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12th Annual Dining for Dollars Lasagna Dinner December 12th - Volunteers needed!

14 November 2018 at 00:33
Again, Dining for Dollars will help people in New Orleans still struggling to rebuild their lives after Hurricane Katrina. Long forgotten and overshadowed by many other horrific disasters this hurricane continues to disrupt and destroy the lives of many people in New Orleans. It takes years to come back from these events. We promised we wouldn’t forget.

We will also continue our support of girls in Africa trying to stay in school during their menstrual periods. Often these girls drop out and loose opportunities that education can provide. The cycle of poverty continues.

We need drivers to deliver our meals and cooks to help in the kitchen. These jobs take just a few hours on December 12. Contact Ellie von Wellsheim at ellie@mooncatcher.org or 518-859-5114. Thank you so much!

Bakers! While I Have Your Attention!

14 November 2018 at 00:31

Dining for Dollars, a fundraiser for the people in New Orleans and the MoonCatcher Project, will be happening December 11th and 12th. I will be looking for cookie-bakers in anticipation of needing 1200 or more o your delicious confections. If you have baked before, look for an email from me soon. If this would be your first time to become a volunteer baker, please be sure to sign on the cookie-baker clipboard in the rear of the Great Hall. Thank you so much!

Jill MCGrath, mcgrathjm@icloud.com

Get ready to Revel! Friday, Dec. 7th at 7pm & Sunday Dec. 9th at 10am

14 November 2018 at 00:30
The much-loved Yuletide Revels tradition at UUSS is upon us. Come prepared for a rollicking celebration of the Winter Solstice and the holiday season. There will be an original mummer play with a Knight, a Jester, a Dragon ….and singing, dancing, magic, and mayhem!
You can be part of this wondrous event by volunteering to bake cookies, usher, help serve punch or help staff the Shoppe. (Volunteers get to pick a costume.) There will be a table in the back of the Great Hall every Sunday until Revels and you can sign up there.
This event is the year’s largest fundraiser for UUSS so please make every effort to attend and encourage friends to join you. Suggested donation is $15-$20/adult and $5/child. It is truly a community event – don’t miss it!
Gary Griffiths at ggriffiths1739@gmail.com

Do You Want to Be a Revels Sponsor?

14 November 2018 at 00:28
Everyone is invited to participate in Revels — our upcoming medieval extravaganza — by becoming a Revels Sponsor. There are five levels of sponsors from $50 to $600, plus a chance to have your business featured in an ad in the printed Revels program. Deadline is December 2nd for signing up. See the sponsor flyer with all the details
HERE! Christy Multer can answer questions at cmulter12@gmail.com

RE This Week - 11/13

14 November 2018 at 00:22
This coming Sunday morning, 11/18, everyone will attend the multigenerational service in the Great Hall at 10:30am. Following the service, there will be a pizza sold in the Dining Room for a fundraiser for next year’s youth Guatemala trip, which will be followed by the Congregational Meeting.
Next Sunday, 11/25, Children and Youth, grades 2-8, will participate in Children’s Chapel. We are in need of a second adult assistant for this Children’s Chapel. If you’d like to help out, please contact DLRE Robin Ahearn at (607) 435-2803 or dlre@uuschenectady.org.
The UU Society of Schenectady, in conjunction with the Central East Region of the UUA (UU Association), will host a Chaplain Training 11/30-12/2. CLICK HERE  for more info. The deadline to register is 11/19.
If you have any questions, call (607) 435-2803 or email dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers' Colloquy - 11/13

14 November 2018 at 00:21

Dear UUSS community~

This month we’ve had a table on the chancel for worship each Sunday, as we’ve explored a larger theme of A Place at the Table. The table, as mentioned in this past Sunday’s service, was built by Everett Brewer, the grandfather of a friend of Robyn Salvin, who is a member of the Worship Team. This coming Sunday, the table will hold the bread that will be shared in a ritual of communion, a time of breaking bread together. Each of us has a part in widening our circle of inclusion, so that all have a place at the table within the congregation. Here are three things that you can do, whether you are a recent visitor, or a long-time member: 1. Say “hello” to folks you have yet to meet. Find out their name,their pronouns, (with thanks to the youth for leading this practice,) and something that brings them to UUSS. 2. Consider being part of the hospitality team by serving as a greeter, usher, or beverage server. Contact Bridget Almas if you are interested. balmas@gmail.com. 3. Go the extra mile, and offer to give someone a ride. There are several folks who would love to attend services who don’t have their own transportation.

For this Thanksgiving, we hope that everyone who wants to has a place to share a meal. There is a family in the congregation who has offered to welcome anyone who needs a place to be. Please let us know if that includes you. with care, and in faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Earth Circles Winter Solstice Celebration - Thursday, December 20th, 6:45 PM

13 November 2018 at 21:14

Earth Circles UUSS welcomes you to celebrate the Winter Solstice at 6:45pm, Thursday, December 20th in the Great Hall. 

Join us to sing, dance, drum and light candles in celebration of the journey back to center and the return of the light.  There will be a processional and calling the directions, poetry and stories.  Childcare is available for those easily distracted. The magic happens promptly at 7pm, please don’t be late. Bring a small flashlight (or phonelight); a drum or rattle if you have one; snack to share if you wish; and mittens, hat, or other warm item for the mitten tree donation if you can. All are invited to share in this original yet traditional UUSS Earth-centered service.


Earth Circles November Full Moon Drum Circle - Friday, November 23rd, 7-8 PM

13 November 2018 at 21:10

Our drum circles are time for joyful community.  This month we will drum our gratitude for blessings large and small.  All ages welcome.  Bring instruments to use and to share if you have them and finger food. There are extra instruments available but “found” or improvised ones work well too.

Save the Date: January 19th

7 November 2018 at 01:17
Want to be part of a fitting tribute to a groundbreaking civil rights pioneer? We’d love it if you do! Join the Strategy Advisory Committee on Saturday, January 19th from 12-3:30pm as we take a deeper dive into our anti-racism work. We will share in an open dialogue and facilitated discussion of what our next steps might look, feel and sound like as we walk this new path together toward our next 3-5 years at UUSS. Stay tuned for updates in the near future!
Renee Panetta at panetta4@nycap.rr.com.

Have an Idea for an Event?

7 November 2018 at 01:16

Do you want to organize an event during the holiday season? It could be an evening holiday party or an afternoon of merriment. Or maybe you think we need a bright, fun event in January when it’s cold, dark and snowy. If you would like to put your event planning skills to work and you have an idea for a fun event that the whole congregation might enjoy; the Fun For UUSS Team could help with your event idea! Email Linda Veraska at lindalvinvite@gmail.com.

The Results are In!

7 November 2018 at 01:14
Thank you to everyone who participated in the new nomination and voting process to select non-profit organizations for our Special Sunday Collections this year. We had a great response and put our 5th principle to work: “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations”. The 9 organizations selected for this year’s collections are listed below. Please keep an eye out in Circuits and your Order of Service for when each collection will be held
Bethesda House
ECOS: The Environmental Clearinghouse
Girls Inc. of the Greater Capital Region
Joseph’s House & Shelter
Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy
The MoonCatcher Project
Pride Center of the Capital District
Schenectady Center for Community Justice
Things of My Very Own, Inc.
So many fantastic organizations were nominated this year! Please keep these other organizations in mind when you plan your personal charitable giving this year.
A Different Way In Reading Center, Capital District Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ),   Clowns on Rounds, Inc, CREATE Community Studios, Empire State Youth Orchestra/CHIME, Eyes Wide Open,   Jubilee, Natural Resources Defense Council, New York For Syrian Refugees, Parent to Parent of NYS, Planned Parenthood Schenectady, Safe Inc of Schenectady,   Schenectady JCC,   Seat Center (Social Empowerment and Training), Shelter Box, Sierra Club Foundation, Sojourn House, Spina Bifida Association of Northeastern New York, YWCA Northeastern NY
If you have any questions about the nomination and voting process please contact Chrissy Bisceglia, CMR9831@gmail.com

Homemade Holidays - Saturday, December 15th

7 November 2018 at 01:12

Join the FUN for UUSS Team in the Dining Room, 2-5pm Saturday, December 15th! Come hand create gifts for the holidays, meet new people, and have fun! Multigenerational Craft Stations – All Welcome! Make Holiday Gifts and Wreaths from the Heart. Festive refreshments and music event are free. There will be a $5-10 suggested donation for wreath making. Contact Tess at theresa.healey@gmail.com to help!

A Network of Caring Folks

7 November 2018 at 01:08

The UUSS Caring Team is interesting in learning who is willing to be part of a Caring Network, a list of people who are occasionally contacted by a member of the Caring Team to respond to folks in our congregation who need a little extra help or connection (eg: a ride, a visit, a meal). CLICK HERE! to see a list of Caring options, and to check any boxes that feel like things you want to do to help. Also, if you find yourself in need of some help or connection, please contact Rev. Lynn or Rev. Wendy or a member of the Caring Team (Mike MacLaury, Carol Neff, Nancy Tobiessen, Karen Canfield, Lisa Temoshok, Kristin Cleveland).

Seamless Charity / Giving concept

Celebrating Gary Griffiths' Retirement - December 9th

7 November 2018 at 01:05
Earlier this year, Gareth Griffiths, our music director of nearly 26 years, announced that she will retire at the end of December. Please join us in thanking and celebrating Gary for all she has done for our beloved community, at a special celebration following the Yuletide Revels service on Sunday, December 9th. At that time, we’d like to present her with a memory book, filled with good wishes, funny stories, photos and favorite music from over the years. We’d especially love photos from past Revels and Cupid’s Cabaret. We’d also love to hear from former Junior Choir members, now grown.

Stop by the back of the Great Hall after services to jot a note or email your contribution to Christine Bernard at: seteachr@nycap.rr.com. Finally, many have asked about a retirement gift. We will be collecting money to help Gary pursue her other passions: gardening and travel! If you’d like to contribute to the book and/or the gift, come see us in the back of the Great Hall after services in November. We’ll be collecting memories and money until Sunday, December 2nd.

Yard & Garden Party - November 11th

7 November 2018 at 01:02

Please join us after the service on Sunday, Nov 11 to help keep this place lookin’ good! First thing will be to get the gardens tidy for a long winter rest. If that is well in hand, we may spread out to a few other areas. We have tools on hand, or come with your own. Bring the whole family – stay as long or as little as you like. Bring a bag lunch if you wish, we will have some cider and snacks set out in the dining room right after the service. (Stay tuned for schedule change in case of unfavorable weather.) Thanks! Randy Jennings, Building & Grounds Chair ROJennings@aol.com

Youth Activity & Parent Circle - November 11th

7 November 2018 at 00:59

All high school aged youth are invited to join Rev. Lynn for games and fun from 12:15. All parents of high-school aged youth are invited to join Rev. Wendy for a circle of connection and support. Questions? Rev. Wendy revwendy@uuschenectady.org

7/8 Parent OWL Parent/Guardian Orientation - November 8th, 7PM

7 November 2018 at 00:57

A second 7/8 OWL parent/guardian orientation has been added to the schedule for those who were unable to make it to the earlier one; this one is scheduled for Thursday, November 8, at 7 pm, in the 7/8 OWL classroom, under the church offices. Parent/Guardian attendance at 7/8 OWL orientations is required for your child to participate. If you didn’t attend the earlier orientation, please be sure to attend this one! RSVP to dlre@uuschenectady.org or (607) 435-2803.

RE This Week

7 November 2018 at 00:52
This coming Sunday, 11/11, everyone will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Story for All Ages. Following SFAA, K/1 Children will follow their teachers to their Wonderful Welcome classroom in the church hallway. Grades 2-12 will meet in the church entryway and be led across the street to their Waters House classrooms.
I will be out of the office through 11/6, attending the LREDA (Liberal Religious EDucators Assocation) Fall Conference in Houston, TX. I’ll be back in the office 11/7, gearing up to head to Syracuse on Friday, 11/9, for the Sr Youth SlUUmber Party Con (conference) at May Memorial UU Society. Sending much gratitude to this fabulous congregation for supporting staff in so many ways, including attending the professional development conference in TX as well as the youth conference in Syracuse. Thank you!
The UU Society of Schenectady, in conjunction with the Central East Region of the UUA (UU Association), will host a Chaplain Training 11/30-12/2. CLICK HERE  for more info. The deadline to register is 11/19.
If you have any questions, call (607) 435-2803 or email

Co-Minister's Colloquy -11/6

7 November 2018 at 00:38
Dear UUSS Community,
This past Sunday, many of us heard from Robyn Salvin and Rev. Wendy, about engaging in healthy, respectful dialogue and conflict. The story for all ages reminded us how speaking out when someone is experiencing harm is important. Rising up against bullies and reaching out to include people are part of our UU values.

We hope that if you are eligible to vote, that you participate in today’s election by casting your ballot. Big thanks to all those who have been working hard on various campaigns. Our democracy is made better by active participation! No matter what happens in this election, there will be work to do tomorrow. There will be people who need our support and our questions. There will be friends, neighbors, and family members who think differently than you do who are either celebrating or grieving.

We hope that you will find ways to remain in conversation with them, listening to their perspective, and respectfully sharing yours when they are open to hearing you. We hope that you practice these kinds of conversations at UUSS… sharing your ideas with us and others. Sometimes there will be disagreement. Conflict is simply the presence of 2 or more ideas in the same place at the same time. Our thoughtful, honest conversations can help improve the programs in our congregation, and the ways that we connect with the wider community. Whatever tomorrow brings, we are here to celebrate, to support, to comfort, to rage, to encourage.

in faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service - Save the Date! Sunday, November 25th at 6:00pm

30 October 2018 at 22:51

In response to so much harm in the world, Schenectady Clergy Against Hate (SCAH) says, “No to hatred. No to violence. No to fearing one another.” At the core of all our faith traditions is a movement to bring more love, more justice, more compassion, and more understanding to the world. We invite the community to join together to acknowledge both the gratitude of our lives, the complex grief of the history of the Thanksgiving holiday and how the legacy of those stories continues to perpetuate harm and division. We can be the remedy to the sickness of hatred. We are all called to be kind, to be respectful, and to build connections grounded in compassion and love. The service begins at 6p with celebration and community building time to follow over refreshments at 7p. All are welcome and spread the word with your friends, family and neighbors!

Islamic Center of the Capital District

21 Lansing Road North, Schenectady, NY 12304

Fall Congregational Meeting - Sunday, November 18th

30 October 2018 at 22:49
Calling all UUSS Members to attend the Fall Congregational Meeting at noon on Sunday, November 18th.  Lunch and childcare will be provided. The meeting will include updates on policy-based governance, the Annual Focus of Ministry, our financial status, and the state of the congregation. Maintaining a healthy, vibrant congregation requires broad member participation in Congregational meetings.  We will keep the agenda to no more than one hour. Your presence MATTERS! See you there!
Faithfully yours,
Mindy Whisenhunt
Board President

Calling all Bakers

30 October 2018 at 22:47

This November we will weave the theme, “A Place at the Table” throughout worship. On Nov. 18th, the multi-generational service will include a time to break bread together. If baking and serving bread is part of hospitality for you, and you are willing to bake a ‘loaf’ of bread or two and share a bit about what hospitality means to you, please let us know. If you are interested in baking bread and would prefer not to speak or have shared in recent years, we hope you’ll bake a loaf or two so that we have abundance of bread to share. Of course, hospitality means that we will need some breads that are nut-free, gluten-free, and/or vegan. Please RSVP to Rev. Lynn if you’d like to participate. revlynn@uuschenectady.org

RE This Week - 10/30

30 October 2018 at 22:44
A big THANK YOU to the Fun for UUSS Team for putting together an exciting and spooky Halloween parade this past Sunday. Following the parade and yummy cake for all, children 12 and under and their parents/guardians were treated to a lively Halloween party. Multiple crafts, the excitement of a one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater pinata, and the awarding of certificates for just about every category imaginable made for loads of fun for all! The team, all the volunteers who contributed to the fun, and everyone who participated in the festivities made this a memorable Halloween celebration.

This coming Sunday, 11/4, everyone will begin in the Great Hall and stay through Stories for All Ages. Following SFAA, K/1 Children will follow their teachers to their Wonderful Welcome classroom in the church hallway. Grades 2-12 will meet in the church entryway and be lead across the street to their Waters House classrooms.

I will be out of the office 10/31-11/6, attending the LREDA (Liberal Religious Educators Assocation) Fall Conference in Houston, TX. There is a lot of wonderful programming scheduled and I look forward to taking in as much as I possibly can! I’ll be back in the office 11/7, gearing up to head to Syracuse on Friday, 11/9, for the Sr Youth SlUUmber Party Con (conference) at May Memorial UU Society, where Sr Youth Advisor Randy Jennings and I will be the UUSS chaperones.

The UU Society of Schenectady, in conjunction with the Central East Region of the UUA (UU Association), will host a Chaplain Training 11/30-12/2. CLICK HERE  for more info. The deadline to register is 11/19.
If you have any questions, call (607) 435-2803 or email dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Co-Ministers Colloquy - 10/30

30 October 2018 at 22:42
Dear UUSS Community~

Last night over a thousand people gathered at Temple Gates of Heaven for an interfaith service to bring comfort, gather in solidarity, and commit to speak out against hatred. We were honoured to have been invited by Rabbi Matt Cutler to share a prayer of consolation, as well as a song. We knew just which song we would share- “Comfort Me,” by Jewish UU musician and songwriter, Mimi Bornstein, which had also been part of the Ancestor service on Sunday.

With so much that is heartbreaking going on in the world and in some of our lives, it is good to be together, to sing together, to remember that we can offer and receive some solace. It was good to see some of you there, and to learn that others were in the overflow rooms, to be inspired and challenged, and to grieve. It is also inspiring to be part of an interfaith community that is there for one another to work together and to celebrate, as well. With gratitude for the many ways that you choose to speak out against hate, and to act for love.

In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy


8 October 2018 at 18:17

OCTOBER 24, 7-8pm in the Great Hall UUSS
Join Earth Circles as we drum together and listen to spooky tales from celebrated storyteller, Barbara Chepaitis (who promises to give us nightmares). Bring drums and rattles; some will be available. Cider and conversation follow.


Calling all Young Singers!

26 September 2018 at 11:55
The Junior Choir will begin rehearsing Sunday, October 7th at noon in the Fireplace Room.  The choir is open to young people grades 3 and up. This is a Revels year and so extra exciting for all our singers! If your child is interested, please contact Music Director Gary Griffiths at ggriffiths1739@gmail.com
or 518-395-9381.

Guatemala Service Trip

26 September 2018 at 11:53

Do you have a high school youth who is active in the UUSS Youth Group and is (or will be) at least 15 years old by July 19, 2019 Are they interested in advocacy, direct service, and leadership skills development? Are they interested in traveling to Guatemala and working with youth there? If the answer is yes, you must come to an informational meeting to learn more about the trip. Meeting dates are: Monday, 10/1 6:30-8:30 pm and Thursday, 10/11 6:30-8:30 pm. Please respond to seejennyrun@hotmail.com to let Jen know you’ll be coming.

RE This Week - September 25th

26 September 2018 at 11:47
RE has gotten off to a great start this year! Thank you to all our volunteer teachers, facilitators, and advisors, Children, Youth, and Parents, and our Ministers for coming together and creating the sacred space and beloved community we’re so blessed to share.

This coming Sunday, 9/30, Children in Kindergarten and first grade–the Wonderful Welcome class–will go directly to their classroom in the church hallway at 10:30. Children and Youth, grades 2-8, will meet in the Children’s Chapel on the second floor of Waters House right at 10:30 for our first Children’s Chapel of the year! The format is going to be a bit different than in the past, as we’ll be spending the entire service time together. We’ll begin with Stones of Sharing,followed by a group discussion, and we’ll end with a fun activity. If the weather is nice, we’ll spend some of our time outside. We’ll stay together through the end of service and Children grades 2-5 will wait for their parents/guardians for pick-up, and Youth, grades 6-8, may leave independently and cross the street, if they have a signed permission slip on file.Some of our Senior Youth, grades 9-12, are attending a leadership “con” (youth conference) in Syracuse this weekend; those that come to church are invited to attend the service.

A big THANK YOU to the Youth and Parents who attended this past Sunday’s drum circle and parent circle, and to Rev Lynn and Rev Wendy for leading us into a meaningful shared respite! So much warmth and love among us–such a gift!

Registration for Fall Religious Education (RE) classes continues through this  Sunday, 9/30.  If you haven’t already registered your child for RE, please be sure to do so asap.  To register your K-12th child for fall RE CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions, call (607) 435-2803 or email dlre@uuschenectady.org.

Do You Love Music?

19 September 2018 at 18:18

Do you want to serve on a team to help increase engagement in our beloved congregation through music? Check out the Music Team! Our first meeting of the new church year is next Sunday, Sept. 23, at 5:00 pm. The team will meet in the Fireplace Room at church. Pizza will be provided. Attendees can bring a salad or dessert if they wish. Please join us to help plan Revels and to explore how music can build connections and enrich worship at UUSS. It is very important that you RSVP to Gary at ggriffiths1739@gmail.com.

From the President - September 18th

19 September 2018 at 18:15
We had a very full and productive meeting of your Board of Trustees this week. This is year two of working with our policy-based governance. It is exciting, challenging, enlightening, and inspiring work. As I mentioned last year during the congregational meeting, when I began doing this work, I thought, “Why don’t we just go get some other (similar) congregation’s policy book and edit it to fit our congregation?” But it doesn’t work that way. Our policy-based governance is uniquely ours and it takes ALL of us, ALL of UUSS, giving lots of input and thought and time to create it.

Guiding us are our key governance pieces. You can find these on our website, but I’ll share them here:

Connecting in spiritual community, we
celebrate life with joy
grow in compassion
create justice
We will boldly live our Unitarian Universalist Principles,
within our church and in service to the larger community
We will nurture mind and spirit through lifelong learning,
engagement and growth
We will create a community that welcomes,
embraces and supports all
We will worship in ways that comfort,
inspire and challenge
Our 2018-19 Annual Focus of Ministry (AFoM)
is to create a more kind, just and loving community.
To this end, we will:
  • Practice holy curiosity and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.
  • Identify, recognize, and educate ourselves about the barriers that impede the creation of Beloved Community so that we can begin to dismantle them.
  • Continue to collaborate with one another to live more fully into our governance shift (bylaws, handbooks, policies, procedures, purposes and practices, etc.).

Open Questions

  1. What will it look/sound/feel/smell/taste like when we grapple with, address, disrupt, and/or dismantle the culture of white supremacy within ourselves, our congregation, and the communities around UUSS?
  2. Where/who/how do we want to be in 5 years?
  3. What might we need to let go of in order to live into our Mission and our Vision?
I would love to hear from you about the open questions. Please feel free to contact me about your thoughts on them.
As I mentioned last week, I want to hold up open question number one here again: What will it look/sound/feel/smell/taste like when we grapple with, address, disrupt, and/or dismantle the culture of white supremacy within ourselves, our congregation, and the communities around UUSS?

I am looking forward to begin working on this complex and vital issue, even though it will be challenging work. There are several upcoming events that will begin to inform our work on this open question.

First is the Congregational Common Read, brought to us by the Anti-Racism Team.  The book is “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo. If you would like a copy of the book, please sign up in the Great Hall after service or contact Kat Wolfram at kmwolfram@gmail.com or by phone (518) 322.6628. The cost of the book is $16. The ART will begin the 3-Sunday discussion in October, on the 21. I am currently reading the book; it is difficult and brilliant and enlightening. We have so much important work to do. I look forward to meeting with many of you and discussing the ideas that DiAngelo posits.

On October 20th, we will have another opportunity to meet as a congregation and discuss open question one. You will hear more about this from the Strategy Advisory Committee, as well as the Anti-Racism Team. Keep watching Circuits and read your Order of Service for more information about this Congregation-wide event.

Yours in service, faith, and love,
