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RT @tealmobile7: I have a mom that was a hard-core Evangelical and FOX "news" viewer. A few years ago my husband and I had her m...

24 December 2022 at 20:10
By: Star
RT @tealmobile7: I have a mom that was a hard-core Evangelical and FOX "news" viewer. A few years ago my husband and I had her move in with us & we've been slowly deprogramming her. She now watches MSNBC religiously, votes Democrat, and goes to a unitarian church. Goes to show people can change.

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RT @BenWood14750019: In contemporary #Druidry, today is the Winter Solstice festival of Alban Arthan (meaning β€˜light of Arthur')...

RT @BenWood14750019: In contemporary #Druidry, today is the Winter Solstice festival of Alban Arthan (meaning β€˜light of Arthur'). The festival is derived from the writings of the Welsh mystic, poet, #Unitarian, and forger Iolo Morganwg (1747–1826).

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RT @IGD_News: In the face of threats from neo-Nazis and Proud Boys to rally outside of a Unitarian Universalist church, local le...

RT @IGD_News: In the face of threats from neo-Nazis and Proud Boys to rally outside of a Unitarian Universalist church, local leaders told people not to hold a counter protest and police stood by as white supremacists were allowed to march around local neighborhoods while heavily armed. https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1599121277268422657

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Are there corners of UU that embrace conservative leaning moderates?

23 September 2022 at 18:26

Hey all.

So I have been struggling much with my faith, especially where issues of the nature of Jesus and the afterlife are concerned. After much study, I think I align with unitarianism and universalism more than most.

I believe there is only one god, and the trinity doctrine is not accurate. I believe the plan is to reconcile all things through Christ "And I, if I am raised up, shall draw all men unto me."

However, after reading around UU resources, it looks like the movement leans left liberal. I myself am somewhat of a moderate. I embrace the welfare state, believe in gender and racial equity, oppose the death penalty, advocate for a more compassionate immigration system, etc. On the other hand, while I belive members of the LGBTQ community should have all the rights every citizen is entitled to and should be free from persecution, I am not particularly affirming. I am also pro life when it comes to elective abortions.


Generally, I know positions are not suppose to matter. But in a world where you are with us or against us, it kind of does.

The long and short: Are there corners of the UU movement where moderates are welcome?

submitted by /u/symeonstar
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β€œOn March 27, the Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware (UUSD) in Lewes installed and welcomed its fourth settled ministe...

β€œOn March 27, the Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware (UUSD) in Lewes installed and welcomed its fourth settled minister, the Rev. Heather Rion Starr.” Read more: https://bit.ly/3K600Zp Congratulations Rev. Heather Rion Starr (2005 Starr King graduate)!

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Former Muslim here. Do I have a place here?

13 March 2022 at 10:34

As you can see, I wrote about my experiences within Islam as a convert in my history. I still believe in One God. I still think Muhammad was a Prophet and that Jesus was the Messiah. I just don't think Islam itself is good for my future. Do I have a place within UU?

submitted by /u/JUMPsuperstar
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Are you interested in Unitarian Universalist ministry but not sure where to start? Join Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme (Assistant Pro...

Are you interested in Unitarian Universalist ministry but not sure where to start? Join Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme (Assistant Professor of Religion and Education) for our Pathways to UU Ministry Open House on Thursday, March 17. Register now at http://www.sksm.edu/openhouseregistration.

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RT @hate5six: 14 years ago today I was filming @HopeConspiracy at The First Unitarian Church in Philly. This was just over a yea...

7 January 2022 at 18:46
RT @hate5six: 14 years ago today I was filming @HopeConspiracy at The First Unitarian Church in Philly. This was just over a year after "Death Knows Your Name" dropped, which is being remastered and reissued via @deathwishinc next Friday, January 14. Thank me later. http://thehopeconspiracy.com https://t.co/4tf6F7TEUB

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President Rosemary Bray McNatt is guest preaching at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco tomorrow, Decembe...

President Rosemary Bray McNatt is guest preaching at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco tomorrow, December 12! Her sermon is titled β€œBeing Alive” and the service begins at 11:00 am PT. Watch the livestream at https://youtu.be/58A-YZQuD2I.

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