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I just laid my personal theology regarding an afterlife hell out for my 5 point Calvinist father.

16 May 2024 at 19:46

He has yet to respond as I know it's a lot for him to unpackage and, knowing him, come up with a rebuttal. But I love my father and I know he loves me and I'm hoping that the love I know and experience he too can! I'm hoping he can strip fear from his life and personal theology, so that he can walk in a fuller and deeper understanding of love. Love Wins y'all, love wins!

submitted by /u/NationYell
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I just laid my personal theology regarding an afterlife hell out for my 5 point Calvinist father.

16 May 2024 at 19:45

He has yet to respond as I know it's a lot for him to unpackage and, knowing him, come up with a rebuttal. But I love my father and I know he loves me and I'm hoping that the love I know and experience he too can! I'm hoping he can strip fear from his life and personal theology, so that he can walk in a fuller and deeper understanding of love. Love Wins y'all, love wins!

submitted by /u/NationYell
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Dedication Practices

16 May 2024 at 18:02

Hi fellow UUers

I’m relatively new to the UU realm but found my home at my local UU church and we are having our kids dedicated on Sunday.

I’m curious to learn standard practices as a gift to the minister. Does the parent typically give a card and gift to the minister for the dedication? Our current minister was here for an interim period and will be moving on at the end of June. Should I wait and give her a gift then as a thank you for dedicating our babies AND for helping make my UU church our “religious home”?

I’m just curious what is standard in this practice. I’m not historically religious so I have no foundation to compare it with. I want to make sure I’m doing the right thing.


submitted by /u/yellow88bird
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Visiting Pittsburgh in a few weeks, looking for a church recommendation

Long-term UU from the Midwest, who will be visiting Pittsburgh on Sunday, June 9. I see there are six UU churches in the area, hoping to narrow down my choice for a church to visit that morning. Any Pittsburgh UUs who can help with my decision?

submitted by /u/CaptainTime5556
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Visiting Pittsburgh in a few weeks, looking for a church recommendation

16 May 2024 at 16:21

Long-term UU from the Midwest, who will be visiting Pittsburgh on Sunday, June 9. I see there are six UU churches in the area, hoping to narrow down my choice for a church to visit that morning. Any Pittsburgh UUs who can help with my decision?

submitted by /u/CaptainTime5556
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Poll for all Unitarian Universalists

14 May 2024 at 21:09

I am sending a poll to all the Christian denominations on reddit to see what they believe, I will post a video on the results of the poll on my channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3SlpDesDlslIcts_EW6L_g

Anyway, the poll is https://forms.gle/nMs3aNgqnEExn1wy6

submitted by /u/nameynamer
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A Polymath Nun and Why She Matters on this Mothers' Day - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"A Polymath Nun and Why She Matters on this Mothers' Day"
Sunday, May 12, 10:50 am, 2024

Reflections on Hildegard von Bingen: The Patron Saint of Late Bloomers. She founded her own abbey, created her own language, and wrote one of the first musical plays. She was a wonderful composer who set her own lushly poetic texts. Hildegard was 42 before she started writing anything down, and she was also someone who didn’t accept her place in the world. In a male-dominated church, she went on preaching tours at a time when women were not supposed to preach, especially in public. She refused to behave in a certain way. She wrote at a time when, if the church authorities had not thought she was divinely inspired, she could easily have been put to death as a heretic. Let's witness how else she might inspire.

Dolores Perez Heilbron; Louise Diskerud; Judith Stoddard; Kathleen McClung; Nancy Munn; Maggie McGrann, Worship Participants; Carmen Barsody, Worship Associate; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Yuhi Aizawa Combatti, Guest Soprano soloist, Nancy Munn, Akané Ota, Soloists; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist

Shulee Ong, Camera; Jackson Munn, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Thomas Brown, Jose Matias Pineda, Francisco Castellanos, Sextons; Judy Payne, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

Why do you think the historic US congregations (the U. U. A. that is) are so theologically liberal?

13 May 2024 at 19:48

I mean the historical Unitarian churches in Romania, in Hungary and even in the closest church body I can think of, that is, the UK congregations of Unitarians and non-subscribing Presbyterian seem to be more conservative still, despite the faster spread of secular humanism, Wicca and the New Age spiritual movement there. On the whole it would seem a lot less probable that they would be less open to change.

Why do you think that is?

submitted by /u/Pombalian
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The gardening metaphor

13 May 2024 at 12:51

I want to express that I think the gardening metaphor that UU ministers, UUA staff, and other leaders have been using lately is beautiful. There are many ways I have seen it riffed on and I have also been inspired in my own layperson ministry and philosophizing. However, I want to express a concern. People are not weeds. Let's not use the gardening metaphor to treat anyone like an unwanted thing to be tossed aside. There are many philosophies around gardening. There are beautiful, wild, and even healing plants that might not pair well with an aggressively farmed monocrop system. With a deep ecological view, every plant and every person has a place where they might best thrive. All have an inherent dignity worth preserving and protecting, even the disruptive ones. It's important to keep healthy and respectful boundaries with other people in our own lives and within our congregations, but I’m not sure how to communicate that well within the gardening metaphor. How would all of you communicate this within the gardening metaphor?

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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Mother of a Thousand Orphans, Rev. Lara Cowtan, May 12, 2024 - Unity Church Sermon Podcasts

This sermon podcast begins with a reflection from worship associate Sara Ford.

On this Mother’s Day, amidst rising conflicts near and far, let us lean into inspiring stories from our global Unitarian community and ancestors, including Dr. Lotta Hitchmanova, a Jewish journalist from Prague who spoke out against the Nazis and then dedicated her life to humanitarian efforts. Dr. Lotta helped literally thousands of children impacted by the second World War and the decades following it, she worked with the Unitarian Service Committee in Europe and then established a branch in Canada. 

"The Unitarian Universalist Association’s systematic dehumanization of laity"

12 May 2024 at 15:16

Excerpt from the below-linked essay:

The current UUA, the two UU seminaries and some national UU groups are trying to transform UU from a liberal church into a fundamentalist utopian political collectivist movement.

Collectivists prioritize the movement's goals over individual rights, freedoms and liberties. Thus, throughout history, utopian collectivist religious and political movements have employed various methods that dehumanize their members. These methods include considering members primarily as generic categories and cogs in the system rather than unique individuals, removing basic civil rights and individual liberties, authoritarian governance, dogmatism and propaganda, undermining basic democratic rights, suppressing viewpoint diversity, and shaming and guilt-tripping members into compliance.

The classic book on this topic is social philosopher Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s systematic dehumanization of laity

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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Can UU still be right for me if I’m not politically liberal?

I’m not a “conservative”. I’d consider myself libertarian/anarchist-leaning. I have the same “wants” for social change (reducing poverty, fighting climate change, etc), but my personal belief is that government is the least effective and ethical way to achieve these goals.

My understanding is that UUs tend to be politically liberal. Would I be an outcast, offensive, or not welcome because of my views?

submitted by /u/Unlikely-Physics-417
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Attracting Millennials/Gen Z to congregations?

27M from WI here. I go to a fellowship of about 50ish members. Similar to many of the younger UUs, I’m usually one of the youngest ones in attendance (we have a few kids every now and then). While I absolutely love so many of the older folks who attend, I do struggle with feeling a bit out of place at times. I’ve come to appreciate the principles of UU and I feel that many people my age might enjoy them as well. I’m joining the service planning committee in hopes of helping to bring more young people in.

What are some things that your fellowship has done that has helped to bring more Millennials/Gen Zs into the fellowship?

submitted by /u/KaleIntrepid5697
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Treasures from the Journey - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"Treasures from the Journey"
Sunday, May 5, 10:50 am, 2024

Our high school seniors will be sharing the stories, relationships, and learnings from their time growing up in a UU church and answering what they treasure from their journey.

Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Claire Cover, Bree Shennum, Charlie Zwibelman; Galen Workman, Trustee; UUSF Bell Choir led by Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist

Shulee Ong, Camera; Francisco Castellanos, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Thomas Brown, Jose Matias Pineda, Francisco Castellanos, Sextons; Judy Payne and Athena Papadakos, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

I’m thinking of converting (please read on)

Edit - Thank you so much for the replies! Through more research, I’ve decided this is where I belong. I even told my parents and they accept it to!

Hi there! I’ve been researching UU for a while now, and I truly believe I’d fit in and be accepted into the religion. I want to know people’s experiences in the religion, their stories, beliefs etc…I’m an agnostic trans kid, and I’ve been wanting to follow a religion for a while (no particular reason, but I’ve been very interested in philosophy and religion as a whole) and this genuinely seems lovely.

submitted by /u/hiidefbowie
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What is the volunteer/community outreach like at your congregation?

7 May 2024 at 13:54

I’m debating joining my local church and am spiritual in a sense, but I really want to join somewhere that does a lot of work helping others. Is UU that?

submitted by /u/UrDeAdPuPpYbOnEr
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I'd like to attend, but... I don't know any of the songs.

7 May 2024 at 12:17

Yeah okay it's kind of embarrassing lol. I've been really interested in attending the local UU church, and think I might go if I can overcome my nerves. My local congregation has a website of what to expect, which is very helpful. The only problem is... they mention the congregation singing songs. Admittedly, I've never been to church, so my understanding of this could be completely off, but my impression is that we are gonna be singing along to some music. Like... me, the person to my left, the person to my right, and so on.

What would I do if they did start singing? I really don't have any idea what I'm expected to do. I know, it's so silly. Should I just kinda... sit and be quiet? Do I need to leave the room?

submitted by /u/baphommite
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A Humorous Thought about Historical Theology

I'm pretty new to UU, but I've been reading alot about your history. Something clicked for me, and I honestly found the idea rather amusing. My thoughts on this are all positive and lighthearted, I just think it's interesting.

Unitarian Universalism started as the merger of two liberal Christian groups, the Unitarians and the Universalists. Well, the Unitarians believed in a more strict Monotheism, whereas the Universalists believed in Universal salvation.

Here's what's interesting to me. UU has evolved and changed. A lot. Beliefs from no Gods to many Gods are welcome in UU as any other, so long as your shared values are respected.

On the one hand, I think UU values still preclude the possibility if Eternal Damnation. Surely, such a belief goes against beliefs about the worth and dignity of every person, love, and justice. Yet, at the same time, there is nothing I can see stopping someone from believing in the Holy Trinity!

Maybe y'all already had this thought, and I'm just now figuring out something obvious. But it makes me smile. Do you know any UU Trinitarians? I just find the idea kind of sweet, in a weird way.

Thank you for indulging this silly post. The thought just made me smile for some reason.

submitted by /u/DavidStar500
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Direct quote from der Pumpkinfuhrer's latest grift video: "All Americans need a bible in their home."

This should be a little alarming to anyone in the US who is not a Christian. I'm American and a Christian, and it alarms me too...in this worldview expressed in this video, there is no room for anyone of any other faiths.

Some quotes from this video, transcribed as best I could:

"Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country. And I truly believe we need to bring them back and we have to bring them back fast. I think it's one of the biggest problems we have, that's why our country's going haywire. We've lost religion in our country. All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It's my favorite book."

(What's that say? If you aren't willing to have this altered King James bible in your home, you aren't American.)

[Edit: The reason for alarm is that in the US we do not have any national religion. The constitution protects your right to choose a religion or choose none at all or be atheist or anything you want. This video makes clear that the far-right wing conservative fascist vision for the US (the one promoted by one of the two front-runners for the next national election) leaves no room for anyone to be considered American if the person is Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic, Buddhist, or of any other faith.]


Obligatory reminder of where to get registered to vote: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote

submitted by /u/wascallywabbitsz
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UU Book Recommendations

Hi there! I'm currently exploring Unitarian Universalism, with an eye to eventually join a congregation. I'm looking for books written within the (I know very wide) Unitarian Universalist perspective. Far I've read Unitarian Universalism: A Narrative History by David Bumbaugh. Gonna slowly work my way through A Chosen Faith by John Buehrens. I'm curious about good books to read written within the UU tradition in more specific areas. Any answers will be appreciated!

submitted by /u/DavidStar500
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Is there room for someone who isn't politically active?

Like someone who loves religion in all forms and doesn't necessarily fit the mold of a certain religion but at the same time doesn't particularly enjoy radical (or really much at all) politics, left or right?

submitted by /u/ActualBus7946
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Is there room for someone who isn't politically active?

2 May 2024 at 14:17

Like someone who loves religion in all forms and doesn't necessarily fit the mold of a certain religion but at the same time doesn't particularly enjoy radical (or really much at all) politics, left or right?

submitted by /u/ActualBus7946
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Pagan looking for structure?

Hi all - I was recently trying to clarify my belief system, and I've kind of hit on UU after reading more! (I'm pagan or agnostic on paper, but my neighbor is Baptist and trying to get me to go to services.)

To expound on that, I was raised Lutheran and suffered through the whole nine yards of Communion, Catechism, and Confirmation. Of course, as I finished high school and entered college, I rejected those specific tenets and ended up calling myself Pagan/Pantheistic. Partially due to the bigoted stances in the Church (I grew up in Colorado during the Prop2 years), but also because nothing about the patriarchal, desert-based system sat right with me.

I wasn't a Classics/Religion major, but took many classes in those departments and I know wayyyyy too much about comparative theology. I've also dabbled in Wiccan and Chaos magick, but nothing within my readings really stuck - except for the idea that all "gods" are just semi-regional aspects of some kind of *Divine*. I've considered myself a Solitary Witch for most of my adult life and celebrated the solstices, equinoxes, and the holy days in-between on the Wheel.

Two years ago I moved from the big city to the deep woods/oceanside and I can't say enough about it - other than I feel the inter-connectivity, being so close to nature. I'm an amateur naturalist and am constantly in awe of the unspoiled wilderness here. (Good for witches, right? lol)

However, I'm kind of feeling "meh" about celebrating Beltane today (Like, WHY am I doing this?), and I wonder if it's a deeper need for community. I'm worried that joining an actual coven in my area is just opening myself up to cringe and interpersonal drama - plus I'm going to be 50 this year and skyclad stuff in a social setting is a simple NO GO, haha.

Again, we live in the sticks, so the only UU churches I've found are around 45-60min away. That said, I'm excited enough for the community aspect I'm willing to take a drive on Sunday and see what those are like.

My (increasingly religious, but also MAGA) mother would be THRILLED to hear I was going to church, even if it was one that allowed for my pagan/humanist beliefs. What do you all think?

submitted by /u/Moneypenny_Dreadful
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Why did you join?

30 April 2024 at 14:57

Hello, for anyone that did not grow up in this community, why did you choose to join a UU congregation? Or if you are a long time member, why are you still a part of it?

I'm trying to transition to a UU congregation after years of toxic christianity and not attending a church in a long time.I have done a lot of research on beliefs and local churches in the area. Do you feel like your life improved after regularly attending? I look forward to hearing from you.

submitted by /u/mkbryant96
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Research for (potential) lay-led service on DEI topic

30 April 2024 at 12:11

Hi everyone, I'm gathering material to maybe lead a lay-led service in a few months related to our topic for that month, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Some of the DEI training paradigms have become rather controversial. For those who might know more than me, can you point me to some good resources you are familiar with?

For example, I've read White Fragility and understand the controversy around that work. I have also found a program I personally think looks good, called Theory of Enchantment, but I haven't found any reviews of their programs yet. Anyway, thanks everyone. I'm looking for good quality information and I expect people in this conversation to keep a respectful tone toward those who disagree with them and keep opinions in the practical realm. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Odd-Importance-9849
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UU Greater Lansing

30 April 2024 at 09:08

Hi - my husband and I (both mid-20s) just learned about the UU Church. He grew up Catholic but left the church several years before we met, and I grew up atheist. We are both interested in starting our own spiritual journeys, but are also seeking community in general.

If anyone here is a member of the UU Church of Greater Lansing - what has your experience been like? Is there active discussion of the big topics listed on the UUA website - “The existence of a Higher Power, Life and Death, Sacred Texts, Prayer and Spiritual Practices”? Are there other young adults <35 there?

I also noticed some dialogue (and seemingly some controversy) regarding the upcoming vote on an amendment to Article II. Is that relevant to what goes on in the churches themselves, or is it more of an organizational issue that doesn’t affect day-to-day?

Thanks in advance! We appreciate any insight you can provide.

submitted by /u/Vegetable_Fault_896
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When Legacy Propels Boldness - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"When Legacy Propels Boldness"
Sunday, April 28, 10:50 am, 2024

The word "legacy" always draws for me images of things past: heavy, anchoring, a little dusty, and old. But in reality, they are just as often more like a sail for covering fast oceans or a ballast for weathering storms than a heavy anchor somewhere fixed and forgotten. This Sunday, I will talk about some of the legacy of the UU Service Committee (UUSC) and its living legacy as I return from a trip to Poland with its Board to meet with organizations doing the work to protect human rights and serve war-torn lands as boldly as that which launched the organization over 70 years ago. Moreover, this Sunday we will talk about our own legacy in this church with our Allyne Circle and those we honor and name this Sunday who are added to our plaque.

Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Sarah Ellerman, Allyne Circle; Linda Enger, Trustee; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist

Shulee Ong, Camera; Francisco Castellanos, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Thomas Brown, Jose Matias Pineda, Francisco Castellanos, Sextons; Linda Messner, Head Usher

What to read

I currently live in a small town; the closest UU congregation is about an hour one way drive for me.

I left a main stream but somewhat cult-y church a few years ago and have been deconstructing my beliefs system since.

I’ll probably be healing from my old church in some ways for the rest of my life but that’s not going to stop me from building something new and good.

I definitely miss the community of church and I’m moving home to Ohio closer to a few UU churches this summer. I’ve been popping in to a few different UU churches online for the past few months and will likely start attending in person once I move.

I know I’ll find answers to this when I get there but I’m tired of waiting and I’m ready to at least start testing some things out. I believe there’s ‘something’ in The whole universe (“Mother Nature” I guess but that extents to the farthest galaxies for me) that connects us all… weather that gets elevated to a “higher power” or even God (of what flavor tbd) I don’t currently know for myself.

Are there any books/blogs/articles/whatever you would recommend I read/look at to help me with my journey? I just kinda feel like I’m flailing out here in my own and I don’t know where to turn. I spend hours just looking for something half way decent to read and research further. TIA

submitted by /u/DancingDucks73
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Calling New Ministers

Our congregation was so excited to call our new minister yesterday. A lot of hard work over the last year by the search committee paid off. We had been in a very long transition time and now we can move forward.

Did anyone call a new minister?

submitted by /u/UnderstandingLoud924
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Vegans at UU

29 April 2024 at 04:38

How many here are UU and vegan, too? Today I learned we're actually the only sort of church that's growing, and I think the only one with 2 vegan pastors. The rest are loosing members. I'm hoping one day to go to one of the vegetarian/vegan retreats, and think UU is the only one with something like that, and this means it's an extra friendly church as though veganism is a very thoughtful thing to do, most people hate vegans. Here they don't mind me bringing my own food to meals, or chatting about it occasionally. How about you?

submitted by /u/bonsailibre
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Plunged into the Luminous Dark, Rev. KP Hong, April 28, 2024 - Unity Church Sermon Podcasts

Coming of Age Sunday celebrates the signature year-long journey of our ninth grade youth, transitioning from the inherited faith of childhood to the adult journey of faith, and marked by youth sharing their statement of faith or credo. 

Books about God/Spirituality

27 April 2024 at 11:48

I’m a new UU and I’m wondering if anyone has any good recs on books written about God in a more general sense that’s removed from specific religion. Most of the ones I’ve found so far are Trinitarian Christian and I’m neither.

submitted by /u/MoonMacabre
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How Covenants Are Used As Ideological Weapons In Unitarian Universalism

26 April 2024 at 10:47

How covenants are used as ideological weapons in Unitarian Universalism

'In his open resignation letter from the UU Ministers’ Association (UUMA), longtime UU minister Rev. Alex Holt wrote: “In a few short years, the ‘rules’ (so-called ‘guidelines’) have been radically changed to fit a new norm of covenant and accountability that seems to forget the foundations upon which they were based.”'

Educational psychologist Patricia Mohr Ph.D., who criticizes the UUA's new approach, writes, “Covenants are dangerous when there are no rules for veracity, when the only ‘fact’ is the perception of the victim-- and the victim is always the most marginalized/oppressed person. It's a recipe for resentment and division, not diversity. This is why any organization needs rules for addressing conflicts. It's why empiricism, reliability, and validity are the heart of science.”

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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A web meeting to discuss the upcoming Article II vote on the Seven Principles

23 April 2024 at 21:31

There's a townhall meeting this Wednesday (4/24/2024) evening to discuss the upcoming GA vote to replace the Seven Principles with the Six Covenants (+ Love). It's at 8:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, 5:00 PM Pacific.

Register at "UU the Conversation".

The website also has a video library discussing the changes. One particularly informative video is Much Ado About Article II: "The video explores the “why” behind the changes to Article II ... The answers are in the years of UUA reports and working group recommendations ... This video provides easy access to that information."

submitted by /u/EarnestAbe
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A web meeting to discuss the upcoming Article II vote on the Seven Principles

23 April 2024 at 21:42

There's a townhall meeting this Wednesday (4/24/2024) evening to discuss the upcoming GA vote to replace the Seven Principles with the Six Covenants (+ Love). It's at 8:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, 5:00 PM Pacific.

Register at "UU the Conversation".

The website also has a video library discussing the changes. One particularly informative video is Much Ado About Article II: "The video explores the “why” behind the changes to Article II ... The answers are in the years of UUA reports and working group recommendations ... This video provides easy access to that information."

submitted by /u/EarnestAbe
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Understanding Autism, Each Other, and Ourselves - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"Understanding Autism, Each Other, and Ourselves"
Sunday, April 21, 10:50 am, 2024

For many people, when they learn they're on the Autism spectrum, they gain a rich and empowering understanding of themselves. Let's learn about these identities so we can support each other's unique spiritual journeys and be a more accessible and compassionate congregation!

Sam King, Guest Preacher; Rev. Millie Phillips, Affiliated Community Minister; Tad Hopp, Worship Participant; Eric Hamilton, Guitarist; Mark Sumner, Pianist; Ben Rudiak-Gould, Songleader

Eric Shackelford, Camera; Francisco Castellanos, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Thomas Brown, Jose Matias Pineda, Francisco Castellanos, Sextons; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

How strictly is the Oneness of God observed?

21 April 2024 at 23:48


I'm a Muslim convert and I'm interested in the Unitarian church.

As some may already be aware, Jesus (PBUH) is named as the Messiah in the Quran. I still accept the Quran as Revelation, but my beliefs and questions about God are often much more western than most Muslims.

I may visit a Unitarian church in any case. What catches my interest is that they are the only Christians (besides Mormons) who don't deitify Jesus in any way. Buuut I notice Hinduism, paganism, and atheism are welcomed belief systems. I of course don't have anything against them. I'm a secularist. But yes, I'm strictly monotheistic.

How strictly is the Oneness of God observed in most, if not all Unitarian churches?

submitted by /u/KyleMichael91
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SERMON: Be Not Afraid: Rev. Fred Small - Arlington Street Church

Recorded live at Arlington Street Church, Sunday, March 17, 2024.

SERMON: Generosity: Rev. Kim K. Crawford Harvie - Arlington Street Church

Recorded live at Arlington Street Church, Sunday, March 3, 2024.

Should I join my local UU fellowship?

Both my parents came from christian backgrounds but grew away from the religion. My father, because of the theatric nature of congregations he was a part of and my mother because of the judgement she felt amoung her Christian peers. In my childhood I was taught to despise religious institutions because of the power structures that exist therein. As I am transitioning to adulthood I've began to seek spiritual connection and an understanding of divinity. In my journey towards spiritual connection I've graduated towards American Transcendentalism because many notions of the ideaology align with epiphanies I've had during psychedelic experiences. In researching transcendentalism I was introduced to Unitarian Universalism and found a local fellowship in my city. Based on my background and religious beliefs I was wondering if UU might be right for me and furthermore, if anyone from a similar background has benefitted in their spiritual journey by joining a UU settlement. Any advice at all is welcome, thank you all!

submitted by /u/meme-_-factory
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how do you become a uu

17 April 2024 at 05:27

is there any kind like prosses you have to do to become a uu or is it more just showing up to a local group

submitted by /u/Asleep_Mouse_7297
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Perspectives on Earth - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"Perspectives on Earth"
Sunday, April 14, 10:50 am, 2024

From the astrophysicist, Neil deGrass Tyson, to the botanist and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Robin Wall Kimmerer, and through the eyes of the poets, how do we see earth? And what does that tell us about ourselves and life—this life—on this planet we call home?

Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Richard Davis-Lowell, Worship Associate; Greggory Stevens, Story for All Ages; Galen Workman, Trustee; Members of the San Francisco and Kensington Unitarian Universalist Church Choirs; Mark Sumner and Bryan Baker, directors; Wm. Garcia Ganz, pianist; Reiko Oda Lane, organist; Jon Silk, drummer

Shulee Ong, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

Dissent vs gadflyism?

16 April 2024 at 12:39

I'm considering UU since you can believe in any god you want or none at all, but I did some googling and found the gadfly controversy. I know UU is progressive, if I'm center-left (resoundingly for a lot more police accountability but not ACAB or for public option health care but skeptical of a government monopoly on it especially post-Roe, but strongly against Republicans (even sane ones if post-2016 they're still choosing to associate with the GOP)) is that gadfly? Would those politics welcome? Am I worrying too much?

submitted by /u/OkTower2904
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Good Bones, Rev. Dr. Oscar Sinclair, April 14, 2024 - Unity Church Sermon Podcasts

This sermon begins with worship associate Ari Giles reading "Good Bones" by Maggie Smith.

Family Fellowship

14 April 2024 at 10:48

Every other month, we have a Family Fellowship Sunday where we host lunch for the congregation. Today we'll be doing Stone Soup, an appropriate way to wrap up our pledge drive.

We're quite a small congregation and I would love ideas to facilitate more of these events, but during evenings and weekends.

What Family-focused activities does your Fellowship offer?

submitted by /u/functionalmagic
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A Proposal for a New UU Holiday

So I think we could have another UU Holiday based around May 15th called UUnification Day/Ceremony. As the Unitarians and the Universalists Came together and merged, and we brought together our different understandings into the new Association of Faith.

I believe this new Holiday would be a day to celebrate our Pluralism and our Religion/Faith. Not only are we celebrating our shared traditions but also those we bring into the faith with us from outside and from our own understandings.

I hope this makes sense and I just want to see what other Unitarians thought about it and spread my ideas and you can add up on it too or give suggestions/opinions.

submitted by /u/QueerCottageBread
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Feeling worshipful while working worship

12 April 2024 at 01:45

I am a worship tech and occasional worship leader at my congregation. I often feel disconnected when I'm being the tech and even sometimes while leading worship.

Does anyone have techniques for being more present and having a spiritual experience while working the service? (I'm an apatheist humanist, so spontaneous prayer to divinity is unlikely to be helpful, but mantras are something I can try, regardless if they reference deity.)

submitted by /u/zvilikestv
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‘OUR LIVING TRADITION’ - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar - All Souls Unitarian Church

The message was delivered on Sunday, March 24, 2024, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION: Join us as we honor the rich heritage of All Souls. During today's service, we contemplate the significance of our lives. Does this life matter? This question resonates deeply, challenging us to consider our purpose beyond the transient nature of existence.  We reflect on the fleeting essence of life and the enduring impact we seek to leave behind. As we witness the world continue after our departure, we yearn to contribute meaningfully to life's mosaic. Happy 103rd birthday, All Souls! SUBSCRIBE TO WATCH OTHER VIDEOS: @allsoulsunitarian WANT TO LISTEN? SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/all-souls-unitarian-church/id193096943 GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: http://www.allsoulschurch.org/GIVE or text AllSoulsTulsa to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allsoulstulsa Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allsoulstulsa All Souls Church Website: http://www.allsoulschurch.org

Gen X/millenial/ Gen z groups in UU

11 April 2024 at 15:32

Hi all - I am a millenial woman looking for my community within UU. As background, I was raised Catholic and was heavily involved in my church’s youth group and I’m no longer part of the Catholic Church but really missed the community. I found that UU really aligns with my values and was hoping it would fill that want for community.

The folks at the congregation are extremely welcoming but a majority of them are 60+ and retired and many of the events they hold are during the week during normal working hours. For example, they started a craft group to make things to sell at fundraisers - they meet at 1:30 on the first Tuesday of the month. Their “ladies lunch” is held at noon on the first Thursday of the month. I do not have the ability to attend these, or any other group, meetings.

There is a group within the congregation that consists of folks under the age of 40. But there isn’t presently any specific thing bringing us together with any regularity, beyond coffee hour after services - which not everyone can always stay for.

I’ve been considering reaching out to our minister about starting a group for younger members of this UU congregation. Before I propose this group I was hoping to see if anyone else’s congregation had a group like this and if so, do people actually come? And if they do, what topics do you discuss?

Tl;dr I’m considering if anyone else’s congregation has a group for younger congregants (gen x/millennial/gen z) that they could provide some insight into how that group functions and what topics it explores.

submitted by /u/Thasira
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Anyone in the their 20s or 30?

I (30F) feel like the youngest person in my congregation while everyone is 55+. I joined because I want to explore my spirituality while taking climate and social justice action. It’s a great place but I feel like I may not be able to really relate to people on because the age difference. Anyone else going through this?

submitted by /u/CilantroMonkfish
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The Music of the Spirit, Rev. Justin Schroeder, April 7, 2024 - Unity Church Sermon Podcasts

There is a voice within you which no-one, not even you, has ever heard. Give yourself the opportunity of silence and begin to develop your listening in order to hear, deep within yourself, the music of your own spirit.  — John O’Donohue, Anam Cara

In a world full of distractions, screens, video bingeing, and climate unraveling, paying deep attention to our inner lives — and the wisdom and music that is there — is critical. Tuning in and encountering the deepest parts of ourselves can help us unearth the hidden treasures, insights, and clues within that can lead to more aliveness, joy, and abundance. This Sunday, we’ll explore concrete practices that can help us tune into the “song that is our life.” 

After two decades in Unitarian Universalist ministry, Rev. Justin Schroeder and his wife, Juliana Keen, launched Holding Space for Change, a practice that accompanies and supports people through life transitions. They provide spiritual direction/accompaniment, therapy, grief support groups, divorce support groups, life-transition support groups, and more. Between the two of them, they have over four decades of experience in spiritual leadership and social work. 

Any SUUSI goers this year?

10 April 2024 at 11:22
Any SUUSI goers this year?

Hi all! Wanted to note that SUUSI, the Southeastern Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute, is coming up this summer. We have moved back to Radford University, in Radford, VA, July 21-27. Would love to answer any questions you may have!

SUUSI is an LGBTQIA+ friendly week-long summer camp for UUs and UU adjacents for all ages, races, families, singles, nerds, outdoors enthusiasts and more. Our catalog is now live, so please check out the catalog here: https://www.suusi.org/suusi_events, and registration begins Monday, April 15.

You can also find out a little more on our website: www.suusi.org and sign up for immediate updates here: https://bit.ly/49QVJGy.

SUUSI will have some of your favorite people you will ever meet!

submitted by /u/deeceelo
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Psychedelic UU seeks same for Engagement, Enrichment, and/or Chalice Circle.

10 April 2024 at 02:19

I am going to project this into the universe and see what comes of it. I've done this twice in the past year, and been amply rewarded, so it certainly can't hurt. This is an earnest and humble request, and I welcome your feedback and input, even those not on this path. Background: After working with my home congregation for a number of weeks, I think I know what I want - I want to be a member of an intensely spiritually-oriented and committed chalice circle that honors, appreciates and validates an authentic pursuit of spirituality which utilizes the tools of psychedelics to engage the divine.

While all members of my congregation that I've interacted with are supportive of whatever path any member chooses, I find that something is lost in terms of understanding between myself and my path and other church members who aren't pursuing a spiritual path in quite such a similar fashion. This leads to hesitancy on my part in sharing and a sense of marginalization or having to hide some part of who I am from them, and that starts to feel very yucky. However, I need to honor their beliefs and experiences just the same.

I feel like there must be other members of the church in the same boat - and if you could point me in the right direction, I sure would appreciate it. Perhaps this has been thought about before, and there's a sub-group of the church that goes around quietly practicing in a super intense way with psychadelics, divining the messages between things, maybe called the children of Emerson or Thoreau's siblings... The type of people who would have been at the scene when the events of the electric kool-aid acid test were playing out. Again, this is me raising my hand and saying that I'm ready and wanting to connect with my church and my church community on this topic, validate this as a path within the church (perhaps bringing the matter to the general assembly) but less interested in the politics than in connecting with like-minded folks who are using every tool in the toolbox for their spiritual pursuits, especially this, what I would consider the most obvious one and certainly one of the most reliable.

What my hope is: To connect, bounce ideas off of one another and likely have an at least year-long chalice group (nationwide, probably) to discuss issues which face those of us at the intersection of these two important parts of our lives as practicing UU's and psychedelic seekers.

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: I just want to say thank you to all of your beautiful people who engaged me on this topic even though I realize its kind of edgey; it was a true honest inquiry as I seek to understand my own spiritual journey and my place within my own congregation and the larger UU organization - thank you for your patience and grace, I really appreciate your support! Be well!

submitted by /u/Cyanophora
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Person by Person by Person - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"Person by Person by Person"
Sunday, April 7, 10:50 am, 2024

Person by Person by Person… that is how change occurs. Not once and for all, but continuously. Change changes what is possible, and each person we engage makes the possible a little more hopeful. In the words of Bryan Stevenson, “You don’t change the world with the ideas in your mind, but with the conviction in your heart.” Change requires intention and a willingness to take risks. We suspect that change will not always turn out how we expected it to, and we know what was gained can sometimes be lost. But this is the Fools' way; it's our theory of change—person by person, the world is changed. 


Carmen Barsody & Sam Dennison, Faithful Fools; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Jack Dello & Sherry Dello, Canvass Chairs; Liz Strand, Trustee; Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Claudine Jones, Rusty Harris-Bishop, Morgen Warner, soloists; Jon Silk, Drummer;Wm. García Ganz, pianist

Jonathan Silk, Audio and Video; Eric Shackelford, Camera; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

Had a great time at my UU women's retreat last weekend! (SW Florida)

9 April 2024 at 00:33
Had a great time at my UU women's retreat last weekend! (SW Florida)

The reason for a Bible quote is, it's not a UU specific retreat space but one built by Episcopalians. But I do respect this Bible quote! And the wonderful work they put into making the space beautiful.

But it was a great retreat. I am coming from a place where I need healing and to figure out what I'm doing next with my life. And this retreat helped me with both a lot more than I expected!

Thanks to everyone that was there and a special thanks to everyone who organized and assisted!

submitted by /u/traumatized90skid
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'THE PRICE OF PERMANENCE' - Rev. Randy Lewis - All Souls Unitarian Church

The message was delivered on Sunday, April 7, 2024, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Randy Lewis, Assistant Minister. DESCRIPTION Delve into the intricate dance between the human yearning for stability and the relentless tide of change. It's an invitation to journey through the paradox of permanence in a world where transformation is the only constant. With the echoes of ancient Buddhist wisdom and the intimate tales of personal evolution within relationships, let's unfold the layers of our resistance to change and the liberation found in embracing it and explore how we can learn to view the shifts in our lives not as threats to stability but as opportunities for growth and deeper understanding, helping us to find peace in impermanence and purpose in the ever-changing landscape of life. In the heart of change lies the true essence of our being and the possibility of transformation beyond our wildest dreams. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text AllSoulsTulsa to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

Strength - A Message to my Soul

6 April 2024 at 22:07

This is a prayer I wrote to help me out of vicious cycles and into virtuous cycles. It is read as an address towards myself, with responding guidance, in a dual first-person voice. If you like it, feel free to personalize it or steal some verses to aid you in your journey as well.

Remember who I really am; what I can do to help others, what I can give.

Surrender my addictions to express love in temperance. Move me through the pain of separation to reconnect with your true will.

Give me your compassion, your strength, your kindness, and sight of your true will: That I may yield the serenity of devotion to you. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Learn how to love the world whole; without exception, without need.

The moment is your most vital tool. You must wield it properly to return to the Kingdom, lest it wield you a distracted disciple. I wouldn't trade this moment for the world.

May the ritual of love embody you and I in fullness. Power shall be restored in me, loving, everlastingly. As above, so below.

Blessed be.

submitted by /u/tex_da_PHOX
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Episcopalian Attending Service

I am an Episcopalian who is attending a Unitarian Universalist service tomorrow for a seminary project (namely, observing the practices of another religious tradition). I've done some research, and while I have found some useful information, much of it is with the caveat that experiences may vary.

Bearing this in mind, I was curious as to whether or not there was anything that would be helpful to know about a Unitarian Universalist service. Again, I am aware that this can vary, but I figured it would be best to turn to those who practice it.

Thank you truly for any help you may provide!

submitted by /u/addlepatedsurplice
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I'm frustrated with Faithful America

6 April 2024 at 17:42

I'm frustrated with Faithful America, to be fair I also have the same problem with the UUSJ. Both of them keep e-mailing petitions to me to sign; which I will, and asking for donations; which I won't. Neither of them ever asks for mass prayer. In Faithful America's latest e-mail they talk about Easter and Trans Day of Visibility falling on the same day. I think asking people to pray the following throughout the month of April would have been more impactful:

{God takes his stand in the court of heaven to deliver judgement among the gods themselves. Psalm 82:1

So God created man is his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

There is no such thing as Jew and Greek, slave and freeman, male and female; for you are all one person in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

Heavenly Father, god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Holy Spirit teach us through dreams and signs what are the rights, roles and responsibilities of transgender, intersex and non-binary people in American society down through the generations. Help us too affirm and apply your son’s teaching to “Love your neighbor as yourself” Mathew 22:39 and to “Treat others as you would like them to treat you” Luke 6:31 to the intersex people in our midst. We ask in Jesus' name, Amen!}

What do the rest of you think?

submitted by /u/GrunkleTony
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'EMPTY TOMBS' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar - All Souls Unitarian Church

The message was delivered on Sunday, March 31, 2024, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION Join us in embracing the Easter message of hope, transformation, and the eternal presence of love. Let us stand together at the empty tomb, rejoicing in the boundless possibilities of new beginnings. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text AllSoulsTulsa to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

Bringing younger people into the church

3 April 2024 at 21:00

I recently started going to my local UU and love it, I left Catholicism 20 years or so because of many disagreements with the church, the UU is a breath of fresh air! Anyway I love the UU but I can't help but notice that our average age is probably pushing high 60s. I don't know how sustainable it is to have such a up there in the years congregation, don't get me wrong I love older people and have always had respect for my elders I just wish we had some younger peoples energy. Does anyone here have any ideas that they have tried to bring new people in? I talked to my pastor and they said that it's been a conversation for a long time but nothing has really been tried. I feel like if more people knew that there was a church that was so accepting as ours we'd be packed and I think it could help with the loneliness epidemic in this country.

submitted by /u/farmbrewernw
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'EGGS AND EVOLUTION' - Rev. Randy Lewis - All Souls Unitarian Church

The message was delivered on Sunday, March 31, 2024, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Randy Lewis, Assistant Minister. DESCRIPTION Dive into a thought-provoking exploration of life, evolution, and the profound symbolism of the egg. This message intertwines the age-old question of the chicken or the egg with a deep dive into the meanings of Easter eggs, cultural traditions, and the essence of renewal in human life. Let's transcend traditional narratives and embrace our vulnerabilities, the beauty of our brokenness, and the endless possibilities for new beginnings. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text AllSoulsTulsa to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

Roll that Rock Away - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"Roll that Rock Away"
Easter Sunday, March 31, 10:50 am, 2024

Life has a lot of tombs, losses, and setbacks. And there are rocks, heavy and awkward, that protect and seal them. What are the ways we don't end our stories at the rock or tomb? What does it require of us to make resurrection also the stuff of our lives?

Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life; Dennis Adams, Worship Associate; Bill Klingelhoffer and Courtney Young-Law; Canvass Testimonials; Linda Enger, Trustee; UUSF Bell Choir led by Reiko Oda Lane, Organist; UUSF Choir led by Mark Sumner, Music Director; Nancy Munn, Vocalist; Wm. García Ganz, Pianist

Shulee Ong, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Amy Kelly, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

Swag for Pride Events

2 April 2024 at 14:06

What kind of swag/giveaway items would be good to have at our table at a Pride event to promote our Welcoming Congregation? Anyone have good results with any items in bringing in new members to visit?

submitted by /u/This-Ad-6604
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Update on the rules for this subreddit

Earlier references to this issue:



I have now decided to formally update the rules. The first one has been replaced completely to make the issues clearer to members and visitors alike.

1. Bigotry will not be tolerated

Intentional expressions of bigotry of any kind, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, classism, or anti-atheist slurs, will result in a warning for the first offense and a permanent ban for a repeat offender.

The second rule is the same as before.

submitted by /u/Cult_Buster2005
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Ethical Investing and absentee investors who buy up local housing

2 April 2024 at 00:15


Some conversations I hear in my fellowship is the problem of absentee investors buying up lots of our housing stock.

I am asking this question here considering that we are mostly like minded and I am a bit afraid of going onto r/investing, which has over 1 million people and that I would be flamed to a crisp.

I wonder if it's okay for us to consider that absentee investors buying up local housing and preventing local ownership is unethical.

Would you agree?

Thank you

Mark Allyn

Bellingham, Washington

submitted by /u/maallyn
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Book recommendations ?

1 April 2024 at 01:02

I’m new to the faith still and would love book recommendations! I am aware that there’s a wide variety of topics but if any of you have read something that really resonated and helped you along this journey I’d love to give it a try :)

submitted by /u/Oakandoracle
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When Jesus Woke, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz, Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024 - Unity Church Sermon Podcasts

This podcast begins with Merrill Aldrich reading Luke 24:13-32.

What really happened on that Easter morning? A resurrection? An awakening? No one can say for certain, but we can say this — Jesus of Nazareth’s life after his death changed the world. On this Easter Sunday, it also has the power to change us. Come find out how.

I think my beliefs are more in tune with UU

31 March 2024 at 10:47

I’m from the UK. Now to cut a long story down. I have always believed in a higher power. And never truly understood “Jesus and God are one” spiel. And I believe he was a messenger, prophet, teacher (or rabbi in Hebrew) of god but not god himself. My faith is personal to me and I sort of follow a mixture of religious styles of god, thought wise. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. And I’ve been criticised on here be being baptised in the past and then realised after that I still didn’t believe it (I got baptised thinking that it would come into fruition but never did and sort of came back to old realisation). Islam and Judaism teach in a nutshell that god is one. Not three in one. And that’s the way I think and follow. It’s not a bad thing is it?

submitted by /u/LostinDreemz_
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Looking to make friends !

28 March 2024 at 15:26

I’m new to the UU faith and don’t have a community or congregation anywhere near me.

I’m just wanting to see if there’s anyone who would want to be friends :)

A little about me

  • 24 y/o F
  • practices Celtic and pagan spirituality paths
  • from BC Canada !!
  • 🍃🍃friendly
submitted by /u/Oakandoracle
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Looking to make friends :)

28 March 2024 at 15:26

I’m new to the UU faith and don’t have a community or congregation anywhere near me.

I’m just wanting to see if there’s anyone who would want to be friends :)

A little about me

  • 24 y/o F
  • practices Celtic and pagan spirituality paths
  • from BC Canada !!
  • 🍃🍃friendly
submitted by /u/Oakandoracle
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New to Unitarian Universalism. Where should I look and how can I join/participate?

26 March 2024 at 17:16

I'm Brazilian and got out of religion (ex-christian). Nothing against the minister of the church I were member but I became oversaturated with religion. Born and raised in a Christian family sometimes make it a one choice and others.... You know the rest.

My mom is a member of a Assembly of God church but when I was young I preferred the baptists because I considered (and kinda consider them in some ways as Moderates).

But as various protestants and neo-pentecostals churches do the thing like: The other religion follow the devil and yadda yadda. They will go to hell if they don't convert. I think you all know the rest. And when I begun to think more outside of the box even if I was on a slow pace or thinking outside but not much I still get annoyed because of some hypocrite behaviors and like: "We are good and the other religion is bad and worship the devil" but when you look the "devil worshiping people" you see them doing more to help people than "us".

In resume, got out and I feel better. Taking care of my mental and physical health. And I want to join something with the same ideals like mine so I chose UU. How can I learn more and how can I join?

Tl;dr: Ex-christian (Baptist / Brazilian Baptist Convention) who got oversaturated by religion because of being raised in a Christian family who wants to know more and thinks joining UU.

Sorry for the long text. And also, my English sometimes get broken. Also, writing this question inside a bus.

submitted by /u/goliv04053
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Lessons from the Road - Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco

"Lessons from the Road"
Sunday, March 24, 10:50 am, 2024

I was fortunate enough to have the gift of almost three straight months to renew and refresh in the ancient tradition of sabbath, or fallow times. Thirty-two of those days (but who is counting?) were spent on the road, circling through the American Southwest, with my husband. It is a modern pilgrimage that many of us have done some version of before—a car, a map, some time ago. I'd love to bore you with some of what germinated on the road. And thank you.

Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister; Mari Magaloni Ramos, Worship Associate; Kathleen McClung and Dennielle Kronenberg, Canvass Testimonials; Galen Workman, Trustee; Rami Bar-Niv, Pianist; Andy Kessler, Songleader; Wm. García Ganz, Accompanist

Eric Shackelford, Camera; Jonathan Silk, Communications Director; Carrie Steere-Salazar, Flowers; Linda Messner, Head Usher

My church has a problem with social media.

24 March 2024 at 19:08

My church (close to Boston hint) has a problem with social media.

An instagram account never used and a facebook that posts the live transmission each Sunday. Need some advices friends of this fellowship of Reddit.

I have been thinking church is this two way street that getting to know each other makes people to know us as a church community. I need ideas but it feels the congregation faces melancholy of a past splendor or a past minister... I think getting to know each other is the first step of any outreach idea. An ongoing to know each other that keeps the theology of fellowship and unity alive. But, in my case, many of the church members say hi the first weeks and then go back to their groups of friends... I wish I could have more tools to sort dialogue and conversation with Congregations where most of its members are old beyond the age of Jesus Christ.

submitted by /u/arsenokoitai96
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Dostoyevsky Reads Hegel in Siberia and Bursts Into Tears, Rev. KP Hong, March 24, 2024 - Unity Church Sermon Podcasts

In his essay of the same title, the Hungarian cultural critic László Földényi stages an encounter between Dostoyevsky and Hegel, between our creaturely sense of transcendence as finite-limited-mortal beings and radical Enligthenment's belief in unbounded progress and mastery. In a world mediated through switches, buttons, credit cards, screens, redlined neighborhoods and land as commodity for ownership, what do we mean by the sacred? In this moment of climate change and degradation of life, when the wounded world seems "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing," how do we remain attentive to the sacred song of life itself, to claim a deeper sense of belonging to the earth, shared history, and to each other? Worship associate Nancy Dilts and Rev. KP Hong amplify the work of honest storytelling, asking us to more creatively name this sacred life and work against its degradation. 

Chalice Lighting Words Based on Stress

24 March 2024 at 11:32

So, the youth group at my church is doing a sermon based on stress and procrastinating. They asked me to help them with the chalice lighting because they couldn't think of anything, and as it turns out, neither can I.

Collectively, we came up with this:

"Be mindful that with life comes stress and anxiety, We light this chalice in hopes of warding off all the negativity, if only for this day"

We're unsure what we think of it. Is there anything better or is this good enough?

submitted by /u/JaredTheMountainLion
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How politically diverse is your congregation?

23 March 2024 at 14:26

How many people in your congregation have political or other personal opinions that aren't in line with the congregational majority and might be controversial? How openly do they express and discuss those opinions? Are more-conservative-than-average positions treated differently than more-progressive-than-average?

I ask after a longtime UU friend confided that they were a registered Republican and supported some conservative policy positions as well as a some liberal ones, but generally chose to keep quiet on those topics while in UU spaces, since they were here for other reasons.

submitted by /u/eosha
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Rules Follow Up

23 March 2024 at 03:18

Good timezone, r/UnitarianUniversalist!

I'm sorry for the slight delay from my previous post. I had a few irl things that I was focused on.

This is by no means a complete list, but, I wanted to submit what I have put together so far, in order to get any feedback and suggestions, both for the proposed rules listed here, and for any that should be added.

  1. Any expression of intentional bigotry — whether in the form of sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, or ableism — shall result in a permanent ban.

  2. Users and moderators both shall interact with others in the sub in a spirit of mutual respect.

  3. The moderating team and the user base of the subreddit shall work together to make any necessary changes to the rules of the subreddit.

I have a few other ideas, but it is late and I am unable to put those ideas to words right now.

Edit: I have received multiple suggestions for rule 1 to be changed from "shall" to "may". I have noted in one response that I would like to include, if possible, a clause about instructing kindly those who express bigoted views, with the hope that informing them will help them reform their behavior.

Also, classism and ageism will be added to rule 1 in the final draft.

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A Unitarian Universalist radio station?

Look at this:



Mission & Values


WERU Community Radio is an independent, listener-supported and volunteer-powered media organization, whose mission is to provide diverse programming to lift spirits, raise awareness and make connections.

Guiding Values:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Civility and Respect

Social Justice

Environmental Stewardship

Community Service

Celebration of Local Communities

Diversity Statement:

All forms of diversity (and the absence of discrimination) are important to and sought by WERU, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, generation, geographic location, disability, race, religion, educational background and field of employment, with regards to membership on the Board of Directors, Community Advisory Board, volunteer staff and paid staff.

More About WERU’s Philosophy:

Our motto is to be a “voice of many voices” by providing a wide variety of music, information, and voices over the airwaves and Internet. Our vision is that WERU will entertain, inform, and inspire people, and will support healthy, informed and vibrant communities.

We celebrate listener support as an essential element of our financial sustainability. We likewise celebrate volunteerism as an essential element of the organization’s operations, both broadcast and behind the scenes. Hence “listener supported and volunteer powered.”

We present news and public affairs programming that meets high journalistic standards.

The bylaws of Salt Pond Community Broadcast/WERU are available upon request. Email Matt Murphy, General Manager, at [matt@weru.org](mailto:matt@weru.org).


They clearly want UUs among their listeners:


Unitarian Universalist Church

120 Park St
United States

submitted by /u/Cult_Buster2005
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Life Is a Thistle Bush, Barbara Hubbard, March 17, 2024 - Unity Church Sermon Podcasts

Who among us really expected life to be a bed of roses? Barbara Hubbard will speak about how the Unity Church community has inspired, shaped and transformed her life’s journey.

M.Div Programs

I've gone back and forth over the course of the past 25 years as to whether I'd want to pursue a M.Div. as a UU. I'd specifically be interested in chaplaincy and not Congregational ministry. I have come back to it MULTIPLE times and even went as far as withdrawing applications already submitted in the past. I just am worried about the cost.

I, admittedly, have a fulfilling career already and considerable autonomy but feel drawn to the coursework and think chaplaincy would be a helpful adjunct to my current career. I have two master's degrees and a Ph.D. in somewhat relevant and adjacent fields.

What are folks' experiences? Is it worth it? I'd have to do an online or hybrid program. Looking for others' lived experience in a M.Div program. Preference is for folks to hold snarkiness, if possible.

submitted by /u/transcendentaltrope
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New interim DRE looking for pointers!

20 March 2024 at 15:56

Good afternoon everyone! My congregation is unfortunately saying goodbye to our current DRE and asked if I would be interested in being the interim whilst they look for a new one to hire, I initially started as just an RE volunteer and will be taking my OWL certs in the summer, I do not have any other credentials,aside from going to seminary in the fall for my M.DIV in UU studies, where are some good places to start getting ready to hopefully move from interim to permanent? I’ll be speaking more with my church’s board and our DRE this Sunday to receive more info, but what certifications do I need/where to obtain them/ any and all advice on how to be a good DRE will be much appreciated!!!

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Anyone interested in helping me with an assignment?

20 March 2024 at 14:36

Hello everyone.

I’m here because I’m a student in a World Religions course looking to fulfill one of my assignments by interviewing someone who is a Unitarian Universalist. I’ll admit that this is pushing me out of my comfort zone because I’d prefer to just read / watch videos to learn the information I’m required to research. However this is the assigned task and I know Reddit can be a helpful place to find someone willing to dialouge. This isn’t a request for a debate OR anything that is to be disrespectful to anyone in the UU Church. I just have a list of questions I’m supposed to ask. If anyone here is interested I’d be so grateful for your kindness.


submitted by /u/xp116
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A new website hosting town hall meetings on the upcoming Article II vote.

20 March 2024 at 00:39


The topic is the upcoming GA vote to replace the Seven Principles with the Six Values (+ Love). The first planned town hall web meeting is March 27.


(Note that there was a Fifth Principle Project announcement about this. I am unsure of how coordinated this effort is with the "Save the Seven Principles" website and Facebook group.)

submitted by /u/EarnestAbe
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"What Unitarian Universalism Loses as it Becomes Politically Narrow"

19 March 2024 at 10:53

What Unitarian Universalism loses as it becomes politically narrow

Two quotes from the online piece:

"The narrowing of political perspectives within the Unitarian Universalist community poses significant harm to the church and its members. This trend towards ideological homogeneity often transforms UU spaces into monoliths, fostering echo chambers characterized by groupthink and intellectual laziness. Such insular environments exacerbate extremism and 'us versus them' tribalism, not just within UU but in greater society."

"In many respects, the national church has transformed into a partisan political organization rather than a religion. Even many UU laity who are politically left and social justice activists have expressed discomfort with the idea of the church functioning as a political platform. They come to a church for spiritual growth and an oasis from the toxicity they get from the news and social media in their daily life."

submitted by /u/rastancovitz
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