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Before yesterdayUUA

Opportunities for Connection - March 2024

28 February 2024 at 10:00
A small, lit candle is cradled in a hand-carved, wooden chalice. The chalice rests on a golden embroidered cloth. This image is on a black background where the words, "Amplifying the Charge," are printed in white sans-serif letters.

Central East Region of the UUA

Find out what's happening in the Central East Region! This month - Amplifying the Charge, CER Leadership Skill Ups, Faithify Pause, Path to Membership Training and more!!

We Were Always Here

28 February 2024 at 04:50
Black and white photo of only the arms of dark-skinned people, raised as if praying in a church pew

Connie Simon

When someone lists Unitarians or Universalists, they usually name white men. Never anyone Black like me.

We Were Always Here

28 February 2024 at 04:50
Black and white photo of only the arms of dark-skinned people, raised as if praying in a church pew

Connie Simon

When someone lists Unitarians or Universalists, they usually name white men. Never anyone Black like me.

Sharing the information below for any transgender and nonbinary people, friends, family, or allies in need of support and care. ...

Sharing the information below for any transgender and nonbinary people, friends, family, or allies in need of support and care.

Unitarian Universalism values diversity of sexuality and gender and understands this diversity is a spiritual gift. We create inclusive religious communities and work for LGBTQ justice and equity as a core part of who we are. You are not alone. 🀍

Find helpful guidance and resources at: https://bit.ly/3ST8SrJ

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Sacred Black "Text"

Dr. Takiyah Nur Amin examines sacred Black "text" in UU tradition, by examining the way our Black ancestors lived.

β€œYou have to seek out the Black folks who were in Unitarian and Universalist or UU congregations, and the work that they were doing in communityβ€”whether it was suffrage, or trying to educate Black children, or their working towards social action or civil access. Our 'text' is embodied in the lives of people like Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Joseph Jordan, David Eaton, and countless others.”

Read the full reflection: https://bit.ly/3T0VYbo

PC: Igor Alecsander

If you’re seeking sacred Black β€œtext” in our tradition, you have to examine the way our Black ancestors lived.

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If we ran every meeting as if a toddler would be present…

26 February 2024 at 10:00
set of colorful wooden blocks on a wooden floor with a set of toddler feet beside them.

Lenore Bajare-Dukes

It got me thinking. What if we just went intoΒ allΒ meetings assuming a toddler would be present?

Black History Month Reflection: The Change by Mathew P. Taylor

On this Sunday afternoon, we offer you this Black History Month reflection: β€œThe Change by Mathew P. Taylor,” from the Spring 2022 issue of UU World.

It includes:

β€œI can feel the change coming
Like growing pains
I feel the change in my bones
Pulling me
Stretching me
Forming me
Into the true I am
Can you feel it?”

Read the full reflection online at: https://www.uuworld.org/articles/poem-change.

Guided by faith that this too will pass / We can survive this because our ancestors survived

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We are excited to announce that Rev. Molly Housh Gordon, of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia, Missouri (UUCC), will...

We are excited to announce that Rev. Molly Housh Gordon, of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia, Missouri (UUCC), will lead the Sunday Service at General Assembly 2024.

A lifelong Unitarian Universalist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Rev. Molly Housh Gordon is the minister of the UU Church of Columbia, Missouri, where she is currently suing the state of Missouri for their unconstitutional abortion ban alongside 13 other multi-faith clergy co-plaintiffs. Molly is passionate about red-state UU ministry, community organizing, and mutual aid.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to share in worship together virtually and connect with your fellow Unitarian Universalists - register for #UUAGA today! https://bit.ly/3SY7p3A.

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Content Warning: Reference to the death of Nex, a nonbinary child in Oklahoma. Sharing President Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD's p...

Content Warning: Reference to the death of Nex, a nonbinary child in Oklahoma.

Sharing President Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD's post offering a pastoral time for all ages tomorrow, Friday, February 23, at 8pm ET/5pm PT to support those impacted by the profoundly tragic death of Nex Benedict, a nonbinary child in Oklahoma.

Details are available at: https://sidewithlove.org/ourstories/2024/2/22/sacredlives

Content Warning: Reference to the death of Nex, a nonbinary child in Oklahoma.

Beloveds, these days are filled with so much pain and grief. We have received yet more tragic news, this time of the death of Nex Benedict, a non-binary child in Oklahoma, after a violent attack by fellow students at their school. While the details are still emerging, one thing is clear, the ongoing dehumanization of trans and non-binary people by elected officials and hate groups fuels inhumane actions.

Join UPLIFT Ministries tomorrow, Friday, February 23, at 8 ET / 7 CT / 6 MT / 5 PT to be in community and as we hold ourselves and each other in the feelings and needs we’re experiencing right now. All are welcome.

Find a link to register and resources for support in the comments below.

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Understanding Article II: A theological analysis for Unitarian Universalists

7 February 2024 at 07:24
Dinah Pham on Unsplash

Staff Writer

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme has provided a theological analysis of the proposed revision to Article II. Here are nine quotes from her essay to get the conversation started.

Side with Love 30 Days of Love: Unitarian Universalists empower democracy and promote electoral justice with UU the Vote

5 February 2024 at 05:12
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Staff Writer

For the fourth and final week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.

Understanding Article II: A theological analysis for Unitarian Universalists

7 February 2024 at 07:24
Dinah Pham on Unsplash

Staff Writer

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme has provided a theological analysis of the proposed revision to Article II. Here are nine quotes from her essay to get the conversation started.

Side with Love 30 Days of Love: Unitarian Universalists empower democracy and promote electoral justice with UU the Vote

5 February 2024 at 05:12
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Staff Writer

For the fourth and final week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.

In this time of deep discussion and discernment in our Unitarian Universalist community, we offer some words of wisdom from staf...

In this time of deep discussion and discernment in our Unitarian Universalist community, we offer some words of wisdom from staff in the UUA's New England Region:

"It is the responsibility of religious community to help us remember we belong to one another as equals β€” all somebodies with gifts and purpose β€” and to help us remember that we are connected to the web of Life and Love that came before us and will remain after us."

Read the full post in their Spiritual Leadership collection of online resources at: https://bit.ly/48qkfx9

#InnerWork #UUA #UUism

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Resources for Congregational Leaders and Staff

29 January 2024 at 10:00
Staff of the Central East Region
As UUA Staff, it's not uncommon for us to be contacted and asked for a something, just anything, on a topic. In these cases the leader in question has no idea where to look.

White History

21 February 2024 at 06:24
A Black child around 8 years old stares down at a desk covered in books, with a dismayed or tired look on their face.

Bev Spears

From the beginning, the story of Black people in America has been told through the lens of white supremacy.

White History

21 February 2024 at 06:24
A Black child around 8 years old stares down at a desk covered in books, with a dismayed or tired look on their face.

Bev Spears

From the beginning, the story of Black people in America has been told through the lens of white supremacy.

Time for All Ages: "Re-Imagining to Action" by JeKaren Olaoya

How can UU's continue reimagining a more just and sustainable future for all?

JeKaren Olaoya narrates this Time for All Ages story of youth in North Carolina who are given hope as they reimagine our world as more peaceful and sustainable for all.

Take a moment today and nourish your spirit with a #30DaysOfLove story of climate justice: https://bit.ly/3wgiC7F

A Time for All Ages, "Re-Imagining to Action," by JeKaren Olaoya, for Week Two of 30 Days of Love 2024. Learn more and find other offerings at https://sidewithlove.org/30-days-of-love-2024. This…

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β€˜The World is a Better Place When Trans Lives are Uplifted’

In this week’s Sunday read: With the feeling of love in the air, we revisit the powerful essay by Angelle Eve Castro, β€œThe World is a Better Place When Trans Lives are Uplifted" from the Fall/Winter 2023 issue of UU World.

Angelle’s story, along with reflections by her brothers Sammy Castro-McCauley and Isa Castro-McCauley and her mother AngΓ©lica Canlas Castro focused on their love and support for their trans sister and daughter, are all featured in the book β€œAuthentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families.”

Read the full reflection: https://bit.ly/3SL29QJ

#UUWorld #UnitarianUniversalists #LGBTQIA #TransLivesMatter

Every day I wake up, and I’m more myself than ever before.

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UUA President, the Rev. Dr. SofΓ­a Betancourt has joined religious leaders from a diverse array of faith traditions to urge Presi...

UUA President, the Rev. Dr. SofΓ­a Betancourt has joined religious leaders from a diverse array of faith traditions to urge President Biden to immediately call for a comprehensive permanent ceasefire, an end to the occupation, and lasting peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

Rev. Dr. SofΓ­a Betancourt has said, β€œThe devastating violence has brought pain and grief to so many. We hold all who are in harm’s way, as well as their families and loved ones, in love and care. And as Unitarian Universalists navigate this painful time together as a community, may we hold one another in care and solidarity for the values we share and for our commitment to how we are called to bear witness in the world.”

Read the full letter from @Churches for Middle East Peace: https://bit.ly/48kRS3t

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What should be clear to all of us is that the Israeli government’s forced displacement, punishment, and intentional inflicting o...

What should be clear to all of us is that the Israeli government’s forced displacement, punishment, and intentional inflicting of suffering and death upon children and civilians in Gaza is a moral catastrophe that our faith demands we condemn and resist.


*Edited to include a link to our full statement, "UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire":

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UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire

We first joined the call for a ceasefire in Palestine and Israel back in October, rooted in our historic positions as an organization. Nearly four months later, the situation could not be more urgent. We share a new statement today to reiterate our condemnation of the Israeli military’s ongoing violence against Gaza as well as the U.S. government’s unabated complicity in the crisis in Gaza.

Grounded in our shared Unitarian Universalist belief that every human life is sacred, we join the growing chorus of voices across the globe calling for an immediate ceasefire, and we urge UUs to take action in solidarity with liberatory pro-democratic movements of all kinds that are working toward a future of true and enduring peace.

Read our full statement online: https://bit.ly/48hHc5p

We call upon all Unitarian Universalists to open our hearts and be present to the depths of human suffering in this moment.

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Understanding Article II: A theological analysis for Unitarian Universalists

7 February 2024 at 07:24
Dinah Pham on Unsplash

Staff Writer

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme has provided a theological analysis of the proposed revision to Article II. Here are nine quotes from her essay to get the conversation started.

Understanding Article II: A theological analysis for Unitarian Universalists

7 February 2024 at 07:24
Dinah Pham on Unsplash

Staff Writer

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme has provided a theological analysis of the proposed revision to Article II. Here are nine quotes from her essay to get the conversation started.

UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza: Read the Statement

14 February 2024 at 13:35
lit chalice

Staff Writer


A new statement from the Unitarian Universalist Association condemns the Israeli military’s ongoing violence against Gaza and the U.S. government’s complicity in the crisis in Gaza.

UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire

14 February 2024 at 11:52
Person wearing a black mask over nose and mouth and a gray winter hat stands with other people outdoors and holds a sign saying, "Permanent Ceasefire is Long Overdue!"

UUA Administration

The UUA reiterates its condemnation of the Israeli military’s ongoing violence against Gaza and joins with voices across the globe urging and immediate and total ceasefire, the provision of humanitarian aid, and the safe return of all hostages and prisoners.

UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire

14 February 2024 at 11:52
Person wearing a black mask over nose and mouth and a gray winter hat stands with other people outdoors and holds a sign saying, "Permanent Ceasefire is Long Overdue!"

UUA Administration

The UUA reiterates its condemnation of the Israeli military’s ongoing violence against Gaza and joins with voices across the globe urging and immediate and total ceasefire, the provision of humanitarian aid, and the safe return of all hostages and prisoners.

On this #ValentinesDay we share UUA President Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD's message with you.

On this #ValentinesDay we share UUA President Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD's message with you.

On this #ValentinesDay, with its many practices and expressions of love, I encourage all Unitarian Universalists to explore what it means for love to live at the center of our faith tradition. This is a love that surpasses the confines of simple definitions; a love that will live into its own fullness long after we are gone β€” a love that sets us free.

When I talk about a love that frees, or love as part of our theology, I mean that choosing to live one’s life guided by what love asks of us cannot help but drive us to work together in community until everyone is free.

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30 Days of Love 2024 β€” Side With Love

In this last week of the Side with Love's 30 Days of Love celebration, we invite you to explore all of Side with Love’s 30 Days of Love resources.

Take the time to nourish your spirit with the 30 Days of Love Bonus Days Reflection on Interdependence from UUA Vice President for Programs & Ministry, the Rev. Ashley Horan.

Explore this week’s bonus resources and all of the content from the past 30 Days at: https://bit.ly/47Vq7yU

#SidewithLove #30DaysOfLove

Side With Love is thrilled to announce 30 Days of Love 2024! Our annual month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice, 30 Days of Love will go from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 15) through Valentine’s Day (February 14). Each week’s resourc...

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The Work of Love

14 February 2024 at 00:09
A cropped photo of a person with a wrist tattoo with upturned hands lightly holding the hands of another person, sitting knee-to-knee with them.

Anne Griffiths

Scorekeeping is about who hurts whom more. In the long-term, no one wins.

The Work of Love

14 February 2024 at 00:09
A cropped photo of a person with a wrist tattoo with upturned hands lightly holding the hands of another person, sitting knee-to-knee with them.

Anne Griffiths

Scorekeeping is about who hurts whom more. In the long-term, no one wins.

Since 2016, EqUUal Access has sponsored an annual contest for sermons related to disability, named after Carolyn Cartland, an ea...

Since 2016, EqUUal Access has sponsored an annual contest for sermons related to disability, named after Carolyn Cartland, an early president of EqUUal Access. All lay and religious professional Unitarian Universalists are invited to submit a sermon and if selected, you could win a cash prize.

Learn more about eligibility and how to enter: https://bit.ly/3ZEYzKd

#DisabilityAwareness #UUA #EqUUalAccess #UnitarianUniversalists

PC: EqUUal Access

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Leaning into Being Resilient and Emergent in Times of Unexpected Growth

12 February 2024 at 10:25
Against a blue sky, people on a roller coaster are harnessed in and beginning to descend a steep slope

Sana Saeed

Unitarian Universalism is often referred to as a living faith. For me that means that Unitarian Universalism is in constant motion and changes through the times we live in.

Black History Month Reflection: When We Come by Sonia Sanchez

In this week’s Sunday read from UU World, we revisit a reflection for Black History Month, β€œWhen We Come,” by Sonia Sanchez.

It includes, in part:

β€œβ€¦when we come, tall as waves,
holden our black/brown/
high yellow/tomorrows,
then you will hear young hooves
thunderen in space
and we will rise with
rainbows from the sea
to silence
our yesterday blues…”

Read the full reflection: https://bit.ly/42xP9lE

#UUA #BlackHistoryMonth #UUWorld #UnitarianUniversalists

"and we will rise with /rainbows from the sea"

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As we continue to reflect on and discuss the proposed revision of Article II of UUA Bylaws across our faith community, we are gr...

As we continue to reflect on and discuss the proposed revision of Article II of UUA Bylaws across our faith community, we are grateful to share another new resource created by the Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud'homme, assistant professor of religion and education at Starr King School for the Ministry in Oakland, California.

Our friends at UU World put together a summary and shareable graphics for Rev. Prud'homme’s "Theological Reflection on the Proposed Revision to Article II" to help you explore and share this material within your congregation or community.

Check it out today: https://bit.ly/3SxLGiC

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Week four of Side with Love's #30DaysOfLove campaign is underway! Read a reflection from Side with Love’s new Democracy Strateg...

Week four of Side with Love's #30DaysOfLove campaign is underway!

Read a reflection from Side with Love’s new Democracy Strategist, Nora Rasman, where she highlights how β€œorganizing is where we draw hope and build long term power”and explore all of Side with Love’s 30 Days of Love resources online at:https://bit.ly/3STqCEM

#SidewithLove #30DaysOfLove

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On National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NBHAAD, we are reminded that HIV/AIDS is still with us and disproportionately impacts ...

On National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NBHAAD, we are reminded that HIV/AIDS is still with us and disproportionately impacts the Black community.

We are reminded that HIV/AIDS is still with us and disproportionately impacts the Black community. Today, we honor the millions of lives lost to HIV and AIDS alongside all of those who continue living with the virus. To #StopHIVTogether, we must address HIV stigma and barriers.

Get resources for engaging your community at:https://bit.ly/3OwB3eE


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Side with Love 30 Days of Love: Unitarian Universalists empower democracy and promote electoral justice with UU the Vote

5 February 2024 at 05:12
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Staff Writer

For the fourth and final week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.

Side with Love 30 Days of Love: Unitarian Universalists empower democracy and promote electoral justice with UU the Vote

5 February 2024 at 05:12
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Staff Writer

For the fourth and final week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.

Sacred Black "Text"

7 February 2024 at 04:17
Outdoors on a lawn, a group of Black friends are seated as if at a picnic. They're smiling and laughing with abundant joy.

Takiyah Nur Amin

If you’re seeking sacred Black β€œtext” in our tradition, you have to examine the way our Black ancestors lived.

30 Days of Love: Empower Democracy and Promote Electoral Justice with UU the Vote

7 February 2024 at 09:50
A hand places a paper ballot into a voting box.

Staff Writer


For the fourth and final full week of the Side With Love campaign, the theme is Resilience, and the focus is on Democracy and Electoral Justice.

Sacred Black "Text"

7 February 2024 at 04:17
Outdoors on a lawn, a group of Black friends are seated as if at a picnic. They're smiling and laughing with abundant joy.

Takiyah Nur Amin

If you’re seeking sacred Black β€œtext” in our tradition, you have to examine the way our Black ancestors lived.

UUA regional staff offer guidance and support to congregations in many ways. We share this reflection from the New England Regio...

UUA regional staff offer guidance and support to congregations in many ways. We share this reflection from the New England Region’s blog on spiritual leadership:

As the current generation of Unitarian Universalists, we have inherited our faith from those who came before, and we will hand it on to those who come after. Yet this inheritance is not static. We do not pass it on unchanged. Rather, it is like a garden. As a living tradition, it changes over time while also keeping a connection to its earlier self.

Read the full post online at: https://bit.ly/42urQt0

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We are excited to offer a new resource for UU congregations and communities to engage with the most recent revision of Article I...

We are excited to offer a new resource for UU congregations and communities to engage with the most recent revision of Article II this spring. Created by QuianaDenae Perkins, Learning Resident in the UUA Mid-America Region, and a third-year seminarian at Starr King School for the Ministry, Amplifying the Charge supports small groups in examining questions like, β€œWho Am I?” and β€œHow Did We Get Here?” in anticipation of a vote on Article II at General Assembly this June.

Learn more:https://bit.ly/3um5Qnw

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Black History Month: A time to unlearn

As we move into #BlackHistoryMonth, we share a reflection that still feels so relevant for our Sunday read in UU World. Author Kenny Wiley wrote in 2016: "Black History Month can be a recitation of forgettable facts, or it can be the beginningβ€”or continuationβ€”of a period of unlearning and reclaiming."


As a child I learned that we had, mostly, overcome. Clues to a deeper truth hid in plain sight.

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30 Days of Love: Inspiring UUs in the Fight for Bodily Autonomy

#30DaysOfLove continues into February, and this week's spiritual theme is possibility, with resources focused on the social justice priority of bodily autonomy, including LGBTQIA+, reproductive, gender, and disability justice.

UU World offers a summary and highlights some of the many excellent resources available this week, including a Time for All Ages story on possibility by the Rev. Hannah Villnave.


In the third week of Side With Love’s campaign, we contemplate our individual rights and our responsibilities toward others.

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Senate Dems’ 5 recs to ease suffering in Gaza

We join with 80 other organizations in urging President Biden to prioritize diplomacy and de-escalation - including securing a permanent ceasefire in Gaza - in response to the recent tragic escalation of violence in the Middle East.

Read more in the post below from UUA President Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD.

The lawmakers devised five recommendations over weeks of private talks, urging the U.S. β€œto work with Israeli officials to take the following urgent steps.”

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There are so many reasons why certifying your congregation’s information with the UUA every year is essential to the smooth func...

There are so many reasons why certifying your congregation’s information with the UUA every year is essential to the smooth functioning of our whole faith community – from capturing membership data, furthering financial support, enabling GA voting, and staying in the loop on news from the UUA.

Annual certification is currently underway, so make sure your congregation or community doesn’t miss out!

Learn more: https://bit.ly/3u7l7Zx

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How UUs and Interfaith Partners Helped Secure Reproductive Rights in Ohio

9 January 2024 at 05:37
Photo by Reed Naliboff on Unsplash.

Jeff Milchen

To overrule anti-abortion legislatures and courts, reproductive rights advocates are turning to citizen-led ballot measures in states where that power exists.

30 Days of Love: Inspiring UUs in the Fight for Bodily Autonomy

1 February 2024 at 12:16
The words "You are beautiful" in the center of a rainbow heart with the lovely colors of the Transgender Pride Flag wrapping it all together.

Staff Writer


In the third week of Side With Love’s campaign, we contemplate our individual rights and our responsibilities toward others.

TOMORROW, February 1 at 11:59pm ET is the deadline to submit proposed Article II amendments with the support of 15 certified mem...

TOMORROW, February 1 at 11:59pm ET is the deadline to submit proposed Article II amendments with the support of 15 certified member congregations, to the UUA Board of Trustees.

We are deeply grateful to the Article II Study Commission and the Board for their commitment to our faith in this ongoing work. More information is available online at: https://bit.ly/3GwuF2S

#unitarianuniversalists #UU #A2TheConversation

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Willing to Fail

31 January 2024 at 01:57
With a blurred gym in the background, a white person with short hair holds a handweight out from her body, so that it's the center of the picture's focus.

Amanda Poppei

Remind me that success is not the only measure of a life.

Willing to Fail

31 January 2024 at 01:57
With a blurred gym in the background, a white person with short hair holds a handweight out from her body, so that it's the center of the picture's focus.

Amanda Poppei

Remind me that success is not the only measure of a life.

The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Ashley Horan as Vice President for Programs and Ministries. The Vice...

The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Ashley Horan as Vice President for Programs and Ministries.

The Vice President is charged to oversee and coordinate the UUA’s primary programs and ministries in alignment with the UUA’s mission and values. As a new executive role, this portfolio will take on supervision of the Ministries and Faith Development, Congregational Life (regional staff), and Organizing Strategy/Side With Love staff groups, who currently report to the Executive Vice President. The Rev. Horan, who has served as Organizing Strategy Director at the UUA since 2019, was appointed by the UUA Board of Trustees to this role at their January meeting on the recommendation from UUA President Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD.

Please help us welcome Rev. Ashley Horan in her new role!

Learn more about this role in the full announcement, available on: https://bit.ly/3OoWQor


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We’re excited to announce our partnership with Beloved to support spiritual innovators who yearn to advance UU values of love an...

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Beloved to support spiritual innovators who yearn to advance UU values of love and justice worldwide.

Understanding the changing religious landscape and urgencies before us, we are eager to support the spiritual innovators working in congregations who are rising to the challenge of transforming Unitarian Universalism into a faith that more closely embodies Beloved Community.

We’re hosting a cohort of spiritual innovators, including religious professionals and lay leaders, for a one-year intensive beginning in March. You’re invited to apply by February 9.

Learn more online: https://bit.ly/42fjtl9

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Rev. Ashley Horan Appointed UUA Vice President for Programs and Ministries

29 January 2024 at 10:34
Ashley has dark hair, with one side shaved, and wears a black shirt and golden-colored stole
The UUA announces the appointment of the Rev. Ashley Horan to the newly-created executive role of Vice President for Programs and Ministries. In this role, Rev. Horan will take on supervision of the Ministries and Faith Development, Congregational Life, and Organizing Strategy staff teams.

Rev. Ashley Horan Appointed UUA Vice President for Programs and Ministries

29 January 2024 at 10:34
Ashley has dark hair, with one side shaved, and wears a black shirt and golden-colored stole
The UUA announces the appointment of the Rev. Ashley Horan to the newly-created executive role of Vice President for Programs and Ministries. In this role, Rev. Horan will take on supervision of the Ministries and Faith Development, Congregational Life, and Organizing Strategy staff teams.

Resources for Congregational Leaders and Staff

29 January 2024 at 10:00
Staff of the Central East Region
As UUA Staff, it's not uncommon for us to be contacted and asked for a something, just anything, on a topic. In these cases the leader in question has no idea where to look.

Opportunities for Connection ~ February 2024

29 January 2024 at 10:00
Icons showing resources connected by a colorful network.

Central East Region of the UUA

Find out what's happening in the Central East Region! This month - LeaderLab, Winter Institute, Certification, Skill Ups and more.

The Green Heart of an Iowa Congregation

In this week’s Sunday read, UU World highlights the difficult decision the Unitarian Universalist Society in Coralville, Iowa made to move to a new church building. After years of thoughtful deliberation, members realized that their much-loved church in Iowa City ultimately wasn’t allowing them to fully live their values of gathering in a sustainable building.

We’re proud of all the ways that UU congregations take action to live out UU values.

Read the story of Unitarian Universalist Society's transformation here:

Coralville’s painstakingly designed building embodies its wider commitment to sustainability.

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Registration is now open for the April 2-6, 2024 Living Legacy Pilgrimage. On this five-day, four-night journey you'll learn ho...

Registration is now open for the April 2-6, 2024 Living Legacy Pilgrimage.

On this five-day, four-night journey you'll learn how each event, from the day in 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, AL to the 1965 Selma to Montgomery March, moved the arc of the universe a little closer to justice.

Join the Living Legacy Project Inc in learning and singing, all while finding a new way in the struggle for justice. Sign up today! The registration deadline is February 2.


PC: Living Legacy Project

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UU Women's Federation - Black Women of the Chalice

On February 8th, 7:00 PM CT, join Black Women of the Chalice for a transformative dialogue and more. This space is for Black Unitarian Universalist women and those in seminary centering Black womanhood, Black joy, and excellence.

Learn more: https://bit.ly/491y7P2


September - Homecoming October - Academic Navigation November - Mental Health December - (open to all Black UU women religious professionals, not just seminarians) Our special guest, Takiyah Nur Amin, MFA., PhD, will be leading us on the topic of Kwanzaa. She is a dance scholar, educator, and academ...

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UUA Ministries and Faith Development Gets New Director and Deputy Director

The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Director and Deputy Director for the Ministries and Faith Development staff group.

Dr. Janice Marie Johnson, who has served as Co-Director of MFD along with the Rev. Sarah Lammert since 2019, has now been appointed sole Director. The Rev. Cecilia Kingman has been appointed Deputy MFD Director, succeeding the Rev. Lammert to lead the credentialing and professional leadership areas within MFD.

We are grateful for their service. Please help us welcome Janice and Cecilia in their new roles!

Learn more about these roles and the changes in MFD in the full announcement, available on:https://bit.ly/3u83sAL


UUA Ministries and Faith Development serves Unitarian Universalism by creating healthy and diverse ministries and religious education.

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30 Days of Love: How Can Unitarian Universalists Champion Climate Justice?

24 January 2024 at 09:00
A person moves their hand upward amid verdant hanging leaves.

Staff Writer


The second week of Side With Love’s month of spiritual renourishment invites UUs to find their paths for social transformation.

The Power of Words

24 January 2024 at 01:25
On an airplane, a person sitting in the window seat holds a phone as if texting.

Aaron Stockwell Wisman

May the words that I speak remind others that they are beloved.

The Power of Words

24 January 2024 at 01:25
On an airplane, a person sitting in the window seat holds a phone as if texting.

Aaron Stockwell Wisman

May the words that I speak remind others that they are beloved.

UUA Institutional Social Media Policy

The UUA’s social media channels – Facebook, Instagram, X, and YouTube – are managed by a small staff team in the Communications department. We recently updated the description of our policies and practices for managing our social media channels.

Check it out at:

Rights, responsibilities, commitments, and emerging practices of UUA staff managing institutional social media channels

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New Director and Deputy Director of Ministries and Faith Development Appointed by UUA

23 January 2024 at 10:51
Janice Marie Johnson
The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Janice Marie Johnson as Director, and the Rev. Cecilia Kingman as Deputy Director, of the Ministries and Faith Development staff group.

New Director and Deputy Director of Ministries and Faith Development Appointed by UUA

23 January 2024 at 10:51
Janice Marie Johnson
The UUA is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Janice Marie Johnson as Director, and the Rev. Cecilia Kingman as Deputy Director, of the Ministries and Faith Development staff group.

On this 51st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we share an important reminder from UUA President, the Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD. to β€œ...

On this 51st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we share an important reminder from UUA President, the Rev. SofΓ­a Betancourt, PhD. to β€œtake a moment to remember and recommit to the ongoing work of gender justice, bodily autonomy, and reproductive justice.”

#RoeVWade #ReproductiveJustice

Unitarians and Universalists have been working to protect access to abortion services, as an intentional and faithful practice, at least since the 1960s. I am proud and grateful to inherit a theological legacy rooted in bodily autonomy and the belief that all people are inherently worthy.

It was not until 2015 that we as Unitarian Universalists formally acknowledged and committed to following the leadership and experience of communities of color in this work. In our 2015 UUA Statement of Conscience, we honor these leaders and commit to supporting the liberation of people of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities, gender identities, ages, classes, and cultural and racial identities.

On this 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, when we no longer have federally protected access to abortion, I invite you to take a moment to remember and recommit to the ongoing work of gender justice, bodily autonomy, and reproductive justice.

#RoeVWade #ReproductiveJustice

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Uniting for Choice: How UUs and Interfaith Partners Helped Secure Reproductive Rights in Ohio

Unitarian Universalist Laurie Albright felt that her congregation had β€œhit the jackpot” when Side with Love organizer Susan Leslie came to Ohio to mentor her congregation. β€œWe soon went from almost no congregants engaging in organizing to more than seventy.” With that help, and building relationships with interfaith partners in the Greater Cleveland Congregations group around shared values of preserving democracy, UUs in Ohio helped protect reproductive rights in their state.

In a time where abortion rights are no longer federally protected, organizing at the state level has become critically important – and UUs and many others are taking action.

Learn how you and your congregation or community can take part. Read Jeff Milchen’s most recent UU World column on justice-making: https://bit.ly/3Htn9pS

#ReproductiveJustice #LifeAfterRoe

To overrule anti-abortion legislatures and courts, reproductive rights advocates are turning to citizen-led ballot measures in states where that power exists.

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What is a Commissioned Lay Minister?

22 January 2024 at 10:20
Attendees of the Commissioned Lay Ministry Retreat East 2019

Central East Region of the UUA

The Central East Region's Commissioned Lay Ministry (CLM) Program provides an opportunity for committed Unitarian Universalist leaders in the Central East region to deepen their faith while serving their congregations in more significant ways.

A Perspective To Be Known

Sending care and support out to all of the UU congregations and religious professionals currently β€œin search.” Know that your UUA Regional Staff are available for guidance and support along the way.

In this blog post, Hilary Allen of the UUA’s New England Region offers guidance for congregations experiencing difficulty defining their role in their larger community – an important element of representing one’s congregation in the search process.

Learn more:

For those of you not embroiled in this particular time of year known as search season, now is when many of your sibling congregations have compiled thei...

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UUA Article II proposal: What to know about next steps, amendments, deadlines and congregations

7 December 2023 at 12:00
Β© 2023 Nancy Pierce/UUA

Elaine McArdle

The Board is now receiving amendments to the version submitted by the Article II Study Commission. A proposed amendment needs fifteen certified congregations to formally endorse it. This process ends February 1, 2024.

UU Women’s Federation

The UU Women’s Federation offers dynamic conversations and next-level learning opportunities; they are building a network that will equip us all to take action together.

The UUWF welcomes all women and femme-identifying people while honoring the elders who have built their strong foundation.

Learn more about membership at:

UUWF was formed in 1963 through the consolidation of the Association of Universalist Women (founded in 1869 and believed to be the first organization of lay church women in the United States) and the Alliance of Unitarian Women (1890). Today, we bring together a diverse group of women and femmes to....

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Uniting for Choice: How UUs and Interfaith Partners Helped Secure Reproductive Rights in Ohio

17 January 2024 at 13:06
A black-and-white photo of a person holding up a sign that says "My body my choice" at a reproductive rights demonstration.

Jeff Milchen


To overrule anti-abortion legislatures and courts, reproductive rights advocates are turning to citizen-led ballot measures in states where that power exists.

Ignite Your Heart: A Quick Guide to Side With Love’s 30 Days of Love

17 January 2024 at 13:00
Three red hearts on a yellow background.

Staff Writer


What to know about the annual celebration that offers spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and more.

Present for Goodbyes

17 January 2024 at 01:34
One person sitting in a wheelchair holds hands with a friend. Only their arms and laps are visible, making their gentle touch the focus of the photo.

Sarah Gillespie

Death is a regular part of my job, which makes small talk weird for me at parties.

Present for Goodbyes

17 January 2024 at 01:34
One person sitting in a wheelchair holds hands with a friend. Only their arms and laps are visible, making their gentle touch the focus of the photo.

Sarah Gillespie

Death is a regular part of my job, which makes small talk weird for me at parties.

30 Days of Love 2024 β€” Side With Love

Side with Love's #30DaysOfLove campaign for 2024 is underway!

Find resources for week 1, focused on safety and decriminalization, now available online. New resources will become available each week at noon EST on Monday, so bookmark the page and visit regularly.

This month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice will go from today through Valentine’s Day on February 14.

Side With Love is thrilled to announce 30 Days of Love 2024! Our annual month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice, 30 Days of Love will go from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 15) through Valentine’s Day (February 14). Each week’s resourc...

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On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Revisit His Calls to Action for Economic Justice

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s call in the 1960’s for a multiracial movement to end poverty and challenge this country's capitalist framework for prosperity and opportunity remain deeply relevant for us today. We honor Dr. King’s visionary leadership and the lives and commitment of all who have come before in the work for justice and equity.

A collection of archival items reposted by UU World, highlights Dr. King's reminder to us all: β€œβ€¦that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed.” And we all have a role to play in bending the moral arc of the universe toward greater justice.

Read more at https://bit.ly/48YdLpZ. PC: National Archives

King pushed for a multiracial movement to end poverty and challenged the country's capitalist framework for prosperity and opportunity.

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It’s Time to Decide What Kind of World We Want to Live In

15 January 2024 at 10:52
a white box with four choices - Later, Tomorrow, Today in black and NOW in all caps and green with an arrow clicking the button next to NOW

Megan Foley

It's time to decide what kind of world we want to live in and it’s time to decide what we are willing to do to get it.

Register now: Digital Security For Congregations 101 Virtual Training β€” Side With Love

Side with Love Digital Security Training For Congregations is just two weeks away!

Join their workshop that will cover everyday, practical steps to mitigate online harassment, fraud, and other forms of cyber attacks. This workshop is open to all congregational leaders but especially leaders who manage secure information such as congregational websites, social media accounts, databases, and communications.

Learn more and register at:

Increasingly, our congregations are finding themselves the targets of online harassment, phishing, doxxing, and other forms of digital hate – often as a result of the ways we are embodying UU values in the world. Unfortunately, many of our UU communities do not have the skills and the infrastructu...

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Remembering Self-Worth

10 January 2024 at 06:51
Vanessa, a Black person with her hair in a ponytail, stands between church members with signs. Vanessa is wearing a mask and clergy collar, and is holding her hand in the "peace" sign.

Vanessa Titang

Just as I can believe in others, I also believe in me.

Remembering Self-Worth

10 January 2024 at 06:51
Vanessa, a Black person with her hair in a ponytail, stands between church members with signs. Vanessa is wearing a mask and clergy collar, and is holding her hand in the "peace" sign.

Vanessa Titang

Just as I can believe in others, I also believe in me.

Are You Ready for 30 Days of Love?

8 January 2024 at 10:59
Save the Date. January 15-February 14, 2024. 30 Day sof Love. spiritual Nourishment for the long haul. Red background with a heart.
This annual event offers a month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice.

We are deeply grateful to the Article II Study Commission for their commitment to our faith and their work finalizing the propos...

We are deeply grateful to the Article II Study Commission for their commitment to our faith and their work finalizing the proposed revision to Article II of UUA Bylaws.

The Board is now receiving amendments to the version submitted by the Commission. The deadline to submit proposed amendments, with the support of 15 certified member congregations, is February 1, 2024.

For more info:https://bit.ly/3GwuF2S

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Q&A: Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme On the Appeal of Our Faith

In this week’s Sunday read from UU World, Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme shares her thoughts in a Q&A on why UU congregations are continuing to attract new congregants.

Read her reflections on UU values and theology – and how they contribute to interest in Unitarian Universalism - here:

As religious traditions across the country report dwindling memberships, Unitarian Universalism continues to attract new congregants.

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Blessing: In the New Year, May Unitarian Universalists Carry Each Other

4 January 2024 at 10:00
Three young people hugging. One of them is facing the camera and has their eyes closed.

Beth Monhollen


Let's forgo the pressure of resolutions and spend time in healing community instead.

The 63rd General Assembly will take place virtually Thursday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23, 2024. Registration is NOW OPEN fo...

The 63rd General Assembly will take place virtually Thursday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23, 2024. Registration is NOW OPEN for General Assembly.

In a world filled with division and challenges, the theme for this year's General Assembly is a powerful reminder of the core principles that unite us as Unitarian Universalists. "Love Unites, Stories Ignite" celebrates the profound impact of love as a binding force that transcends boundaries and fosters connections within our faith community and beyond. The UUA faith has always been rooted in the power of storytelling, and this year we'll explore how our stories can ignite change, inspire compassion, and help us build a more just and equitable world.

Click the link to secure your spot today: https://www.uua.org/ga/registration

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Opportunities for Connection ~ January 2024

Save the Date. January 15-February 14, 2024. 30 Day sof Love. spiritual Nourishment for the long haul. Red background with a heart.

Central East Region of the UUA

Find out what's happening in the Central East Region! This month - 30 Days of Love, Winter Institute, Digital Security Training, GA 2024 and more.

Toast, Boast, and Oath

3 January 2024 at 01:08
A table full of friends raises their glasses--colored glass goblets--in the air outdoors.

Sarah Klinger Osborne

What β€œtoast, boast, and oath” might you offer this January?

30 Days of Love 2024 β€” Side With Love

We are thrilled to announce Side with Love's 30 Days of Love campaign for 2024! An annual event that offers a month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice, #30DaysOfLove will go from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 15 through Valentine’s Day on February 14.


#SidewithLove #30DaysOfLove

Side With Love is thrilled to announce 30 Days of Love 2024! Our annual month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice, 30 Days of Love will go from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 15) through Valentine’s Day (February 14).

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Toast, Boast, and Oath

3 January 2024 at 01:08
A table full of friends raises their glasses--colored glass goblets--in the air outdoors.

Sarah Klinger Osborne

What β€œtoast, boast, and oath” might you offer this January?

On this New Year's Day, we wish you a time filled with rest and reflection. We send you blessings so that we may all know more ...

On this New Year's Day, we wish you a time filled with rest and reflection.

We send you blessings so that we may all know more love and joy in the new year.

#UnitarianUniversalist #UU #Holidays #HappyNewYear

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Seeds for the New Year

New from UUA WorshipWeb! β€œSeeds for the New Year” is an on-demand collection of worship materials centered around a new sermon and story from UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt. It’s offered for use by UU congregations on 12/31, 1/7, or any Sunday that feels right to worship leaders.

Learn more at:

What seeds are you planting for the new year?

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Virtual Hymnal Congregation Survey and Forum

A new UU virtual hymnal is under construction. Please share your thoughts in this online survey and share the survey in your congregation or community. By doing so, you will be helping us with the construction of the UU virtual hymnal.

The deadline to share your thoughts with the Virtual Hymnal Task force ends January 1st.

This survey helps your Virtual Hymnal Task Force (VHTF) team better understand your congregation’s needs and wishes. Survey participants will be personally invited to our Zoom gatherings. Save the dates: Our Zoom sessions are currently scheduled for Jan 24, 26, and 28th. We will announce the speci...

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We wish all who celebrate a Happy Kwanzaa! We offer this wonderful video that explores the foundations of Kwanzaa among Black Un...

We wish all who celebrate a Happy Kwanzaa! We offer this wonderful video that explores the foundations of Kwanzaa among Black Unitarian Universalists.

In the video, Dr. Mtangulizi Sanyika - a UU leader in the 1960s - speaks with Paula Cole Jones on the ways that Black UUs were early practitioners of Kwanzaa. They also discuss how the Black Affairs Council funded early groups and gatherings honoring Kwanzaa’s seven principles, known as the Nguzo Saba, as central to the celebration of the holiday.

#UnitarianUniversalist #UU #Holidays #Kwanzaa

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Sending love and good wishes to all on this Christmas Day! #UnitarianUniversalist #UU #Holidays #Christmas

Sending love and good wishes to all on this Christmas Day!

#UnitarianUniversalist #UU #Holidays #Christmas

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