly-prepared meals to laser-tag challenges, our Youth and their guests had an opportunity to reach beyond their everyday activities and embrace their true selves. It was truly beautiful!

Easter Flowers! Would you like an opportunity to honor someone special in your life? We will once again be adorning the chancel with beautiful spring flowers on Easter Sunday, 4/21, to be distributed to Children and Youth during the service. This year, you’re invited to make a donation of $5 in memory or in honor of someone special to you! Names of honorees and donors will be published in the Easter Sunday order of service. Please make checks payable to UUSS, with “Easter Flowers” in the memo line; please also be sure to clearly write the name(s) of those you’d like to honor.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – April 2nd

2 April 2019 at 19:38
Hello, dear UUSS community~
This coming Sunday we have an opportunity to practice a relational part of our faith… to acknowledge and celebrate our relationship and covenant with other UU congregations by participating in the worship service of the Hudson-Mohawk cluster. The Unitarian Universalist Association, (UUA) is an association of congregations. It exists through our shared commitments and by our coming together. This Sunday’s service is focused on environmental destruction and climate justice, as these issues impact all of us, and is something that each of the five participating congregations is concerned about. So, come for worship, stay for the potluck lunch and conversations. Consider sharing a ride, and please bring your own place setting, so that we can have a zero-waste event. See the announcement above for more details.
With anticipation~ Rev. Lynn & Rev. Wendy

UU Wellspring – A Course in Spiritual Deepening

27 March 2019 at 00:26
Study the history and social significance of the UU faith. Explore spiritual questions in a small group setting. For more information, stop by the Lifespan Religious Education Table after service or contact Rosy Bishop at 518-339-7814 or rosybishop23@gmail.com.

Be a Family Promise Volunteer!

27 March 2019 at 00:22

Family Promise is a national network of faith communities and trained volunteers who provide temporary shelter, food, and assistance to homeless families. UUSS is part of the Capital Region Family Promise program, and hosts families for a week at a time at Waters House. The next hosting dates for UUSS are April 14-21, and we are always looking for new volunteers. If you are interested in preparing and serving a meal or staying overnight with the families, contact Mary O’Keeffe at mathcircle@gmail.com or Lee Danielson at danielson459@gmail.com and we will set up a training time.

Volunteer on a Farm!

27 March 2019 at 00:20

The Anti-Racism team is looking for volunteers to work with them at Soul Fire Farm on one of their first two Community Farm Days this year on April 13 or May 18 (both Saturdays). Soul Fire Farm is a community farm committed to ending racism and injustice in the food system. We would like many volunteers from UUSS to show up there on either or both of these dates. There will be a wide range of activities, and families are welcome. We would like to arrange carpools, since the farm is near Grafton State Park. Work is from 9am to 1pm, followed by a potluck lunch and question and answer period. Volunteers would not have to stay for the entire time. For more details on Community Farm Days go to soulfirefarm.org. If you might be interested in volunteering at Soul Fire Farm on either April 13 or May 18, contact Lee Danielson at danielson459@gmail.com.

Time to donate small items to put into Easter Eggs

27 March 2019 at 00:18

The annual UUSS Easter Egg Hunt is coming up soon, so the Fun For UUSS Team has begun gathering donations of small items to put into the eggs. Stickers, tiny toys, wrapped allergen-free candy and such may be left in the basket behind the Welcome Table in the Great Hall until April 15th! Questions? Email Morgan at morgangoot@hotmail.com.

Religious Education This Week – March 26th

27 March 2019 at 00:08

Sunday, 3/31: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children and Youth will go directly to their classrooms. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Bake Sale! The Love Connects Us class (grades 2/3/4) will be holding a bake sale on Sunday, 3/31, just before the church safety presentation. All proceeds will go to SICM (Schenectady Community Ministries), an organization chosen by the Love Connects Us class. SICM is a partnership of 52 congregations for ministries of social service and social justice. SiCM addresses public health needs such as food insecurity and nutrition education, racism and diversity concerns, and summer recreation through community collaborations, services, and programs.

Youth Con: The UUSS will be hosting a youth “con” (conference) for the Central East Region the weekend of 3/29-3/31. We are still in need of a few stay-awake adults/chaperones to cover either an 11 pm-3 am shift or a 3 am-7 am shift, Friday or Saturday night. We need three adults for each shift. Below is the link to sign up to volunteer: https://bit.ly/2NNj0Ac Please help make this a successful con!

Dead Marker Collection! If you have a bunch of dead markers (even non-Crayola brands!) hanging around and you just don’t know what to do with them, round ’em up and put them in one of the collection boxes located in the church entryway and the Waters House entryway, for donation to Crayola’s ColorCycle. The ColorCycle Program was devised to repurpose used markers rather than sending them to landfills! The ColorCycle program has repurposed more than 70 tons of expended markers in the US and Canada. Sunday, March 31st is the last day to drop them off.

Easter Flowers! Would you like an opportunity to honor someone special in your life? We will once again be adorning the chancel with beautiful spring flowers on Easter Sunday, 4/21, to be distributed to Children and Youth during the service. This year, you’re invited to make a donation of $5 in memory or in honor of someone special to you! Names of honorees and donors will be published in the Easter Sunday order of service. Please make checks payable to UUSS, with “Easter Flowers” in the memo line; please also be sure to clearly write the name(s) of those you’d like to honor.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – March 26th

27 March 2019 at 00:06
Dear UU Schenectady~

Each month we choose a topic for our conversations with those who participate in Brewed Awakenings and The(*)logies on Tap. For March, we chose Balance, in honour of the Spring Equinox. At both gatherings, folks shared ways that they learned about aspects of balance, especially whether “doing” or “being” was more valued during their childhood, and how they may be challenged with balance now.

In closing, we shared what we hold on to… what help keeps us steady. In both groups, people named this congregation and Unitarian Universalism as something to which they hold. Please know that your presence and participation matter… together we can create and offer a steadying force for one another, even when we may not realize it. Each week, people sit in the circle and receive sustenance to face what life brings us. This is such a gift.

Balance is not a static state and it isn’t the same for each person. To move forward, we need a sense of imbalance-that first propelling forward, whether by foot or wheels. So to might we need to lean into the unknown, a sense of discomfort, a feeling of being out of balance in order for spiritual growth to move us forward into the next phase of our lives. What comes easily to one may be a large challenge for another. What feels like a balance of work and play for one may not be the balance another needs to feel more whole, grounded, centered.

In this month of March, may you find ways to intentionally ground and center, even with just a few breaths, right now, as you read this, calling to mind this beloved community and the Love that holds us all.

with gratitude and in faith,
~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Religious Education This Week - March 12th

12 March 2019 at 23:20

Sunday, 3/17: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children and Youth will go directly to their classrooms. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. Stick around after church, as there will be lots of fun goings on!

Sunday, 3/24: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children and Youth will go directly to their classrooms. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Save the Date! The 10th Annual Hudson-Mohawk Cluster Service (Albany, Glens Falls, Kingston, Saratoga Springs, and Schenectady) is scheduled for Sunday, April 7, at 11:00 am, at Doane Stuart School in Rensselaer. Childcare will be provided. More info to follow!

Would you like an opportunity to honor someone special in your life? We will once again be adorning the chancel with beautiful spring flowers on Easter Sunday, 4/21, to be distributed to Children and Youth during the service. This year, you’re invited to make a donation of $5 in memory or in honor of someone special to you! Names of honorees and donors will be published in the Easter Sunday order of service. Please make checks payable to UUSS, with “Easter Flowers” in the memo line; please also be sure to clearly write the name(s) of those you’d like to honor.

Aninger Fund: The Aninger Fund is a trust fund created for the sole purpose of supporting leadership opportunities for the junior and senior youth of our congregation. Some excellent opportunities are available through UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) and CERG (Central East Regional Group) and include but are not limited to: River Rising (formerly GoldMine), General Assembly, District Assembly, Summer Seminary for Youth, Multicultural Leadership School (youth), and youth conferences.

There have been a few changes to the Aninger Scholarship application process. The spring deadline for both individual AND group applications has changed to May 1st, for review at the May RE Team meeting. Applications received after the May 1st deadline will not be considered until the fall (if they are still relevant). The fall deadline for both the individual AND group applications has changed to November 1st, for review at the November RE Team meeting. Applications received after the November 1st deadline will not be considered until the spring (if they are still relevant).

Applications may be downloaded through the UUSS website: uuschenectady.org. Applications should be submitted to Robin Ahearn, DLRE.

Youth Con: The UUSS will be hosting a youth “con” (conference) for the Central East Region the weekend of 3/29-3/31. Below is the link to sign up to volunteer:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090945A4AF2AA4FA7-schenectady
Just a few more slots to fill–please help make this a successful con!

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.

Co-Ministers' Colloquy - March 12th

12 March 2019 at 23:18
How has the congregation brought about Love Made Real in your life? Was it a Wellspring class in which you engaged in growing compassion? Was it at the folk dance last summer when our partner church from Marosvásárhely was visiting, celebrating joy? Was it going to the Capital to Keep Families Together or an advocacy day to help create more justice? Perhaps you’ve signed one of the petitions, have started composting and/or bringing your own place setting to help care for the Earth? There have been many opportunities to worship together and to inspire one another to become more of who we are called to be! Maybe Love has been made more real in religious education classes such as The(*)logies on Tap or You the Creator, the Herb Group or Love Connects Us where we learn together!
This Sunday, we hope you will attend Celebration Sunday. Each time we come together we have the opportunity to build beloved community-welcoming more into our circle, into our faith.
As we culminate our Stewardship Campaign on Sunday, there are a few things we want to make sure you know.
1. It really makes a difference that you return your pledge. It is very difficult to be fiscally responsible as a Board if we don’t know what we have to work with in planning the coming year.
2.  There are many youth members and elders who can not afford to make a full pledge. We also have some families with very limited incomes who can give of their time but struggle to make a full financial contribution. Your generosity helps make a space for more folks to be welcomed into this community.
3.  Wondering what to pledge? For this current fiscal year, it costs approx. $2400 per pledging unit. If we follow the recommendations of the Board to stay within UUS fair compensation guidelines and give our fantastic staff more than a cost of living increase, our costs will go up in the 2019-20 fiscal year. Your increased generosity will help make that possible. The goal is $470,000 in pledges. With your help, we can reach our goal!
Learn more here!
4.  This Sunday may be your only opportunity to hear Dr. Parker preach in person. She and her beloved Pastor Joanne Braxton, will soon be moving to the pacific northwest. Come join us this St. Patrick’s Day for Celebration Sunday.
5.  Bring your family. Bring your suffering and your joy. Bring your pledge card for the ritual, stay for the party where we can celebrate how Love is Made Real in our congregation and beyond.
In faith,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

Considering Attending General Assembly?

5 March 2019 at 23:56

Each year the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations has a General Assembly which includes worship, workshops, opportunities for shared social justice, and business meetings, or general sessions, where delegates from each congregation can make decisions about our denomination. The theme for GA 2019 is The Power of We, and will be in Spokane, WA, June 19-23rd. GA Housing reservation system is now live on the UUA website. If you are a member of UUSS and would like to attend as a delegate, please contact Board Secretary, Trish Williams, secretary@uuschenectady.org. To learn more, see https://www.uua.org/ga.

Anti-Racism Team (ART)

5 March 2019 at 23:55
At Sunday’s service, I heard a consistent message of ‘we have each other’ and ‘we are in this together.’ I didn’t hear about the work of anti-racism, specifically, but the assurance I heard was that none of us is in this work of anti-racism alone. I admit that I have been feeling a bit alone and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task. I recognize it is my own white fragility expressing itself. On Monday morning, I opened up my Stewardship envelope and saw the messages “Build community, Learn Together, Create Justice” and ‘Love made real.” On Monday, I am reassured – that we can do much more together than any of us can do alone. So I am reconsidering how those of us at UUSS might be intentional about anti-racism. Together. Compassionately. To make love real.

Liliana Delman writes, “the insecurities and fear [of white people] around addressing race and racism is extreme. The fear of being labeled a racist or being rejected by the other ‘good white people’ oftentimes leads to white folks removing themselves from any uncomfortable conversation about race.” To dismantle the system of racism in which we all work, live, and love, we have to go there — to the uncomfortable conversations about how white privilege and our culture of white supremacy perpetuates the racism we find despicable. Having those conversations is going to require personal and collective vulnerability. Until we are admittedly vulnerable, we are not going to be open to recognizing our role in dismantling the culture of white supremacy in order to create perceptible, systemic, and real change. Though Brené Brown warns, “vulnerability takes enormous courage,” I know we are a courageous people and I know the change we might create together is boundless. Join the conversation.

For courage starters, watch a Tim Wise video  or read the article, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh
If you would like to join the conversation and/or the Anti-Racist Team, contact Kat Wolfram at kmwolfram@gmail.com

Religious Education This Week - March 5th

5 March 2019 at 23:44

Sunday, 3/10 (Be sure to turn your clocks ahead!): The K/1 OWL Parent Orientation will take place in the K/1 classroom! K/1 Children will meet in the dining hall where they will play and be supervised while parents and caregivers attend their orientation. 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classroom in Waters House. The 7/8 You the Creator class will not be having class on this date. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. There will be a Sr Youth Activity and Parent Circle, led by Revs Lynn and Wendy, beginning around noon–stay tuned for more information!

Sunday, 3/17: K/1 OWL and 5/6 OWL Children and Youth will go directly to their classrooms. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms. Stick around after church, as there will be lots of fun goings on!

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

Aninger Fund: The Aninger Fund is a trust fund created for the sole purpose of supporting leadership opportunities for the junior and senior youth of our congregation. Some excellent opportunities are available through UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) and CERG (Central East Regional Group) and include but are not limited to: River Rising (formerly GoldMine), General Assembly, District Assembly, Summer Seminary for Youth, Multicultural Leadership School (youth), and youth conferences.

There have been a few changes to the Aninger Scholarship application process. The spring deadline for both individual AND group applications has changed to May 1st, for review at the May RE Team meeting. Applications received after the May 1st deadline will not be considered until the fall (if they are still relevant). The fall deadline for both the individual AND group applications has changed to November 1st, for review at the November RE Team meeting. Applications received after the November 1st deadline will not be considered until the spring (if they are still relevant). Applications may be downloaded through the UUSS website: uuschenectady.org. Applications should be submitted to Robin Ahearn, Director of Lifespan Religious Education.

Youth Con: The UUSS will be hosting a youth “con” (conference) for the Central East Region the weekend of 3/29-3/31. We are still in need of a few stay-awake adults/chaperones to cover either an 11 pm-3 am shift or a 3 am-7 am shift, Friday or Saturday night. We need three adults for each shift. Below is the link to sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090945A4AF2AA4FA7-schenectady Many hands make light work! Please help make this a successful con!

River Rising: River Rising (formerly GoldMine) is coming to Schenectady this summer!! River Rising Youth (entering grades 9-12 this summer) will spend a week creating community and learning to care for that community spiritually, pastorally and physically. They will have conversations about how Unitarian, Universalist and Unitarian Universalist values influence their own sense of purpose and work on articulating their own faith based values. Leadership will be approached as a continual process of self reflection, group processing and practice work. There will also be time for fun, just hanging out and playing together! August 18-24. If cost is a concern, note that scholarships can be available thru the UUA-CER office, plus UUSS youth can apply to the Aninger fund for financial support! There also be a session in Sate College, PA, July 28-August 3. For more information, visit https://www.uua.org/central-east/youth/goldmine?fbclid=IwAR2dAGznHpKYJ6_X2zT48kPbLU6NcZyTCgimgX3mwkrS5eGDU66x-LS5heE

If you have any questions, contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.

Celebration of Life

5 March 2019 at 23:42

It is with sadness we share that Barbara Horgen passed into the mystery that some call death last Wednesday. There will be a Celebration of Life for her here at UU Schenectady on April 6, at 2pm.-Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Co-Ministers' Colloquy - March 5th

5 March 2019 at 23:33
Stewardship season officially kicked-off on Sunday Mar 3! The Stewardship Team has been working for months preparing for the pledge drive. Hopefully, if you were here, you picked up your pledge materials and heard more about the campaign. If you were not here, and you are a member, friend, and/or have pledged before, you should be receiving your materials in the mail this week.
Our theme is Love made real. You can see the beautiful logo that Christy Multer created for this year’s campaign in the announcement about Celebration Sunday later in this issue of Circuits. We also spoke during the service and had our first generosity testimonial of the season, delivered by Dan Leonard. Thanks to Paul Newsome and Kris K. (one of our youth) for making a video and to Lienne Newsome for working to sync up the sound files. John Bacheller is uploading to the website. We hope you’ll watch it before you attend next Sunday’s service if you missed it:  Watch it HERE!
Mike MacLaury, Pat Lillquist, Kay and Jim Schlembach, Heide Westergard, Paul Newsome, and chairperson Mark Hyland each lent a hand, a heart, a mind, and a lot of time to prepare for this stewardship campaign. As you consider what generosity your pledge may contain, we hope you will give until it feels good.
Not only must we care for the Earth, we must also care for our spiritual home, living more sustainably within our means, sharing the responsibility for its upkeep, acknowledging opportunity costs of saying no to some things so we can say yes to others (thank you Robyn Salvin for that phrase from your reflection on Sunday), and enacting justice fairly compensating our staff in both hours and wages.
Together, we can reach the pledge goal of $470,000. Let’s do this!
With enthusiasm,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

Aninger Fund Deadline is May 1st

27 February 2019 at 01:24
 The Aninger Fund is a trust fund created for the sole purpose of supporting leadership opportunities for the junior and senior youth of our congregation. Some excellent opportunities are available through UUA and CERG and include but are not limited to: Goldmine, General Assembly, District Assembly, Summer Seminary for Youth, Multicultural Leadership School (youth), and youth conferences.
There have been two changes to the Aninger Scholarship application process. The first change is that the deadlines for submitting applications have changed. The second change is that group applications will not be reviewed as they are received. They will only be reviewed twice a year, just like the individual applications. The spring deadline for both individual AND group applications has changed to May 1st for review at the May RET meeting. Applications received after the May1st deadline will not be considered until the fall (if they are still relevant). The fall deadline for both the individual AND group applications has changed to November 1st for review at the November RET meeting. Applications received after the November 1st deadline will not be considered until the spring (if they are still relevant). Applications may be downloaded through the UUSS website. Submit applications to Robin Ahearn, Director of Lifespan Religious Education at dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Religious Education This Week - February 26th

27 February 2019 at 01:05
Sunday, 3/10 (Be sure to turn your clocks ahead!): The K/1 OWL Parent Orientation will take place in the K/1 classroom! K/1 Children will meet in the dining hall where they will play and be supervised while parents and caregivers attend their orientation. 5/6 OWL Children will go directly to their classroom in Waters House. The 7/8 You the Creator class will not be having class on this date. Everyone else will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, Children and Youth will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

The UUSS will be hosting a youth “con” (conference) for the Central East Region the weekend of 3/29-3/31. We are in need of some stay-awake adults/chaperones to cover either an 11 pm-3 am shift or a 3 am-7 am shift, Friday or Saturday night. We need three adults for each shift. Sign up to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090945A4AF2AA4FA7-schenectady
Many hands make light work! Please help make this a successful con!

River Rising (formerly GoldMine) is coming to Schenectady this summer!!
River Rising Youth (entering grades 9-12 this summer) will spend a week creating community and learning to care for that community spiritually, pastorally and physically. They will have conversations about how Unitarian, Universalist and Unitarian Universalist values influence their own sense of purpose and work on articulating their own faith based values. Leadership will be approached as a continual process of self reflection, group processing and practice work. There will also be time for fun, just hanging out and playing together! August 18-24. If cost is a concern, note that scholarships can be available thru the UUA-CER office, plus UUSS youth can apply to the Aninger fund for financial support! There also be a session in Sate College, PA, July 28-August 3. For more information, CLICK HERE!

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.

Co-Ministers' Colloquy - February 26th

27 February 2019 at 00:59

Dear UUSS community~

This month our discussion topic for Brewed Awakenings and The(*)logies on Tap was courage, and there were great conversations on how we each learned about what our parents or other adults considered courageous, and what wasn’t, and how our own understanding of courage may have changed over our lifetime.

As we near the end of February and Black History Month, here are a few resources to learn more about a few of the courageous Black Unitarian Universalists, and the history of our faith.

Francis Ellen Watkins Harper, a poet, journalist, teacher, and activist in the 1800’s. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/frances-ellen-watkins-harper
Rev. Lewis McGee, a humanist and minister in the mid 1900’s, https://www.uuteachin.org/copy-of-teachin2-education-child-yo
The Empowerment Tragedy of 1967, article by Rev. Mark Morrison Reed, https://www.uuworld.org/articles/empowerment-tragedy,.
May we each live with courage, and acknowledge the bravery we see in one another~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy


20 February 2019 at 18:33

On Sunday, Feb. 17th, Rev. Lynn mentioned a weekly email called Braver/Wiser. Each is a message of courage and compassion for life as it is. You can subscribe at https://www.uua.org/braverwiser/subscribe

Religious Education This Week - February 20th

20 February 2019 at 18:31
Sunday, 2/24: K/1, the Wonderful Welcome class, will go directly to their classroom in the RE Hallway in the church building. Grades 2-8 will begin in Waters House for Children’s Chapel and stay through the service. Pick-up time is 11:50. Sr Youth, grades 9-12, will meet in their Waters House classroom throughout.

Next Sunday, 3/3: All Children and Sr Youth will begin in their classrooms and stay through the service. Pick-up time is 11:50. 5/6 OWL (Our Whole Lives) will have their first meeting today.

The Nursery is available for children five and under during services. As always, all Children and Youth are welcome to attend worship services.

River Rising (formerly GoldMine) is coming to Schenectady this summer!!
River Rising Youth (entering grades 9-12 this summer) will spend a week creating community and learning to care for that community spiritually, pastorally and physically. They will have conversations about how Unitarian, Universalist and Unitarian Universalist values influence their own sense of purpose and work on articulating their own faith based values. Leadership will be approached as a continual process of self reflection, group processing and practice work. There will also be time for fun, just hanging out and playing together! August 18-24. If cost is a concern, note that scholarships can be available thru the UUA-CER office, plus UUSS youth can apply to the Aninger fund for financial support! There also be a session in Sate College, PA, July 28-August 3. For more information, CLICK HERE!

Childcare provider wanted!
Spread the word! We are in need of an additional childcare provider to be in rotation to work Sunday mornings, 10 am-12 pm. Must be at least 18 years old, background checked (covered by UUSS), $15/hr. Contact Director of Lifespan Religious Ed Robin Ahearn at dlre@uuschenectady.org with cover letter and resume.

If you have any questions, contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.

Co-Ministers' Colloquy - February 20th

20 February 2019 at 18:30

Dear UUSS community~

As we write, the sky is a bright blue, the sun is rising in the East, a full super-moon is setting in the West, and the snow is shining as though a glitter-loving preschooler created the scene. We are so blessed. Or are we? What does it mean to be blessed, or to offer a blessing? This past Sunday’s service included a ritual. It was a time when members of the Caring Team were offering a few words of affirmation and a small sprinkling of water on each person’s palm who came to them. It was a blessing of hands, a way of offering gratitude for each of us as physical beings, with all the gifts and challenges that individual bodies have.

After the service a member asked if we could meet sometime soon to talk more about the word “blessing.” About what it means, and how it fits or doesn’t fit into their understanding of what is true and real. What a gift! As Unitarian Universalists we claim a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, and that we do so in the context of community. Another member talked about the limitation of our language, and phrases such as “my body,” or especially any talk of a soul, represents dualism, rather than affirming that we are physical beings, not separate from our bodies.

And, one of the beautiful aspects of our faith is that we can gather with different views and understandings of reality, and continue to question, to discuss, and to allow our experiences to inform our evolving faith.

With gratitude~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy
